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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9463087 No.9463087 [Reply] [Original]

>heavy as fuck
>unaesthetic design
>requires hours of preparation before you can even use it
>requires a glove or mitt to hold it by the handle when it's hot
>must be specially cleaned after each use
>must be cleaned while still warm so you can't even take your time and enjoy your meal
>can't use it for tomato-based dishes
>rusts with even a little bit of water
>cracks easily
>requires ungodly amounts of oil to keep it "non-stick"

Is this the biggest meme in the kitchen? Give me one good reason why you'd buy this over stainless steel or even ceramic.

>> No.9463092
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>> No.9463100

Have you tried buying one that costs more than $10?

>> No.9463102

It's a perfectly good option for poorfags.
If you can you should buy the lighter ones with a riveted handle.

>> No.9463130

Nobody said it was perfect.

>> No.9463134

That's not actually a word.

>> No.9463253

>idiots who actually bought into the meme

Yeah I had an old hand-me-down, good quality cast iron, and it's just an eye sore in the kitchen. Fucking heavy compared to other skillets or pots, have to take special snowflake care of it when used. The heat retention is way overhyped, at best a good normal skillet can get a similar sear and at worst it just burns the food

>> No.9463310

It's actually quite aesthetic because it is both shiny and black and is the iconic skillet look in all of pop culture

>> No.9463332

none of what op said is true.

you don't have to take special care of it.

cook with it. rinse it out. if it's seasoned correctly, it won't rust.

heavy? are you fucken kidding me? if that's true, a cast iron skillet is the least of your problems

>> No.9463346

I don't even rinse I just wipe mine out with a paper towel. Sticks less than Teflon tbqh

>> No.9463354
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i made an omelet this morning around 7:30. it's 3:15 now...it's been sitting all day

>> No.9463358
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i just wiped it clean with a paper towel

ooooohhhhh!!!! sooo much work!!!! reeeeeee!!!

>> No.9463486

>cleans egg residue from a pan sitting all day without soap and hot water

Enjoy your food poisoning next time you use that pan.

>> No.9463489

heat from next use will kill any bacteria present

>> No.9463496

Wow, you're a special kind of simple, huh?

>> No.9463526

Try searing a steak or any meat in a stainless steel or ceramic pan then sear one in cast iron. Tell me which one is better.

>> No.9463538

>Give me one good reason why you'd buy this over stainless steel or even ceramic.
First off, you're buying it from a store. If you start there you're doing it completely wrong. Good cast iron is handed down or purchased from an estate sale or an auction in small towns and rural counties.

>> No.9463557

My cast iron has been passed down for generations. It's my favorite thing in my kitchen.

>> No.9463731

My wife who is 5'1 and about the weight of a wet paper bag can lift the largest skillet we have with one hand no problem. If you think they are heavy you need to start eating meat.

>> No.9463743

Imagine being so retarded that you believe bacteria to be the problem and not the waste that they shit out. Scary to even consider.

>> No.9463874

you should get help for that, anon

>> No.9463892


>> No.9463896

Where do they get it from originally?

>> No.9463910

Besides, nothing like a spinning hot pan when you try to stir the food and add spices at the same time.

>> No.9463913
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a store

>> No.9463943

Then how do they know if it's good cast iron?

>> No.9463949

>a store
Yeah, a general store that sold goods like cast iron that was good cast iron. Not the crap that's been cast since the American Steel Industry got fucked nor the crap iron from foreign mills that uses piss poor ore.
If you don't know the difference from turn-of-the-century cast iron and today's Wal-Mart/Amazon cast iron...

>> No.9463968

Order of magnitude higher emissivity.

>> No.9464035



>> No.9464053

>OP posts low quality shitpost
>bunch of replies

>OP posts about actual genuine food and cooking topic
>5 replies and then archived

I fucking hate this board.

>> No.9464056
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you're free to leave whenever you feel like it

>> No.9464064

Dumb frogposter

>> No.9464076

And still we return. I want off this ride

>> No.9464080

>season with flax oil
>cook everything with lard instead of a plant oil.

cleaning it like a normal pan occassionally isn't going to hurt it. especially if you have decades of oil cooked on.

>> No.9464151

look at the cooking surface.

older skillets are smoother than a baby's ass.

if you want a legit cast iron skillet, go to a flea market.

don't worry if it's covered with crud. just throw it in a fire. after it cools, wash it with soap and water. then season it correctly.

>> No.9464339
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>light as fuck
>all the benefits of cast iron
>takes seasoning much faster
>heats up much faster
>very aesthetically pleasing, downright sexy even
step aside grandpa

>> No.9464389
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Nobody knows

>> No.9464406
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>> No.9464415

>passing humanlet genetics to your kids

>> No.9464416

I mean I assume he hasn't had food poisoning every time he's used the pan

I know I haven't

so either you're stupid and spewing shit, wrong about what could be happening, or both.

>> No.9464419

frankly I'm jealous of his woman

>> No.9464423

>if you want a legit cast iron skillet, go to a flea market

How do you know it wasn't bought 2 years ago by some memester and left in a garage to rust, sold for $1.00 at a garage sale to an enterprising flea market gypsy who told you it was his great-great-grandmother's and used on her homestead on the Nebraska prairie? Protip, you don't and just got conned.

>> No.9464424

Because it is the biggest meme in the kitchen. Steel and ceramic are suerior in every way

>> No.9464427

I had a cast iron pan, and can agree with OP. I got a cheap lodge for $14, and EVERYTHING stuck to the pan, even bacon. So I took some sand paper, all the way up to 1000 grit to nearly polish the surface. Then I did the "seasoning" bullshit to get the polymer coating on the pan. It was non-stick for about 2 weeks so long as I used a silly amount of bacon grease or butter. Then it was just like brand new; everything stuck. Bacon, eggs, steak,vegetables, everything.

I got some $15 calphalon non-stick ceramic pans to replace it. I can crack an egg into them without butter and it doesn't stick. Cast iron is a stupid meme.

>> No.9464435

>spot the antivaxxer

>> No.9464442


>> No.9464499

>look at the cooking surface.

>> No.9464548

No, you can use a $5 pack of sandpaper from home depot to replicate one of the antique cooking surfaces. Your best bet will be flipping it over to see the brand stamp.

However, iron is iron, it doesn't matter how old it is, and you shouldn't trust a seasoning from the flea market, and at that point it doesn't fucking matter weather its a brand new pan or 100 years old.

>> No.9464922

Growing up this was literally all we had in the house.

>> No.9464949

Where does someone who wants to buy a new one find a good pan? I just want to season it myself.

>> No.9464964

well fucking worth it. I have my grandmother's cast iron skillets. These babies have been through hell and back and will last at least the next couple generations.

>> No.9464971

No furniture or food or anything? Just a family huddled together on the floor around a iron skillet? Jesus anon that's rough.

>> No.9465013
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>I'm taking the bait because I fucking love these pans
They are SO fucking worth it. Still have a full set of the gradmother's cast iron frying pans that she got when she was 20 that she used 24/7, and now my 61 year old father has used them pretty much every day, several times a day since 2001.
Just don't use fucking metal utensils on them and they'll be fine to use for generations.
>"have to use an oven mitt to hold the handle when it's hot"
I never understood why they had no handle covers on them until my dad explained to me that it's so you can cook things in the oven with them, without worrying about the handle melting.
>"must be specially cleaned"
>"must be still cleaned while warm"
One of these literally sat on my stove for 2 days with just water in it (our sink broke) after cooking eggs and bacon it it, and it's still fine as it was before.

>> No.9465032

Same fag again

Why's everyone talking about "seasoning" the pan? What does that mean?? I've been around these pans for 19 years and nobody in my house has done anything to "season" them. We use them like you would any other pan like that and they work fine, I'm so confused.

>> No.9465047

Its a bunch of old people clinging to the past. Technology has created far superiority and cost effective alternatives like carbon steel.

>> No.9465067

wipe the fucking thing down with an oiled cloth after each use.
there's a reason your grandpappy had the fucking thing for so long
>One of these literally sat on my stove for 2 days with just water in it

>> No.9465093

But what's the point of doing that? Our pan works fine without doing fuck all to it.
>"there's a reason your grandpappy had the fucking thing for so long"
Does not seasoning the pan make it last longer or some shit? I literally know fuck all about these pans (other than what I was taught) so I'm sorry for sounding like an autistic fuck

>> No.9466041



I will never understand why people bother with their grandma's cookware when professional grade tools are both widely available and fairly affordable in this day and age. If you like making food, why not use the same pans the guy in the $300 prix fixe menu place is using?

>> No.9466141

>light as fuck
Euh. It's lighter, but not that much.

>> No.9466209

why spend time sanding when you can find an old one with a smooth cooking surface? the ones cast today are shit. i know iron is iron...that wasn't the point. finding one with a smooth surface was the point. while you're busy sanding, i'll be cooking. :)

>> No.9466321

>300 prix fixe menu

Inedible crap like most restaurants. Home cooking beats restaraunt cooking 99% of the time. Only fat lazy retards eat out

>> No.9466336


Not him but the only place in the world to ever give me food poisoning was a wings joint in buffalo NY.

I have used oil that sat on the counter open to the elements for a couple days in a tropical environment to fry twice thawed chicken. All I had to do was strain out the bugs and if you forget one in there you can see the bubbles shooting out of its asshole so that's a tell tale sign that you need to retrieve something.

>> No.9466343

>First off, you're buying it from a store. If you start there you're doing it completely wrong. Good cast iron is handed down or purchased from an estate sale or an auction in small towns and rural counties.
Do you know how retarded you sound? Cast iron pans are not fucking dicks you're born with or without. If you don't have one, you buy one. I can't just rewrite my complete fucking family history every time I need something, nigga.

>> No.9466346
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Compared the actual numbers. Weight vs Cooking surface wise, cast iron actually wins!

Didn't expect it, but that's one more myth we can drop.

>> No.9466351

>requires ungodly amounts of oil to keep it "non-stick"

My guess is you're not using it at a high enough temperature. The main reason food sticks is because you've tried to turn it too early, or your pan is too cold.

>> No.9466361

"Seasoning" is the term used for the multiple layers of oil and fat that keep the surface non-stick and rust-resistant. After you clean cast iron you're supposed to oil up, heat, and buff the pan to keep the seasoning in good shape.

>> No.9466365


>> No.9466371

>However, iron is iron
Sadly, iron today (and the latter part of the 20th century) is of a lower quality than late 1800s and early 1900s. The formulas have changed for increased production and lower quality ore from foreign suppliers has also affected the quality of today's iron & steel industries.

>> No.9466374

>Do you know how retarded you sound? Cast iron pans are not fucking dicks you're born with or without. If you don't have one, you buy one. I can't just rewrite my complete fucking family history every time I need something, nigga.
Hey cockfuck, what does "purchase from an estate sale or auction" mean to your fag brain?

>> No.9466382

>purchase from an estate sale or auction" mean to your fag brain?
It means you like to suck gypsy cock. Just admit you can get a proper pan from a store, like a fucking human being, instead of jewing around yard sales, fuckface

>> No.9466400

>instead of jewing around yard sales
An estate sale is not a yard sale, dumbass.
>admit you can get a proper pan from a store
Yeah, if I want a hack pan that'll last for five years if I'm lucky.

>> No.9466434

>if I want a hack pan
Allright, if I want a hack pan, I'll go to your precious gypsies. Meanwhile I'll cook from a storebought, pefrectly functional, MY OWN, not some old farts, pan. And if I will ever become as retarded as the moron who kills a pan every five years, I'll go suck gypsy cock.

>> No.9466478

Perhaps I am too sensible. I have a selection of cast iron, stainless steel and non stick pans and select the one I feel is most appropriate for the task at hand. I do find myself using the cast iron frequently. Great for salute / roasting veg like cauliflower or sprouts.

>> No.9466485

>not pretty
Are you a girl?

>> No.9466493

>All I had to do was strain out the bugs and if you forget one in there you can see the bubbles shooting out of its asshole so that's a tell tale sign that you need to retrieve something.


>> No.9466511

I hate these stupid ass skillets. Even when there is a half-inch pool of bacon grease in them, everything still manages to cling to the bottom.

>> No.9466530
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>he never uses soap
grow up

>> No.9466536

Because contrary to /ck/, old cast iron pans aren't readily available.

>> No.9466554

Dude, you're doing it wrong.