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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9505073 No.9505073 [Reply] [Original]

Show me your beans

>> No.9505079
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Pic related
I get these for myself and guests and some shitty dark roast beans from target for large gatherings (usallly family)

>> No.9505097

You aren't putting chocolate milk in your coffee why?

>> No.9505100
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>> No.9505405


So I just bought a French press, a hand burr grinder and lavazza coffee beans, arriving tomorrow. I've never had fresh ground before. I've been instant and recently upped it to ready-ground and a dripfilter a friend gave me. It tasted obviously much better.

I don't know what to expect, is it quite a big jump in quality? Any last minute prep tips so I don't botch it?

>> No.9505823

Best butter for coffee?

>> No.9505838


>> No.9505855

I'll try it. I went with some Vanilla ghee on sale and I was actually really happy with it

>> No.9506077

Heat water to 205 f
And let it sit for 4 mins
Don't stir
Make sure everything is clean
Grind the beans coarse

>> No.9507454

>don't stir
Stir after 30 seconds then put the lid on but don't push the plunger down until the last second. The rest of the post is correct

>> No.9507489
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Currently Starbucks Anniversary. Didn't feel like driving into the city for beans when my boss is bringing me back some fresh roasted from Seattle. This is my french press grind from the free Ditting 1203

>> No.9507663
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>> No.9507959
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I'm considering getting this thing, what do you guys think?

>> No.9508410

Don't even bother with an espresso machine unless it costs at least $2000.
Home espresso is universally shit.

>> No.9508464
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Post your coffee makers/french presses/etc..

>> No.9508525

I'm sick of your shit, anon.

>> No.9508569
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A 3 cup moka pot. I also have a pourover cone I bought from Daiso.
I'm new to coffee so i've been using preground coffee for a few months.
But I think I'm starting to be able to notice the difference in taste between different types of coffee, like the kenyan? (I think) I bought a while ago tasted a bit acidic to my liking.
Might get a hand grinder soon.

>> No.9508834

>not having a cat partiality digest your coffee beans first
There is no fresher

>> No.9508853

breville makes fucking garbage. get a CC1 and a Vario-w

>> No.9508887

I have that exact model and it's surprisingly decent but broke more times than I'd like to admit. Get a warranty

>> No.9509121

Was just about to get the same model as this but ended up getting the duo temp with smart grinder. Liking it a lot so far

>> No.9509516

is a hand burr grinder for french press okay?

>> No.9509529

If your hand grinder doesn't cost at least $500, you're buying a piece of shit

>> No.9509535


>> No.9509537

Absolutely. Been using a hand burr grinder for years. Coarse setting, sometimes I use a drill if I'm lazy. Have at it.

>> No.9509543

Will I be ok with this hand grinder?

How much do i have to pay before I get one that is all sturdy metal and ceramic parts with no plastic shit to snap off?

>> No.9509558
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everything else is retarded.

>> No.9509568

>chinkshit grinder
Just get a Hario Skerton. I have one that I use sometimes since it's actually better than my electric one in terms of doing a consistent grind. That one you linked is probably garbo that will break easily and/or grind like shit.

>> No.9509576

Why do they sell an aftermarket metal ring to stabilize it's grinding action?

>> No.9509577

Good god this is so gay.

Heat water till it's steaming hot
Let it sit while you do other shit, like take your son to daycare or walk your dog
Stir, don't stir, stick in a straw and blow bubbles for all I care
I've washed my French press every other year, before company comes over (if I can't just hide it)
I use Folger's.

Brew is always smooth and drinkable using this rigorous method.

>> No.9509587

this thing ?


>> No.9509607

The single biggest upgrade you can make to your coffee setup is grinding beans yourself, preground supermarket coffee like folgers is so goddamn stale you will never go back.

>> No.9509629
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>Brew is drinkable

Well, good, glad to know your method doesn't make cement, idiot

>> No.9509637

Because the little fucker rocks. Skerton's are barely-acceptable entry-grade grinders. Just save up for an Encore or a Lido/Knock/the other German one.

>> No.9509639

And by rocks, I mean, literally rocks around like a boat.

>> No.9509643


If you're gonna get a hario, wait a bit. They're going to release a new version soon which is supposed to be more stable.


>> No.9509655

The mod sold is to stabilize the burrs at a coarser setting, at the cost of finer grinds.

The skerton is a great grinder, untill you hit french press coarseness, then you need the mod to make it worth it. That being said, it's miles above anything else within 100 dollars of it. But that's not to say it isn't worth buying an expensive electric metal burr grinder when you can, which will last you a lifetime.

>> No.9509669

>which will last you a lifetime.

Not until you hit the $700-ish used Super Jolly zone. Low-end commercial grinders are a BIFL purchase for home users, but other than, like, a Monolith, I can't think of a home grinder that's gonna go more than ten years.

>> No.9509681

the new ones are made in china, don't bother

>> No.9509694

I bought a melitta pourover mostly because the filters are cheap and you can find them in mostly any big box store, yet I've never seen any melitta pourovers in physical stores, ever.
Everyone sells melitta filters #2 but nobody sells any pourover cones, why though?

>> No.9509730

Because they're a bad flat-bottom brewer combined with a bad cone brewer. The weirdly steep walls, absurdly narrow bottom, and single drain hole lead to whack extraction. They sell the filters because the demand is there, but not the cones because it's outclassed by every other device on the market.

>> No.9509741

Then why don't they sell good cones then?

>> No.9509757

Most stores I've been to sell V60s, which is arguably the most popular third-wave brewer in existence. There's also the Chemex, which is an ehh-brewer with a filter that always produces distinctly-Chemex coffee.

>> No.9509761

do you mean specialty stores?

>> No.9509782

Yeah, coffee shops. You're not gonna find something like the V60 at your local Kroger/Nob Hill/Aldi/HEB, because people don't usually go to the grocery store to buy pourover coffee devices, but you WOULD go to buy coffee filters, you know? And filters are dirt-cheap in bulk, so the only meaningful cost to the store is shelf space. But devices take up a lot of room and cost a lot of money, relatively speaking.

>> No.9509885

better yet, buy a machine that isn't a fucking piece of shit. For the same price you can get a Rancilio Silvia that will last you 10+ years, is easy to take apart and maintain, and for most issues you can repair it yourself with easily obtainable parts.

>> No.9509940

Whole Foods carries that stuff, at least the one by my house. If I recall they have chemex, v60, and aeropress on the shelf, as well as some good local coffees.

>> No.9510158


>> No.9510169
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Literally shitty coffee

>> No.9510176

That looks like the garbage I bought from 99cents once time.
It smelled like wet dirt.
It looked like wet dirt.
I wasn't about to see if it tasted like wet dirt so I dumped it.

>> No.9510186
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>> No.9510203

Show me ur tamper

>> No.9510227


It's that metal thing on the right.

>> No.9510469
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please don't support the industry behind kopi luwak

>> No.9510523

How much of a meme is Jamaican blue mountain? My dealer has some. Twice as expensive as the most I have ever paid for coffee - Hawaii kona.

>> No.9510541

Nearly as much of a meme as kopi luwak. Just find another good single origin for a fraction of the price.

>> No.9510995

I unironically enjoy folgers in my French press, although I appreciate higher end brands it's just too easy to buy the biggest can of folgers for like 5 bucks.

>> No.9511354

Mocha pots are best for home brewing. Fucking about with fancy machienes is too much effort + mocha pots you can make coffee as strong as you desire

>> No.9511360
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I've had Folgers before and it's not terrible.
My policy is better something than nothing.
Or, at least it used to be, until I had Kroger's store brand coffee.
Holy hell is that hot garbage. I would have had a better cup of coffee if I had brewed some gravel.
Not all the sugar and cream in the world could make this shit tolerable.

>> No.9511371

Does folgers even have a coarse enough grind for a french press, or are you just drinking a cup of grainy sludge?

>> No.9511636

French press grind is a meme, I use the same grind for pourover and french press, it's finer than the ground potting soil you get from supermarket preground.

>> No.9511656

It's not "a meme", you retarded spastic chucklefuck. If the grind is too fine you will literally get little coffee grinds in your french press brew and it will be really grainy/gritty/sludgy.
If it's nice and coarse it's much better.

>> No.9511668

Anyone try substituting whole milk for soy milk?

>> No.9511719

I did this and now I inexplicably have a suitcase full of striped socks under my bed.

>> No.9511930

Never once fretted over the grind of folgers, never once had a sludge cup of coffee.

>> No.9512050

Get the Breville Dual Boiler instead. And a grinder, preferably a Monolith Flat.

>> No.9512574


>> No.9512757

Not really, whole milk when I need to drink coffee in a rush or just want something more sweet and condensed milk when I drink it while eating some sweet bread.

>> No.9513997
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A while back someone recommended this
It's pretty good.

I decided to try something else from them
It's quite bad, can't really get a good cup out of it.

Anyone have any bean recommendations ? Not just from there, from anywhere.

>> No.9514691

I;m thinking about thos Beans

>> No.9514733

Look if you can find Coatepec, Veracruz (Mexico) coffee

>> No.9515052
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Show me yur coffee mugs, and rate the coffee mugs of others.

>> No.9515073

Profound autism

>> No.9515096

so thats a 10/10 then?

>> No.9515802
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Is decaff gross or does it taste fine? I love drinking coffee but the medicine I'm on doesn't interact well with caffeine and I end up with a very intense and anxious buzz after just 1 cup. I've never actually tried decaff, but I've heard it doesnt taste good and i like to enjoy coffee. Any solutions /ck/ can offer to my problem? If decaff is fine, any reccomended beans?

>> No.9515820

I'm fairly certain that it doesn't have quite the same flavor after they extract the caffeine, but I would imagine that they get at least in the ballpark. I'd just drink hot cocoa instead if I were you.

>> No.9515835

drink rooibos tea

>> No.9515836

hot cocoa still contains caffeine

>> No.9515846
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>spoon in mug
>implying you put milk or sugar or creamer

It all adds up.

>> No.9515847

I wasn't sure how much caffeine it would take to negatively affect you. Decaf still contains a small amount, and I'm almost certain they must make some hot cocoa without caffeine.

>> No.9515853

It depends on how the caffeine is extracted, if it's done right and good, there shouldn't be a taste difference.

>> No.9515910
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i put in 4 spoons of sugar and milk/coffee in a 50/50 ratio

>> No.9515921

I do that, but then add a spoonful of avocado bacon hazelnut chocolate spread, and then put a wedge of pineapple on my mug.

>> No.9515924

I could try hot cocoa, i've only ever had swiss miss and shit like that, so it might be fun to experiment with.

I drink tea sometimes and it's usually fine unless I'm drinking yerba mate. Its not really comparable to coffee though.

What extraction technique is proper? What should I look for if I order something online?

>> No.9515926

So coffee is just the medium you use to suspend your sugar and fat?

>> No.9515930

>4 spoons of sugar
>milk/coffee in a 50/50 ratio
Are you me when I was 10?

>> No.9515936

seriously, usually i drink it black, but sometimes i need to feel that comfy, full taste of milk and coffee and sugar. it feels like good, cramy foam in your mouth.

>> No.9515947

Do you at least use a milk steamer? This is your last chance for redemption.

>> No.9515974

bruh, go to a second hand store, i've gotten 2 electric grinders for like 5$ each

>> No.9516023

>it feels like good, cramy foam in your mouth.

I can provide that for you

>> No.9516080

I wish my thrift stores still sold anything of value, now they have deals with "recycler" companies that get first dibs on electronics and anything that fetches a decent price online (eg. specialty appliances) and they buy it in bulk and sell it online.

>> No.9516127

Those already came out.
I think I'll just splurge on one.
Should I get the slim plus or the skerton pro?

>> No.9516412
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Boys...give me the ole redpill on manual grinders. I'm a bit of a poorfag and I'm wondering if manual grinders are any good.

Anyone here use manual? What's it like? How long does it usually take?

>> No.9516527
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I have:

by Excelso (http://excelso-coffee.com/horeca/):
- Kalosi Toraja (personal fav, all-rounder, kinda like Jamaican Blue Mountain)
- Robusta Gold
- House Blend (gr8 taste)

Otten Coffee (https://ottencoffee.co.id/single-origin):
- Sidikalang
- Java Andung Sari

from http://klinikkopi.com/tag/kopi-jogja/:
- Pitaloka, West Java

but I don't drink those single origins everyday. My daily morning one is Ikea's dark roast (http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/70324242/)) or Juan Valdez's Sierra Nevada (https://www.juanvaldezcafestore.com/en/coffee/bold/whole-bean/sierra-nevada-ground-500-g-17-oz))

>> No.9516562 [DELETED] 

Ok for camping but a waste of money for long term. The more expensive ones (like Orphan) are good. The cheap ones are not much better than a blade grinder after the burrs wear out (6 months to a year), and are a lot more work.

>> No.9516574
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First pic, the last of my Jamaican Blue Mountain beans.

>> No.9516582
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Second pic, next bag up.

>> No.9516782

How long does it usually take to grind? And do you think cheap electric ones are worth it?

>> No.9517011
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what is a decent coffee maker?

>> No.9517065

Chemex or V60. If you just want drip coffee just buy a $10 Mr Coffee.

>> No.9517615
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Map of runescape and yuengling light

>> No.9518160
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Right in the feels, anon. Somewhat got my life on track but I want to relapse

>> No.9520025


>> No.9520328
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Coffee, black

>> No.9520441

I used to use a manual I got off Amazon. I wish I had bought one a bigger one since it took two fills of the grinder to get enough grounds for my French press. Its not hard work and didn't take more than 30 seconds to a minute, but coarse grind should be faster and easier than a fine grind.

They're great if you don't or can't spend the cash on an electric burr grinder.