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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9516369 No.9516369[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The owner of a vegan food truck says she regrets a Facebook post in which she appeared to dismiss the deaths of “meat eaters” in the Las Vegas massacre.

Delinda Jensen, 60, of Wilkes-Barre, said she’s received death threats and had to shut down her business after her post Monday night started going viral, sparking intense backlash both online and off.

Jensen wrote: “Yes I am jaded. Fifty nine meat eaters dead. How many animals will live because of this?” In a second comment, she used an expletive to say she didn’t care about “carnists.”

A gunman killed 59 people at a country music concert Sunday night, then killed himself as police closed in.

Jensen, a former adjunct history professor, called her post “a moment of stupidity” and apologized for it in an interview with the Times Leader newspaper in Wilkes-Barre.

“Was it poorly written? Absolutely. Do I regret it? Yes. I am so sorry I wrote that,” she said Thursday. “Meat eaters or not, no one deserves to die like that. I wasn’t celebrating the death of those people.”

Jensen said she became a vegan two years ago and started the Mother Nature Vegan Cuisine food truck with her son. She said she was trying to make the point that she believes animals are tortured and killed unnecessarily for their meat.

Jensen has since deactivated her Facebook account, hidden her food truck and canceled her bookings, and installed a security camera at her home. Her son said people have driven by their home, shouting threats and obscenities, and they have called police several times out of fear for their safety.


>> No.9516389

In their quest to put themselves on a higher pedestal whenever possible they sometimes shoot further than the target...

>> No.9516399

Hahahaha holy shit. I kind of admire her dedication.

>> No.9516409

I personally commit to eating even more animals now to help make up for the deficit
I will eat chicken wings to make sure 6 chickens die each time I want fried chicken and I will eat burgers since each burger contains meat from docens of cows

>> No.9516420


>> No.9516427

>became a vegan two years ago

funny how she spends over half a century eating meat then thinks she can stand on a high horse and look down on people
but thats liberal double speak for ya

hope she gets raped and killed

>> No.9516445

>Was it poorly written? Absolutely. Do I regret it? Yes. I am so sorry I wrote that
that post is pretty pathetic, but backtracking on it like that is even more pathetic

it wasn't poorly written you stupid whore, you knew exactly what you were saying, you just can't handle the repercussions

>> No.9516452

dude don't lump all liberals in with vegan whackjobs. I'm a proud supporter of the Wild Meat Movement and am still a liberal.

>> No.9516461

>I am so sorry I wrote that

You mean you're sorry you made it public what you actually think.

I bet it's the same with the shitposting vegans around here, they don't love animals, they just hate people.

>> No.9516462

That type of thing is actually a warning sign. That person needs to be on a watch list.

>> No.9516465

>Jensen has since deactivated her Facebook account, hidden her food truck and canceled her bookings, and installed a security camera at her home. Her son said people have driven by their home, shouting threats and obscenities, and they have called police several times out of fear for their safety.
Ah, shit like this is better than 10 orgasms. Just fucking comeuppance porn. Someone truly just getting something they deserved. Like when that loud kid on the bus gets slapped by his mom

>> No.9516469

/pol/ - going out of their way to get as triggered as possible

>> No.9516475

do you have any doubts about what her political persuasion is though?
if you want to be taken seriously you need to keep people like her in check

>> No.9516479

why doesn't that matter though? can't we just talk about some crazy food bitch?

>> No.9516490

the truly redpilled among us will laugh at her, while realizing that shes right

>> No.9516501

I agree she's nuts, but won't go so far as to restrain the expression of her truest self. We all need to find our own path in life.

>> No.9516506

unfortunately we cannot. the days of single issue debate are over
the fracture has grown so large you must choose a side and commit to its entire platform, not hopping back and forth issue to issue.

I wish it wasn't this way, but it is
so pick the one you think you can live with better, because that's where you live from now on

>> No.9516509

So is this thread going to be about food and cooking? Or is it going to be deliberately off-topic for this board?


>> No.9516525

>The owner of a vegan food truck
this is about food and cooking.

>> No.9516529

/ck/ - Random

>> No.9516536

OP clearly stated a food truck somewhere had to close down. What could be more Food and Cooking than a debate about vegan diets?

>> No.9516539

Any talk of a vegan ban so soon after the Las Vegans shooting is insensitive. Now's just not the time, please give it a rest.

>> No.9516552

She gets what she deserves

>> No.9516556

This is about a food truck.

>> No.9516570

No. I refuse to be part of the problem, even if it's inconvenient.

>> No.9516580

Fuck off, you know this is just an excuse to rant about issues that are in no way related to food or cooking. If I made a thread on /pol/ and started posting recipes for meals that Trump would like, they would rightfully tell me to fuck off. You can do that here, just so you know. That would be on topic and I wouldn't even be able to go off on you. But this bullshit doesn't belong here, and you are denying this because it hurts you somehow. Go ahead and start a trumpburger general. And stay in that thread. You can indoctrinate people without even being annoying about it. We already have a sipp general, so why not?

>> No.9516584

the shooting is legitimately oh wow its fucking nothing: the story
didn't even happen near me, such an insignificant amount of people got killed
6800 people die every single day in the united states, so this shooting didn't even manage to account for 1%
really not a big deal

>> No.9516589

>Jensen said she became a vegan two years ago and started the Mother Nature Vegan Cuisine food truck with her son. She said she was trying to make the point that she believes animals are tortured and killed unnecessarily for their meat.

Seems like food and cooking to me.

>> No.9516594

>trump enjoys eating his steak well-done with ketchup

Seems like a good reason to shit up /pol/ to me.

>> No.9516600


Why would anyone post on /pol/?
This thread is on topic on a controversy in the food industry unless you think food trucks or vegan food is not part of the industry?

>> No.9516601

heston eats his steak with ketchup too

>> No.9516607

>Fuck off
No flaming or saging. Rules are rules you little bitch.

>> No.9516639

Considering how the average person causes animal abuse just to get more and cheaper of some tasty stuff, she doesn't deserve too much punishment for that stuff.

Even if she was too edgy about it she had a point.

>> No.9516651

Part of the industry, not food and cooking

Once again, this is not about food or cooking, but rather people surrounding it, and thier beliefs.

Cool, I don't know who that is. But judging from context, I would suggest posting that on /pol/

Then ban me as well, it's cool. All I'm trying to do is keep the board on track, and if I'm banned for that, that's fine by. me. I will have at least made a mark by making the mods actually ban people for not following board rules.

Fuck off and sage trash threads that don't belong on /ck/

If you guys would lile to have a discussion about what foods are the best foods for a food truck, however, that would be fine. Discuss that instead or fuck off.

>> No.9516658

You should use a tripcode

>> No.9516661

>posting on /ck/
>doesn't know who heston is

>> No.9516679

>Then ban me

Also way to respond to the same comment twice, holy shit are you triggered.

>> No.9516690

This. I too am an avid hunter and a leftist. I'm not a /k/ style loony gun fanatic, though. I have the basics to take any game I want: a .22 rifle, a 12 and 20 gauge shotgun and a 30-06. I also take issue with pandering to nignogs who won't contribute labor, but support mexicans who I've seen firsthand work their ass off at jobs few white americans would or physically could do. Fuck these faggots who claim you have to pigeonhole yourself in 1 of 2 factions.

>> No.9516696

Multi-quoting is easier, and is more appropriate for dealing with shits trying to push their board onto an unrelated board.

Not really one for celebrities, sorry if I offended the fanbase

My bad, they seemed pretty autonomous considering the fact that they happened within the same period of time despite the posting rate of the board. Don't worry, you don't have to spend 15 seconds in ms paint because I won't accuse you of samefaggotry.

>> No.9516704

It is easier to use a trip code and multi quote or else someone could pretend to be you.

>> No.9516708

She's less edgy than average people so less edgy than most of the ones who got killed.

>> No.9516736

>Jensen has since deactivated her Facebook account, hidden her food truck and canceled her bookings, and installed a security camera at her home. Her son said people have driven by their home, shouting threats and obscenities, and they have called police several times out of fear for their safety.

HAHAHAHAHA get fucked bitch. Deserves every bit of hate and pain she receives.

>> No.9516751

>Do I regret it? Yes. I am so sorry I wrote that
>...because I got fucking roasted for it, and not at all because callously dismissing fucking MURDER VICTIMS because of beliefs I think they might have held is completely reprehensible."


>> No.9516777

those 59 people literally have no impact or even dent in the machine of the meat industry. Jaded indeed. You need hundreds of thousands of people to change their diet overnight to have any noticable bleed out effect, but than the FDA will get involved saying "EAT MORE MEAT OR WE'LL IMPRISON YOU"

>> No.9516788

White Sharia now

>> No.9516812

I am somehow still surprised the kind of dumb shit people will post publicly on social media. How the hell did she think this was a think that she should say publicly with her name attached?

>> No.9516818
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It's not like a vegan like her could pull off killing meat eaters like us.

>> No.9516825
File: 201 KB, 375x500, I'll get sloppy as fuck on that bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this might completely de-rail the thread and I am sorry about that, but they are taking words seriously. Watch what you say in this thread guys.


>> No.9516828


They're still pushing this, huh.

>> No.9516844


More like a campaign


*Showing the sillhouette of a man saluting with a meat on bone with the waving flag in the background*
*Somewhere an eagle cries a tear of happiness*

>> No.9516883

the same goes for the alt-right in the us. nobody can take all this victimism and knee-jerking to everything that rubs against the grain seriously

>> No.9516885
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Christ, look at her son

>> No.9516905
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>...but they are taking words seriously. Watch what you say in this thread guys.
If you post something such as a thread to shoot up a school, feds will go after you no matter what. This situation is different as the speech is legal but in poor taste. That particular /b/tard/redditor deserves what he got for being a dumb faggot.

>> No.9516914
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We're reaching levels of fedora not thought possible.

>> No.9516944

Whites aren't allowed to point out that Africans are a different species. That is a hate crime.

>> No.9516948

Nigger did you even read the post? He gave a specific time and place and it was only found because it was outed by a leddit user and it turns out he had tons of research into bombs and shit. He was a dumbass trying to look hard and when you make a threat that detailed of course people are going to take it literally. He got what he deserved.

>> No.9516954

(570) 793-9821

Found her found number by looking up the cached FB page before it was taken down.

>> No.9516956

Exactly what I expected, god damn subhumans

>> No.9516959

>inb4 404

>> No.9517049
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Hey bitch! I'm glad you have Professor X's Mind Powers so you could instantly know all 58 people were meat eaters.

>> No.9517053

Could have also researched her business records for the information, but yeah >>9516959.