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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 142 KB, 1500x999, bg-mango-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9453013 No.9453013 [Reply] [Original]

I was thinking today... and I don't think I've ever met a single person that dislikes mangoes.

Do you dislike them? Do you know somebody who does? I honestly think it's just a universally loved fruit

>> No.9453019

I love em and so does everyone I'm aware of. If only they weren't so expensive.

>> No.9453077

They're expensive because they're so good.

It's like if gold grew on trees

>> No.9453083
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No chance man. Maybe unripe mangos arent good but why the fuck would you eat an unripe mango.

Also have you ever tried frozen mangos? High tier

>> No.9453084

Should go to South East Asia, specifically Thailand and Cambodia. The mangoes are off the charts good and dirt cheap. Tons of street vendors that slice up a whole mango for you, stick it in a bag and give you a skewer. I must have had a mango or two every day. The pineapples are also very good.

>> No.9453087
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I buy a 2lb bag and stick it in the freezer. Pop one or two when it gets hot outside and just suck on em like candy

>> No.9453153


I hate mangoes because I grew up in the Philippines.

Mangoes here are like cows in india.

>> No.9453167

I get reactive hypoglycemia from them.

>> No.9453329

Grew up eating mangoes

They aren't bad, but I wouldn't call them good either.

>> No.9453720


Frozen mangoes are good, but I think texture heavily degrades.

They take on this chalky/powdery texture. Anybody know what I mean?

>> No.9453768

>Mangoes here are like cows in india
you guys worship the mango god over there?
I'm really jealous

>> No.9453777

>just suck on them
That's fucking gay.

>> No.9453795
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>not getting diabeetus from bountiful nature's gift to mankind

It's like you guys despise taste

>> No.9453799

Bad mangoes taste like pine.

>> No.9453811

I don't dislike them but I think they're highly overrated. There aren't many fruits I like less than mangoes.

>> No.9453824

Meh, here in Brazil we can find then about everywhere. I think liking something you can't easily find or afford is a common thing.

>> No.9453877

i love them
but every time i have some i get whicked heart burns
i love them but i hate to love them

>> No.9453939

Your mouth is broken. You should sue your parents

>> No.9453962

Dried mangoes are god tier too

>> No.9454275

I do not like mangos.

>> No.9454299

Rotten mangoes smell horrible, so I imagine some tropic folk would have trouble with ripe mangoes

>> No.9454306

Agreed. Weird af aftertaste. And the texture is gross.

>> No.9454315

I like the flavor but to get a good ripe one is hard and the texture can be too tough. Really good in juice.

>> No.9454491

Mangoes are good. Especially with a little chili and lime.

>> No.9454508

Dried mangos are fucking amazing

>> No.9454531

Pickle the unripe ones.

>> No.9456159

Murrican here. Never really had mangoes growing up. I have a friend from India and he wont shut up about how great the mangoes are over there.

>> No.9456175

Damn bro I feel for you. I've never heard of someone getting heartburn from fruit.

>> No.9456183

Lol, grew up in Hawai'i, there are many veriaties that are so much better than that stringy Mexico shit!

>> No.9456184

I buy a bag from Costco every 1 to 2 months. Its a great snack to have when im working (truck driving). Helps to keep me awake.

>> No.9456210

They're like 35 cents each, how is that expensive?

>> No.9456416

I know what you mean. I'll usually let them defrost for a little bit so they aren't so hard and chalk-like.

>> No.9456422
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These are unfairly good and anyone who disagrees is objectively wrong.

>> No.9456567

>tfw more than half of the stories about me as a babby involve me eating dried mangoes and dried apricots until my shit turned to rocket propellant

12/10 would worship a mango god

>> No.9456613

I dont like them. They have a weird bitter flavor Im not a fan of. It reminds me of overcooked cabbage. Thats not to say they arnt sweet, but that aspect of their flavor is off-putting to me. Id rather eat something thats just flat out good.

>> No.9456633

Mango is fucking gross

>> No.9456684
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>nigga fuck dried fruit I done had raisins and hated em, an fuck, I know them little Ocean Spray cranberry bitches is good but that's the pinnacle of dried fruit, fuck dried mangoes
>tastes one single bite

This shit is a fuckin revelation that sticks with me to this day.

>> No.9456790
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>> No.9457155

Literal food of the gods

>> No.9457168

I mean, they're okay.... I definitely don't love them, though

>> No.9457210

Don't forget muh 10 gorillion fruit bats that love mangoes.

>> No.9457225

Unripe mangoes are underrated. They have the texture of firm apples and sourness of limes with a hint of bitterness. Perfect in somtams.

>> No.9457257

I got a sister that lives in the tropics and has Mango trees dropping fruit all over her backyard and she doesn't think much of them. I'm in fucking Canada and I think they taste like heaven. I can't even imagine what a ripe one off a tree would be like. I have pear trees and apples here that grow here but the apples are stunted this year and the fruits never really ripen and all taste like shit in this part of the country. We grow nice barley and wheat however and it's actually snowing here a little at the moment although it's just a storm and not really winter yet but will be by Halloween.

>> No.9457349

If my tongue could orgasm, a ripe mango served atop warm, slightly sweet rice is a heavenly experience.

However, I'm a white dude who doesn't have the knowledge to select a ripe mango; thus, my mangoes taste like earthy dog-anus.

>> No.9457365

Mangoes are delicious

>> No.9458014

Ex gf is allergic

>> No.9458064
File: 181 KB, 1037x1003, 1426880801762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to the island of Santo Antão in Cape Verde once, there was a beatiful green jungle with a shitton of Mangos that were just there for anyone to pick. Got a huge barrel filled with it and ate mangos everyday, but everytime I woke up in the morning I got huge diarrhea. I still love mangoes but I can't eat them if they are small like the ones in that island.

>> No.9458066
File: 44 KB, 555x416, ataulfo-main-3-555x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /ataulfo/ here?

Tommy Atkins fags need to floss and thus need not apply

>> No.9458067

You know they have trace amounts of cyanide and other toxins when eaten unwashed straight from the tree, right? The common practice is to soak them for a day and then eat them.

>> No.9458073

Is it not enough for me to wash them and peel them? First time I hear of this.

>> No.9458083

Usually the ones that are sold in supermarket have already been soaked. I was told by an Indian mother and a White Lieutenant General who used to command a unit in Panama that eating mangoes raw off the tree gives you diarrhea because of cyanide, but it might be good to look it up and double check.

>> No.9458086

>White Lieutenant General
Why do welfare queens think this is relevant information? Am I supposed to think he's got special insight on mango eating because he managed to leech his way up the ranks in an organization staffed by people who weren't good enough to do anything other than blow up unarmed brown people with overpriced weapons?

>> No.9458094

Welfare queen? Nigga wtf are you smoking. Maybe I should've said "American" instead.

And yeah, he commanded a unit of soldiers for 9 years. New soldiers consistently suffered from diarrhea after arriving because of eating fruit fresh from the tree. Obviously he had to advise them how to eat the fruit and NOT get diarrhea, and probably got information from the locals how not to get the shits. Seems pretty credible to me.

Who's the supreme arbiter of mango knowledge to you then? Like wtf lol

>> No.9458127

>Maybe I should've said "American" instead.
Sure that's fine, I guess. A normal person would just say "a military person I know", or something to that effect. It's only welfare queens who think that dropping obscure terms into normal conversations makes them seem "cool".
>hey hoo-ah I O-5'd my SOCOM I bet this is totally USMC Lt. Junior Grade SERE BDU FUBAR, lol
Wow so powerful did you ever shoot anyone? I heard you get free VA for life, can I ASVAB some of your pain pills?

>> No.9458136

Wtf man...

He was literally my Quiz Bowl (competitive academics) coach. I'm not involved in the military nor have any interest in being in it, I'm a fucking music student. Justifiably criticize the U.S. military for other things but I think a guy who was stationed in a tropical location for 9 years knows how to eat mangoes without pooping his pants.

Why are you bringing such autism into a happy thread about mangoes

>> No.9458156

>Why are you bringing such autism into a happy thread about mangoes
Where do you think you are?

>> No.9458164

On /b/, apparently.

>> No.9458207
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I made a topical post in response to another person, faggots. Then this Cro-Magnon called me a welfare queen and autistically screeching about the Army.

>> No.9458266

Ataulfo mango best mango. There is simply no contest.

>> No.9458299

>t. people who've never had an alphonso

>> No.9458336

I'm allergic to them. My anus will swell and itch horribly. My Dr said people were also sensitive to poison ivy that were allergic to mangos.

>> No.9458497

Honeslty I think they have a funky taste. Really not on my prefered fruits list, but I'll eat em.

>> No.9458548

Where the fuck do you live? Theyre usually a dollar a piece here in denver.

>> No.9458557
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>blocks your path

>> No.9458584

Eh, they're alright. I don't generally buy them but if offered i won't turn it down.

I do like dried green mango more than fresh though.

>> No.9458633

Free everywhere here. Giant old trees in all the parks, plus like every three houses has one in their front yard.

>> No.9458731

My dad says they taste like soap. I think they're great.

>> No.9458752
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I thought worshipping Mango was an American thing

>> No.9458757

Anybody who doesn't think mangoes are one of the best fruits they've eaten just haven't had a good one.

>> No.9460629

How did bell peppers get renamed after everyone our grandparents age called them mangos? Why would we then give that name to a totally different thing

>> No.9460648


>> No.9460651

is that supposed to be mango?

never seen it this color before

>> No.9460655


>> No.9460662

>messican mango candy

>> No.9460685

yes. I know someone. she says the skin reminds her too much of human flesh.....she's a fucking weirdo

>> No.9460931

Mangoes suck and they are bad fruits

>> No.9460943

I can't eat them due to contact dermatitis from some bullshit pesticide that's used on them. Only one time in my life was I able to eat a mango and it was when my neighbor, where I once lived, gave me one from his tree from his greenhouse. I don't know what cultivar it was, but he only used compost and water on it.

>read label
>contains Red 40 and added sugar

I'll never understand that.

>> No.9462189

Mango is great when they're perfectly ripe. Too hard and they're tasteless, too soft and they become a fucking mess to eat

always find it hard to know when its ripe

>> No.9462198

Maybe you should look into organically grown mangos, they are supposed to use natural pesticides.

>> No.9462232
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man, it's been years since i ever ate mangoes, I used to love those fuckers to death. I don't have that taste for thick fruits and juices anymore. thank you op for reminding me, im buying some next week

>> No.9462601

My mom makes good homemade peach mango iced tea

>> No.9462607

Actually, the sap does that...