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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9476317 No.9476317 [Reply] [Original]

Where do you get YOUR protein? Instead of worrying about how much protein we're getting, we should focus more on the SOURCES of our protein. Protein in our foods comes packaged together with other things that can either be harmful or healthful, depending on the source.
Protein from ANIMAL sources comes packaged with saturated fats; cholesterol; antibiotics; hormones including IGF1, estrogens, & progesterones; heme iron; choline & L-carnitine which are transformed into TMAO; heterocyclic amines; polyaromatic hydrocarbons; industrial pollutants such as mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls, & dioxins; advanced glycation endproducts; & neu5GC.
These compounds are linked to inflammation, atherosclerosis, tumor cell growth, oxidative stress, insulin resistance, endocrine disruption, unhealthy weight gain, increased acid load, & negative changes in our gut bacteria. Even when we buy organic or grass-fed, we still get almost all of these noxious elements - they are inherent to the foods themselves.
In contrast, protein from PLANT sources comes packaged with polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, fiber, & thousands of additional health-promoting phytonutrients including vitamins, polyphenols, & other antioxidants.
This combination is a winning one, as it lowers oxidative stress and inflammation, increases insulin sensitivity, promotes a healthy gut microbiome, & reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Alzheimer's, gout, kidney stones, & fatty liver disease, among others. Plant protein has even been shown to decrease the risk of premature death compared to animal protein.
We can get all of the protein we need from plants. So the choice is yours. Where will you get your protein?

>> No.9476326


>> No.9476337

holy FUCK red = bad

think im gonna stick with meat, tastier and easier to incorporate into my meals in a way that i'll actually want to eat what i end up with

>> No.9476344

Fish is good as hell for you dumbass

>> No.9476351

Much good all that queer shit will do you when i've got your twig vegan neck in a chokehold fucking pussy ass bitch

>> No.9476353

Hot beef injections, of course.

>> No.9476391
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>> No.9476423

>touching a vegan

>> No.9476489

I prefer hot dog injections myself.

>> No.9476495

You forgot to list phytoestrogens, which give you manboobs and breast cancer. Yay for tofu, the carcinogenic meat substitute!

>> No.9477380

I eat naturally, i.e. omnivorous. Veganism is not a diet, it's an eating disorder.

>> No.9477491

Mercury is not a source of protein, nor is antibiotics or dioxins.

>> No.9477537

>Where do you get YOUR protein?
Whey protein, Pea protein isolate, rolled oats and sometimes lean quark.
Mixing sources increases bioavailability.
For example:
Rice and sesame seeds
Bread and sesame seeds
Bread and sunflower seeds
Vegetable soup and bread
Corn and soya
Wheat and soya
Wheat bread and beans
Beans and rice

All score 100+ when combined, since each protein source has some kind of imbalance of essential amino acids.
If you combine them correctly , you can reduce that umbalance and therefore increase bioavailabilty.

>> No.9477544


>> No.9477546

I like you

>> No.9477548

Greek yogurt and meat for me

>> No.9477571

>Mixing sources increases bioavailability.
Source? I've only heard that mixing creates a complete protein which is different from bioavailability.

>> No.9477577


>> No.9477707

Instant oats, milk, peanut butter and eggs.

>> No.9477729

I'm on the keto diet so all I eat is basically every meat and fat I can get my hands on along with a lot of vegetables. No carbs. Doctor says I'm pretty healthy too.Though, I do think that maybe we need to source our meats better, but since I actually have a life outside of thinking about whether my bacon was from a pig in a farm or a pig locked in a factory pumped full of drugs...ehhh. Anyways, if you wanna do vegan, cool. You do you. By the way, diabetes diagnosis actually started to rise around the same time when a shit ton of sugars and grains were advertised on television. What did the standard American diet look like circa 1960? Mostly bacon and eggs in the morning and a glass of milk or coffee. Soda consumption wasn't that high either. What does our breakfast look like now on average? A whole bowl of cereal. There is a shit ton of sugar in there. Now, I'm not saying that sugar is bad. It's our consumption society that makes a collective conscience want to binge on sugar. In fact, we as a collective society want to binge on everything. Humanity as a whole is absolutely terrible at individual self-control. So, if you want to change minds, you need to appeal to that consumption hive-mind on many different points. Having only a vegan point makes you kind of boring.

>> No.9477730

Hot pockets.

>> No.9477758

Why do vegans enjoy shitposting so much?

>> No.9478190

Lol only so many vegan old people right :^)

>> No.9478204

>be medfag
>Constantly hear professors mention how vegans are so hard to treat
No wonder there are so few of you

>> No.9478212

Really? People with advanced food autism are difficult to deal with?

>> No.9478225

They are opinionated, manny have nutritional deficiencies few know a thing about nutriology (and the ones who do follow a diet that is unflexible and comparable to a bomb diffuse Operation in how delicate the balance is) and are ver prone to follow trends from Buzzfeed

>> No.9478228

OP, you write like a Woman
Are you a Woman?
You are a Woman

>> No.9478251
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Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease.

by Sarah Knapton

Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.

Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.

But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

>> No.9478254



Veganism has direct causation of cancer, not just correlation.

Why are vegans hiding this data from the world?

>> No.9478264


Might want to correct your headline to match your own article...

> The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters

>> No.9478270
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>In contrast, protein from PLANT sources comes packaged with polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, fiber, & thousands of additional health-promoting phytonutrients including vitamins, polyphenols, & other antioxidants.

And don't forget Kids!

Eat 12 to 15 servings of fresh, delicious Monsanto Certified(tm) organic products from your local Whole Foods today!

>> No.9478334


Monsanto is doing a great fucking job of brainwashing impressionable little liberals.

>> No.9478351

this sentence doesn't make any sense anon, liblabs are leading the march against GMOs ya dingus

>> No.9478373
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>> No.9478383


It's not brainwashing!!! Liberals CHOOSE to be vegans, not only because of monsanto advertising.

>> No.9478422

>anti-industry anti-biotech ludditism
>not liberal

>> No.9478473

I don't speak Arabic.

>> No.9478540
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I only eat animal protein - being healthy is overrated.

>> No.9478557

>Where do you get YOUR protein?
From raw chicken, like other murdering imperialist rapists.

Get a life, gayboy.

>> No.9478574

>The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters


Why do vegans hide these facts from the public?

At least the meat industry will straight up tell you that eating a pound of bacon every meal will give you a heart attack.

Why can't the Agriculture industry be honest with their dangers & risks? Why must BigAgra keep pretending their GMO foods and pesticides aren't toxic and cancerous?

>> No.9478583


fuck off dumbass

>> No.9478584

>At least the meat industry will straight up tell you that eating a pound of bacon every meal will give you a heart attack.
>Why can't the Agriculture industry be honest with their dangers & risks? Why must BigAgra keep pretending their GMO foods and pesticides aren't toxic and cancerous?

Hello? Have you even heard of a company called Monsanto? They own the FDA.


The man in charge of the FDA is no other than the ex CEO of Monsanto.

Just let that sink in for a minute.

>> No.9478591
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>Where do you get YOUR protein?
From a piece of meat instead of 30lb of spinach

>> No.9478596

you should remove your tinfoil hat and think again

>> No.9478604

also why are vegans so fucking obnoxious cunts?

>> No.9478612

80% increase and 40% more could be the same amount though.

>> No.9478617

>The man in charge of the FDA is no other than the ex CEO of Monsanto.

Literally putting a corporate CEO in charge of our food safety....

And since Michael Taylor's appointment, zero studies have come out showing pesticide treated vegetables are carcinogenic or pose a health risk.

In fact, several major studies linking vegetarian diets to cancer have been "de-publicized" upon his request.

I can see you 'mericans have zero concept of "conflict of interest."

>> No.9478647

fun fact, most of the world don't give two shits about the FDA

>> No.9478662
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>most of the world don't give two shits about the FDA, which is owned by Monsanto

I'm just going to laugh at your ignorance for a while....

>> No.9478665



>> No.9478669
File: 96 KB, 940x627, Monsanto 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the world don't give two shits about the FDA, which is owned by Monsanto


>> No.9478674
File: 97 KB, 340x227, World Loves Monsanto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most of the world don't give two shits about the FDA, which is owned by Monsanto

lol x 9000

>> No.9478680
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>>most of the world don't give two shits about the FDA, which is owned by Monsanto

laughter, continued...

>> No.9478688

>were do you get your protein from

>> No.9478701

No mention of pesticides, fertilizers, phytoestrogen, nonheme iron, or oxalates. Dioxins only listed under the left side (lol). Heme iron is a bad thing apparently.

Very little protein on the right side of OP's pic. No mention of B12, DHA, or that many nutrients are more bio-available when obtained from animal sources.

>> No.9478703

The fuck does this have to do with vegans, GMOs, or pesticides, retard? They're reporting on a genetic variant that allows for more efficient elongation of SC-PUFA to LC-PUFA. It just so happens to be more common in cultures consuming less animal-based foods, probably because they have diets are lower in preformed LC-PUFA. An imbalanced amount of dietary n-6 SC-PUFA relative to n-3 SC-PUFA is more common in some of these vegetarian (not vegan) populations like India, and is hypothesized to increase chronic disease risk.

>> No.9478711
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>t. cityfolk

>> No.9478743

I eat primarily vegetarian, since I'm broke. The majority of my protein comes from beans and lentils. Anecdotally, I felt much healthier when I ate a healthy portion of meat every day.

>> No.9478744

>fun fact, most of the world don't give two shits about the FDA
No, the give a lot of shits. Inspect your meat, people!

>> No.9478759

Lol theyre only the decision makers for all of the import and export of food in America as well as having the power to walk on to any food production site without notice and shut them down with no documents or specific reason necessary.

>> No.9478762

I get all my protein from misplaced trollish political threads on 4chan.

>> No.9478763

so, why exactly would anyone outside of usa care about an organisation in usa?

>> No.9478779




>> No.9478808

They decide what you're allowed to import to America. Their guidelines also have to mesh with e.u. and Japanese guidelines in order for their respective agencies to allow American products in.

You know those big trade deals always in the news? A lot of what makes that shit difficult is interagency food and agriculture regulations.

>> No.9479110


>> No.9479125
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>this is the level of knowledge of the people making political arguments on this website

>> No.9479409

Yeah, and most of congress couldn't pass the 100 question citizenship test. What's your point?

>> No.9479897

You're retarded to think that you don't get excess amount of estrogen from soy products. They have been specifically linked to cancers, infertility, and breast cancer especially. And most of your "plant-based products" and nearly all of your meat immitation products have soy.
Also, you're retarded if you think "muh bigger portions" is going to convert fatties. Fatties are fat because of the flavor, not purely from the mass amount they can stuff in their gut. Not a single fattie here is going to say, "Hmm OP is so not a faggot and I think I will replace this pie slice with 4 fucking cups of spinich leaves drizzled in lemon juice. Yeah that sounds just as enticing."