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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9468202 No.9468202 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw dish cuck

>> No.9468218

>tfw deli dick

>> No.9468229
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>> No.9468230

don't slip over, cuck

>> No.9468243
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Eat spuds bud

>> No.9468278
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>tfw donut douche

>> No.9468290

they look tasty

>> No.9468295

Dishwashers should be paid more. Except for spics

>> No.9468301
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>tfw quit my dish bitch job and started working at a car dealership

feels great

>> No.9468310

So from washing plated you now wash hubcaps? Good deal!

>> No.9468318

They're bretty good
I agree, it's shit work and no one helps a nigga out
Nice m8, I'm trying to move up to line cook

>> No.9468322

Who else slices meats and cheeses here

>> No.9468325

As a cook, I was always nice to the dishwashers, I'd give them a free burger every night. every other cook was a dick

>> No.9468327

I actually don't mind dish dogging, it's one of my go-to extra money jobs. Just put some music on and switch to auto pilot.

>> No.9468335


You're an important part of your kitchen. Without you cooks wouldn't have clean pots/pans, and patrons would have clean plates, glasses or flatware. Do the best you can dishpig. If you prove yourself you'll be promoted to prep-cook before you know it.

>> No.9468358

Nice, I usually get the rejected steaks and shit, the best nights are buffets though
It's not bad until I have to close honestly, that's the part I fuckin hate
Thanks man I appreciate it. There are a few cool chefs here but the servers don't give a fuck and are always asking me to do shit for them, don't stack the plates right ever and are generally bitchy

>> No.9468373


The Chef and manager are your bosses, the servers can eat a dick. If they piss you off refuse to restock their stations and make them do it themselves. If your bosses have a problem with it, say the server that pissed you off was doing drugs in the bathroom. 8/10 of the person being guilty. If you stop, the whole kitchen and restaurant breaks down. You're the anus of the kitchen dishpig, without you shit can't get pushed out and flushed. Know your power. Also, if you're not already getting familymeal from your chef, or wait-staff/ bartenders don't bring you infinite drinks it's time to start looking for a new job.

>> No.9468427

I work front of house in a pub/restaurant but have had to pick up some KP shifts. In some ways it's nicer than something customer facing. Not as much standing around waiting for customers, fewer demands on you, you just get shit done.

>> No.9468432

it's way better than dealing with customers anon

>> No.9468449

ive been dishdogging for two years while at uni, its a super comfy 'be brain AFK while scrubbing' kinda deal
Hanging around a good kitchen and learning skills/recipes is also great, might be able to get a chef job soon.

closing is the worst, even if im completely caught up on the dishes ill have to stay an hour after close to clean trays/benches/the floor

>not just getting your own drinks/ cooking your own meals
not sure if this is industry wide, but most people are lazy and dont want to get you shit, but have no objections to you getting shit for yourself

>> No.9468469
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I used to love dish shifts before I became a server. I had my music blasting and servers would come party with me and complained when I wasn't working dish because the other music was never as good.

You gotta use that charisma to get people to fuck with you and then people will be more willing to help you. Kill them with kindness. Or you know just speak up use your words let people know how you want things because that's the best way to get things done is to be straightforward.

>> No.9468475
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dear diary: Went on for about a year at a place, 150+ guest weddings were not unheard of and I was the only one for the dishes. White and black respectively, with a la carte restaurant going in line with the wedding guests. Left the place because double shift (11-14;18-22) was going on my nerves and no help whatsoever on really heavy days, the kitchen staff would just leave me for dead.
Now after year and a half, leaving another place where I did dishes and other help work, evenings only (17-24) for min wage. I could do min wage elsewhere and have the evenings off and be with the old lady, and have vacations when I choose, not when the establishment closes.

tl;dr fuck thin plastic containers that dont dry by themselves and fuck ALL sorts of tiny sauce porcelain and glass shit that flips over in the dishwasher and requires rinsing

>> No.9468516
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Functions are really bad, everyone is to busy/stressed to help you and the backlog becomes a nightmare
atleast If its buffet/preprepared meals its literally just plates and cutlery to clean which is pretty /comfy/
>tl;dr fuck thin plastic containers that dont dry by themselves and fuck ALL sorts of tiny sauce porcelain and glass shit that flips over in the dishwasher and requires rinsing
this x1000

Also rib sauce pans, they solidify like glue if it doesnt go straight into the sink from the oven

>> No.9468537


>leaving your station so FoH staff can treat you like a butler and try to make you do their work or help them.

Yea, no. It's their job to get the dishpigs drinks.

>> No.9468581

Do you have to clean entire place? Here dishwasher only cleans little room where they work.

>> No.9468587

scrubbing and hosing out the floor every night takes 15 minutes alone, is this not normal in most places?

>> No.9468595


Usually just BoH cleaning. Cleaning the kitchen mats off outside and mopping the floor after everything else has been cleaned. Cooks are responsible for maintaining their station in every kitchen I've ever worked in. The Chef being the one person exempt from said duties.

>> No.9468598
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Yeah do that and maybe another 15-20 to clean up/ put stuff away. Still nowhere near an hour unless we got thrashed or I am moving slow that night...

>> No.9468672

When talking to other people in the industry they always make it seem weirdly hierarchical and traditionalist, 'person x has y responsibilities and takes orders from person z', 'the chef cleans their own knifes,' my place must be lucky because we are all just staff who help each other as needed, even as a dishie im treated with great respect.
There is one chef who i usually get shifts with that is out the door the moment he finishes cooking the last meal, that might be the cause

>> No.9468693


It's based on traditional French military ranks. Chef after all means "Chief"...meaning commander. Then comes Sous, then Commis, then prep workers, then FoH faggots, then you. You're bottom tier for now mate. Keep your chin up, if you're not a junkie or drunk you won't burn out, and will be promoted rapidly.

>> No.9468712

>When you already know the nightshift wont be that bad tonight

>> No.9468714

where you from in aus/nz anon?
dishie is comfy job anyway desu, is it even worth becoming a chef/cook?

>> No.9468721

What is that? Do you have to dump that somewhere?

>> No.9468727

Build an egg fort with those empty crates.

>> No.9468735

I quit my dish job after two weeks. I cut myself with a knife someone had put in the water and agreed with the company to quit with a $2000 bonus.

>> No.9468742

It's been my experience that mostly only small, exclusive restaurants adhere to the brigade hierarchy so rigidly. Any kitchen that does real volume doesn't have time for that kind of formality anymore.

God I fucking hate that, I have barked at so many cooks for dumping blades in my sink.

>> No.9468747


Ireland. Started washing dishes in the Pub that I now own. 20 long years of bullshit later. Things will work out in life if you're not a dumb fuck, have bastard kids running around and don't get addicted to anything. Have fun, but be responsible. I've washed a lot of dishes in my life, had to fill in the other day actually because my dishpig got hit by a motorcyclist. Fucking champ coming back to work a day later. If you don't mind long hours being a cook has its perks. I recommend it if food and drink are important to you.

>> No.9468765

From my experience the best bosses arent just the owner/manager lead from behind type, but the ones that can step in when needed to keep everything running smoothly (when people are hit by motorbikes).
Whats on the typical pub menu in ireland?
Here they are based on steaks, schnitzels, and pasta, not sure how universal that is.

>> No.9468800


Crisps and chips pretty much. I do fried porkchop baps and sausage baps. On the Holidays I do a full spread. Mostly just short order stuff like burgers pies and wings. Nothing complicated. When I cooked here 10 years ago they offered a full menu which was retarded considering the clientele and amount of money they spend daily, not much on food. The average Irish pub just has snacks, people are more often than nor focused on drink, darts and conversation.

>> No.9468965
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>Run the silverware through for the third time
>There's still specks of shit on some of it

>> No.9468982

Do you pre-soak? I always pre-soak and then run it twice.

>> No.9469001

>I cut myself with a knife someone had put in the water and agreed with the company to quit with a $2000 bonus.

You realize they got you to do that so you wouldn't sue the shit out of them right

>> No.9469008

>tfw no one at my hotel presoaks
>the lazy shitfuckers just throw it into the machine and cook on all the food
>tfw I have to take down all the "clean" shit, put it into a sink or basin, and soak it in hot soapy water for hours, spray, wipe, then run the machine again


>> No.9469022
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Is this restaurant on Cape Cod ?????

>> No.9469029

Looks like someone drained some fryer oil and just left it under the sink..

>> No.9469050


>> No.9469061

Sry, you're right.. It was me.

>> No.9469081

I know the feeling man, it's been years now.

It was usually feelsbadman.jpg, but they would give me a free meal and drink every shift, they were nice, sometimes I'd get driven home. I made the absolute most of it.

>> No.9469107

I was a dish bitch for a restaurant out in the boonies. During the year I was employed there, I acted as cook, waiter, bartender, and laborer, as well as my regular dishwashing job. It was probably the best experience I had. I'm currently trying to start an extremely basic restaurant in a small Oregon town.

>> No.9469390 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate being a baker. It's [spoiler] a crumby job, but I knead the dough.

>> No.9470494

Oh god the stench.

>> No.9470895

>through constantly avoiding the dish room, the anon accidentally became a lead cook

>> No.9471228

I used to, but now i bake

>> No.9471244

>used to work at a Sonic in high school
>lazy cook lets eggpan sit dry all day and leaves it for me to wash at 5 pm
>get written up because the owner had it clean it in the morning and it took him 3 hours

>> No.9471556
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>Tfw working at a carnival corn dog stand
Fucking kill me now

>> No.9471727

>tfw dish person also works the back window and i'd interrupted from dishes every minute or so

I couldn't ever do it.

>> No.9471728

Holy shit is that photo from NJ?

>> No.9471746

This so much. I hated having to basically ask and feel like being a bother for a fucking meal when on dishes. It's a shit job with low pay, getting fed is a tiny thing the place can do to keep you happy

So many nights I didn't want to bother the cooks and just ate rice

Quit shortly after

>> No.9471793
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>Was a line cook for 2 years until '05
>Living with my grandma at the time and when I get back home I tell her I was "promoted" to line cook
>Make $50 more each month now, so she raises my rent by $50
>When her friend comes over, she facetiously pretends to celebrate my promotion with her friend who goes on to talk about how his grandson is a marine biologist then looks at me and says "Well what do you think of THAT, Anon, His grandson's moving up in the world too!"
>Hesitate to remind her that she was fired from her job for getting caught doing lewd shit, which is probably how she got it in the first place
>Janitor quits at work so they have me start cleaning toilets and scrubbing grime and never end up promoting me
>This continues for 3 more years as my grandma's mind goes and she becomes a drooling, tripping mess
>Her contempt for me is palpable in everything she says to me while she worships the females in the family who are doing jack shit with their lives and never help her at all
>Days are spent scrubbing the nightmarish hell of the women's restroom at work then coming home and giving her the heimlich maneuver because she tried to swallow a fried egg whole
>Finally one day my manager tells me to change a light bulb on the ceiling (35 feet in the air) with a rickety ladder
>Say fuck it and leave
>Come back home to find my grandma sitting on the phone charger, talking to her own ass through the phone in her hand with her tongue hanging out and her head tilted back
>Tell her I quit but she just keeps talking to her ass

>> No.9471908

That reminds me, they just set up a carnival in my bumfuck southern backwater and I'm going to have to go to see all the fatasses huffing and puffing as they get their 2 hours of exercise/year wandering around stuffing their gaping maws and "lookin' at all dem pretty lights an' whirligigs."

>> No.9471935
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>> No.9471940

From someone who has a primordial fear of deep fryers, I feel for you.

>> No.9471980
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The worst party is having to be a cashier half the time with a leaky soda machine which means all the fucking bees around your stand

>> No.9472020

I'm a government bureaucrat who analyzes disability claims for fraud. Almost everyone who works as a dishwasher ends up disabled sooner or later from repetitive motion related joint diseases, slip-and-fall accidents, persistent ulceration of the feet, or work related mental illness.

I'll be seeing you soon, OP.

>> No.9472071

fucking worst job ever
>fresh out of culinary school faggots boss you around and treat you like you are their butler
>nobody scrapes or sorts dishes when you leave your station to do other shit
>get paid less than everyone despite working the hardest
>too much humidity
>people overload garbage since they arent the ones that have to haul it to the dump
>servers expect you to mop up shit when they spill it
>nobody listens to what you tell them or ask them to do
>work alone so you dont have back up when shit goes down
seriously OP just quit already.

>> No.9472099

If you've ever had to wash them by hand, then you'll agree when I say that that box is a miracle machine.

>> No.9472315

>analyzes disability claims

Do a better job you lazy ass shit, your backlog is in the millions and people are dying waiting for disability. Or is that the new directive from your current "capo" in this regime?

>> No.9472324

Spacker detected.

>> No.9472332

This is the most depressing thing I've ever read

>> No.9472440

agreed 100%, washing by hand is awful

>> No.9472517

>paid less, works the hardest

Well you are performing a task that literally requires zero skill whatsoever. Bust your ass and work your way up. Cooks/prep WILL call off and you will find opportunities to help. Never call off and be on time without exception. Never turn down opportunities when presented

t. anon who started as a dishwasher, is a cook now, and about ready to slide into the head chef position as soon as the new guy fucks off again like they do every 1-2 years.

Be a sponge and be reliable, and you to might soon prevent forest fires

>> No.9472536

even the prep cooks got paid the same as line cooks and they were just as inconsiderate.

dont really think they are more skilled than me just because they know how to portion ready made salsa and grate cheese.