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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9521810 No.9521810 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a food that you don't mind the taste of but cant stand the texture?

>> No.9521811

Cooked peas.

>> No.9521812


>> No.9521821

literally 99% of fruit and vegetables

>> No.9521822

Fish. White rice.

I like the flavor of fish but no matter how it's cooked the texture starts to make me feel nauseous after a couple bites. I like shellfish though. And same thing with white rice, I know some people like it because it's a plain base without much texture so it can be added to almost anything but I just can't stand that. I love brown rice, however.

>> No.9521858
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Tastes like flan, feels like floral foam base.

>> No.9521863


>> No.9521878

Dunno what they're called, but an indian friend gave me a few really soggy desserts. Still a bit too sweet, but I mostly can't stand the sogginess.

>> No.9521882


>> No.9521901

Gulab jamun

>> No.9521902
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Did any look like this? I love this dessert.

>> No.9521908

Unironically semen.

>> No.9521910

I've tried this a few times and it always tastes like firm cornbread balls soaked in maple syrup. Sometimes a strong spice aroma/flavor to them.

Is that all it is? Have I been sold a bill of goods and what I described is not genuine? Because a mouthful of maple syrup is pretty nasty. A little goes a long way maple syrup.

>> No.9521919
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>> No.9521943

It's supposed to be a rose water syrup with cardamom. Shouldn't be as strong as maple syrup, just a light perfumed scent from the rose water and a slightly minty kind of flavor from the cardamom. The dough balls are made with flour and powdered milk I think.

>> No.9521973


>> No.9522078

Eggplants. Why the fuck is it so mushy?

>> No.9522202


>> No.9522272

High water content and it can't really be cooked like other vegetables where it's "tender crisp" like broccoli or some other vegetable, or else it has a kind of cotton-y texture. It's best to bread it and fry it or blend it into some kind of dip or sauce.

>> No.9522322

Fried Eggs

>> No.9522471

There are a lot of foods that the texture ruins for me, baked/mash potatoes, tomato, any chunky sauce (bolognaise, salsa)

I used to hate the texture of oatmeal but I don't mind it now

Is it autism?

>> No.9522539

Here's a (you).

>> No.9522556

I can't eat mushy foods like applesauce or pureed squash. The texture just makes me gag.

>> No.9522561

This, but more like 50%. I fucking love the texture of brussel sprouts and fucking hate shit like lettuce. Peppers are fucking tasty but texture is meh.

>> No.9522610

Ricotta or pears, I like the flavor buy I can't stand anything gritty/sandy

>> No.9522619

Love the smell and the taste.. but the texture.
its like eating a shoe

>> No.9522642

scallops, mussels, etc

>> No.9522678

>Can't stand the texture
This is just code for autism, right

>> No.9522686

Shredded Coconut. Like the flavor, hate the gritty chewiness. Toasted coconut is king.

Also corn tortillas, great when crunchy but a huge turnoff when served soft as they are like a watery mush

>> No.9522700
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>> No.9522722

Make Moussaka

>> No.9522748

>This is just code for autism, right
Yep, only autists seem to be bothered by texture. They can also really hate certain clothes because of how the fabric feels.

>> No.9522752


>> No.9522763

Shredded coconut
Plain Tomato
Cottage cheese
Hard boiled egg yolk
Raw Oysters
Boiled hot dogs

>> No.9522874

Okra, eggplant. I hate vegetables that are slimy when cooked

>> No.9522880
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>> No.9522884

I'm okay with the mushy texture if it's in something savoury, like a soup. Sweet mushy things like the ones you mentioned are just gross--including pumpkin pie, which is only a vessel for serving whipped cream anyway

>> No.9523064

If you can find higher quality ricotta or just make it yourself it won't have that gritty texture

>> No.9523066

cheesecake made with ricotta

>> No.9523089
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that's my favorite kind because of the texture, cream cheese cheesecakes are too smooth and soft

>> No.9523197

Guacamole, or anything made from avocado paste
It's like American hipster jism

>> No.9523211


(I love pickle-flavored things and vinegar and dried banana chips)

>> No.9523220


>> No.9523507

Cooked spinach. The taste ain't bad and I could eat a load raw, but when cooked it reminds me of snot.

>> No.9523833

I'm actually the same way with salsa, but a couple minutes in the food processor, and I'll eat it no problem

>> No.9523854

Some raw fish

>> No.9523875
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Avocados and pears.
I think the pears is only because I choked on a piece when I was small.

>> No.9524159

Pear, onion, watermelon.

>> No.9524212

sushi and spinach

>> No.9524359

Apricots and peaches
Also snails

>> No.9524371


Anything with annoying seeds. Raspberry, blackberry, etc. I HATE THE SEEDS.

>> No.9524373

Fresh head cheese

>> No.9524404

roast beef

>> No.9524469

Halva/halavah has one of the driest, most cloying textures in the entire world.

>> No.9524554

Came here to post this

I guess only rice, lettuce, cabbage, mandarin, potato, lotus root, onion, and bean sprouts can make it to my stomach
Every other plant nearly makes me vomit

>> No.9525153

I don't even know what that is, but it looks like puked brain.

>> No.9525171

I'm 100% with you there, when I was little I'd dip tortilla chips into salsa until only the chunks were left.

Salsas that are gooier like Mrs. Renfros are a godsend

>> No.9525196
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any sort of porridge type dishes. hot or cold.
cant get over that mushy texture. its pretty much how i would imagine eating wet newspapers is like.
if i can get past the texture, i almost always enjoy the dishes because of the smell and flavor

>> No.9525201

Can't believe nobody has said bone marrow yet. Delicious but so rich it becomes nauseating

>> No.9526775

Onions. And so many recipes contain them. I love the way they smell while cooking. Everything bagels make me moist when I smell their onioney goodness, and they add such good flavor to food. The texture makes me uncontrollably gag though. I hate how they're simultaneously kind of crunchy and squelchy and juicy. Doesn't matter how well-cooked they are. Doesn't matter how small they are cut up. I will find them with my teeth. So many people have tried to sneak onion into food for me, and the only ones to succeed have been those who puréed them first.

I go through an inhuman amount of onion powder at my house though.

>> No.9526794

Oatmeal and >>9521901

>> No.9526811

Aye. I too ventured to this land to deliver this proclamation.

>> No.9526825
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Fucking disgusting what has happened to some people.

>> No.9526855

I don't like soup unless I make it. Soup just seems like the kind of food that lets the preparer get away with far too much shit.

>> No.9526882

This. Cook with pea pods all the time, can’t stand them by themselves. Also beans

>> No.9527121

Tomatoes. I like everything you can make from them, but I can't stand biting into one itself, too slimy.

>> No.9527141

Any baked egg dish. I love eggs every other way, but quiche and such is straight out for me.

>> No.9527519

> okra

>> No.9527522

It's not like she's just a picky eater though, if you watch that video she basically says she was traumatized with food by someone when she was young.

>> No.9527523

You're a fucking faggot.

>> No.9527533

chinese eggplant is fucking delicious though

>> No.9527536


>> No.9527545

She's weak and pathetic. My mom once spent 3 hours yelling at me to eat a pile of brussells sprouts, which I eventually did. I wasn't traumatized, just annoyed, and like them now. Fucking dumb fat cunt needs to get over it.

I'd treat her like a retard if I knew her irl.

>> No.9527560

Honestly I don't even think about textures, at all.

>> No.9527597

Great, I'm glad you weren't traumatized, but your experience isn't what everyone else experiences. She said that these people were specifically told she didn't like a certain food, and they forced her to eat it anyway which made her vomit. That's a little different than what you're talking about. Add onto that if they had been yelling at her or doing other things to frighten her, it's kind of understandable why she would have major issues with food.

You think you're strong because you can eat Brussels sprouts after being yelled at for a bit but trashing people with mental health issues on 4chan is pretty weak.

>> No.9527606

She's a weak piece of shit and needs to get over it. She chooses to stay traumatized and everyone around her is an enabler,.

>> No.9527608

>She chooses to stay traumatized
That's not how trauma works asshole

>> No.9527619

But it is. I've been traumatized by several things for over a decade, then got over it. You have to develop a strong mindset. It takes discipline, which that fat hog clearly doesn't have.

>> No.9527624

Same here dude. But now that I thought of one. Angel food cake.

>> No.9527645

Cottage cheese

>> No.9527653

she was traumatised because her parents wouldnt give her potato and cheese for every meal

>> No.9527666

>these people were specifically told she didn't like a certain food, and they forced her to eat it anyway
so she was a usual child and now she is an adult child

>> No.9527697

They're cheese balls bro, sweet cheese balls drenched in rose syrup. This thread has made me crave poo-in-loo food

>> No.9527707

no, grow up

>> No.9527909

Any kind of liver. It's too soft

>> No.9527925

this video pisses me off so much

>> No.9528078


>> No.9528088

I want to fuck that pepper

>> No.9528363


>> No.9528368

>I don't like things that are good for me
>I will eat against my own interest
>God loves my body just the way it is
Trump voters, yall.

>> No.9528380

>experience a traumatic event involving food when young
>eat cheese and potatoes because it's the only thing that you can handle without being reminded of that event
>tell people about it so they can know what you've been through
>some guy on an Indonesian vampire roleplaying chatroom makes fun of you

>> No.9528491

it predates Trumps presidency by five years but sure, gotta push that narrative

>> No.9529423


>> No.9529461

scrambled eggs

>> No.9529583
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Bananas, whenever I try to eat them I gag.

>18 and trying to lose weight
>Get told that the potassium in bananas really helps with exercising
>Try to incorporate them into diet but eat them like a fucking retard
>Whenever trying to eat them, take a bit and end up either spitting out or swallowing them whilst physically disgusted
> Literally wolf down a banana in 30 seconds just to eat them quicker and feel like shit for 5 minutes
>Try to blend them to make it easier
>Blend them with coffee as I thought it were make me more energised
>Drinking what looks like curdled diarrhea in from of college girls before going to the gym
>Avoided by said girls for the rest of the year

>> No.9529615

I have a friend like that. Constantly berates others about politics, cooking and cleaning skills. Claims he cannot eat vegetable or fruit because his mother forced him to eat them. Once made fun of another friend about not enjoy spicy food and then proceeded to get asshurt about putting salad near him.

>> No.9529619
