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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 69 KB, 900x900, cookinginrussia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9496041 No.9496041 [Reply] [Original]

Why do most youtube food channels not have a professional background? It's almost always cooklets teaching other cooklets

>> No.9496046

Because they're intelligent enough to know cooking should be a hobby, as the profession often has shit pay, shit hours, and is a breeding ground for degenerates and drug abusers.

>> No.9496050

But their knowledge reflects it, they're usually really shit if they haven't been in the profession, so why do people flock to them?

>> No.9496088


Why does anyone do anything. What kind of question is that? Equate it to a personable characteristic, easy access to recipes, or your typical drone individual who has been taught to be a free thinker wherein they're just another crowd follower. Who gives a shit. You can't find professionals giving easy access to cliche meme dishes because they're too busy working, getting drunk or shooting up. Those "professionals" that do are usually tatted hipsters trying to catch the next train to memeville and aren't worth a damn to watch anyway.

>> No.9496107


because most professionals only have enough free time to either do the non-cooking related things they enjoy when not working, or run a youtube cooking channel, and unsurprisingly choose the former.

>> No.9496117

there's such a thing as quitting your job

>> No.9496120

3 get for stupid threads

>> No.9496122


>> No.9496128

chef john is clasically trained and has done his time

>> No.9496131

>why does a media outlet designed originally for amateur content have so much amateur content?

>> No.9496142

Why would you quit your job for youtube of all things?
There was no money in it even before the "adpocalypse"

>> No.9496143


was that ... supposed to be insightful or something?

There's also such things as the sun, the concept of ennui, half-inch lugnuts and high-interest bank loans; none of these have anything to do with the original question, and neither does your comment.

>> No.9496154

Professionals are too busy getting paid.
Besides, cooking is a basic human function that everyone should be able to do and teach.

>> No.9496158

You can be a professional in your field but an amateur film maker.

>> No.9496203

I know plenty that do have professional background. Better yet, they're filmed in their restaurants' kitchen. Thing is, those are not popular.

And the ones that are popular, like, say, the Jamie Oliver, or Ramsey ones, you hate BECAUSE they are popular, and you can't have none of that now, can you. You need to feel special, so it has to be both better, while unpopular. Well, good luck with that, hipster.

>> No.9496246

It isn't "insightful", but it sure as hell invalidates the argument that professionals can't do youtube content because of their jobs, plenty of chefs change career, retire, etc.

>> No.9496256

It invalidates jack shit, there is zero incentive for a professional chef to quit his job and make youtube videos for penniless toddlers.

>> No.9496267

The same can be said for all professions, yet there are cooking shows on youtube.
A cook or chef might quit their job for other reasons than youtube, and still create youtube videos. It's a shit argument no matter how you look at it

>> No.9496290
File: 42 KB, 370x514, 1491186592213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait are you telling me Marie isn't a professional?

>> No.9496351

The only shit argument here is "why won't professional chefs quit their jobs for my entertainment even though there's literally zero incentive for them to do so?"

>> No.9496529
File: 137 KB, 600x591, IMG_0946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, don't forget to check out my new channel on technology

>> No.9496543


>tfw cooking in russia man is opening a restaurant in Helsinki and will probably never upload again


>> No.9497284

No one made that argument you retard. Are you incapable of reading?

>> No.9497314

They do it for the youtube money.
People watch them because they have good production values and are charismatic.

>> No.9497320

whcih restaurant?

>> No.9497326

Apparently renovating some nice building on the waterfront. It's his latest video I think

>> No.9497373

Sturgeons law. Any medium with a low barrier of entry will be mostly filled with amateurs. Hence why most forum/social media/image board posts aren't on the level of professional writing.

>> No.9497389

Yes because I would rather trust the cook at TGI Fridays than a guy who himself has been using his YouTube money to experiment with a bunch of different ingredients and mostly does it just to give the viewers a recipe and not teach them every aspect of cooking.

Also Chef John is a real chef

>> No.9497933

Most actual chefs I know have very abrasive and dry personalities not the best for trying to teach people made out of glass.Then their techniques might be perceived as too advanced for Suzy Homemaker to try to replicate.

Think of it as Barry Lewis vs Cooking in Russia. Even though Barry is the typical British dry and bland, he still has a sense of charm and whimsy that any normie could be captivated and follow along with. Where Cooking in Russia is so dry and to the point, it doesn't matter how impressive he is, the average home cook will find him boring

>> No.9498410

I find cookinginrussia charming, even if he's a bit spergy

>> No.9498464

>tfw live in helsinki :3

>> No.9499425

who cares about some dumb greenscreen its about the content

>> No.9499479

>Sturgeons law.
taking an adage by a science fiction forum for fact. for some reason you kind of prove his point while but then again it's just an adage so worth nothing


>> No.9499483


>> No.9499501


>> No.9499546
File: 90 KB, 900x900, photo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are plenty, they'll just never be as popular due to lack of personality and production skills.

you can get far with personality/looks and production skills

>> No.9499575
File: 1.08 MB, 1024x1365, satay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also, normies don't like to put the effort in for professional food. you won't ever see CookingInRussia shilled on reddit or any other sites because they're lazy. they probably dismissed Greg's entire channel after watching 30 seconds and seeing the low production quality.

>> No.9499616

While we're on the subject, are there any other good channels similar to CookinginRussia's style?

>> No.9499674

why do dumb people pretend cooking is difficult?
that's why the industry is full of drug addict retards, because finally someone with a sub100 iq is able to feel like they are accomplishing something

kitchen workers arent good at cooking, they are monkeys that repeat the same recipe over and over. they are basically data programmers

>> No.9499684

Take pics and share with us when he opens.

>> No.9499691

>dumb people
That's why

>> No.9499734
File: 55 KB, 700x595, amy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How fucking delusional are you thinking that professionals will automatically be better at teaching (and knowing) how to cook well? Tons of restaurants serve shit and sub-par foods. Most working there do nothing but just follow instructions and couldn't invent something special if their life depended on it.

Maybe you should just get your head out of your ass and take what you can get.

>> No.9499755

post e

>> No.9499762

Am I alone in feeling that I can hardly get myself to cook if it's too depressing? a long interactive process is much more engaging than some cheat meal that implies cut corners

>> No.9499765

You can be a shit professional.
but you can NEVER be a top tier amateur.

>> No.9499784

This guy is too busy to make YouTube videos but he has time to constantly be on quora arguing with christians lmao

>> No.9499795


>> No.9499824

>By “people”, you really mean religious people. Atheists do not ask questions about “god” any more often than they ask questions about flying pink unicorns. As for why the religious so often feel compelled to argue that their deity is real, it is because deep down they know it is unlikely at best. By trying to justify it, they scratch that perpetual itch. If they truly believed it 100% then they would not mourn the passing of good people. They would “know” that they are in heaven and happier than they could be here. They would not complain about abortions, or even the death of children, secure in their “knowledge” that they are in a better place. They want to believe, but in this age of science and facts, it is impossible to rationally believe in such things. They must refresh their brainwashing and practice tuning out facts constantly, lest they become atheists.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.9499837

This is kinda how I imagined him to be. Old man doesn't understand it's not cool to wear fedoras.

>> No.9499848

people with actual culinary backgrounds aren't usually high-achieving enough to slap together a youtube channel unfortunately. check "chaplin's restaurant" if you want just that though

>> No.9500179
File: 144 KB, 520x500, 1476107372707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally pages upon pages of nothing but fedora tipping and falling for obvious trolls

I'll make sure to leave a bible as tip when I visit his restaurant.

>> No.9500214

maybe he got diddled