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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9475481 No.9475481 [Reply] [Original]

>when the server asks you how spicy you want your general tso chicken

>> No.9475493

Always chefs choice

>> No.9475505

white guy here... mild

>> No.9475508

Extra spicy. Make my bunghole breath fire.

>> No.9475511

t. Third world shitskin who thinks making good unpalatable-y spicy is a good thing

>> No.9475516

lmao triggered

>> No.9475524


>> No.9475526


>> No.9475555

At the Thai place, I go with a level 3 (out of 5). Spicy enough to give me a good kick, but not spicy enough to melt my lips off. If they bring it and it's not spicy enough, I just ask for their hot spice, and they'll bring you a little condiment jar with a spoon in it that contains powdered hell fire, no joke. A little goes a long way.

>> No.9475649

wa la

>> No.9475656

>go to chinese restaurant
>order orange beef cause I wanted beef and it has a little chili symbol near it
>get food
>not even spicy at all

>> No.9475680

At Chinese restaurants I always ask for "medium spicy", because that means "it has a little kick but it's not so spicy that it's inedible."
At Thai restaurants I always ask for it mild since "medium spicy" means "I can't feel my tongue."

>> No.9475686

Americanized Chinese restaurants have to appeal to the lowest common denominator, which is one of the two kinds of white people:

The Flyover
>You merely adopted the Midwest
>He was BORN in it, MOLDED by it
>By the time he first had a jalapeño he was already a man, and by then it was only BURNING
>Despises change and will fight it tooth and nail, but eventually accept it

The Coastie
>Grew up trying different ethnic foods on and off
>Has seen a fish without a coating of batter before
>Enjoys change and new experiences, actively seeks them out

Flyovers outnumber Coasties by a lot though, so Chinese places have to cater to people who's experience with spice is limited to mustard and black pepper.

>> No.9475694

>Flyovers outnumber Coasties by a lot though
Define "coastie."

Within 100 miles of the ocean?

>> No.9475809

gay post desu

>> No.9475847

He's not wrong tho

>> No.9475851
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Fucking relax there, buddy. You're going to do irreparable damage to your taste buds.

>> No.9475856

>>Enjoys change and new experiences, actively seeks them out

Want me to fuck you in the eye, smartass?

>> No.9475859

>Americanized Chinese restaurants have to appeal to the lowest common denominator

That's because white people are our most loyal and best customers.

The last thing we want is niggers robbing our restaurants or looting it wenever a Nigger commits a crime and gets shot by cops.

Plus niggers don't tip worth shit.

By far, I'd trade 10 nigger customer for a loyal white customer. And probably 2 Chinese for 1 white since Chinese don't tip well either. lol

>> No.9475864

Dude, coasties throw the biggest fits if there way of life is slightly disrupted.

>> No.9475866

>The last thing we want is niggers robbing our restaurants or looting it whenever a Nigger commits a crime and gets shot by cops.
>Plus niggers don't tip worth shit.

Not even black restaurants like black customers. Our local bbq joint owner is always swearin bout how "blacks don't tip" and she's black. lol

>> No.9475867

He said new experience, you already fucked us in the eye when you elected cheese puff in Chief.

>> No.9475875

My God! They are hybridizing!

>> No.9475878

>niggers robbing our restaurants or looting it wenever a Nigger commits a crime and gets shot by cops

Your fault for opening a business in a black neighborhood. Nobody to blame but yourself when you get looted.

>> No.9475879

well, did you enjoy it?

>> No.9475884

>tell them extra extra spicy literally just try to kill me with spice
>it's not spicy enough

This is why I like my local Indian place it's like the only restaurant I know of that doesn't hold back

>> No.9475885

Yeah, god knows what they're thinking. It's not just the eating it either, it's digesting that shit. Why would you choose to be sat on the toilet with your ass on fire?

>> No.9475888

>t. third world shitskin who thinks drowning out all other flavors with excessive spice is good

>> No.9475927

Actually it was kind of funny for a bit. It's wearing pretty fucking thin now that he's fucking up my NFL Sundays

>> No.9475933

>go to Chinese takeaway
>order general tso's extra spicy
>extra spicy? you sure?
>assure them I'm not a typical gwaylo
>try it at home, no spice. absolutely zero.
>tfw I even tipped these fuckers

>> No.9475943

>has seen a fish without a coating of batter before

The fuck are you talking about? Do you really think fish only comes from the ocean? There's tons of places in the Midwest that serve fish. They have every great lake.

>> No.9475948

>likes handegg

So you're still an inbred dumbass then, just also with an inflated self-image based entirely on geography. Nice.

>> No.9475973

General tso is a mild dish. I would walk out of there.

>> No.9475980

Better than basing my sense of superiority on my taste in games for children.

>> No.9475991

>leaving a tip for takeout
Wh-.. Why?

>> No.9476000

I've been going to the same chinese place for 12 years. The owner still has that super-thick chingrish accent and broken grammar.
I tell them "China spicy" every time, because their "heat rating" scale sucks. Their 5/5 is white people hot at best.

>> No.9476010
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those cheeky chinamen

>> No.9476012
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>Enjoys change and new experiences, actively seeks them out

>> No.9476018

wanna know how I can tell that you're white?

>> No.9476020

>Discarding an entire realm of flavor and sensory experience because "wah it makes me poo hurt :("
Do you also avoid anything bitter?

>> No.9476031

Yeah, I try to keep distance to my ex.

>> No.9476142
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Lol, you're a caricature of a bumblefuck whitetrash. Here's a fermented habanero hot sauce I started today. You can enjoy that pic while you cool your mouth still burning from your ketchup you paid for at the NASCAR whooptie-doo.

>> No.9476152
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>> No.9476157

It just literally says "white-ly" (as in color). It doesn't mention race at all.

It's just from the general idea that hot foods have tons of red pepper flakes/paste in them, and plain ones don't (white)

>> No.9476175


>> No.9476237

Whenever asked how spicy I always say to the max. I do like really spicy food, but I think also it’s because saying anything else would make me look like a pussy.

>> No.9476242

Is flyover just a /CK/ meme? I don’t think I’ve seen it elsewhere

>> No.9476370


t. flyover

>> No.9476388

yeah that's what I said, chinamen

>> No.9476591

It's even in flyover music.


>> No.9477936

Yes he is you fucking faggot

>> No.9478064

Bitch, people's hatred of him is what's fucking up your Sunday. If they would just shut the fuck up and play million dollar grabass everything would be fine.

>> No.9478127

Nah dude he fucked it up because he has a grudge against the NFL for not letting him but the Buffalo Bills three years ago and for losing a lawsuit against the NFL in the 80s. You honestly think he didn't knowingly cause a shit storm by calling players sons of bitches?

>> No.9478134

Football is a game for children, it's just played by adults.

>> No.9478135

>The Flyover
>>You merely adopted the Midwest
>>He was BORN in it, MOLDED by it
>>By the time he first had a jalapeño he was already a man, and by then it was only BURNING
Iowafag here, this made me laugh harder than it should have.

>> No.9478154

Yes, I acknowledge as much. It is still entertaining to watch however. Especially when money is riding on outcomes

>> No.9478163

Thanks, now return to Reddit.

>> No.9478166


>> No.9478185

Rednecks love hot food, though. That's why I prefer them to the yuppies who think siracha is spicy.

>> No.9478197

This is true. There may be some cross memeing going on here
>Mid west=bland food
>South especially Tennessee, the gulf coast, well I guess anywhere except Virginia is known for spicy cooking, all regions different from one another
Texas is so big and populated you can find anything there really.

>> No.9478203

I've gotten to the point where I just carry around a bottle of ultra-spicy sauce because if I use the red pepper oil stuff I need to use so much the oiliness and pepper flakes ruin the dish.

>> No.9478593

this is me. i like a bit of hotness in almost every food but i want to enjoy the food too.

>> No.9478618

It's mostly a /ck/ meme because getting access to fresh fish is notoriously difficult away from coastal areas, and immigrant populations tend to be lower away from coasts as well.
It's a very real, normie held belief as well though. You ever hear people bitch about how "all those red states aren't even half the population!"? Same shit.
It's just buttmad new yorkers and californians bitching that somebody other than them gets a voice.

>> No.9478644

Found the ass blasted flyover

>> No.9478648
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I live in seattle :^)

>> No.9478663

I always make my general tso extra spicy when I make it at home. It is a satisfying combination.

>> No.9478800
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>lmao triggered

>> No.9479358

White guy here. I really love spicy finger foods, so later on when I finger bang my bitch gf, she'll cry all night.

>> No.9479447

So, what flyover state did you move there from?

>> No.9479463

Seek a doctor, The situation you've described is not normal

>> No.9479515

Do americans have a pejorative name for every single group they don't belong to? They just seem kind of hatefull.What do you call people who prefer grapejuice to Apple juice?

>> No.9479531

>What do you call people who prefer grapejuice to Apple juice?
fucktards, retards, assholes, fuckwits, dim-witted negroes, dillholes, stupid people, mongols, dim-witted retards, normal retards, asshats, corpse-huggers, fucktastic individuals, nigger-knockers, fatbboots, pelbs, buttsinkers, ditchpigs, ass-blasters, sillywits, Fuckhole McCousins, etc?

>> No.9479536

Or "Wrongjuicers". Or how about "Juice Supremists"

>> No.9479562


That is incredibly petty

>> No.9479564

>What do you call people who prefer grapejuice to Apple juice?

>> No.9479574

>What do you call people who prefer grapejuice to Apple juice?

Toddlers or children.

>> No.9479734

Wow, great post. It was very informative, as we are all now acutely aware that you literally smoke the cum out of black gay penises every waking moment

>> No.9479766

>3 out of 5
Same, it's spicy but doesn't ruin itself with retarded heat. If I'm drunk we're going to take it all the way up though

>> No.9479778

>general tso

Lmao you probably think olive garden is fancy

>> No.9479787

Oh because he's Chinese he can't be a chef!?
Das raciss anon. You fucking sicken me.

>> No.9479803

>a chef


>> No.9479804

A Chinese restaurant would never ask that and even if you asked it will always be the same.

>> No.9479938

Read your own link, retard