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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9499698 No.9499698 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else think MREs look super tasty? Never had one, but I'm obsessed about watching MRE review videos.

>> No.9499729

Nope. I've had plenty of them and they're not tasty. (not awful either).

If you're interested in MREs then why not get a few and try them out? Seems kinda silly to watch reviews when you could easily experience it yourself.

>> No.9499753

They're pretty expensive if you're not buying them from a Comissary. Even then, the cheapest I've found them is about $7 a pop.

They're not bad, but some I just any stomach. Chili Mac is king of the American MRE followed by Chili w/ Beans. I once had a Pork Gravy one and it was just pork bits suspended in cum, I swear. Also, I hate the ones that contained those weird Ranger Bars that had the consistency of a stale Laffy Taffy since they cement your teeth together. I don't think you're actually supposed to chew on them.

>> No.9499773
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When it's your only form of sustenance the novelty wears off very fast.
Luckily I was deployed alongside Britbong marines so we got to swap to break up the monotony. The breakfast meals in brit ORPs are pretty tasty.

>> No.9499815

>They're pretty expensive if you're not buying them from a Comissary. Even then, the cheapest I've found them is about $7 a pop.

Sure, I get that. But $7 for a recreational experiment seems like a pittance. People easily spend that much seeing a movie, going out to a restaurant, etc. $7 is nothing to satisfy curiosity, especially if it's something you're interested in (which you seem to me).

>>Ranger bars
Oh god. I remember those. They are some kind of seriously non-Newtonian "fluid". My buddy and I once tried to see if we could use a couple of them as a small battering tool to bust open a combination lock....no shit, it worked. A metal combination lock broke when we beat it using a ranger bar.

>> No.9499869

I had some when I was a kid.

I thought most were pretty meh. No worse than canned/frozen varieties of the same food.

For some reason I really loved the ham and hot dog varieties.
The ham was a small but thick "reconstituted" ham steak.
The hot dogs had a weird feel that i liked. Maybe gritty... like the meat wasnt a gelatinized mess. More like ground meat stuck in a casing or something.

I think they were US government issue. I feel like my dad got them from someone that was in the service.
I know several times over the years I looked for the same variety from commercially available MREs and couldnt find them.

>> No.9499890

>A metal combination lock broke when we beat it using a ranger bar.
Fucking lol

>> No.9499925

They sell alot of mre components at WinCo for $1-$2 and it was worth the price to see how bad they are

>> No.9499938
File: 1.06 MB, 2988x4232, Halal_MRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Regular MRE's are trash. Halal MRE's are the shit. I got some while on Joint Operations. Good stuff.

>> No.9499944


>> No.9499950

Never had any UK MRE's. I have tried many MRE's from NATO countries. Does it have egg powder or some crap like that? No one has time to heat up their meals to ideal temp.

>> No.9499958

MRE's are for people who are actually starving. I ate an tortellini MRE once. I could not get over the fact everything tasted like it was made with sawdust or an incredible facsimile.

>> No.9499964

MRE is an American term. The U.K have ORP and the frogs have RCI.
MRE is specific to the USA military.

>> No.9499975

U.K. ORP breakfast are generally based around pork and beans or chicken sausage with mushrooms. There's an omelette one but no one eats it, it fucking dire.

>> No.9499978

Not familiar with the terminology. After working all day, anything that wasn't a US MRE was great. The Tuna one was good and Chili Mac. Gravy and Pesto cheese variants can go to hell.

>> No.9499984

Gotcha, no omelette.

>> No.9500277
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>> No.9500760

Someday I saw one of his video in my recommended feed and clicked to check it out. Holy crap, this guy's a complete gold mine.

When he talks normally he has a voice in the like of an 80s action movie trailer narrator. When he says "let's get this out on a tray" he suddenly sounds like a jock-stallone-stoner crossover. In his more recent videos he started to edit the "Nice!" into super weird ways that make burst out laughing for no reason. Initially all these things had no face behind them, but once you see him you realize he's a super jacked up dork crossed with Shaggy's long-lost alpha cousin. His dorkyness becomes even more obvious in his WW2 ration videos where he shakes uncontrollably for the whole presentation, the guy's basically experiencing the dream of his life coming true and it's a fucking 70 year old military ration.

I don't know why, but I love this guy's channel. And I don't ever intend on eating a ration.

>> No.9500767

looks like a still life painting

>> No.9500998

I'm in the army. Mres aren't too bad. They're basically just a collection of a bunch of different children's food which is good because it doesn't upset your stomach

>> No.9501268

nice little hiss there

>> No.9501280

Ate plenty of them in scouts/rotc. They'll keep you moving, but the literal shit jokes are no joke. You will be constipated even if you're hiking 20+ miles a day and drinking a fuckton of water and man my butthole aches thinking about the number of latrines I had to dig and the number of shit tickets I had to use because of MREs.

Eat normal food, you'll be better off.

>> No.9501336

Check eBay. I've gotten cases (12 meals) of US MREs for $50. They make great camping meals.

>> No.9501477

New steve is up

>> No.9501484

s t e v e

>> No.9501489

Nice. But a 24 hour chili ration sounds like too much of a good thing.

>> No.9501490

>the cheapest I've found them is about $7 a pop.
Well, they're 1250 calories each. So $14 gets you a full day's worth of food plus a couple bits leftover.

>> No.9501491

chicken fajetas are where it's at.
I loved when I had to eat them for a few weeks in basic and would get M&Ms

>> No.9502844


>> No.9503482

some are really good and some are mediocre
in my opinion the only one that is absolutely terrible is the asian beef strips, because omelette ones always come with some kind of hot sauce and salt packs that you can use to make them taste ok

>> No.9503488

huh, no hiss

>> No.9503501

I'll let you know how MREs are after I enlist later this year. Keep this thread alive for a few months kek

>> No.9503588

Ranger bars
"army hooah bar"

I remember thinking "oh shit army's version of candy"

>> No.9503749

I'm not really all the interested in MREs, tried 'em they're ok.
I did however watch a show the making of MREs, it was oddly hypnotic to watch them make a thousand pounds of buttered noodles.

>> No.9503765

Super jacked up dork? I mean he's got some muscles, but jacked? You must be a twiggy armed little alien necked nerd.

>> No.9503840

Have you seen the guns he's carrying?

>> No.9503899

a better question is
>is coffee instant type 2 as good as he says it is

>> No.9503905

Nah he's kinda jacked especially in recent vids.

>> No.9504108

tiny babbies

>> No.9505865

I wouldn't doubt they are all pozzed with carcinogens and other shit that will fuck you up if consume too much of it

>> No.9506148

I had a binge on these videos today as well. Do that a couple times a month. I used to eat them while camping a couple times as a kid but have been thinking about buying some to have around. I would eat one right now in fact.

>> No.9506285
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I would really like to try this Australian one, it seems really



>> No.9506552
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>> No.9507182

chairman nice

>> No.9507183


>> No.9507728


No, in a word.

>> No.9507828

I think it's the organization of them that makes them seem more attractive. Little packets with condiments, specifically portioned, usually has complimentary flavors. It's like the adult version of your mother packing you a lunch, only with an even more air of masculinity given they are usually used by soldiers during combat.

As for the videos, you're probably just drowning in the flood of charisma that flows from Steve.


>> No.9508046

Do they taste any different using the heater? In my unit they always confiscated them.

>> No.9508335

>Halal MRE
Saudi Arabian military? How the hell do you even buy those?

>> No.9508717

He talks like the family guy shark combined with Jim 'mr. metokur', without the phone voice filter.

>> No.9508918


>> No.9508998
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>> No.9509014

New steve out, nice!

>> No.9509039

Two videos in less than a week. Nice!

>> No.9509041
File: 92 KB, 500x651, 1422750908444-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>once sent a message to Steve on youtube asking how he made his music
>never got a reply
>tfw Steve didn't have the heart to tell me he's just dicking around on an electric keyboard.

>> No.9509048

We have solders that are Muslim . . . they need to eat too. The same way they have vegetarian MREs.

I bring a few when I go camping, in case weather or other factors would make it tough to make a fire and cook food. They're nice in that absolutely no prep is required for a hot meal, and very little water.

They're certainly nothing special, but not bad. Entrees are about the same as you would get out of a good brand canned food. What IS nice is the variety of the food and that the components go well together. Plus you get various things that are nice in the woods . . . TP, gum, condiments, napkins, a utensil, several beverages, etc.

>> No.9509065


I assumed he had an essential tremor of some kind. Him and Robert Dyer.

>> No.9509322

His music reminds me of Sega Genesis games. Pure nostalgia. Nice.

>> No.9509401

There's no rancidity to these nuts.

>> No.9509502



>> No.9509540

>There's an omelette one but no one eats it, it fucking dire.
It's nice to know that soldiers everywhere have something in common.

>> No.9509852


>> No.9509947


>> No.9510120
File: 308 KB, 1024x759, blazing-saddles-image-header-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet your barracks are like a scene out of Blazing Saddles.

>> No.9510527


>> No.9510556
File: 39 KB, 800x450, steve1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/comfy/est channel around, is he dare I say, /ourguy/?

>> No.9510591

Hmm, no hiss

>> No.9510714

>t. Veteran
Might want to try one, just to satisfy your curiosity. It's high in calories though. If you're watching calories, bad idea to eat MREs as each are over 1,000 calories on average. If you have dentures, or weak teeth, or no teeth, avoid hardtacks (if you're unfortunate enough to get the MREs with them). Put enough of it in a sock and it's a serviceable blunt weapon though. In hardtack's defense, they last a very long time. Those small wads of tissue is for #2. If you're outdoors, save the TPs as you'll need 'em. Don't eat the heater. Best when hot. Anything with cream (milk-based gravy) tastes bleh, especially if the MRE is in its 2nd year or so. With that said, avoid shit-on-shingles/SOS (chipped beef in cream gravy or some variant of it). Get beef or pork entrees. Just avoid the breakfast MREs because you're either going to get disgusting powdered eggs made into an even disgusting scrambled eggs with what could be rancid bits of veggies and/or meat OR SOS with the consistency/sliminess of snot or dry gravy (if you're unlucky, the gravy doesn't have enough liquid and not thoroughly mixed that there's still powdered milk and it'll make you cough--true story). Ranger bars taste like those protein bars you get from musclehead stores and gyms, but worse. It's also more carbs and sugar than protein.

Of course, you eat it because you "love country" and you need enough strength to kill people.

>> No.9510831

This is a really cool one

>> No.9510875


>> No.9511595

hmmm, ewuuhh... mmm. Uuuh mm.

>> No.9511844

i like mre's for the novelty and the convenience in certain situations. while they aren't necessarily tasty, they are something i definitely recommend experiencing. you can find them on ebay and stuff,

>> No.9511862

they don't look bad, but too expensive to buy.

>> No.9511921

Do you get one of these a day? That looks pretty good.

>> No.9511958

I dormed in highschool and I could get mres for cheap off a buddy, so I would always go to my room during lunch heat up the mre eat the meal portion and take the crackers and peanut butter for a snack during classes. I started to fall in love with eating the mres they were considerably better then the cafe food, the only downside was I was shitting constantly

>> No.9512010

Hey dude, go get some online. They vary from country to country where some have a higher rating than others. Italian MRE's rank pretty high, as do the Greeks.

Good for camping, going away, fishing, stuff like that. Not just for the army. There's even, if you dare, MRE's that are still available from the 1950's you can order and still eat because of the preservatives that are in them.

Go order some.

>> No.9512084

>doesn't upset your stomach
I nah dude several give me a need for alka seltzer later in the day

>> No.9512471

This guy gets it

>> No.9512483

stop pretending on the internet

>> No.9512517


>> No.9512569

steve makes them seem so appealing

>> No.9512634
File: 1.40 MB, 3000x1688, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post rare steves

>> No.9512815

Will Steve ever wear a shirt that I don't like?

>> No.9513060

You made it past those arms to the shirt??

>> No.9513084

you'll never get laid serving that shit

>> No.9513236

fuck thats a lot of rations

>> No.9513582

He looks like reviewbrah if he went into the military and got swole.

>> No.9514589

Ate them a lot in basic training. They're really not terrible, depending on the one you get. Buy some online for fun, I just wouldn't recommend eating them long term... not that anyone would want to.

>> No.9515012


>> No.9515031


>> No.9515072

i was just about to post about the veggie omelet, im sure it was made out of pure hatred. there was a day long mre and i cant remember the name of it, they were always rat fucked for the chicken and tuna packets.

>> No.9515112


>> No.9515113
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>> No.9515136


>> No.9515139 [DELETED] 


>> No.9515399

I had the chili with beans once and it did the job. Came with a packet of red pepper which greatly improved the flavor. You heated it with a chemical heater it comes with that you prop up on a rock or something. I'd eat it again if I were stuck in a hurricane again.

>> No.9515404

looks like a cat took a dump on the crackers.

>> No.9515421

I still remember my history teacher telling me about their MREs and rations in Vietnam. There was this one meal, they called 'ham and motherfuckers' because the food was so dry and hard you had to choke it down.

>> No.9516041

>let's get these three pallets out onto a tray

>> No.9517202
