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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9464610 No.9464610 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone ever ate at an all black staffed restaurant, whether fast food or sit in, and had a positive experience?

>> No.9464626

In Jamaica I did.

>> No.9464629

Nope, not even once. Sometimes the food is good but the experience is sullied by a disgusting, ill-kemp restaurant and loud, rude staff

>> No.9464633

uh yeah! I live in new orleans, plenty of places are black staffed, good service, and offer incredible food. Some of these places are also black owned too. IDK. it seems like New Orleans has a flair for customer service bc usually everyone is in a good mood.

>> No.9464634

Local McDonald's is all black.

The GM is a hardass nigga looking straight up like one of the cops from The Wire.

He makes sure those little niggas do the food right, so it's always good as long as he's there.

It's hit or miss if he's not there.

>> No.9464647

the word you are looking for is 'ill-kempt'

>> No.9464650

That's actually two words, which makes it a phrase, dipshit.

>> No.9464653

Jamican food is the bomb

>> No.9464654

yes. many times. fuck off, you racist piece of shit.

>> No.9464666


>> No.9464682

Yes. Once in a nice area where I had a positive experience and then once in the ghetto of South Central where the food was late and the staff was bad. Food was ok though

>> No.9464908

Many times over. Usually happens if the place is black owned and managed, and they KNOW they're good so the employees have some pride about working there. Easily found in places like Brooklyn and NOLA.

It's more about class than race. Trashy people will always be trashy, and if you eat where they eat the food and service will be trashy as well.

>> No.9464914

I did in a Jamaican restaurant. That goat curry fucking blew me away.

>> No.9464954
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Blacks, or niggers as I like to call them.

>> No.9464967

I ordered a pizza for pickup online from Papa John's and chose the option to pay in cash. The only person who actually seemed to be working at the store was the Asian guy making the pizzas in the back. The black girl at the front would come and ask us what we wanted and then disappear for 10 minutes. She eventually gave me my pizza but didn't realize that I had to pay for it, so I got a free pizza.

>> No.9464968


>> No.9464974

twice, once a catfish place, really fucking tasty... 2nd time bbq joint, gave me ribs with half the meat ripped off never went back

>> No.9464991

When I was in Jackson, MS I went to a burger place in kind of a shitty area and in the 20 minutes I was in there I saw maybe 30 people total and I was the only white person. The lady behind the counter was nice, people greeted or at least nodded at me, and the food was good.

Similar experience at the BBQ place I went to there.

>> No.9465033

Ethiopian food is amazing, jokes about the famine aside. You just need to find actual Africans instead of Americans.

>> No.9465041

Thankfully I live in japan and as such never have to deal with NIGGERS or PAKIS thank fuck for that. Subhuman shit skinned FAGGOTS

>> No.9465044

Heh weird came to post something similar, I live near jackson. If you go to the smaller local places that are actually owned by blacks you'll have a good experience. The places are kind of run down but they keep them clean enough, the food will be good, and everyone will be nice. Food will be either BBQ, catfish, or something greasy. (Go during the day, obviously...)

>> No.9465052
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Honestly, regardless of their menu items having potential merit, I simply could not trust eating in a place where I know I am passionately hated because of my skin color. It would be an extremely uncomfortable experience that I have already had too many times and learned my lesson firsthand. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
There is a very high chance some uppity nigger is going to taint my food or otherwise ruin the experience just because of hate. Even if the food itself is untampered with, the glaring eyeballs and general threatening unwelcomeness with be palpable. Blacks are the most racist people on Earth, and most of them quite literally want to destroy us. A chance to fuck with a cracker visiting "the hood" is just too much for them to pass up, and I'm not about to put myself in harm's way. Ill leave that job up to you, thank you very much you cucky white apologists. I understand not every black person will act on revengeful hate in the presence of a random white, but there is a proven percentage that make the odds of having a shitty time MUCH higher than I am willing to accept. Sorry, but NOPE. To disagree with this is completely stupid, you know I am right, but you wont say it out loud, and that is fucking sad.

>> No.9465062

>You just need to find actual Africans instead of Americans.
Most Africans weren't raised with the kind of stigma African Americans have. Much easier to get along with people who don't look at you and see the descendants of the people who traumatized generations of their families going back over 400 years, and might still be trying to keep it going today. That would stand to reason.

>> No.9465063

What's wrong with Pakis? Their portion of their food lasts me the whole day and it's pretty cheap

>> No.9465070

True. I guess I should have said SAND NIGGERS cos fuck those cunts

>> No.9465076

Burger place was Stamp's and BBQ was E&L. I'm not unfamiliar with going into questionable areas to get some interesting food, but that was definitely the first time I've been to a BBQ place with armed security.

>> No.9465083

Enjoy living and dying in a bubble fagboi. Also you clearly got lost on your way from /r/thedonald, here let me help >>>/pol/

>> No.9465092

Paki food is awesome
So is Persian and Middle Eastern food.

I think you have a problem separating your shit politics from your shit taste.

>> No.9465097

Daaaaw it's a little faggot liberal. I'll kill you and your whole fucking family you piece of shit. You're fucking nothing. Bet you're skinny as fuck and sound like a little beta bitch when you speak. Fucking faggot get the fuck out of here

>> No.9465100

Haha but those rib tips at E&L are worth the risk. If you go while it's still bright out it's pretty safe, the owners still want business after all

>> No.9465105

What's politics got to do with it? Retard. I just despise subhuman races.

>> No.9465107


>> No.9465121

You two need to meet up and hate-fuck each other over a plate of biryani.

>> No.9465125

I don't have any african food place near me. It's either all brown food or just burgers places and regular chain stores

>> No.9465133

Who's the one living in a bubble?
I live in Chicago, I'm in my 40s, and I eat out all the time in every ethnic neighborhood you can imagine. So I have 20+ years of experience, and guess what?
The only "ethnic" place where I feel unwelcome to outright threatened are black establishments. Mexican? Awesome! Chinese? Thai? Japanese? Any other Asian? Welcome, friend, we treat you like a king. Italian, German, French, Swedish, Spanish, Greek, Persian, Lebanese, Jewish, Indian, Polish? Welcome my friend.
African-American? Whatcha doing here motherfuckin' HONKY cracker-ass? This is not some /pol/ bullshit, this is the REAL state of things. Try living in the real world, lets hear about YOUR experiences now!

>> No.9465141
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Damn that faggot just got rekt

>> No.9465148

The tips were delicious no doubt. Stay safe, friend.

>> No.9465160

No it wasn't. The word he was looking for was unkempt.

>> No.9465195

New orleans might as well be its own state though man. It's my favorite place in the U.S. because like 95% of the people there are always super kind and from my experience raised really well with manners. But then you get shit holes like baton rouge.... Its like the difference between south florida and the rest of florida. Which is basically fucking south georgia.

>> No.9465205

Sorry that your experience with nigs in the murder captial of the US is bad but in southern states they aren't openly hostile like that, unless you do things to paint a target on yourself like walk alone through the ghetto at midnight

>> No.9465213

Best damn barbecue I ever had was from an old black couple grilling next to a convenience store in the middle of nowhere, used to stop there with my dad before we got to the target range.

Had Jamaican food at a Jamaican joint in nyc, that was really really good and the lady gave me a drink even though I was $1 short.

Also had some ribs from a foodtruck down the street, couple of black dudes running it. It was very good too but not the best I've had.

>> No.9465223

Fucking nigger lover get the fuck out of here. You race traitors will be the first to go when the day of the rope comes

>> No.9465232

Kek I want to believe this is ironic but it's so hard to tell these days

>> No.9465329

As I said before, you suburban cucked white people feel guilty about everything and will keep taking the punches on the chin. I suggest you visit "the hood". They are waiting for YOU.
Your Facebook faggotry does not replace my hard earned street smarts. You embarrass yourself to a degree you cant possibly understand.
Your stupid ass dream world needs to come to a swift and painful end. And no, we will not see it in the news, because the news only reports niggers shot by cops. This is way beyond your understanding, so just go watch some more John Oliver videos, that will surely prepare you for your "black encounters". Good luck, cultural ambassador!

>> No.9465339
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Faggot just got blown the fuck out

>> No.9465346

Yeah, in Ghana and Nigeria.
Not sure what white people's problem is. Maybe you have the opposite experience because you go to shitty fast food chain restaurants and then blame it being shitty on there being a black cashier or whatever.

>> No.9465355

>I simply could not trust eating in a place where I know I am passionately hated because of my skin color
So, how do you think black people who live in the south and are forced to eat at restaurants owned by rednecks must have survived?

>> No.9465359

>anon gets paranoid at ONE black restaurant, and is now not only a 40 year old who is skilled in the art of eating at non-white restaurants on 4chan, but a political orator as well

>> No.9465361

>forced to eat at restaurants owned by rednecks
Spotted the problem!
Not only are they NOT forced, they are NOT welcome.
Door slammed in your fucking face, nigger.
Go eat anywhere but here. Honestly, what is your logic? Niggers are "forced" to eat at places where they are unwelcome? When did this happen, and why? Waiting for your reply.

>> No.9465364

>Not only are they NOT forced
So they shouldn't eat at any restaurants at all, then?
You sound so pissy and retarded, kek.

>> No.9465367
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>be an ordinary white guy with long well-kept hair
>can't go to black restaurants because at least one female staff member is going to flirt with me

>> No.9465368

The Wingstop near me had all the blacks working today and they didn't overcook my wings like the white dude did last time I was there so there's that.

>> No.9465371
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Nigger businesses clearly exist to serve their own kind.
As do white establishments.
This is so fucking easy, just go where you belong, and we wont have any problems.

>> No.9465376

This was during the segregation era, which ended a while ago. Maybe you need a time machine.

>> No.9465377

Yeah. Fast food places tend to be shit, but if it's a local place things tend to go well. I think a lot of black folks here are just kind of surprised to see a white dude go in their restaurants.

>> No.9465391

This. Damn wannabes practicing grammar law without a license.

>> No.9465394

I'm Chinese so I don't really mind indifferent service. What blows my mind is the absolutely retarded way black people approach service. It's like they go out of their way to be as inefficient as possible. Time to take your order? Too late, Shaniquas boyfriend just texted her and she has to turn around to text him back while mumbling a question about your order that she has to repeat three times because it's obviously too hard to even try to be a little teeny fucking bit decent at your job. It's like logic just isn't a thing for some black people. No, I can't fucking hear you when you're mumbling under your breath as quickly as possible while also writing or entering my selection slower than should be humanly achievable.

Yeah, I'm fucking pissed. I live in a mostly black neighborhood and while this isn't my experience all the time, it's definitely the majority. It's annoying because most black people I meet are chill as fuck to be around, it's just that they suck at not sucking at every other aspect of life that doesn't have to do with being chill.

>> No.9465399

Nah, I'm happy eating Mexican food made by actual Mexicans, Chinese food made by actual Chinese people, Thai food by actual Thai people, Indian food by actual Indians, African food by actual Africans, etc etc.
Not gonna change that for the sake of some paranoid sperg who needs a perpetual safe space.

>> No.9465401
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most apes would unironically make better servers in a restaurant

>> No.9465402


>> No.9465403

Were you bullied by black kids when you were little?

>> No.9465407

Ethiopian food is fucking delicious m8

>> No.9465428

no, they just stole my bike

>> No.9465430

>No, I can't fucking hear you when you're mumbling under your breath as quickly as possible while also writing or entering my selection slower than should be humanly achievable.


>> No.9465440

>connected to intelligence
There are black children with higher IQs than Stephen Hawking, Einstein, etc.

>> No.9465469

Kys nigger lover

>> No.9465476

>"I only eat mac and cheese straight out the box and mommy's tendies.....Those niggers might have poisoned my food you know...."

>> No.9465489

>greentexing and using quotation marks.


>> No.9465490
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>he lives in a country where niggers handle his food

Aaaaaaaahahahahahahaha just end yourself you fucking maggot

>> No.9465491


The most likely thing to be served at a black restaurant is probably boxed mac n cheese

>> No.9465493

Did I strike a nerve there, faggot? Nice samefag.

>> No.9465499
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Go get pozzed by your wife's bf faggot.

>> No.9465501

>projecting this hard

>> No.9465507

Ah hit a nerve. must not like Jamal with your wife eh?

>> No.9465510

>being a copycat
>still projecting

>> No.9465512

Thank you so much for fixing that for me young man. I was born in the 1940s and text from a rotary phone so a simple shitpost takes almost three days to finish.

>> No.9465518

Pol was a mistake

>> No.9465521

Niggers were a mistake

>> No.9465531

Lmao this redit faggot gets called out by 3 different anons and can't handle that everyone hates his pathetic little bitch boi ass so he actually forces himself to believe that its only the one person he was arguing with. Fuck off retard

>> No.9465542

>get called out for samefagging
Like a true autist.
Back to 9gag you go

>> No.9465550

It hurts reading your posts. You are in your 40s posting on 4chan.

>> No.9465551

Are you implying pajeet and achmed have higher santiary standards?

>> No.9465553
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Don't you faggots have better things to do than try to deface /pol/'s name even further?

>> No.9465555

yeah I worked at a soulfood place with mostly black people working there. the food was ok. most everyone got the chicken tenders or the crab cakes. it was a nice creole place. they had a nice selection of absinthe. lots of top 40 music playing for some reason.

>> No.9465557
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>virgin shaming


>> No.9465564 [DELETED] 

>implying it's only posters on /pol/ who detest stinking, monkey brained niggers

>> No.9465574

These /pol/ bait containment threads are working well.

>> No.9465578

>I-I'm one of you, I swear!
Fuck off cunt

>> No.9465608

What? I don't understand what you're trying to imply. Probably because you're retarded

>> No.9465630

I ate at a Bob's big boy in Detroit and everything was going fine till the very end I was told by the waitress "you be careful out there watch yourself"

>> No.9465671
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>Being concerned that the waitress was concerned about your well-being in Detroit of all places
Wouldn't that be considered a plus most of the time? Shit, I probably would have said the same thing.

>> No.9465680
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My only time with a black woman was in a Waffle House supply room at four in the morning after driving for nine hours, I guess that counts as a restaurant experience

>> No.9465710

"...y-you too..."


>> No.9465849


>> No.9465866

roscoes chicken and waffles usually has like 99% black staff, its good shit

>> No.9465875

If a black person ruins what is basically fried chicken the other blacks in the kitchen kill him for weakness.

>> No.9465906

where in chicago do you live? i'm white and have had great experiences in uptown (iyanze), west garfield (jerk taco man), hyde park (soul vegetarian), and humboldt (turkey chop), among others. and i could go on and on about turkey chop, that place is awesome.

anyway you just sound like a racist person looking for confirmation of your preexisting bias. which is whatever, but just try to realize you're not getting at some greater truth

>> No.9465924

Went to Nando's, there was niggers all over the place and it was pretty good, what service was required was given in a professional manner and the food was delicious.

>> No.9465939

>too stupid to understand what others are saying
>"Hyuck, they must be the retarded ones, not me xD"

>> No.9465956

Easy big guy, you seem a bit on edge. Did your wife's son charge a bunch of sneakers to your credit card without asking again?

>> No.9465967

Did you tell them you wanted more than one rib?

>> No.9466018
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Mom's Diner in Oldenburg (Germany) was pretty gud

>> No.9466025

>le diner 50s theme rockabilly leather greaser smoothie cadillac xDXDDD

>> No.9466039

>le i'm too cool for tropes faec

>> No.9466099 [DELETED] 

Midwest rib shacks are always 100% negroid run and staffed. It epitomizes "eh, 50/50".
Otherwise, yes, I have been to a McDonalds.

>> No.9466103 [DELETED] 

Name 4(five)

>> No.9466104

I live in South Africa. So go figure. There is really no difference. People from the same profession all act the same, pretty much. Regardless of what race or country your in.

>> No.9466161

Insta perma ban for nonsense /pol/ bullshit when? Get on it hiroshimoot, before these redneck pieces of shit ruin the sit any further.

>> No.9466188

Seems to be a pretty popular thread, why are you crying? Go back to redit if you simply must have all negative comments hidden and the posters banned

>> No.9466192

Switzerland here. It depends on the place.
If we are talking about fast foods I've had a bad experience once with a black lady cashier at one of the MacDo's in Geneva, not a big problem she just got something wrong on the order.
Once went to a BK on a highway in St Gallen canton (i.e deep countryside) where almost everyone in the staff was black or latino, it was well run, very clean and the food was pretty good BK tends to be better than McDo here anyway, very polite I must add.
On regular restaurants or coffee places black people tend to be very clean on themselves, polite and welcoming, never had a bad case.

>> No.9466198

>I ate at a Bob's big boy in Detroit and everything was going fine till the very end I was told by the waitress "you be careful out there watch yourself"
I can understand why you would feel bad after hearing this but its definitely on the plus side.

>> No.9466200

Negative comments that add nothing and are just "kill all niggers" doesn't add shit to a board about cooking. Keep the garbage on your containment board, Cletus.

>> No.9466206

>hurrrr durrrrr its da cooking board wer every single post must be about da cooking

Fuck off redit scum

>> No.9466215

Literally don't think I've ever seen a nigger work.

t. finland

>> No.9466218

ctrl+f "kill all n" only finds your post. Maybe it's time to look in the mirror friend

>> No.9466227

I prefer to segregate myself from such establishments.

>> No.9466243

Go back to pol you bleeding heart faggot

>> No.9466272

Nice samefagging. You're the one that needs to go back to your little edgy home, /pol/.

>> No.9466301

Popeyes. Never had bad food or bad experience

>> No.9466366

I only correct the people who incorrectly correct other people's grammatical errors. I'm the grammar police police.

>> No.9466389
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Its not "powl" you pasty purple haired fuck. Browse black twitter/instagram/facebook etc. They HATE us and are obsessed with us. I dont need that negativity in my life

>> No.9466395

Yeah the Popeyes on lake street is the best Popeyes in Minnesota.
Also a few bbq places I went to down south were solid.

>> No.9466401

hello /pol/!

>> No.9466413

>browsing random black peoples profiles
>they're somehow the obsessed ones

>> No.9466418

I didnt force them to say all those terribly racist things. And if you look at their profiles, its alot of common people like business owners, doctors, teachers etc. Meanwhile stormfront and /pol/ are populated by untouchable incles you would never have to worry about irl

>> No.9466424

No i follow alot of them i work or know and they all post about us almost daily and ive stumbled across pages while looking at "trending". Do you really have to refutal besides "no u xD"?

>> No.9466426
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Oh, you have no idea how many of us there are here. 60+ even. I know it scares you kids and autists, because it doesn't compute with your still so simplistic worldview, one where everything needs to fit in the "correct" pigeonhole in order for you to understand life.

Well, too bad, but it just doesn't work like that. Just like we understand the 18+ rule hasn't stopped half of the people in this place.

>> No.9466451

My local fried chicken place is run by back ya fist bumbaclot boiii tier Jamacians, the food is god tier but I always get it for takeout mostly to escape the clientele, the kitchen staff are loud but friendly enough

>> No.9466452

>Literally don't think I've ever seen a nigger
Sentence should've ended there, Downie-kun.

>> No.9466455

Why are you pushing your weird fetishes onto strangers?

>> No.9466463

No, it's scary because we don't want to end up like you. 60 years old and spending the precious few years before your death talking to children on anime forums.

>> No.9466467

>muh anecdotal evidence

>> No.9466468

>forced to eat

>> No.9466471

Wahh wahh bitch about the arabs faggot. They were the ones who took you kangz from da muddahland in the first place

>> No.9466474

Maybe you need a sleep machine.

>> No.9466476

Welcome, newfriend!

>> No.9466479

I don't like niggers.
Just saying

>> No.9466480

Maybe you do. It's not normal to spend your days bitching and moaning about workers in restaurants not being the same race as you.

>> No.9466484

That guy is white and talking about his experiences with Africans, you mong.
>/pol/ in charged of reading comprehension

>> No.9466501

>thousands, maybe millions of shares on a post about hating whites
>ancedote xD

>> No.9466504

i would rather think it's worse that you fuck up your youth shitposting on a board, while you could do something while you have the strength. shitposting on an older age could be sad if it's the only thing you do, but let's face it, the most miserable fucks are the underage faggots 20 year olds, including myself, incapable of fitting in to society, desperately trying to find a valve for their emotional instability. old timers probably have a family, kids, all you and i have a is a shitty meme board, stop hating on the old man

>> No.9466506

Doesn't matter to ME. I'm just saying it's easier to understand how people act when you know the history of how they ended up in the position they are. As a white guy it's far easier for me to get along with Africans than African Americans because the latter often have a suspicion and distrust of me that the former do not. I'm just saying it isn't all that hard to see where that comes from.

>> No.9466520
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real africans are loud as fuck, can't enjoy a meal with their hyperactive "socializing skills". nothing against blacks, but when shit gets native everyone gets annoyed, except those folks. also blacks != niggers

>> No.9466535

You still have time to leave and make something of yourself. Imagine if you were 50 or 60 or 75. Your life is already at its point. You can pick up new things for fun, but it's not going to get any better. It's almost over.
>old timers probably have a family, kids,
We don't know that. And if they do, they'd probably spend time with that family or on other hobbies unless they hate them (which is a similarly shitty situation to having none at all, except since they're old they can't even make a new one or ever fully make amends for time lost).
>stop hating on the old man
Hey, he started it. Old timers shouldn't dish out what they can't take.

>> No.9466549
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>Eating food that you know niggers have touched
You know they have STD's and aids right?

>> No.9466577

Does that mean you hate Western European food too?

>> No.9466578

>can't tell the difference between hate and criticism

>> No.9466583

This post is so stupid, I can't even tell whether it's bait or not.
I want to believe it's not bait so I can laugh at /pol/, but the idea that it might be some kid just pretending to be retarded and I might make him feel smug for falling for his poor ruse is stopping me. Hmm.

>> No.9466585

Wasn't a restaurant per se, but I was strollin along in downtown Detroit and found this guy with a smoker serving up ribs.
Normally I don't buy street food but I was so fucking hungry I went ahead and got some, and to this day they were the best ribs I've ever had.

>> No.9466596


Yes, in the West Indies and southern Africa, many times. Why?

>> No.9466694

Western European food is awful since they lack decent ingredients

>Muh 47 kinds of sausage

>> No.9466748

where in nola? I'm on algiers point

>> No.9466767

What? You wanna suck my dick or summat faggot? Fuck off loser

>> No.9466779
File: 99 KB, 240x240, dc17af4f-39d8-4f2e-9c21-25a86130e920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are a lot of small hole in the wall type resteraunts in arkansas ran by black people.
every one i've gone to has been nice. the atmopshere is pretty familial, someone one of the cooks know is always walking in and they'll have conversations while the cook does his thing. and sometimes there'll be "candy bars" set up for the kids to take. the rudest thing that's happened to me is someone asking me to speak chinese, but that happens at some of the smaller chains around here too, some people are just ignorant.

>> No.9466786

been to small pizza place run by blacks... service was terrible and food took like 30minutes it was horrible experience

>> No.9466795
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also, i think the reason for these resteraunts being so loud is simply because they're ran by lower income people. poor/lower class people from everywhere are loud, it isnt a quality restricted to blacks. anyone who says it is doesn't get out much, i think.
i'll stop avatar fagging now.

>> No.9466923

This. People of high social status are used to being listened to, so they're not in the habit of raising their voices. They're also used to being respected, so they're rarely on guard against some perceived social slight in the way those of low status often are.

>> No.9466949
File: 57 KB, 736x487, SaveItMyFriend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really, really, really like this image.

>> No.9466964

How do you explain italians

>> No.9466972

>in arkansas
>"candy bars"
...I'm guessing you mean the candy bowls? Anyway, I've only been to Rodneys. The food is god tier when he's there, honestly sort of average when he's not, what other places do you know about?

>> No.9466985

"For instance, the compound adjective "real-time" is a differentwordthan "real time." ... So, once compoundwordsare closed orhyphenatedthey are counted asone word."


>> No.9467002

Had breakfast in an IHOP just outside DC where we the only white people in the building and it was totally passable experience

>> No.9467006

There's a coffee place in my neighborhood run by some Ethiopians who import beans directly from their family over there. They also cook basic traditional food like injera, this spongy sourdough flatbread, which you can get with spiced eggs. Their son was in my year in high school and used to play guitar there on weekends. They're kind and enterprising people and the turkish coffee there is excellent. You shouldn't talk about things you don't understand, /ck/.

>> No.9467033

>muh whites only safe space
Fuck off, snowflake

>> No.9467047

Same thing. If you're talking Italain Americans most of the immigrants came from the south and Sicily, places the rest of Italy looks down on as being uncouth. And when they got here the rest of America looked down on them, for sure. They behaved accordingly.

In Italy the boisterousness decreases as you move north. Rome is much less boisterous than Naples. People in Milan are downright reserved, though they're still eager for you to try the local delicacies.

>> No.9467048


/ck/ has threads about the best mcChicken they've ever had. let's be real, this place is a far cry from high culture or class. It used to be better, but /r9k/ invaded with tendies memes

>> No.9467072

niggers somehow take it personally that some of their ancestors were enslaved

should I be mad that my my ancestors were serfs in europe? it was not much different - the lords could sell them, beat them and take as much as they wanted, just couldn't kill them

>> No.9467078


>> No.9467081

Get the lamb tibs if they have it, literally the best lamb dish known to man.

>> No.9467084

Assblasted faggot

>> No.9467098

You're here forever.
Nevar forget

>> No.9467106

Back to plebbit you whiny faggot

>> No.9467107

Clyde! Get in here Clyde! I found a nigger!

>> No.9467143
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>Go to Toronto for a day
>The only nigger I see is a homeless bum

>> No.9467289


Not just "liberals," you sheltered, underachieving, knuckledragging loser.

Take your foaming mouth back to /pol/, away from our civil Turkmenistanian cuneiform tablet board...

>> No.9468015

A hyphen makes it one word, you fucking cretin

>> No.9468037

Yes, I eat Caribbean food

>> No.9468042

They're supposed to be bannable, at least I've gotten banned. I also once got a warning for making a falseflag post pretending to be from /pol/. Maybe a mod just hates me

>> No.9468542

>he underestimates the danger of nigger aids

>> No.9468590

off the streetcar line near carrolton.
meh. BR sucks but i lived there too, there is a killer black people catfish restaurant that i have never had any problems at. The food in Baton Rouge is basic AF though, most ppl just want to eat Cane's and think Drusilla Seafood is a "Nice Restaurant"

>> No.9468634

This all day long.

>> No.9468636
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>black people

Lmao this shits like pottery

>> No.9468669

there's a new fried chicken place in my town (North Carolina) staffed just by a husband and wife, who are the owners. they're friendly and the food was fine.

went to a jamaican restaurant in my town with all black staff (none of them sounded jamaican) and while the food was good, the service was extremely slow. one of the people i was with ordered the fish and it came out 30 minutes after they brough the rest of us our food. staff was friendly and apologetic though, i think they just fucked up because they were very very busy that day

>> No.9468749

Remember /ck/ during 2009? The worst tripfag we had was bossnig and even he actually worked in a kitchen, according to him at least. Over saturation of fast food posting ruined this board.

>> No.9468757

To be fair, it wasn't that long ago where nigs were literally second class citizens in the U.S., a lot of people who lived through that are still alive.

>> No.9468787


I've never seen a fast food place in my town with more than one white guy in it. Service varies from average to absolute shit.(made my order except for the fries and put it in the bag, once everything was in the bag they stood around for a few minutes trying to figure out who should go to the freezer and get the fries, it was about 20 minutes after they had put my food in the bag that they finally got the fries done)

>> No.9468790

Why don't you fuck off then you whiney faggot?

>waaaaa I don't like the board now but ill browse it anyway

Fuck off stupid cunt

>> No.9468802

so what is good food to you?

>> No.9468808
File: 611 KB, 1051x876, 1343686454121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

>> No.9468830
File: 30 KB, 600x458, ci09ah0uwaar-gj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This image isn't a meme son, I know you're from redit and jump back and forth between sites but you'll learn soon enough.

>> No.9468833

>Well, this gorilla is either borderline retarded or has average human intelligence we can't tell which

Whoever performed the tests was obviously reading way too much into the "answers" Koko gave.

>> No.9468838

get out of my whites only safe space, you nogger

>> No.9468848

This ain't it, faget

>> No.9468858

okay how about now

>> No.9468865

Not even close

>> No.9468870


>> No.9468878


>> No.9468886

Yes he has. So have many others itt. Sorry that doesn't fit your narrative. Maybe your narrative is shit? I think that's it.

>> No.9468910

This. Nola has plenty of good black-owned and ran establishments. However, the second you leave the area, any "soul food" restaurants are a fucking joke. I live in Arkansas and I went to one particular soul food restaurant, and I was there for thirty minutes before the waitress even noticed myself and my friends were there (we would've left but it was the only restaurant open aside from McDonalds and an indian restaurant) and literally an hour and a half to get our food. The food wasn't good, either. It just tasted like grease and salt. And the waitress kept coming out to apologize to us and say "sorry we's about to close haha" (it was 3pm and the apparently close at 5.) Suffice to say, it was a terrible experience and I should've gone to the fucking poo-in-loo instead.

>> No.9468916

wow racist.

>> No.9468934

I'm afraid it doesn't work that way if you're the one holding the privilege, even when you're pissed off that might not mean as much as it used to.

>> No.9468944

wow fag

>> No.9468960

At least I'm not a crying tiki torch nazi

>> No.9468969

wow. just wow

>> No.9468972

>be euro
>formerly engaged to amerinigress
>mother's day
>amerinigress' family take mum out
>go with
>we're going to a geechee restaurant because fiancee's mum's geechee herself
>biscuits are drier than a dyke's cunt at a magic mike screening
>all our rice dishes are undercooked as fuck
>my fish is overcooked as fuck
>fiancee's mum's she-crab soup was obviously made with food colouring because it just tasted like clam chowder from a tin with tinned crabmeat added
>fiancee's chicken was meh and underseasoned
>fiancee's brother's shrimp and okra tastes like the shrimp was left out overnight
>fiancee's dad's food must've been okay because he was the only one who didn't complain
>iced tea was good, have three pitchers during our stay because pitchers are free refills
>"what's the matter honey? don't you like your crab soup?"
>"no, I don't like YOUR crab soup and my son's shrimp is rotten"
>"sorry to hear that. let me fix that for you, free of charge"
>fiancee's bro gets the fried fish platter instead
>is decent
>receive the damage
>charged for the rotten shrimp we sent back and didn't eat
>charged for three pitchers of tea even though free refills
>charged for the fried fish even though told it was complimentary
>fiancee's dad chimps out
>"you triflin' ass bunch o' niggas, we ain't payin' fo' shit!"
>this is an educated man, never heard him speak this way before
>take the offending items off, after much arguing
>I decide to pay for everyone to ease rising tensions
>we leave
>halfway down the block, waitress runs after us
>"you forgot to leave a tip"
>fiancee's dad looks like he's about to blow a gasket
>get chinese food on the way home
>laugh at the shitty, shitty mother's day brunch
Worst restaurant experience ever. Other black-owned places I've been have either had pleasant service or fantastic food. Nothing has ever been this bad and I doubt anything ever will be again.

>> No.9468997

I too am amazed such creatures exist.

>> No.9468999
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Yes. Pic related.

>> No.9469003

wrong. ill-kempt is more stylistically pleasing and verbally appropriate and concise than unkempt here.

>> No.9469012

yes. there is a black church that doubles as a fried chicken joint when its not sunday. it was delicious.

>> No.9469019

wow you come off like a huge faggot

>> No.9469052

Do you want to fucking die cunt? I'm gonna fucking find you and torture you

>> No.9469069

Look at the internet tough guy everyone! Look at him and laugh!

>> No.9469071

Yeah you're laughing now. How you gonna laugh with a hole in your neck?

>> No.9469075

There's already a hole in your neck. You wouldn't be able to laugh without it.

>> No.9469083

Wow didn't see that one coming your wit is amazing. Bet you're the kind of faggot who laughs at his own jokes and stares people right in the eyes after saying something he thinks is funny, waiting for them to laugh. They laugh bro but only because you won't stop staring

>> No.9469088
File: 3 KB, 429x410, Sad-Memes-man-crying-front-of-computer[2].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right

>> No.9469113

From the cancer you just gave me?

>> No.9469488

they would make shit servers, dogs are the only animal that understand pointing

>> No.9469993

are you the same as >>9465133? because you didn't respond to me, >>9465906. might have been an oversight, i don't mind

>> No.9470069

No I'm not the same you dumb fucking faggot go suck a nigger dick you fucking nigger lover get the fuck off my site

>> No.9470072
File: 509 KB, 1600x1200, le mysterious girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took a shitty pic of one of my body parts, you'll have to guess which one is it!

>> No.9470074
File: 46 KB, 600x800, le turd girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

le turd girl

>> No.9470077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.9470086

This is 100% accurate. Can confirm.

>> No.9470276


>> No.9470395

this, niggresses just have no shame when flirting. I fucking hate it.

>> No.9470704

haha it was my benpiso lole

>> No.9470744

Yeah, there's a soul food kitchen near my place that's pretty rad.

They're like a church gospel and it's all a good time

>> No.9470748

nigga gotta eat

>> No.9470751

i went to pop eyes and some specialty place, the food was not good. but fast food, everybody usually messes it up. now most restaurant sit downs are pretty good. can't say I've been to a sit down black joint.

>> No.9470757

id be 100% ok with some big fat 80s motown nigga mommas soul food cooking

>> No.9470762

if i remember the specialty place chicken was real good. pop eyes kinda, na.

>> No.9470816

Ye. My local KFC. They're good, ironically.

>> No.9471604

I only ever eat out at either middle Eastern or north African places cis I don't like bland white ppl food never had any problems or confrontations with staff in such a place white restaurants is a whole different story all though I only really get takeout and don't like restaurants but that's cos I don't like condescending staff

>> No.9471612


>> No.9471663

In many areas of the south, you can't find a restaurant, fast food or otherwise, that isn't staffed by blacks. Some are great, some are mediocre and some are shit just like restaurants and people everywhere.

This alt-right race hatred is pathetic and those poor sods are being manipulated on 2 fronts. On the one hand, it's beneficial to our overlords to keep the disenfranchised of all races from uniting against the real enemy, the corporate fascists. Otoh, it benefits other countries (russia, china) who are LARPing it in social media to fragment the US. That's a very ancient strategy. We currently use it by pitting ethnic groups within countries we seek to destabilize against each other, and you'd better believe they use it too.

Stop being manipulated.

>> No.9471687

Ethiopian has some dishes surprisingly similar to Indian vegetable dishes. I think it is a good cuisine. There's one in Vancouver near the pot shops I've been to years ago that was good. Afro Canadian resto

>> No.9471919

Yeah, some random southern barbecue buffe thing. Chill and cheap as fuck, but the food will kill you.

>> No.9472858

I love soul food. Oxtail stew? Hells yes! Gotta get some collard greens and some mac and cheese in there too.

>> No.9472872

You must be 18 to post on this board.

>> No.9473641
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>> No.9473954

Jesus christ same here in milwaukee every fucking time. It's pike long curly hair is the gate keeper to black pussy.


>> No.9473957

Obviously a nigger can't cook so a nigger must go to a restaurant cus a nigger gotta eat.

>> No.9473975

really wish I didn't click this thread.

>> No.9473987

Lol this is racist (no, I haven't)

>> No.9473993


>> No.9474063
File: 10 KB, 225x225, image2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-N-N-Niggers are apes
Shave a monkey and tell me what color it is.

>> No.9474065


>> No.9474088

It's a /pol/ gb2k thread and I love it

Food is the cornerstone of biological life
Politics is the cornerstone of interaction of biological life
Food is political

Deal with it

>> No.9474093

>this grasp
Fuck off, no one wants your schizophrenic ramblings

>> No.9474639

Went to a place in New York not too far from JFK Airport. It was jammed packed and they served us fairly quickly with no issues. I don't have much experience in that circumstance otherwise.

Most restaurant owners/managers, and workers around me hire white/asian workers. Very few blacks around to begin with though.

>> No.9474654

>"If I insert politics into everything people will think I sound smart!"

>> No.9474665

>Has anyone ever ate at an all black staffed restaurant, whether fast food or sit in, and had a positive experience?

Chinese Canadian here, and have family working in Atlanta. Visited them last year and the thing I remember most about Black restaurants is that all the black people are literally yelling at each other at the top of their lungs. And I don't think they were fighting, they just talk that way.

Do American blacks not have an "inside voice?"

>> No.9474673


Chicanadian here again:

And I don't get why your blacks think they're entitled to so much free shit?

And WTF is reparations?

My grandfather was robbed and beaten in America to an inch of his life by niggers.

You're entitled to your nigger reparations when all the Asians, Latinos, Whites, etc who were robed, raped, or murdered by blacks in America get our reparations.

Fair is fair.

>> No.9474706

You sound like a huge tool, shitskin. Don't you have some stray cats to be rounding up?

>> No.9474711

>And I don't get why your blacks think they're entitled to so much free shit?

white guilt brainwashing and a failed education system that caters to the lowest common denominators instead of catering to the hardest working and brightest.

>> No.9474715

>My grandfather was robbed and beaten in America to an inch of his life by niggers.
>You're entitled to your nigger reparations when all the Asians, Latinos, Whites, etc who were robed, raped, or murdered by blacks in America get our reparations.

Good luck with that.

Here in America, we have something called "Double Standards."

And yes, we get the irony that double standards are inherently racist.

>> No.9474805

Popeyes in Seattle was fucking glorious. Best chicken I have had in my life.

>> No.9474822
File: 117 KB, 300x300, 7341018929326393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying superficial colouration > Facial proportions

>> No.9474884

Went to a burger joint that turned out to be on the edge of the hood, was shit, got no service, everyone gave me and my gf a nasty look, flies in the restaurant that I had to keep off the food, place was dirty, soggy crinkle-cut freezer fries and shitty burgers.

Should've just turned 360 degrees and walked away as soon as I saw the staff but nope I was gonna be Mr. Anti-Racist that day.

What a mistake.

>> No.9474891

>>Implying superficial colouration > Facial proportions

Big Dicks = Genetically Different

Genetically Different includes smaller craniums, hyperactive Amyglada leading to increased aggression, etc, etc...

I thought we weren't allowed to talk about genetic differences anymore?