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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9510510 No.9510510 [Reply] [Original]

Is malaysian food actually good? It seemed so obscure.

>> No.9510517

I grew up in Malaysia, and yes, it's awesome.
You get the best aspects of Chinese, Indonesian, Indian and Muslim food duking it out for supremacy.

A properly prepared Malaysian laksa with belacan sambal is gods gift to people who love big flavours.

>> No.9510563

What are those little woven pouch things?

>> No.9510613

Dude I fucking love Malaysian food. Fried kuay teow, char kuay teow, beef rendang, laksa. Fuck m8 I would probably go live there if it wasn't full of muslims.

>> No.9510646

if I remember right, they're just sticky rice

>> No.9510659


>> No.9510661

what's the difference

>> No.9510736
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>> No.9510739

I love me some Teh Tarik and Maggi Goreng after a long day. The food stall are dirt cheap and delicious

>> No.9510764
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>Peanut soup
>Sateh ajam with peanut sauce

Bless the Indonesians for their peanut dishes

>> No.9510775


Looks pretty good.

It seems to be like every other eastern Asian cuisine in that sugar is used in virtually all dishes, though.

>> No.9510784

malay only adopted few sumatran and javanese dish.
other regions have completely different distinct flavor
t indo

>> No.9511055

It's just regular rice cooked till it melted and form a block
Google lontong

>> No.9511153

I think he means the banana leaf squares next to the satays.

>> No.9511226

Just blocks of rice. Just plain white rice cooked with a lot of water so it can be shaped. Can be eaten with Satay and peanut sauce.

>> No.9511229

Definitely. Living here, the food is one of the things I'm actually proud of.

>> No.9511283

I'm not Malaysian, but I live near one of the best Malay restaurants in the US. The food is amazing. Laksa is probably my favorite soup ever. Tea leaf salad, ginger salad, rainbow salad, mi gorang, pickled pork and mango, curries, the list goes on......It's fantastic.

>> No.9511293

similar in taste/texture.

>> No.9511339
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>tfw you live in the netherlands
>tfw only watered-down version of actualy Indo/Malay dishes are available from "chinese" restaurants

>> No.9511345


They just ripped it off from Indonesian food.

You're better off trying the originals.

>> No.9511349
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I like pedegil, it's like hashbrowns++

>> No.9511447
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Fuck yeah it is.
If you want to try an absolute basic curry get some of this stuff, amazon sells it. Just fry a bunch of onions in plenty of oil, add a heap of powder, chicken and potatoes, fry a bit more, then cover it with water and simmer it until everything's cooked.

>> No.9511465

this doesn't make sense, aren't there are lots of Indos living in the netherlands from that whole colonial deal? Kind of like Indians in Great Britain

>> No.9511493

They adapted their restaurant food to appeal more to the Dutch palate. Everything is basically less intense.

>> No.9511518

Oh I see. With the way things are trending these days I would think at least some would have jumped on the "authentic" bandwagon by now and got that crazy spicy sambal ijo, ayam woko, nasi uduk, that ikan fish wrapped in leaves and curry paste, pecel lele. Whatever their dishes are called, I just know random indonesian food words

>> No.9513129

Look, I don't deny the similarities but you're stupid if you think the fact that 3 major races living together all this time didn't come up with a unique dish. Have you been to Melaka and tasted Baba Nyonya food? What about our multiple types of laksa? Our different type of fried rice? Did you invent that too? How about the different types of noodles in broth. Did the indos invent that?

>> No.9513134

It's actual bergedil and yeah it's great. When my grandma makes them she stuffs em with minced beef. Not hard to make really.

>> No.9513148

I second this. I love this brand. Add some cinnamon and star anise too. Chilli powder to give it a nicer colour and some heat. Add coconut milk instead of water to make it creamier. Mix water in to dilute to your liking.

>> No.9513232

Nah. It's a meme. They're all the same with Indonesian and Asian Muslim (not Arab/Middle East) and South Asian fare. If you've been to one, you've essentially had Malaysian food. They're all variations of stewed, grilled, deep-fried, and all wrapped in banana leaves and their rice has pandan leaves to make their dimestore version of Jasmine rice.