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9507851 No.9507851 [Reply] [Original]

>jalapenos have become too mild
>habaneros still too hot

How the fuck do I train my spiciness tolerance now?

>> No.9507852

Try datil peppers.

>> No.9507859

stop being a pussy

>> No.9507862

eat spicier jalapenos, look for jalapenos with grey lines in them, they are spicier

>> No.9507864


Can't get them in Estonia.


I have to run cold water on my tongue for a good 30 seconds before I can take another tiny bite. If that's not an indication that I'm not ready for it then I don't know what is.

>> No.9507870
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Remember: if you have to train yourself to like it, it isn't actually good!

>> No.9507876


I like the jalapeno's sourish flavor now that I don't feel the spiciness too much. Same with tabasco sauce.

Now I want to taste the habanero fruitiness.

>> No.9507878

Serrano peppers

>> No.9507894

Why do people obsess over spicy food so much?
All it will do is desensitize you and other people will not be able to eat the same food you eat.

>> No.9507928

Water does fuck all to git rid of the capsaicin. Milk does the job quicker and better.
>tfw blessed with high spice tolerance
>can beat all those mall hot sauce shop challenges no sweat despite rarely eating aything spicier than jalapenos

>> No.9507942

Agreed, Serrano or Savina peppers are a good in between step. Both have a great flavor as well.

>> No.9508076
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>7 p.m.
>eat dried ghost pepper
>shake uncontrollably for 20 minutes
>can't open eyes because of spicy tears
>can't talk or hear or think
>drool like cerebral palsy having a fit
>come back to normal for 30 minutes
>suddenly stomach feels like hardened cement
>sharp pain in abdomen every few minutes
>lie down in bed in fetal position
>don't know whether I'll shit or vomit
>stay awake till 5 a.m.
>wonder how my anus is going to be eye of sauron
>decide to stop being a retard
>order carolina reaper
>eat 1/3 of pepper
>same effect as entire ghost pepper
>feels like frying on electric chair
>have stomach ache for entire night
>next day excrete such burning noxious bile of acidic pepper infested shit that I fear my ass tissue burned off

It was fun though.

>> No.9508091

>tfw you've maxed out the spiciness of hot sauces you can get easily from a supermarket
You can't really get anything hotter than scotch bonnets from a store
I need to start ordering ghost pepper shit online kms
Also, does anyone else get hiccups from jalapenos? I don't think I get hiccups from any other kind of spice. Is there some other chemical irritant besides capsaicin in jalapenos that other peppers don't have?

>> No.9508201
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Hungarian Wax Peppers

They also have a much better flavor than either jalapeno or habanero. You need to get the fully ripe ones, otherwise, they won't be hotter than a fully ripe jalapeno. They top out at like 10k SVU. If you need hotter, try ceyanne pepper instead. Though, I don't like its flavor all that much.

I find that habanero have a terrible taste. Trinidad Moruga scorpion peppers have a super fruity flavor. I think Hungarian wax peppers are a perfect flavor of "pepper" flavor.

I found that when I ate one of my TM scorpion peppers that I could feel it where ever it was in my digestive system as a hot burn. It never stopped burning where ever it was. It was a highly unique experience being able to trace its location through my digestive system. Like one of those interactive learning kits for children, but I was the cartoon guy in the image with his intestines all exposed. The closer it got the end the more I worried. It was like knowing you have a root canal in an hour (pic related).

>> No.9508390

But you have to learn to like everything that isn't plain, sugary, fatty, or starchy ie: literally a child's palate.
Coffee, alcohol, anything spicy, anything bitter, most vegetables, most meat that isn't chicken, anything that smells strongly, etc.

>> No.9509370


Add chilis to your cooking until the desired level of spicyness is reached?

>> No.9509400
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>How the fuck do I train my spiciness tolerance

You man the fuck up and go straight to Ghost Peppers and Carolina Reapers.


This nigga here knows what's up

>I fear my ass tissue burned off


>> No.9509413

>training yourself to eat spicy food
Kek, why esti why?? Spicy foods are for shitskins

>> No.9509419
File: 21 KB, 400x400, image_400x400[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woops, forgot to attach this picture of me

>> No.9509442

A nice middle ground between jalapeno and habanero is serrano. Still tastes like a jalapeno, but a little hotter. Doesn't have the kind of weird flavor of the habanero/Scotch Bonnet/ Reaper/Ghost peppers have, which (to me) only works well in specific Indian and West Indian (Caribbean) dishes.

>> No.9510885
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grow your own peppers. they will grow pretty much in any climate. just get some seeds online for cheap. it's fun too watching them grow, taking care of them, then getting to harvest your peppers and eat them at the end. you can grow smaller varieties in pots on a south facing windowsill or larger varieties in bigger pots outside.

If you do it this way you can pick a bunch of different varieties that have varying levels of heat, so you can grow a couple from each heat bracket.

pic related

>> No.9511506

It's not about the water, but the temperature
If you supply cold fast enough (or, strictly speaking, remove heat fast enough) your neurons become too cold to fire and you don't feel pain

>> No.9511516

>tfw mom no longer lets me spice the food when I visit my family

>> No.9511539

>you have to train yourself to like things that will give you a heart attack or liver damage
really fires the neurons

>> No.9511547

>I like the jalapeno's sourish flavor

disgusting, that's the worst part, same with tobasco

chili oil master race

>> No.9511561

I see this a lot on here.
Is it a regional spelling?

>> No.9511575

It only desensitizes you to heat, you can still taste everything else exactly the same. And just because you have high heat tolerance doesn't mean you can't enjoy things without heat. Like saying that developing a high tolerance for alcohol will make you not able to drink lemonade.

>> No.9511577
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>> No.9511580

good thing is that peppers have absolutely zero effect on your actual body, it's literally all in the mind.

>> No.9511665

I'm gonna call bullshit on this one. I've had a big order of chicken wings with habanero hot sauce on them and it literally felt like I was shitting fire. You're telling me I was just imagining that burning feeling in my asshole?

>> No.9511666

is that why they can cause stomach ulcers

>> No.9511672

>You're telling me I was just imagining that burning feeling in my asshole?

You weren't imagining it. Your nerves were reacting to the presence of casaicin, which is the chemical found in peppers that tastes "hot". But at the same time your asshole was not literally burnt.

>> No.9511678

Isn't cayenne the next logical step? Why has no one mentioned it yet?

>> No.9511681

Yeah but it makes it harder to cook for other people. What he said >>9511516

>> No.9511684

>Yeah but it makes it harder to cook for other people
How so? I love my food spicy as hell but it's no effort whatsoever to dial it back when I'm cooking for other people.

>> No.9511686

>Your nerves were reacting to the presence of casaicin
If this is your definition of "it's literally all in the mind" then it can be applied to every single physical feeling we can get
>getting shot in the arm doesn't really hurt, it's just in your mind!

>> No.9511690
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>habaneros still too hot

Get a pair of balls then start a new thread

>> No.9511694

The difference is that when you get shot in the arm there actually is real damage there. The bullet will have torn skin and flesh, perhaps broken a bone. When you eat a hot pepper it FEELS hot, but there is no actual burning taking place.

A nerve mistaking caspsaicin for literal burning is the "all in your mind" part.

>> No.9511761

and using pepe's.

>> No.9511799

>most vegetables

>> No.9512608

Is this seriously a fucking meme now?

>> No.9512646

I usually just toss some habs into my cooking to season the meal, as the fats distribute the heat evenly.

If you want to eat them raw, dice or slice them and use them as a topping to your dish and serve it with some plain yogurt on the side, or cheese. Capsaicin bonds with fats, so having something cool and fatty, like milk, cheese or yogurt, on-hand will help take away some of the heat.

>> No.9512656

You know that root canals aren't actually painful, right? Dental anesthetic works just as well for them as for ordinary fillings.

>> No.9512660

>it's literally all in the mind.

Your body reacts to capsaicin the same way it reacts to being burned.

>> No.9512673

Thai peppers. Birds eye. Peri peri. Whatever your backward ass country calls em. About 100,000 shu whereas habaneros are 250,000 to 300,000

>> No.9512674

Buddy, milk works much better the running cold water

>> No.9512684

I find that just holding cold water in my mouth works. So, a sliver of ice is what I use if I pussy out.

>one time i tried using mint because of its cooling action

>> No.9512687

Do you know what chemical burns mean?

>> No.9512689


>> No.9512693

Jalapeños taste like grass. Habs are the goat, spicy and sweet.

>> No.9512720

Rinse your mouth with alcohol-based mouthwash or cooking oil.

>> No.9512747

No they can't. Probably what you're eating it on is causing it. Capascin does not harm your body in any way.

>> No.9512768

So? Doesn't mean it's actually causing you any harm. It makes you breath heavy, sweat and releases endorphins, all good stuff. For some people eating wings is the most workout they get all week. Eating any amount of spice with any amount regularity causes absolutely zero harm to the body regardless of how you feel actually doing it.

>> No.9512783

Do you actually understand what the phrase "all in your mind" means? It means there's no physical cause, not no physical damage.

>> No.9512798

I suppose a more applicable phrase could have been used but I think it's obvious from context what I meant. Not that there's nothing in the chilli itself causing these sensations but that the sensations you're feeling aren't indicative of what's really happening, i.e. you're not actually on fire.

People use the phrase 'pain is all in the mind' as a rhetoric device all the time even when referring to pain caused by actual harm being done. In this case it's at least a little more applicable.

>> No.9512799

Exposure to extreme amounts of capsaicin can dangerously increase your heart rate, inflame your respiratory tract, and swell your tongue posing a choking hazzard.

>> No.9512804

How extreme are we talking here?

>> No.9512821

>I have to run cold water on my tongue for a good 30 seconds before I can take another tiny bite. If that's not an indication that I'm not ready for it then I don't know what is.

It's just an indication that you're being a pussy. Take the heat a few times, it's good for you, think of it like working out. After a few attempts you will be able to stand it longer and longer.

>> No.9512824

Pro: Roommates will not eat your leftovers.

>> No.9512850

Depends on the individual. Some can be extremely sensitive to capsaicin, while some don't even react to it at all.

Interestingly enough, birds are not sensitive to capsaicin.

>> No.9512851

t. albino

>> No.9512860

Well birds couldn't be sensitive to capsaicin or they wouldn't be able to eat the peppers and disperse the seeds, which is why peppers exist in the first place.

>> No.9512879

Could've been the other way around.

>> No.9512892

Pepe's what?
Did you mean pepes by chance?

>> No.9512907

Doubtful since birds in the rest of the world outside SA are also resistant to capsaicin and they obviously haven't evolved with peppers around. I think it's just a chemical that happens to be in peppers that birds aren't sensitive to so there was no evolutionary pressure for it to be bred out.

>> No.9512923

Birds don't eat peppers, morons. I grow them in the south. I've seen turtles munching on low hanging peppers, but never a bird. Insects don't bug (sorry for the pun) them either (pic related, no chemical pesticides used).

>> No.9512926

Chemical burns cause damage to the tissue that needs healing. Capsicum burn doesn't because it's not real damage, only tricking the nervous system to react like it was real damage.

>> No.9512943

>hehe I bet you thought the swelling in your eyes from touching them after cutting hot peppers was real but it turns out it's not hehe
Can you just fuck off already? You worded your first post extremely poorly and are still trying to defend your nonexistent argument.
Capsaicin can cause burns, swelling, inflammation, etc which is why you don't want to get it in your eyes or let it sit on your hands for a long period of time. It's not "all in your head" or "not real damage".

>> No.9512959

>Birds don't eat peppers
Depends on the bird, dipshit.

Some birds stick with seed from grasses and shit and don't eat fruits. Others eat fruits and will indeed munch on peppers.

My local mocking bird LOVED the tiny red pequin peppers I used to grow, and he'd take a chomp out of the occasional bell pepper as well. Meanwhile, the local house finches and sparrows wouldn't touch them.

>> No.9512971

He didn't make the first post I did. Did it ever occur to you that two or more people may be arguing the same point

>Capsaicin can cause burns, swelling, inflammation, etc
No it can't, at least not in any reasonable dosage. Chugging a can of pepperspray might cause some problems. Do you really think you can get "burns" through eating chilli? Or even swelling and inflammation (same thing)? Stop trying to make capsaicin a dangerous compound, it's not.

>> No.9512973
File: 141 KB, 750x706, Mocker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related: one of the little motherfuckers I was talking about.

>> No.9512976

I bet you believe in flat earth too.

>> No.9512984

Why do you think fruits such as peppers exist? To be eaten and have their seeds dispersed with fertilizer far and wide. In case of peppers birds are the main dispersal medium. The birds with no evolutionary memory of peppers may not eat them but others will.

>> No.9512999

>To be eaten and have their seeds dispersed with fertilizer far and wide.
Mammals can accomplish this same task, and yet they tend to be sensitive to the capsaicin. Grapes, cherries, olives, apples, tomatoes, all have benefited from mammals spreading their seed, and yet pepper plants decided to be cunts and try to stop us from eating their delicious fruits.

>> No.9513003

Get the Jalepenos from the mexican section. They're spicier then the ones from the pickled goods section. Otherwise, make sauces from habaneros that are a bit diluted, so that it's not the full level of spicy.

>> No.9513011

Fuck mockingbirds.

>> No.9513040

Both of you post a video of you chugging a bottle of pure capsaicin extract, and then using an additional bottle to rub into your eyes and asshole. After all, it won't cause any real damage and it's all in your head yeah?

>> No.9513054
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I forgot my pic of my tabasco pepper plant. You can clearly see there's no damage and I have at least 6 mockingbirds that live in my yard. I have noticed some damage on the lower hanging habaneros but that's definitely from turtles. You're fos.

>> No.9513059

Because they figured out that mammals will generally drop seeds nearby, but birds will carry them far away.

>> No.9513064

>the mexican section
is this what americans call the produce department?

>> No.9513070

people get doused with pepper spray, and unless they have a heart condition or something, with no lasting effects

that's magnitudes more capcaisin exposure than eating a single fucking pepper, of any variety

>> No.9513078

No, at a lot of grocery stores they have an international section that has goods imported from other countries. The pickled Jalapenos that come from Mexico are typically more spicy then the ones made in the US. Does your country not have a foreign foods sections?

>> No.9513095

That was a joke about Mexican migrant farm labour but thanks.

>> No.9513111

>Thinking Americans know anything about how their food is made.

>> No.9513125
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First, mockers are territorial little bastards. So you're not going to have 6 mockers trying to devour your plants, because they'll fight it out to determine who has control of the territory those plants are in. At most, you'll get the male who owns the territory, his mate that shares it, and the babies they raise in the spring and summer before they get kicked the fuck out by dad after they fledge.

Second, mockers have food preferences just like we do. I've fed my local dude everything from raisins, grapes, cherries, cantaloupe, pineapple, cherry tomato, and he pretty much eats whatever I put out. His mates, and the babies? Not so much. They're picky little shits, and they'll look at some stuff, put a bit in their beak, and spit it back out. Which is exactly what some of them did with my peppers, while the male would pull one off and swallow it whole.

Your local mocker just doesn't view your peppers as a valuable food source. Others just might, it all depends on the bird.

>> No.9513141

>birds will carry them far away.
Not so much. Sure, birds fly off with seed, but most of their distribution technique involves them ripping apart the fruit right on the tree, spilling seed everywhere below the tree, and then moving on to the next fruit. They're messy little fuckers.

Mammals are more likely to move the seed out from below the area of the original plant.

>> No.9513151

They eat the seed and then shit it out later.

>> No.9513890


>> No.9514070

Man up fag, you take that burn. A man is truly tested when he goes to the bathroom

>> No.9514096

Very nice, you should peruse >>>/out/1110706 if you don't already. Where I live, humidity is a big problem, even for pepper plants and the isopods & slugs are usually the main problems.

>> No.9514119

I've had a few of them. Most of the time, they do hurt. Evidently, the bacteria that causes the problem also interrupts the anesthetic's ability to fully numb the nerves. This doesn't happen all the time though. However, every root canal I've ever had caused pain. It is better described as electricity than pain, that is what it feels like. What doesn't hurt is pulling teeth. It is just a lot of pressure then suddenly nothing. The thing that hurts the most is the initial injections. Those can be mild or tear inducing. As the anesthetic wears off during a long session the "drill" will hurt quite a bit. But, while everything is numb, the bit with the largest teeth really sucks because it basically hammers your entire head.

I only know this because I have about $25k in dental work including a few gold teeth.

>> No.9514333

Im sure i recall having read too much of either 3 items damage the stomach lining, these would be salt, chili peppers, alcohol that being said its a matter of abuse not just ordinary consuption

>> No.9515985

I had to train your moms anus cuz my cocks that good.

>> No.9516578

Serranos or thai chiles.

>> No.9516585

Buy capsaicin extract, dilute to various strengths. Most quantifiable way to train if you feel like you need to do that.