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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 47 KB, 1000x1000, chopsticcks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9492623 No.9492623 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of chopsticks /ck/? Are they a meme utensil?

>> No.9492630

Their good for dipping fried dumplings

>> No.9492639

all utensils are memes

>> No.9492642

I use chopsticks for almost everything.

>> No.9492644

Lived in Asia for a couple years so I can use them like a native, although they only make sense for a few things like sushi and cut up bbq.

>> No.9492647

They're nice sometimes, they have a nice texture that can be pretty comfy to eat with. They're easy to use with food that's served in bite-sized chunks that can be lifted right off the plate and into your mouth, but reay can't be used with a lot of Western style dishes. If you don't know how to use them, they're easy enough to learn and can be a deceptively important part of appreciating Asian cuisines.

>> No.9492649
File: 48 KB, 500x554, ISTP master of tools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All utensils are tools and I love all forms of tools. Sometimes I will eat or cook with them just because it is fun.

>> No.9492661
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You can’t really use chopsticks until you’ve mastered slippery-as-fuck Korean stainless chopsticks.

>> No.9492675

Hands> forks>chopsticks

>> No.9492704

You got me man, I just use Chinese style ones 9 times out of 10.

>> No.9492714
File: 101 KB, 1000x1000, Fork-Wooden-Dinnerware-Set-Eco-Friendly-Reusable-Nanmu-Wood-Dinner-Salad-fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't live without them

metallic eating utensils are utter garbo

>> No.9492725
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The best in most cases are the throw-away wood ones. I particularly like the rolling de-burring ritual.

>> No.9492929

Chopsticks are objectively better than a fork for eating salad.

>> No.9492959

Than you can't use them like a native. If you know how to use them properly you can literally eat anything with them, they are extendable fingers.

If I don't feel like getting my hands greasy I'll use them to eat all sorts of finger foods, pizza, chicken wings, chips, really anything.

>> No.9492979
File: 28 KB, 400x380, the-fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to see that.

>> No.9492981

Post a video of you eating pizza with chopsticks.

>> No.9492987

Eating potato chips or fries with chopsticks would surely get you committed for crippling autism.

>> No.9492990

another guy that lived in china for a long time here. You CAN eat just about anything with chop sticks, but you'll look like a savage doing it. Remember chinamen have no problem having food running out of their mouth and their head leaned over the bowl.

>> No.9492992

don't buy metal chopsticks they are the ultimate meme

>> No.9492995

I believe they were a conspiracy by the s Korean government when the country was rapidly developing to save wood. Same as fan death.

>> No.9492997

Fan death is a uniquely retarded Korean thing, but how does it relate?

>> No.9492999

It was some rumour spread by the government to have people save electricity, just as metal chopsticks were a meme spread to save wood.

>> No.9493047

You get used to them... but it makes you think that in centuries of eating rice, not a single person in Asia thought of a spoon or fork and the best idea was two pieces of sticks??

>> No.9493049


There's definitely a time and a place for it. I don't do this shit in public, but when I'm at home eating at the computer I'll use chopsticks for sure. I hate getting my mouse or keyboard greasy.

Just think of how you would eat a slice of pizza only using your index finger and thumb. Put chopsticks underneath the slice at the back, pinch the crust to curl/fold the slice and than lift up and eat. The first couple bites might be a little awkward depending how long or floppy the slice is.

I go to the asian market and buy those giant bags of like 500 disposable chopsticks for $2 and use them for almost everything.

>> No.9493064

>you can literally eat anything with them

>> No.9493067

i'm so sick of /ck/ the "meme [ingredient/dish/pot/pan/utensil]" meme

>> No.9493077

drink out of the bowl

>> No.9493289
File: 98 KB, 1208x889, you are an idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are Asian spoons.

>> No.9493319

Already using them in my local cuisine (we love spoon&fork and chopsticks, not much love for fork&knife) but somehow, most of us get the grip wrong. But we don't use it on anything beside noodles anyway so I kinda say fuck it and never actually try to get it right. THis continues for 20 years.
But one day I get to live in Japan for reasons, and I get to use them everyday until my grip became correct. (naturally, in maybe six months) I can grab a seed, bean, or tofu with my eyes closed and now two sticks made much more sense as a utensil.

In short it's useful if you get it right. I'd not expect everyone to like it but if you think it's useless maybe you got the grip wrong. It's one of those Asian thing I can imagine Americans hate.

>> No.9493333

They're surprisingly useful for cooking. I don't eat with them much unless I'm having noodle soup or something.

>> No.9493337

Absolute mongoloid

>> No.9493347
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If you want to pick every piece individually out of the salad or if you have something a fork can't penetrate easily like raw carrots or radishes, maybe.
Otherwise it's better to get a nice stab full of everything.

>> No.9493448

This. Eat or cook just about anything with chopsticks. Only exceptions are soups (only ladels apply) and things cooked in ovens. Stir, scrape, flip, serve, shape, saute whatever the fuck with chopsticks. Good wooden chopsticks last forever, don't scratch off the Teflon coating on non stick pans, and can manipulate anything lighter than the density of wood. You can get really creative.

>> No.9493457

I eat just about everything with chopsticks, but not cook everything with them... perhaps I should correct this. The one thing that I do cook using them is bacon, there is no easier way to flip bacon.

>> No.9493463

>stabbing a crouton

>> No.9493470

Chopsticks > hands > forks

Virgin fork vs Chad chopsticks
Disposable equivalents are flimsy and impotent, the real deal are useful only as glorified skewers
Difficult to mass wash, reuse of utensils spreads germs if washers aren't diligent
Limited uses, cannot carry what it cannot penetrate
Easily bent prongs
Even disposable models are resilient, get a million for a dollar, no germs spread
Extension of your body
Lift things easily
Can replace any cooking tool but spoons
Grow on trees

>> No.9493472

Try cooking eggs (omelette maybe, don't recommend fried) with chopsticks. I've never made eggs without chopsticks. It's so easy, and similar techniques are scalable to meats, curries, and limited pastries.

>> No.9493483

Chopsticks are a really old meme, but they're a useful meme.

>> No.9493493

weeaboo signaling

>> No.9493506

I like to use them to pretend I'm a walrus

>> No.9493518

Use them when they are the provided utensil. Pretty damn simple.

>> No.9493916
File: 38 KB, 400x300, 424405236.g_0-w_g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot about Korea, anon.
Also, >>9493289.

>> No.9494265

Is that what the metal ones are? I grabbed a pack at an asian mart, they seem alright. I prefer wood, tho.

>> No.9494318

Asian here, I use them for Chinese, japanese, Korean food. They're really easy to use especially for rice.

I don't use it for other cuisine though. It may be weird but I use whatever is common for that cuisine. It just feels right, so if I'm having western food it's spoon/fork/knife, hands for Indian and Malaysian food, etc.

>> No.9495372

I just can't wrap my mind around them, when I go to an asian restaurant they employees probably make fun of me.

>> No.9495452

We don't care. We don't put forks and knives out by default unless someone asks, but, nobody cares if you want them.

>> No.9495489

It's a Confucianism thing.

>> No.9496990
File: 21 KB, 508x610, 1443304519764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't eat his fries with chosticks

>> No.9496998

I use them to cook with a lot, they're more versatile and will fuck up pans a lot less than a metal fork. They're only useful to eat specific foods, and most things chopsticks are easy to eat with are much easier to eat with your fingers (sushi etc).

>> No.9497074

When I said Asian, I meant Asian including Korea or anywhere else in Asia. Dumbfuck.

>> No.9497624

My bad.

>> No.9497639

lol fkn caucasian holding them sticks. No asian holds sticks THAT close to tip. I'm Mexican and know how to eat every grain of rice using chop sticks. Caucasians are pathetic in learning ANYTHING about other cultures/races.

>> No.9497651

That's also why they are the worst at learning a second language

>> No.9497678
File: 102 KB, 300x256, 1486363850107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order chinese
>get chopsticks
>"when in rome"
>noodles, chicken, easy peasy
>eat a few grains one by one
And thats when I switch to the fork.

I dont understand how gooks eat rice with chopsticks.

>> No.9498076

You gotta hold them parallel at just the right distance to scoop up a small bite. Though honestly fried rice is so fucking delicious, id rather just eat it with a spoon.

>> No.9498085
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 1481437083764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why they're mostly skinny, takes em an hour to eat or they just give up and starve. think i'll start using chop sticks now, might help me shed a few pounds.

>> No.9498090

I'm fucking trying this. Genius.

>> No.9499293

>have been eating rice a lot lately
>decide to attempt to eat it with chopsticks
>get the hang of it almost immediately
What's it like being mentally challenged?

Protip: plain rice is sticky enough that you can grab a bite with the chopsticks and it'll all stick together just fine. Dunno about fried rice, that would probably be a lot harder.

>> No.9499993

They're a stupid relic that Asians don't want to let go, because muh culture. There is no good excuse to keep using them.

On the other hand, if everyone was forced to use these unwieldy things, maybe the obesity epidemic would finally reverse, and everyone would become as slim as the japanese.

>> No.9500017

I picked up a pair of korean-style chopsticks and they're honestly not that hard to eat with, it might take some getting used to but it's really not that difficult.

>> No.9500018

>I dont understand how gooks eat rice with chopsticks.

Pick up the bowl near your mouth. Scoop with the sides of the sticks.

>> No.9500026

What's unweildy about them? You just give up too soon. Can you look back at how long it took you to use a knife and fork as a child?

>> No.9500067

It's not an issue whether you can use them well or not. Even if you're very adapt at using chopsticks, forks and spoons will be the more practical method.

>> No.9500096

I think it depends on what you're doing with them. I was raised with a knife and fork. I picked up chopsticks very quickly when I was a kid.

I think some foods are better suited to one or the other. Chopsticks have an advantage for certain things because of their precision. You can pick small pieces out of a complex dish far easier than you could trying to stab it with your fork. They're especially handy if you're eating "family style" and everyone is sharing the same dishe(s). You can pick up your food without touching the rest of the food on the plate.

But sure, for many things a knife & fork is preferable. I'm not sure why it has to be one vs the other. Different tools for different jobs.

>> No.9500146

All asian cultures use spoons as well as chopsticks and the chopsticks make a helluva lot of sense when much of your food is prepped in bite sized pieces and in the case of whole fish it's a simple matter to lift out a chunk off the carcass. They're more sanitary too since they don't have nooks and crannies where food can become lodged like forks.

Sounds like you're just butthurt because you're too spastic to learn to use them and bitter they got the best of you.

>> No.9500218

They're very convenient for getting Cheetos and the like from bags without getting orange dust on your hands.
Spoons and forks are unsuitable for this task.