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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9476431 No.9476431 [Reply] [Original]

So I just found out I'm allergic to eggs yesterday, and while its not a serious problem, I'm trying to wrap my head around life without them. What do you guys eat for breakfast that doesn't involve eggs? Or if you do eat them a lot like I do (did?), what do you have with em?

A nice piece of steak, eggs over easy and fried yellow rice is probably my favorite breakfast ever

>> No.9476440

I'm trying to wrap my head around the concept of egg allergies. firstly, I didn't know you COULD be allergic to eggs, secondly, is it chicken eggs, or eggs in general? Thirdly, is it anything that contains eggs in general? as in no cakes, brownies, cookies, etc? and how severe a reaction are we talking here? my wife's allergies manifest in asthma symptoms, what happens to you?

>> No.9476441

in one of the webm threads there was a recipe for making vegan eggs

>> No.9476444
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Hash browns and sausage links with a cup of coffee and the smell of napalm.

>> No.9476457

i even didnt know i was allergic til yesterday, so its very serious, apparently. gonna do a six week trial without them and see if anything changes. my gf, however, is super allergic to eggs, milk and a few other things - if i eat any of it and kiss her she'll turn red there and start itching like a rash for half an hour. if she eats it, her throat will close up and she'll die

>> No.9476481

Sheeeeeit... Again though, can you eat cake? with dairy and eggs I mean, and can she? I'm genuinely curious, a friend of mine has a deathly allergy to tomatoes unless they're cooked.

>> No.9476491

There are substitutes for their use in baked goods but I've never tried them. As far as OP's breakfast goes - is steak/eggs/rice your regular breakfast, or a weekend thing?

Some of my non-egg breakfasts, in decreasing order of frequency:
>banana, yoghurt, psyllium husk, and chocolate shake
>overnight oats, some fruit and nuts on top
>hotdogs and a quarter of a pineapple

>> No.9476494

>What do you guys eat for breakfast that doesn't involve eggs?
Oatmeal or overnight mueslix, assorted toppings of yogurt, granola, fresh or dried fruits, nuts, jam, jellies or fruit spreads.
Plain greek yogurt, sprinkles of flavorings like za'atar, olive oil, nuts, fruits, breads on the side. Think mediterranean pita and dips from babaghanouj to hummus to salads.
Cuban coffee and a ham croquette or meat empanada or just cuban toast.
Arepa made with milk and little bit of sugar, pan fried. Serve with sauteed chicken,cheese, chorizo or ham, or even steak. Salsas.
Molletes, bean and cheese broiled toasts with fresh salsa.

You don't have to restrict yourself to traditional breakfasts of course. Do an open faced sandwich like the scandinavians do. Salami, cheese, tomato, cucumber, onion, etc. There can be smoked fish dish, or even a chicken salad. Soups are breakfast around the world, simmered overnight, from pho to bean or cornmeal soups.

My lazy breakfast is a whole banana, oatmeal granola bar, coffee. I adore watermelon in the morning, and often eat leftovers, from cold pizza to spinach dip on toast to a cold pasta salad like chicken-peanut thai style or curry chicken with apples and walnuts, and it's all even better on toast. Frozen fruit goes into a blender with yogurt, some kind of fiber like chia, wheaties or wheat germ, and sweetener of choice from honey to vanilla sugar. You could make your fried rice without eggs of course. Keep some stir fry veggies on hand in the freezer ready to go and use another protein like some edamame shelled.

>> No.9476533

It's been a while since I've even gone out of my way to celebrate breakfast as a thing, it's another meal and I eat what I hunger for. I do try to boot up with something light, but these include chicken fried steak with toast and a cup of coffee, biscuits and gravy, with a side of salad, hash browns and bacon, or, as someone else pointed out, sandwiches and soup are a good option. Nothing warms the chilled bones in the morning like grilled cheese and tomato soup. Yeah, eggs are a thing you'll miss, but after a while it'll just be something you don't look into at the grocer. Shame though, they're a really inexpensive and quick solution to a lot of meals.

>> No.9476629

she cant eat any of the above as any kind of ingredient. im technically allergic to egg whites but i cant see myself just eating yolks so fuck it, im going to try and avoid them altogether.

steak and eggs is a rarity but a favorite. normal breakfast is either ramen with bok choy, dried shitake, scallions and an egg (sometimes shrimp or pork if i'm in the mood), or 2 eggs, grits/bread and some kind of meat (ham, bacon or sausage). eat lots of egg and bacon sandwiches when im out working.

>> No.9478220

I'd dump her. Couldn't live that way, too much sacrifice.

>> No.9478226

who the fuck has time to cook eggs and a fucking steak for breakfast?

>> No.9478241
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you can substitute eggs with blood in most baking recipes.

pig blood, but also human blood if you wanna be fucking disgusting.

>> No.9478248

people with proper time management skills.

>> No.9478252

Everyone if they dragged their lazy arses out of bed a bit earlier.

>> No.9478357

>proper time management skills
you just get up early.

>> No.9478386

That sucks, man. Eggs are used in a lot of dishes and sauces.

I usually eat 2 croissantes filled with ham and cheese , a piece of fruit and coffee on the side. It's enough to fill me up till lunch.

>> No.9478497

Lucky for you, I strongly dislike the taste and smell of eggs. The majority of my breakfasts don't involve eggs at all. I work in retail so I frequently have to be at work very early in the morning, so my breakfasts are usually prepared and eaten in less than 30 minutes anyway. That usually means a bowl of cereal and a cup of coffee, or two pieces of toast with peanut butter and a cup of coffee. When I actually have time to make a breakfast on the kind of level as steak and eggs (or get one from a restaurant), I usually go for one of these meals:
>sausage biscuit with hasbrowns
>pecan wafffles and bacon
>hashbrowns with bell peppers and sausage
>toasted bagel with bacon
And I always have a cup of coffee regardless. Frankly I don't know how anyone really enjoys eggs, especially the way most people cook them. Smells and tastes like sulfur and farts. Anyway, breakfast without eggs is simple and delicious.