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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 1000x1278, krack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9476654 No.9476654 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/ favorite rum? I was thinking of getting this? Is it good or am I just wasting my money?

>> No.9476669

Wasting your money.

Buy Plantation.

>> No.9476683

Not good stuff, but it was the best abv to cost ratio at the store by my house. Would_drink_if_desperate/10

>> No.9476686


price to quality ratio is good, its decent for what you pay.

>> No.9476690

Fuck these guys, Kraken is delicious and it gets you hammered. Mix it in cream soda.

>> No.9476708

>Fuck these guys, Kraken is delicious


>> No.9476710

> /ck/

>> No.9476713



>> No.9476717

Sailor Jerries is my favorite rum honestly, kraken usually just comes off as pretty heavy

>> No.9476718
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Don't care

>> No.9476729
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Honestly it’s Sailor Jerry’s, but I’m sorta ashamed to admit since I think it has a bad reputation.

>> No.9476731

Havana club or go home. Kidding of course it's a bitch to get stateside but it's my favorite. Puerto Rican or USVI rum like Cruzan is a good second though

>> No.9476732
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>> No.9476733
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I like Cruzan for my cheap rum

>> No.9476737

I like this one, or Mount Gay.

>> No.9476739

Every rum is beautiful if you drink it right

>> No.9476741

I like Kraken. It's sweet and easy to drink over some ice.

>> No.9476743

Pretty shitty.
Very little flavor but sailors is alright in my opinion.
Muh pirates.

>> No.9476746

My arfrican brother.

>friends from college only know bacardi, captain, and kraken
>Dude wtf is this rum looks stupid, you should get captain man you can't go wrong with the captain!

Love it with ginger ale

>> No.9476748

> denying things are enjoyable any way but the way you like
You know, I suppose you fit right in

>> No.9476757

Mah nigga, working on a bottle of 2year aged right now

>> No.9476773

Root beer is better

>> No.9476783

Maybe. I like that too.

>> No.9476786


>> No.9476805

Sailor is probably the best bang for your buck rum around. If you want to splurge and get fancy grab a bottle of Zaya or Zacapa which are aged spiced rums. Smoother, more complex, sipping rums ya know.

>> No.9476819

This guy. Listen to him, for he is wise.

>> No.9476831
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It's surprisingly good.

>> No.9476860

Plantation XO is good. I love kraken too, great taste although it gives me a really shitty hangover for some reason. Goes great with ginger beer.

>> No.9476879
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>> No.9476885

I have no idea what that is, but Ron Zacapa Centenario is the greatest, imo. It is more like cognac than rum.

>> No.9477018
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Had this at a rum bar in sf. Shit changed my life. It was smokey, spicy, and a nice caramel after taste with no taste of alcohol.

>> No.9477028
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Because I'm a cheap motherfucker and I'm just going to mix it anyways

>> No.9477101

this for cheap

Flor de Caña 12 year aged, sipped on the rocks for an experience you deserve at least once in your life

>> No.9477120

Just get something cheap and add a cube or two of sugar to the bottle. It'll taste the same as something aged for much longer.

>> No.9477135

I thought that shit was so sugary I could only manage one sip. I'm not really big on sweets in general, so take that with a grain of salt. I have a bottle that's currently 3/4 full and has survived three years of holiday parties, so guests aren't digging it either. I think I'm just keeping it around because the label looks cool.

>> No.9477147

Also, Kraken jokes are kind of funny.

>> No.9477162

doesnt matter if it tastes good its in a qt bottle buy it

>> No.9477186


My college dormmate and I used to say "If you battle the kraken, it will sink your ship"


>> No.9477233

Had Anneversario recently. The finish on these aged dark rums is very interesting--feels like a shot of espresso or something. The nice leather bag made it an interesting birthday gift for my friend.

>> No.9477284



>> No.9477291

It always starts out with clash of the titans/pirate jokes and devolves into Kraken my butt shit. Even if this rum sucks, it's worth having out at a party, imo.

>> No.9477406
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kraken is high proof and heavily spiced. not good to drink straight imo, but i love it in mixers. its my go to rum for rum and cokes, especially if you can score vanilla coke. some people find it too sweet, but to each his own. plus if you buy a handle, sometimes you get an awesomely cheesy shot glass, pic related.

>> No.9477427

Kraken is good but it's really, really sweet. If you're planning on mixing it with soda you're going to get diabetes.

I use Kraken for making fruity rum drinks.

>> No.9477457


wow, what the fuck?

Larry, is that you? thought i was the only one on this board who likes sailor Jerry

i also like kraken tho.

>> No.9477459
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2/3 of the times I've thrown up from drinking have been when I drank Kraken.

Never drinking this poison again. From now on it's only Sailor Jerry or Goslings black seal

>> No.9478092

dr pepper is where its at

>> No.9478111
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always relevant

>> No.9478152

Kraken's the best shit I've found for rum & coke.
With any other brand you get a clash between the flavours, but with Kraken it just blends, and it's fucking beautiful.

>> No.9478168

Aaand that's why I need to read the whole thread before replying.
My coke-mixing comrade!

>> No.9478187

might as well drop zaya off that list. they changed it to a shitty blend and kept the $35 price tag. I was disappointed to say the least

>> No.9478192
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>> No.9478201

>goslings bermuda black

You clearly know what you're talking about, so I might give Sailor Jerry a try now

>> No.9478211


>> No.9478219
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>> No.9478231
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>not getting the signature frothy head of Old Sam Demerara and coke

You're not living your life correctly

>> No.9478589

Kraken is alright but it's not amazing, it's a bit too sweet

>> No.9478746

Expensive mixer, too cheap to drink straight.

>> No.9478769

My nigga. It's good straight.

>> No.9478844

you should get castillo silver
it's about as good as a bottom shelf can get

>> No.9478860

Used to be really good, but they changed the recipe some years back and it's not so good anymore.

>> No.9478879


>> No.9478919
File: 66 KB, 700x700, ron_image3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bacardi gold was my go-to rum when I was drinking daily.

The best rum I've ever had, though, was pic related.

>> No.9479511

I used to love this shit so much but after one night where I ended up crawling to the toilet, I can't even smell it without gagging.

>> No.9479517

Lady fucking Bligh with Vanilla Coke

>> No.9479587

Kraken is a candy you can drin. I'm a smith and cross man.

>> No.9479602

Zacapa or Matusalem. I'd rather buy a good bottle of ron once in a while rather than spending the same price for 10 watered down cocktails or beers outside.

>> No.9479607

Spiced rum that isn't arse go

>> No.9479874


>> No.9479879

the drink of my college years. Chased with OJ tastes just like a creamsicle

>> No.9479900
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>> No.9479925

Kraken is probably my favorite rum. It mixes well and even tastes alright enough straight if you're pirating up. My favorite mixed is called and Inception (similar to a LIIT) with rum and sprite to taste.

It also cuts well with root beer due to it's vanilla hints.

>> No.9480025
File: 388 KB, 800x800, rum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Serious rum drinker here. Had to cut back recently though.

Pic related is my all time favorite rum, and I'd personally rate it as a top10 or even top5 of all rum I've had.
It's not expensive really, about 30$ a quart (750ML) here. But for the flavor its a serious bargain.

Other noteable rum which is as good (or better, in some cases). El Dorado (i like the 12) Anniversario (some anon mentioned the leather bag) Flor de cana, some appleton products are ok, some are downright nasty.

Gosling's black seal is very nice, havana club is acceptable (i kind of place it at the old sam level)

If you drink kraken, or sailor jerry i'm honestly baffled. I can't drink those, they taste like artificial vanilla extract and fake flavors and sweetness. I actually gagged when I tried them. Power to you if you enjoy them, I just like rum that tastes like rum and doesn't have some weird ass chemicals in it masking the shitty flavor.

That stuff is gross.

Not to go autist or snob, I like getting fucked up when I drink at least 30% of the time, I just suggest you all try at least some el dorado, or if you're in eastern canada (not sure where else it sells) try pic related.

Pro tip: be sure your rum and coke has ice made from filtered/bottle water, and add a healthy splash of water on top of the cocktail, use less coke. As a seasoned boozer, i go with like 2 full shot glasses of rum, 2 of coke, maybe 3, and a shot glass of water. Large ice cubes, square glass so people can identify your drunk rummy ass from a distance.

For girls, add a hint of lime, or a marachino cherry, and use more coke of course.

>> No.9480062

Ahh, the Doc Oc.
Good choice.

>> No.9480073

fucking this it's not some amazing cum ur pants rum but god damn does it mix well

>> No.9480133

Kraken tastes like cheap candy, it's the ketchup of the rum world. Get Zaya, or any Venezuelan rum. Whatever you get should have been aged at least three years, preferably more.

>> No.9480196
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>Buy Kraken dark rum
>buy cheap supermarket-brand cola for mixer

>> No.9480261

Kraken has an aftertaste/aroma of rubbing alcohol for me. It's not very high on my list, but definitely gets the job done.

> mynigga.jpg
This is probably at the top of my list for reasonably-priced rum.

IIRC, mount gay as a very smoky aroma. Not a fan of this, since I always end up with heartburn.

This is my go-to cause I'm a cheapskate. It does have a very artificial flavor straight, but good enough for a mixer with coke and a couple of cherries.

>> No.9480272
File: 206 KB, 1000x1000, ron-diplomatico-reserva-exclusiva-rum-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THIS SHIT will change your life. Also the younger varieties are amazing for the price.

>> No.9481086

this guy. its cheap but still tastes great in coke,mixed drinks or on its own. thats just my opinion but im not picky anyways. my go to rum

>> No.9481277

If all you're doing is buying the rum to mix in some cheap pepsi then just buy the cheap store rum too, it's 95% there in taste as if you were using kraken.

>> No.9482005

Pyrat xo gold planters reserve, pre 2005.

Tasted like sweet butter, so wonderfully smooth.

Had half a bottle left until my friends alcoholic wife murdered it without asking.

Friend then told me it was my fault for leaving it "out" and that I should be more careful around alcoholics.

Anywho, don't try the new shit. It's garbage.

Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.9482045

I'm more of an Appleton Estate guy, myself, but there isn't really anything wrong with Kraken, especially for things you don't want to use high-tier rum for like cakes or mixes. That being said, Kraken is still pretty decent for what you're paying.

>> No.9482118

Are there more of these for other spirits?
Like tequila?

>> No.9482630

liquid form of crack cocaine

>> No.9482749

This is the true choice of sailors

>> No.9482755

All the sailors I know drink Kraken ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.9483001
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only ones I have aside from the rum are whiskies

>> No.9483008
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>> No.9483015

all the sailors I know (myself included) drink mount gay or goslings black seal

>> No.9483182

Beautiful, my dad drinks this after switching when Zaya fucked up

>> No.9483193

It's so fucking good.

>> No.9483209

>High west
Aka MGP shirt rye blended in Utard

>> No.9483748

Can somebody please translate?

>> No.9483755

Don't get gimmick shit or spiced rum (kraken, captain).

Get real rum:


>> No.9483779

I just drink Flor de Caña

>> No.9483820

Sazerac is trash

>> No.9483830

FYI this stuff is dirt dirt cheap if you go to Nicaragua.

>> No.9484021

I have an open bottle of Sailor Jerry right now, need to open a bottle of 7 year Havana Club from Cuba. Haven't had it straight yet, only had it there with coke

I'm not sure if I'll buy Sailor Jerry again, it tastes really strongly of a single flavor that's like a lightly smoky vanilla. Probably will just stick to gin for a while after this

>> No.9484026

Does anyone else here drink rum with pineapple juice?

>> No.9484048

I like Gin and Pineapple juice. Rum doesn't seem like it'd go well

>> No.9484090

I've never tried gin with pineapple juice.

Rum with tonic water and a slice of lemon goes alright.

>> No.9484092

Forreal though, if you're looking for a basic rum for mixing with Coke or other such stuff you could do way worse than this. For all that it's associated with the rum world's harbinger of mediocrity, this one in particular is way better than it has any right to be. Reasonably smooth, nice taste with a ton of vanilla (hence its mixing well with Coke) and it's like $20 for a bottle.

>> No.9484103
File: 24 KB, 308x385, 498982_0_9999_med_v1_m56577569855194544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried this rum?

It's on special at my local liquor store.

>> No.9484119

Jerry’s is for mixing eg with Coke.

>> No.9484125

It's a pretty good combo. Best with white rum instead of spiced or dark, so it's not something I normally go for, but it's not bad.

>> No.9484143

Pusser's Navy Strength or bust

>> No.9485762

fuck you

>> No.9485769

Shit, that stuff is $35 a bottle where I live. Worth every penny though.

>> No.9485832
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I like it

>> No.9485836
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Also this

>> No.9485841
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Or this if you like your rum sweet, cheap and strong.

>> No.9485897

Every time I get drunk on kraken with my friends we call it a squid party. Pretty gay IMO but it has the best ethanol per $ at the liquor store.

>> No.9485935
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Woods Navy rum is great, Old J as well, even if the lime and vanilla flavour is too strong on its own.

This or Red Leg is my go to for general purpose drinking since you can find it at reasonable prices fairly often. Of course there's much better stuff out there, but when you get through at least a bottle a week it's a good compromise.

>> No.9485937

>squid party

>> No.9485983

hey captain jack...i think i know where your rum went... ;)

>> No.9486007

Incredible product with an incredible success story. One of the few spirits that became popular almost exclusively by word of mouth.

>> No.9486035

Tricky lil shit

>> No.9486152


>Havana Club 7yo
>Haven't had it straight yet, only had it there with coke

what the fuck are you doing stop it now

>> No.9486159
File: 12 KB, 500x500, j-wray-and-nephew-white-overproof-rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all others need not apply

>> No.9486173

Go back to tumblr

>> No.9486198

So serious, try this shit with Mountain dew

It's awesome. Tastes like Christmas magic

>> No.9486221

>white rum
for what purpose

>> No.9486227
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>white rum


>> No.9486228

Not him but daiquiris

>> No.9486230

That stuff is terrible, even for white rum.

>> No.9486235

Always better with amber rum.

>> No.9486239
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Who else /gay/ bois?

>> No.9486263
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Try both. The white is great, has a creme brulee kinda taste.

>> No.9486271

Mix Kraken with some ginger beer and a splash of pineapple juice.

You’re welcome.

>> No.9486319

What you meant to say was mix Goslings, ginger beer and lime.

You're weclome.

>> No.9486323

Yes. About 6 Bottles in so far.

Baron Samedi is probably the best & cheapest dark spiced you can get. I prefer it over Kraken.

Probably the only rum I could care to drink straight. Like a baby man, I drink it primarily 50/50 with diet coke whenever I need to be non-sober.

>> No.9486335
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The pineapple gives it a very nice lignering fruit flavor.

>> No.9487627

I've never put lime in a dark and stormy before, will try sounds great

>> No.9488745

sailor jerry is fucking awful

>> No.9488756


>> No.9489357

Guessing Blackheart Rum must be below average if no one is mentioning it. It's always advertised on Bellator but not available in my country.

I mix with ginger ale so Jerry, Morgan and Gay all taste the same.

>> No.9489618

Thank you anon. I thought I was purely among plebs. Also want to add Old Monk, Zaya, and Mt Gay extra old

>> No.9489649


>> No.9489793

XO is the superior Mount Gay but this stuff's pretty great, too.

>> No.9489839

Question from an Anonymous that's never had rum before. What are the main taste difference between rum, spiced rum, dark rum, and Agricole rum? Should I stay away from "mainstream" brands? I don't really like the taste of alcohol so I'm trying to move from whiskey to something I'm told tastes "smoother". Which ones should I try?

Tl;Dr first time drinking rum if I had to taste one which is the smoothest/more universally pallet pleasing and isn't a "mainbrand"

>> No.9491021

>difference between rum, spiced rum, dark rum
Spiced rum is rum with cinnamon and vanilla in it. Used to be expensive and fancy but now is poo-pooed, a well made rum generally has notes of spices in it naturally.
If it tastes good then there's nothing wrong with it though.
Dark rum has more molasses in it and is probably aged more. Excellent with ginger beer.

>Should I stay away from "mainstream" brands?
Only if you want to be a hipster.
As an incorrigible hipster myself I generally avoid Captain Morgan, but not for any rational reason.

>> No.9491503

Stuff will eat right through a Styrofoam cup.

>> No.9491509

Lifetime customer here.

>> No.9491900

It's super fucking sweet and basically only good for mixing or novelty.

I like Appleton Estates rum for a decent rum to have on hand.

>> No.9491906

>Should I stay away from "mainstream" brands?
Drinking mainstream brands is done by two types: people who don't know SHIT about rum, and people who know quite a bit about rum.

Dilettantes avoid the mainstream because they think it makes them cool

Bacardi for instance actually makes some legit great stuff but the hipsters avoid it because the brand is associated with nasty mixers and bacardi silver

>> No.9491915

Probably not the best rum, but it never treated me badly. It's a little rough but its ABV will do you good, Good price too.

>> No.9491928

What rum is the best cheap rum? Seems to be a lot of variety in here, so reading the thread did nothing for me.

>> No.9491943

Plantation 20 year. 40 bucks at total wine.

>> No.9491954

The difference in cost between bad rum and pretty good rum is so minimal there is no reason not to drink pretty good rum

Central american rums are usually a little more interesting than english caribbean rums. French caribbean rums tend to be a little more expensive but not much more.

So if you're looking for a middle ground, spend a buck or two extra and get central american rum.

>> No.9491980

If you're looking for spiced rum, see >>9476831

>> No.9491990

"Spiced rum" isn't rum any more than "american cheese" is cheese

>> No.9492027

It is just rum with spices, senpai.

>> No.9492442

i love kracken i have yet to mix it with vanilla coke which is apparently god tier because where i live vanilla coke is limited

>> No.9492472
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They make this around the corner from my house. It's nice.

>> No.9492679


What Bacardis would you recommend?

>> No.9492816
File: 32 KB, 302x400, 51AAA03-FAL._SY400_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's mild and tasty.

>> No.9492832

Hell yeah.

This is my favorite alcoholic anything bar none.

I'm honestly scared that it will become more popular by word of mouth and will become more expensive or harder to find.

>> No.9492849

Hmm. Seems I posted that first part earlier but it was still in the drafts of my browsing app

>> No.9492854

Same for me. Good taste to price ratio.

>> No.9492877

Brugal extra viejo is my go to good booze.
MGP is a massive industrial scaledistillery. They contract brew for a ton of seemingly small "craft" producers who then just slap a label on it. There's more to it than that, but it's still a corner cut.

>> No.9493197

>tfw love rum's flavor
>its the only liquor that makes me throw up

Kill me.

>> No.9494730

i love rum

>> No.9495532

Got some Cape Coral up in here? I wish the Sams Club across the street would stock the spiced, good few dollars cheaper than anywhere else I could find them.

Not the greatest, but not at all bad esp for the $, "it's nice" is pretty accurate.

>> No.9495553

It means Utah is a scam. Everything is just for pretty packaging, not the quality of the product.

>> No.9495737
File: 75 KB, 1673x761, Picture 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my rum

>> No.9495765

Having tried none of those and simply judging from a glance, from left to right;




>> No.9495776
File: 131 KB, 187x480, mount gay rum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no homo, i love this stuff

>> No.9495784

alck here. This anon is correct.

Though I am currently enjoying a Sailor Jerry chased w/ A&W. No, I'm not squatting in a trailer home.

>> No.9495806

just opened them all and jonahs curse seems the best but did cost $2 and the others were around a buck

>> No.9495847

straight or mixed?

I don't really sip it... but its good for rum dominant cocktails ( not rum and coke)

>> No.9495854

I was super confused about those prices because I was certain they were 750s and not 50s when I looked at the pic. I really need some sleep. Glad to see I can still judge a book by its cover, though.

>> No.9495857

Why is Myers rum so shit? It's supposed to be authentic and good, but it's nasty blackstrap garbage.