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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 500x500, IMG_0370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9496222 No.9496222 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

>> No.9496227

murder 14-17 Guatemalans with a machete

>> No.9496232

absolutely nothing
shit tier ice cream bar

>> No.9496260

Never had it.
Did I miss anything?

>> No.9496263

Usually it's stuff you wouldn't normally do, Paco.

>> No.9496265

I'd pay retail price.

>> No.9496274
File: 867 KB, 3159x2106, Process-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like an ice cream sandwich but not as good.

>> No.9496277
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it's exactly the same as pic related except your hands get messy for no reason because there's no stick

all you are missing is sticky hands

>> No.9496285

Throw it in the trash and make a banana smoothie

>> No.9496306


my stepfather used to make me lay naked in the snow for fifteen minutes while my little sister threw snowballs at me and poured water on me for a klondike bar.

one time he said if i jumped through the ice in the apartment swimming pool, he'd give me a klondike bar, and then he locked me out and i was standing there wet and shivering for about half an hour while he watched football and pointed and laughed at me through the window.

he wouldn't let me use the shower until he had woken up and showered which was usually 3-4 oclock because then i might shower and he wouldn't have any hot water if he showered right after me so i'd take a bucket of hot water out to the shed and clean myself like that and pour it over my head before work, once he came out and caught me and got angry because it would cause ice to build up on the floor in the shed, and he hit me and stuff. later he said he felt bad and gave me a klondike bar and laughed.

>> No.9496329

That's ok. In acquiring the Klondike bar, I already had sticky hands.

>> No.9496721

I don't like the chocolate shell

>> No.9496729


then go fuck yourself

>> No.9496754


>> No.9496902

Shit my pants and test drive a bunch of new luxury cars

>> No.9497247

>not using the foil to hold the Klondike as you eat

>> No.9497273
File: 1.71 MB, 2592x1944, 15069118054051405845368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma gets me some tasty treats, boi.

>> No.9497282

Nice trigger discipline, faget.

>> No.9497312

The funny thing about that picture is that I had to keep on retaking it to get the right angle and whenever I thought it was good, I realized I was using trigger discipline. But, I wanted to look like an ignorant nigga so I had to keep reminding myself to put my finger back on the trigger before taking the picture. Kinda funny how unnatural no trigger discipline feels after you are around guns for a while.

>> No.9497313


more like nigger discipline, mirite

>> No.9497322

I hope it's not loaded at least.

Glocks' only safety is on the trigger, if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.9497327
File: 51 KB, 400x265, gravel1-400x265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shove a coarse piece of gravel up your urethra

>> No.9497341
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>> No.9497346


>> No.9497352

Fart on your face

>> No.9497355
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>> No.9497365

>guyz look i have a gun XDD
You're like the girls on here who make posts solely to tell people they're female

>> No.9497367
File: 135 KB, 601x391, magnum-bars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat a better ice cream bar

>> No.9497378


if you're a man, and you purchase these, you are a homosexual. no ifs, ands, or buts - that's the straight dope.

>> No.9497413


honestly my first instinct was to call the cops.

>> No.9497418


You are right, us manly men only eat things that taste like shit, like beer.

>> No.9497427

>oh no, someone has a gun! I better call some guys with guns to come save me from him!
I hope you're not American.

>> No.9497428

Imagine being this insecure about your own sexuality

>> No.9497435

absolutely correct, traditional ice cream sandwhiches are better in every way

>> No.9497473

/k/ is my home board. I come here a lot too though. Sometimes you bring along your interests to other boards. No big deal. Using my gun in a response to the OP on this thread was a joke. I don't go around shilling weapons on /ck/. Today I OP'd the brutal critique thread on here and posted in a few other threads too. Don't be the faggot who cries attention whore every time you see something different pop up.

>> No.9497494
File: 40 KB, 404x300, 1455148317664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9497523


i'm american. he's a nigger. if you see a nigger with a gun, you contact authorities.

>> No.9497545

You're a racist cunt is what you are. We prefer the term Basketball Americans , thank-you very much.

>> No.9498210

I don't think any of this is true but that is some dark shit either way.

>> No.9498285
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Buy one. I'm not entirely retarded sometimes.

>> No.9498296
File: 16 KB, 275x203, Choco_taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Opt for the Choco-taco instead.

>> No.9498313

I'd do anything for a blonde dyke

>> No.9498363

I got drunk at my buddy's house and passed out in the garage. I woke up to a freezer that had a pack of these inside.

I ate 4 of them and then drove home.

The next time I showed up with a fresh pack.

>> No.9498587

But i cant eat ice cream on sticks:( just the image of the stick on that picture gives me anxiety.