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9464257 No.9464257 [Reply] [Original]

Is kimchi a meme?

>> No.9464274

Do you enjoy it?

>> No.9464277

I've still never tried kimchi
Am I best experiencing it for the first time from a recipe or a resteraunt?

>> No.9464281

I love it. My favorite way is in fried rice.

>> No.9464288

Kimchi is pretty great, I long for a day when fresh (live culture) kimchi is available everywhere for reasonably prices. Traveling in weird countries, sometimes there’ll be a Korean grocery chain (Lotte, etc) and they’ll always have fresh kimchi in the cold section, seemingly regardless of whether there’s any demand for it or not.

>> No.9464299

Get it fresh made, not pasteurized in a jar or packet. If you go to a Korean restaurant anywhere I assume they’re making their own, although restaurant-tier kimchi (even a Korean restaurant in korea) won’t be as good as that made for eating straight.

>> No.9464336

no, it's a food you meme-whoring fuck

>> No.9464349

Alright, thanks anon. I might try and make it myself if I can find a solid authentic recipe. In northern england I doubt there are many authentic kimchi resteraunts. I'm not too into cabbage but I always though kimchi looked delicious.

>> No.9464384

Nothing is hard to find (I’m assuming you can get Napa cabbage in the uk). Just use a Tara cotta jar in lue of whatever the authentic recipe calls for.

>> No.9464469

I can yeah. Thanks anon, I appreciate the help.

>> No.9464482
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I made 40 lbs recently. If it's a meme then it's the tastiest meme I've ever had.

>> No.9464486

I want to make my own gimchi

>> No.9464489

autism triggered:
terra cotta or terracotta (terra as in terrestrial or terra firma), in lieu

>> No.9464496

what is the red shit on the kimchi

>> No.9464506

Red pepper flakes combined with liquid, from what I can tell from recipes

>> No.9464510

Red pepper paste mostly.

>> No.9464515

its funny, when i was a kid all my friends would tell me how disgusting kimchi was and now everyone likes it? it most definitely a meme

>> No.9464523

Really not a meme/trend food since it’s delicious, but not so rich so you can eat it every day.

One of the world’s great food innovations imo

>> No.9464524

Pepper flakes give it the red color. The other liquid components are fish sauce, rice wine, sometimes a paste made with rice flour and water is added to make it thicker.

>> No.9464532

im actually korean and do eat it almost everyday. its trendy imo, the only people who liked it back then were weebs but they needed it way watered down lol. but its health benefits dont lie

>> No.9464535

Never made my own kimchi, but I think there are sometimes onion and/ok carrot.

>> No.9464540

Genuinely curious, where exactly is kimchi trendy? I hardly know anyone that even knows what it is.

>> No.9464543

Living in Korea I learned to appreciate cold kimchi, but I think there are still lots of times Koreans eat kimchi cold that it’s be better hot or fried

>> No.9464544

Is it really that spicy? I love spicy food but korean spice is way different than indian spice, a lot more vinegary and in your face. Indian spice tends to be more of a stomach burn than a disintegrating mouth feeling. I tried those x hot samyang noodles and they were way hotter than any curry I've tried

>> No.9464551

its trendy where white hipsters live. doesnt matter the city

>> No.9464554

LA and at LA inspired “Korean taco” places the world over.

>> No.9464562

Kimchi is rarely that spicy on its own, although Korean food is often crazy hot (the ubiquitous kimchi is just the base layer)

>> No.9464565

koreans love kimchi in any way. my favorite it kimchijigae or kimchi stew
depends who makes it. but true kimchi lovers like it extremely fermented which fucks my stomach up tbqh. indian food is hot kimchi is spicy

>> No.9464577

I think that's going to be my problem making it at home. All recipes seem to say "taste every day until it reaches desired taste" but I have no idea how it's meant to be or when it's ready. I might like it day one and not let it get to the optimal fermentation without realising, or I may end up eating shitty over-fermented stuff because I don't know better.

>> No.9464582

Yeah kimchi based jiggeas are god tier, although nothing beats good kimchi fried rice.

>> No.9464587

Totally depends on your taste. When I mentioned restaurant kimchi not being as good imo it’s because it’s not fermented for as long usually. But some like it absolutely rank and sour. I go for a crisp vinegar bite.

Beyond the scope of this thread maybe but I love me some “water kimchi” which is greens often without any red pepper (or only a little)

>> No.9464589

>Kids don't have developed palate
>Said kids now like it
>I don't like it

Must be a meme

>> No.9464594
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Pic related water (mul) kimchi

>> No.9464596

theres no right or wrong with kimchi. its whatever you like. but to get a good fermented taste i would say 1-2.5 weeks?

>> No.9464602

That helps a lot, thanks. I'll make a thread when I get around to making it, probably midweek. Maybe some of you could make your own too.

>> No.9464608

It's more like a sour spicy. The idea behind kimchi is that it's fermented, not "spicy"

>> No.9464609


>> No.9464618

Home kimchi maker here.
Kimchi is good at almost every stage.
Next day fresh kimchi is good with suyuk (basically boiled pork belly with sides).
At about 1 week fermented I like it as a side or kimchi fried rice.
After 2 weeks+ it becomes even more amazing for kimchi jjigae (stew with kimchi pork belly and onions) abd fried rice.

Last time I made a big batch the oldest stuff was about a month and a half old. It made the best kimchi jjigae I've ever tasted but it was too sour to eat plain.

What I'm saying is it's always good for something even if you don't like it as a standalone side. (Unless you just hate kimchi in general)

>> No.9464619

My mom (in Ontario) buys kimchi is jars. I’ve been trying to convince her she should make her own, although I’ve never done it myself.

>> No.9464625

How do you do it? What container and where do you store it? Do you dry your own pepprrs?

>> No.9464627

just buy it at the korean grocery store

>> No.9464635

Koreans mostly make their own it can’t be that hard

>> No.9464639

here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTucCw1w6Ak

>> No.9464655


This is the one I used. I bought a big bag of coarse pepper flakes from H Mart, and this time around I'm just storing it in big ziplock bags which is inside a big airtight container.
I highly recommend googling to find if there's any Asian/Korean markets around you.
They sell lots of useful stuff for kimchi making like big long gloves, big metal bowls for mixing and stuffing the cabbage, and big airtight kimchi containers.
Of course, if you're only making 1 cabbage worth you can probably get by without any if that, just store it in a ziplock bag and push out all the air.

>> No.9464693

Good guide SUBSCRIBED but where are the oysters?

>> No.9464699

>oysters in kimchi
korean confirmed

>> No.9464713

You should join me anon, it should be fun and relatively cheap. I'll be posting my progress as I go, so you can make it at home even if you don't post it.

>> No.9464727

Not Korean just lived there most of a decade. When I lived there locals would always gift me home made kimchi, ditto in Canada korean-Canadians giving me home made, but I feel I should learn to make my own.

In Korea it seemed everyone would dry their own peppers; not sure if that’s a noticeable diffetendr over bagged. Also I’m pretty sure they’d mix in fresh oysters.

>> No.9464732

I’ll be back home (in Canada) in two weeks will start then. Fall seems like the season for it.

>> No.9464745

kimchi is the only way that cabbage can taste even remotely edible

>> No.9464752
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E. European cabbage rolls are based

>> No.9464789


that looks like a fuckin turd

>> No.9464947

hey check yourself before you wreck yourself guy

>> No.9465027

>not sauerkraut
>not coleslaw
>not stuffed cabbage

I actually like raw cabbage though.

>> No.9465074

I don't think kimchi is a meme. It's legitimatley a pretty special food imo. Its really up there with saurkraut. Complex and with multiple uses. I like using kimchi as an ingredient more than eating it straight but its pretty fine stuff.

>> No.9465168

>durr avocados,sushi,kimchi are memes because hipsters spout it's the best thing ever when it's just food in the first place

>> No.9465176

god this shit on /ck/ pisses me off so bad

>> No.9465189

I've made it twice. My flavor profile doesn't taste perfect when fresh (I use homemade chili powder instead of the paste most people buy), but once it gets sour and old that shit is as good as the old korean lady who first gave me kimchi.

Twice now I've made it in december and it lasted right up until the next year. Year old cabbage is GOAT.

Also, to answer OP:
Spicy food is meme food
Asian food is meme food
Healthy food is meme food
White piggus catching onto "weird" foods is meme foods

Kimchi is the epitome of meme food. It's the new sushi. It's fucking great, though.

>> No.9465191

I've been considering making kimchi as it seems to be a pretty cheap and easy recipe to produce it.

>> No.9465198

Kimchi is one of the three total cultural products that Korea has so they have to pretend to like it

>> No.9465745

most kimchi is not very spicy at all. there is even some kimchi that has zero spiciness. very fermented kimchi is sour and even slightly effervescent and i've heard some white people say it hurts their stomach.

>> No.9465749

smoked cabbage is the bomb

>> No.9465844

How easy is it to find the chili paste and fish to make kimchi?

>> No.9466005

use the maangchi recipe for traditional napa cabbage kimchi.
the paste in combination with the porridge can be used to make almost any vegetable into kimchi.
I just made 4kg nappa cabbage, 2kg radish, 1kg asian chive and 1kg cucumber kimchi 3 days ago.
Its a whole day of work but youll have kimchi for cooking and eating straight for a year

>> No.9466449

Cucumber works well?

>> No.9466732

very very well, i made radish, chive and cucumber for the first time, i tried cucumber today and am very happy with the taste. its slightly sour and bubbly. I dont know if they will last indefinitely in the fridge like the nappa cabbage one, but ill leave some for science and check how long it lasts.
so yeah, make a giant batch of the paste and make kimchi out of everyything you want.
(i quartered the cucumbers and stuffed them just fyi).
if you prefer a milder or more acidic version check the different kinds of kimchi, the red one is only one of thousands of varieties

>> No.9466752

It's pretty much spicy sauerkraut. I like it.

>> No.9466790

Any asian market should have it.

>> No.9466793

noxious, foul-smelling garbage pushed by white-guilt libtards and the minorities that hate our guts

nobody actually enjoys the stuff except slant eyed jabbering gooks who can't afford real food because they're too busy wasting it on unitaskers like $100 rice cookers

>> No.9466852

Best side with ramen.

>> No.9466891

This unironically the worst post on this entire board. You should be ashamed of yourself.