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9518543 No.9518543 [Reply] [Original]

How do you deal with a customer like this??


>> No.9518555

Fuck his tight fauxgina til he screams in prostate manipulated ecstasy.

>> No.9518582


>> No.9518625

Immediately get my manager to deal with it because I don't get paid enough.

>> No.9518632

deal with him direct pussy

>> No.9518642


I worked retail and every single issue that I couldn't solve with three sentences is a "let me get you my manager who will tell you exactly what I just told you and you're gonna take it like the little bitch you are" situation

>> No.9518646
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1507130345072.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9518662

why fucking with scum like that make the soul draining drop worse.

>> No.9518694

>it's going to be a nice deep rich sauce
the fast food connoisseur

>> No.9518738

>i didnt like my food
>better start recording myself and clearly explaining the case in the event something turns violent and i need evidence for the police

>> No.9518745

I tell him he can have a refund, or something else off the menu, but I'm not giving him any free food. He says he doesn't like it, but he wants his money back AND the food for free?

Get fucked, gay boy.

>> No.9518761

>I took a bite and it was hot, not spicy

>> No.9518770

I'm just glad they didn't fold and give it to him.

>> No.9518801

learn the difference bitch

>> No.9518837

faggot new generation

>> No.9518850

This reminds me of a guy i live with.
One of the most self absorbed cunts i've ever met.

>> No.9518857

u should beat the shit out of him

>> No.9518938


go to his youtube and neg (downvote) every video that fag uploaded. obviously. he may have gotten free chicken, but at what cost? he really feels like a shitty youtuber now lol.

>> No.9520297

His page is deleted someone re uploaded this i believe

>> No.9520305

Rodeo King Burger, extra onion rings, extra ketchup, add mustard
Chicken fries with a handful of sweet and sour sauces
Fries and make your own fry sauce (ketchup & mayo)

Had this yesterday and nearly came
>inb4 fatass
i'm a skeletor trying to gain weight

>> No.9520322

Tranny attention seeking faggot how pathetic. Fuck this guy.

>> No.9520326

they need to bring back the stacker

>> No.9520339

>It has comed out a more brown color
What a retard.

>> No.9520358

was he right about hot vs buffalo?

>> No.9520365

I notice these type of people always talk in the same kind of way.

>> No.9520374

How do people like this even survive into adulthood? Every tiny thing is a full-blown disaster to them.

>> No.9520379

They don't

>> No.9520667

The way he's trying to argue a distinction between buffalo sauce and hot sauce to a fast food restaurant makes me think that he's just complaining to try and get free shit. I would explain slowly, in a polite but very patronizing tone like I'm talking to a child, that what he got is in fact the buffalo and that he can take it or leave it, but I'm not giving him anything for free.

If he acted like a stubborn retard the way he did I'd get the manager to come and repeat exactly what I just told him, but with more authority.

>> No.9520671


Looks like whatever he does must be really hard labor.

>> No.9520864

>union "worker"
He skims union money off of the people who do the actual work. Judging from his last name he's probably got mob connections too.

>> No.9521075

Lol, no. The reason it says "union worker" instead of "official" is, he was
the only Staten Island, Sopranos wannabee LARPing as a fatcat union official FOX could find among the millions of union workers. If he was indeed an official, you'd better believe they would have given his full title. It wouldn't surprise me if he was a paid actor.

>> No.9521081

why the fuck would you order buffalo chicken tendies from burglar kangz?

>> No.9522117

they werent bad....

>> No.9522337

He literally looks like the dude from Friday is for family.

>> No.9522380

Yes but only a plebeian expects fast food chains to be authentic.

>> No.9522400

so he was right? and the dotheads tried to con him?

>> No.9522406

This, if the guest is unsatisfied, they can have their money back.

>> No.9522416

Yes this is just a reupload. He had a few like this where he would complain about minor things and start filming. I think he might be a free traveler/sovereign citizen and had a video pertaining to that, too, but I might be confusing him with someone else.

>> No.9522427

kick them then fuck out. managers are too afraid to show some balls at these places. nobody gives a fuck if you kick out an obnoxious customer.

i swear, i'm going to own my own business one day, and i'm going to be infamous for banning people.

>> No.9522481

Tell him to get the fuck out or I'm calling the police.

>> No.9522500
File: 27 KB, 446x446, stimpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saw this at a hardees once

>dude complains that french fries are luke warm
>asks if they can be reheated
>"theyd have to be fried again which would burn them"
>they throw fries in garbage and make new batch
>guy comes back to complain that they have salt on them
>cook says, "you can tell us if you dont want salt like you did the first time. there's a drive thru too, idk who the fries are for"
>hand him a third basket of fries
>salt packs on the side

>> No.9522504

People who ask for no salt are always doing it deliberately to get a fresh batch of fries. They are cunts who need to fuck off.

>> No.9522537

>wanting fresh food is a bad thing
>you faggots still want $15/hr
How about you fuck off?

>> No.9522538

Because as a patron, there is nothing more disgusting than a soggy carton of fries.

>> No.9522545

You're paying a dollar to get fries in like 30 seconds. You bring the entire service to a crawl just because you're worried your fries won't be ideal. I don't work fast food but I hate getting stuck behind autistic fucks like you and the OP video.

>> No.9522559



If its slow I dont mind making a new batch because the hold time towards the end does make them kind of meh before we have to toss them. But when faggots come in the middle of a rush and ask for a no salt when we go through a new batch every few minutes they cant eat a dick. It throws the whole line off. I purposely dont put them in until they start asking where thier fries are. I tell whoever is expediting I forgot, then I mush all the fries together when they are in the container.

Dont fuck with a fast food employee making minumum wage during a lunch or dinner rush.

>> No.9522567

This is why I refuse to pay you fuckers $35 an hour. You deserve to make $5 an hour and to have the cost of your shitty attitude taken out of your paycheck.

>> No.9522577

Then make your own damn fries. I hope someone comes in to your job, assuming you aren't a NEET, and intentionally fucks with you and makes your job harder.

>> No.9522578

Not that guy, but the point he's making is, if the place is busy, you're gonna get your fucking fresh fries.

And what a lot of shithead fry cooks do now is just not put salt on any of the fries. And that ruins it for everyone.

If it's slow and you want to make sure you get fresh food, just ask them to drop you some fresh fries. They'll do it. You don't have to be a passive-aggressive fag about it.

>> No.9522591

6/10 bait too obviously trolling.

>> No.9522606


Its a part time 2nd job I dont give a fuck about no 15 an hour lol. I have no problem making special orders if its reasonable and doesnt slow the line down but asking for a new batch when they are already fresh and singlehandedly backing the line up during a rush is an asshole move. Its fast food. Youre holding up the line when people are on thier lunch breaks and shit. Youre the asshole here buddy.

>> No.9522608

By the third package of fries, I'd imagine that the cost outweighs the profit, so you've become a burden.

>> No.9522609

Not at all, fries have something like a 1000% mark up. That's why they pitch the whole batch of them if they sit for 7 or so minutes.

>> No.9522612

I almost miss working at macca to fuck with these customer

>Floor spice
>Mouth sauce
>Balls scratch flavor

Enjoy your meal faggot.

>> No.9522618

When I was a wee lass and worked fast food we never did anything like that but yes we fucked with people plenty. If you were in the drive through and wanted no salt fries you were getting parked and guaranteed you were going to wait 10 minutes to get your food. Complaints about the speed fell on deaf ears because the managers hated those fucks too.

>> No.9522628


I dont go that far. Besides, they cant even tell when you do that. Ignorance is bliss. I do stuff like wrapping thier sandwich loose in a way that everything falls out when they open it, put ridiculous amounts of condiments unevenly, mush thier sandwich , etc. During rushes, there isnt much time to really mess around so I like to keep it simple.

And obviously I only mess with them if they deserve it.

>> No.9522638

Yes, this is what people do, and as an employee you fucking deal with it. This is why you faggots will never make more than minimum wage.

>> No.9522640


Oh and for drinks and milkshakes I make sure that I get stuff all over the outside of the cup so when I hand it to them, it gets all over thier hands.

But honestly, if its slow and youre cool, Ill make all your food like a work of art. Your food will look like it does in the pictures

>> No.9522650


You seem like the kind of guy that has definitely had his food fucked with plenty of times. Next time you order fast food, try not to think of all the ways theyve fucked with youre food....because we definately do if you're an asshole.

>> No.9522655

I don't think he legitimately thinks any of this horeshit. He's just pretending to be a douche because he enjoys provoking a response from anons.

>> No.9522708

>many moons ago
>working at a coffee shop
>a lot of snobby fat middle-aged women like to get the overly-complex and specific modifiers to their drinks
>90% of them get the largest size sugary coffee beverage
>give them non-fat milk and no sugar added flavors
>if they say it tastes funny and want the drink remade, I just throw in extra sweetener
>they call it good

>> No.9522713


Youre probably right, but I wouldnt be susprised. I think him bringing up the 15 per hour gives it away hes trolling

>> No.9522719


Yeah, working at at coffee place seems like it would suck. I would think you would get these types of asshole customers more so then fast food. Luckily I work in the back of the house so I dont really have to deal with them

>> No.9522732

My friend literally had hot coffee thrown at her by some angry asshole boomer because they got his order wrong.

I think there has to be a point where if a customer is being unreasonable you're allowed to jump the counter and beat the shit out of them.

In fast food and retail, when it rains it wants to speak to a manager.

>> No.9522744

Look up that one McDonald's video where the worker beats the fuck out of a customer and got aquitted

>> No.9523896


>> No.9523979


>> No.9524002

He was a minor Eceleb about a decade ago and had a radio show until last year.


>> No.9524031

This guy is right. There is absolutely a difference between hot sauce and buffalo sauce. If you order buffalo sauce on your chicken, it is reasonable to expect that it is indeed buffalo sauce, and not hot sauce. I don't understand why everyone in this thread is giving him a hard time. He didn't get what he ordered.

>> No.9524240

So much this, and lol @ the dot head trying to explain the sauces to him like she knows.

>> No.9524447

Except Burger King only has one of those.

>> No.9524513

>Dont fuck with a fast food employee making minumum wage during a lunch or dinner rush.
Or the fuck what? You're gonna squish my fries? Holy shit you have absolutely no authority over anything.

>> No.9524541

Literally hire a bunch of crusty bums to kidnap him, then dip their dicks in hot sauce and rape him till morning.