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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 960x980, avocado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9498104 No.9498104 [Reply] [Original]

Is it an "acquired taste"? I don't get the avocado hype. It just taste like straight up butter.

>> No.9498110

Are you saying butter is an acquired taste? Kill yourself.

>> No.9498116

It's an overrated fruit. They're only good for meeting caloric needs.

>> No.9498119

I like eating butter.

>> No.9498120

it's a reddit food

>> No.9498122

Mix it with a little cream cheese and it tastes like a hard boiled egg I swear

>> No.9498131

Or spend 5 cents for an egg and boil some water.
I swear it works.

>> No.9498134

So only good for vegans who can't get their nutritions besides popping vitamins pills.

What does that even mean.

>> No.9498151

Great for keto too

>> No.9498173
File: 45 KB, 532x634, 1501316208080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the healthiest fruits around
>load with healthy fats that help your body organs
>even better with salt, pepper or any seasoning you wish
>it's reddit XDDD

I suppose McDonalds burgers with fries is the patrician of foods huh you uncultured swine.

He doesn't like it so therefore it's reddit.

>> No.9498201


Absolutely delicious fruits, they taste divine.

>> No.9498241

overrated imo
I sometimes get them when they're a dollar or less but usually not.

Can I make guacamole with durian?

>> No.9498605

No durian is way too sweet.

>> No.9498611

It’s okay parents would buy it a lot. My mom would just spread it on a slice of bread put salt on it and eat it. Guacamole also good

>> No.9498902

Some people seem to hope calling stuff reddit will somehow shock people away from it. Like sjw idiots calling everyone they don't like a nazi, or /pol/ fags calling everyone a shill.

>> No.9498909

You're an overrated fruit

>> No.9498946
File: 22 KB, 544x307, cumcake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

avies are patrician. i wish there was more to do with it other than just topping/guacamole.

you can make all kinds of guac if you get a little inventive. I like roasted corn in mine, roasted pepitas (pumpkin seeds for you nonspics) are good. pistachios and walnuts also add a bit of texture and flavor. bacon also pairs well with avies.

if anything you are the redditfag for knowing reddit tastes. (pic related) now kindly excuse yourself from here and go back to where you came from.

FUNFACT: Avacados will only ripen after they are picked.

>> No.9498952

Make avocado pie or an avocado milkshake

>> No.9498981

>avacado pie
never heard of it so i looked it up. is it any good? condensed milk? is it real tangy or extra sweet?

>> No.9498984

you can do more besides just toppings. avocado is amazing as a base for smoothies b/c it doesn't have a strong flavor while greatly enhancing texture + nutrition

>> No.9498989

>So only good for vegans who can't get their nutritions besides popping vitamins pills.
avocados dont contain b12 you retarded american. im not even vegan but kill yourself

>> No.9498997

Avocado on its own is pretty bland, but its strength is how it combines with things. The creamy texture and cool temperature create a really enjoyable contrast in otherwise warm and/or crunchy dishes. The weak flavor also means that you can use its creamy texture as a medium for a lot of different flavors, resulting in the wide variety of guacamoles and other avocado spreads/sauces.

>> No.9499192

>It just taste like straight up butter.

So it's true Americans have no palate?