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9471520 No.9471520 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way to make alcohol at home?

and I mean to get fucked up

>> No.9471575

Probably wine or dry cider instead of beer. It's the simplest alcohol to make and has a higher abv than beer.
>Step one acquire wine grapes of choice
>Step two crush by any means necessary
>Step three pitch in a bit of yeast for a consistent fermentation
>Step four store in a food grade container (plastic bucket) with a water lock on the lid @ about 65°f
>Step five wait two weeks
>Step six siphon off the liquid into a second food grade container you don't need a water lock for the lid
>Step seven, wait
Or not it's up to you step seven is aging for taste purposes you have about all the ABV as you'll ever get at that point.

>> No.9471586

>crushing your own grapes rather than just buying a prepackaged, prepasturized bottle of fruit juice

>> No.9471594

That's not how that works... You need the tannins from the skins otherwise your wine will taste like asshole

>> No.9471624

>wine grapes
any difference from regular grapes?

>> No.9471634

buy champagne yeast on amazon
put in gallon bottle of (real) juice plus a crapton of sugar
replace cap with balloon
let sit for days until balloon deflates
wala, ive been told it tastes like stomach acid but it worked for me in high school

>> No.9471637

Sugar concentration. Wine grapes are so sweet they will burn your mouth a bit when eaten raw this is good as sugar is what is turned into alcohol. Also the aforementioned tannins will be different and vary even among wine grapes. The smaller the berry the greater the tannins to juice ratio the stronger the wine flavor.

>> No.9471681

You can add unsweetened raisins to get tannins if it's really wrinkling your panties but the premise of the post was he just wants cheap alcohol quickly and cares fuck all about flavor.

>> No.9471692

He said best and that he would like to get fucked up. I think I offered a reasonable middle path to those parameters.

>> No.9471701
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oztops makes these lids that screw on to most regular juice bottles. you just add the yeast and maybe a little extra sugar, wait a few days and there's your cider. there's so much sugar in apple juice that it tastes fine just on its own. its 25 bucks for the set and you get enough yeast to make more than a hundred litres of cider and enough lids that you can brew a couple of different flavours all at once. you don't need to fuck around with grapes and balloons and shit, it's the easiest and fastest method i've ever seen.

>> No.9471711

What op, ya know, doesn't live in Australia?

>> No.9471722

if you're ordering from overseas the oztops team will attach the package to the backs of giant flying spiders that will deliver directly to underneath your pillow or just inside the lip of your toilet seat, which ever is more convenient to you.

>> No.9471734


>> No.9471749


Best as in strong, cheap and so easy that a retard can make it.

>> No.9471751

don't, you can fuck it up and go blind or die, true story

>> No.9471991

If you're going for liquor tier stuff you'll need to distill, which means you'll probably burn your house down

>> No.9471992

We're not talking distilling retard. There are literally no pathogens that can survive the medium of fermented wine, mead or beer.

>> No.9472008


>> No.9472013

You should check out the homebrew threads on /diy/ they usually have one up at any given time

>> No.9472015

>being afraid of blindness

>> No.9472026

Make applejack. Follow any instructions to make hard cider then get some dry ice and freeze distill it into applejack.

>> No.9472043

If you go blind you can just collect disability and become a true NEET

>> No.9472052

This is a great idea

>> No.9472120

it's not about pathogens, it's about unknowingly including methanol

>> No.9472162

This is something that is only a risk with distilling, which he stated is not something we're telling OP to do. I don't think you know what you're talking about. You are aware that distillation and fermentation are different processes right?

>> No.9472180

If you can find a place that sells these beer kits they're probably the easiest way to make booze. You can add more fermentables to the recipe like dextrose or malt extract and bump the ABV up.
You can go to about 8% before it starts getting a funky alcohol taste.

>> No.9472185
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Forgot pic

>> No.9472208

How does one avoid going blind?

>> No.9472257
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>15lbs honey
>5 gallons filtered water
>champagne yeast
>8lbs mixed berries

that'll get ya around 14% abv

just make sure you sanitize the fuck out of everything

>pic related

>> No.9472291
File: 110 KB, 1600x1200, 1490010715415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look up skeeter pee. Make that.
If you just want alcohol for your mouth hole, buy a fuck ton of sugar and some turbo yeast. Mix in a garbage can with water, and proceed to hate yourself.
Skeeter pee tastes alright, the second option does not.

>> No.9472293

mead gives me the worst hangover EVER

>> No.9472303

holy fuck
are you an ork by any chance?

>> No.9472312
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it affects everyone differently. i control my ferment temps and i sterilize the fuck out of everything. none of my brews give me a hangover

>pic related

irish red

>> No.9472313
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you make it sound like it's a bad thing

>> No.9472787

Is it possible to use store bought cider like from Whole Foods or some thing to make Hard Cider?

>> No.9472799

Just use plain apple juice

>> No.9473350

Aight I think ima try the Hard Cider.

Cheers ck

>> No.9474730

Bump I'm interested.

>> No.9474742

>Malt extract
>mix it together
>leave it for a few days

It tastes like utter shit but it's pretty effective.

>> No.9475429

in general sweet alcohol will fuck you up, and mead is some of the sweetest out there

>> No.9475440

is it essential for it to be a garbage can?

>> No.9475462

Buy 99% rubbing alcohol
mix to desired final final concentration with fruit juice, etc.

>> No.9475498

>mead is some of the sweetest out there

Confirmed for knowing nothing about mead. There are dry and semi-dry meads as well. In fact I make dry meads because I'm not a fan of sweet flavors and it's not sweet at all.

>> No.9475564

>get gallon jug of apple juice
>add a cup of sugar
>shake like fuck until sugar is dissolved
>add some standard bread yeast
>cover top with condom with a hole
>wait a few weeks

or go to >>>/diy/

there's always a homebrew thread there that's pretty informative

>> No.9475573

I use a big pot in the freezer packed with dry ice. The insulation helps minimize loss of dry ice. Every hour or so just open it up to skim off the water ice and top off the pot with more cider and add more dry ice. Keep it going till ice won't form any more and you are out of cider. That makes some potent moonshine no joke.

>> No.9475579

Blindness comes from the methyl alcohols formed by using heat for evaporative distillation. Freeze distilling or jacking doesn't produce those dangerous alcohols but can still make some potent shine.

>> No.9476228

Why do you need to use Dry Ice can't you just freeze it regularly?

>> No.9476704

this is best one

>> No.9476744
File: 27 KB, 383x472, 1498587720289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are an idiot. methanol is produced in small quantities simply by fermenting grain to produce ethanol. in amounts that are almost neglible, even if you don't discard the heads (first portion) of the liqour you are distilling. which is all you have to do to ensure your home still does not contaminate your drink with methanol (it has a lower boiling point than ethanol, so it comes off your condensor first) people went blind from alcohol because during prohibition the government added large quantities of methanol to ethanol to make it dangerous to drink. this (intentionally) led to the myth that homebrew can make you go blind.

Freeze distillation does not concentrate the drinking alcohol to such a point methanol poisoning should be a concern. There isn't really a way to remove it either.

>> No.9476827

Shhh hes a retard...Let him have his urban legend.

>> No.9476846
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Methonal exists in small amounts in all alcohol, or so I've read. But it's not enough to kill or harm you. Also, the treatment for methonal poisoning is... Ethonal.

You'll only run into dangerous levels of methonal if you improperly distill alcohol, or do ice distillation / concentration like >>9472026 suggested. But even doing thst, as long as you don't reduce it to extreme levels you'll be safe.

If you have any information to thr contrary, please share. If you don't. Fuck right off with your fear mongering.

>> No.9476873

Ethonal and methonal vaporize at different temperatures read a book.

>> No.9476887

Who said they didn't?

>> No.9476888

Meant for you

>> No.9477025


this guy says its fine

he seems to know what hes doing

>> No.9477617

It's ethanol and methanol not ethonal and methonal you double nigger. Read a fucking book yourself you ignorant cunt.

>> No.9477867

All these people saying to use regular sugar. For shame.

What you really want is either glucose or dextrose, or rice with amylase (dry enzyme).

Regular sugar is naturally quite bitter before the sweetness kicks in, which is why things like lollies and orange juice taste like absolute arse after you brush your teeth (tooth paste shuts off your sense of sweet taste) but glucose and dextrose aren't. If you don't want to cringe your spine out your butthole every sip of your moonshine, use glucose or dextrose and let it sit for... probably 2-3 weeks or so, or until it clears. You can buy bentonite from your friendly local brew shop (which you'd probably need to go to if you're buying yeast and glucose) to speed up the clearing process. Rack off the clear 'shine and use the cold distilling method mentioned earlier to up the alcohol percentage quite a bit. It'll probably still taste pretty bad, but you won't hate yourself.

The other method, as mentioned earlier, is with rice and amylase. This basically follows the last method, except you don't have to distil it. This gives you sake, rice wine. Distilled, it becomes shochu.

With either distilled product, I suggest drinking with either cola or cordial to mask bad flavours if you want.

>> No.9479489

The amount of water frozen out of it is based on how cold it gets. A regular temp freezer will make it stronger but not moonshine. Lowering the temperature allows you to acheive much higher proofs. I like my applejack to kick like the devil.

>> No.9479493

Hmm. Didn't know that. Thanks.

>> No.9479567

This whole thread makes me want to take a Chemistry class.

>> No.9479591

im with you anon, don't let him cyber bully you

>> No.9479594

Why the fuck are you people who have no idea about distilling even posting, just shut the fuck up.

Methanol- lower boiling point than ethanol therefore when distilling a batch of shine the methanol boils off first and the first bottle filled has literally all the methanol in it, so if you're, say, a greedy criminal moonshiner and don't discard it then the amount which would normally be spread over the whole batch is concentrated.

>> No.9479605

its literally so easy to make alcohol

my favorite thing to do is use food stamps to buy all the ingredients for hard cider/ wine/ mead at the beginning of the month.

thanks uncle sam!

>> No.9479616

>baker's yeast
>let sit for two weeks


>> No.9479626

pls quick rundown on foodstamps for a foreigner

how much do you get and what can you buy with it?

>> No.9479761

Contrary to what the /pol/tards say illegal aliens cannot receive foodstamps unless they have a child who was born in the US and is constitutionally a US citizen. So you're out of luck. Nice try though.

>> No.9479773

This is true. If you're paying rent already you best get you a skeezy ho an let her live with you but make her give you her food stumps

>> No.9479783

>foodstamps to buy honey for mead

I know you're just a /pol/tard, know why? If you tried to buy enough honey from a grocery with foodstamps to make mead you'd spend all your allowance on about 1 qt of honey. How much mead will that make, tard?

>> No.9479786

Their falseflagging autism is growing more obnoxious as of late, I agree.

>> No.9480406

Refined sugar
Purified water
Extra fast yeast
Sterile containers

Distill into vodka