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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 867 KB, 1456x2592, Xub4i1X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9450554 No.9450554 [Reply] [Original]

British classic 'Chips & Gravy', as eaten in England's Northern quarter.

>> No.9450579

Never thought gravy and chips was great desu, always found cheesy chips to be far superior

>> No.9450716
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Cheesy chips and gravy?

Or poutine as our leaf brethren refer o it.

>> No.9450726

It's no different to roast potates and gravy.

>> No.9450810


>> No.9450854
File: 75 KB, 560x406, chips n curry sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chips n curry sauce. Eaten by working class school kids across the land at lunch time

>> No.9450877

Not down here in the Queens city

>> No.9450893

Well in Scotland they do. I dunno about the north of England

>> No.9450904

Cum peas on toast

>> No.9450911

Squeezy cheesy peas?

>> No.9450914

My daughters school has banned the children from going to the chip shops at lunch time.

>> No.9450917
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No, cum peas

>> No.9450924

But they're cheesy, and peasy. They're cheesy peas!

>> No.9450930

Yeah, so did mine. Like it stopped any of us.

>> No.9450934

Canada was a mistake.

>> No.9451006

That's to stop the rape gangs from turning the girls into kebab

>> No.9451014

>remembering this actually happened
sigh, really fucking my sobriety up senpai

>> No.9451040
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Do English """""""people""""""" really eat this?

t. Italian

>> No.9451096

>England's Northern quarter
outed yourself

>> No.9451099


>> No.9451131

rape has become pretty common on a big scale all over England, because England is 57% Muslim by now.

>> No.9451136


Also requesting story or link

>> No.9451138


>> No.9451142

Outer as what?

>> No.9451144
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oh Nigel....

>> No.9451152

Hey folks, it's the triggered shart show!
What zany shitpost will we see next?
Stay tuned for more low voltage laughs!

>> No.9451180

did you eat some roly poly recently?

>> No.9451211

Did you shit in the street recently?

>> No.9451248

search charlene downes kebab

>> No.9451279

there has been an update to the story recently i think, the girl was called charlene downs if you want to look it up

>> No.9451307

>Delinquent girl gets expelled from school
>Delinquent girl wanders the streets all day
>Delinquent girl fucks pakis for free kebab
>Delinquent girl goes missing in 2003
>Policeman decides the pakis killed her and cooked her
>Pakis go to trial in 2007
>Charges are dropped and pakis get a quarter-million in compensation
>This year, police arrest somebody in connection with the disappearance

>> No.9451846

Fucking shocked to hear that, lads. Too much of this nanystate shite in this country. Hope you and your kids can get a quality chippy whenever you want.

>> No.9451977

Thats fucked, my chippy used to charge £1.25 for a kids special that got you a cone of chips with a battered sausage or a small battered fish.

>> No.9452214

Anything one else thing chippys just dont taste quite as good since they stopped serving them wrapped in real newspaper?

Might just be nostalgia or maybe some other food regulation changed around the same time they stopped using the papers buts its defo different

>> No.9452960
File: 36 KB, 580x398, lilc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats errbody think about lil c

>> No.9453049


>> No.9453052

That gravy looks like shit

>> No.9453063
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This with Spotted Dick for dessert.

>> No.9453197


"Roast potatoes" = potato dipped in lard and baked in the oven.

Somalians eat higher quality food than Bongs.

>> No.9453409

it was fine

>> No.9453521

>roasted potatoes are baked

>> No.9453531
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>> No.9453543

What about actual bong food? Cornish pasties, steak pies, thick homemade chips, sausage and mash, beef wellington, cobbler, shepard's pie?

>> No.9453619

Atleast we dont have islam no go zones lmao

>> No.9453622

why do you keep making variations of this same thread, every day for months?

what is your end game?

>> No.9453624

It's spelled shepherd's.
The etymology derives from the words sheep and herd.

>> No.9453627

>England is 57% Muslim

I love to pull facts out my bum as well bro, did you know America is 104% homosexual?

>> No.9453628


>> No.9453636

What about sheep and hard? It could've originated in Wales

>> No.9453639
File: 107 KB, 1280x720, 1458360375916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are one cheeky cunt m8

>> No.9453642

>Did this Anglo-Saxon word originate in Wales?

>> No.9453646


>> No.9453647
File: 12 KB, 478x361, 9nohQh4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9453648

Not in the slightest.
It just wasn't funny.

>> No.9453653

fucking savages

>> No.9453655

Not though that far ahead desu, im just gonna keep making this thread and see what happens senpai

>> No.9453700


even if they have their chips licence?

>> No.9454353

Just another day in 60+% muslim bongistan

>> No.9454422


Literally nothing there that doesn't contain lard. Bongs are shit eaters.

>> No.9454426


They are baked in an oven after being dipped in melted lard. That is how they are made

>> No.9454427
File: 27 KB, 300x417, weedgurucom_bong3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

food bong

>> No.9454446
File: 222 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_0352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know the difference between baking and roasting
Why are you here?
I think /tv/ or /a/ may be more suited to your level of intellect.

>> No.9455102

Sheperd's/Cottage pie? Either way, lard isn't necessarily awful. It tastes better than the vegetable oil US food is drenched in. Italy uses olive oil, India uses ghee, it's no different.

>> No.9455130

Now lads, please give this man some credit, after all he did serve it in the traditional british serving methode by eating it out of a measuring jug, And also please pay close attention to the very classy knife in the teeth of the fork presentation.

>> No.9455144

They're called tines, scrub. If you want to take the piss, insult us for eating out of newspaper, something we actually do.

>> No.9455156


>> No.9455158

i enjoy fish nchips with the light taste of printer ink as much as the next essex fellow. but that shit rn is a pyrex measuring jug mate, aint a tin

>> No.9455160

Using newspaper to wrap food was outlawed in the mid 80's.
I must admit to being slightly disappointed when I travelled there.

>> No.9455172

yes saddly the only time u can get a classic fish and chips wrapped in newspaper these days is when u go to a place that has food wrap specifically designed to be safe for food contact aka not real news paper

>> No.9455184

Yeah a lot of places have fake foodsafe newspaper that looks the same but won't make your food toxic.
It makes sense honestly, my fingers always feel like they're coated in shit after reading a newspaper so I hate to think what hot food would do.

>> No.9455201

>>I always felt the ink added flavour and charm in a way, probably just me tho, However i do agree considering deepfried potatoes and battered fish are unhealthy enough as it is i dont think printer ink would really help>>9455184

>> No.9455431

Chips and curry sauce is loved by nearly everyone, maybe not posh twats though. A good chip shop is god tier.

>> No.9455440

I prefer garlic mayo personally, or even just salt vinegar and ketchup. I'm from the north where everyone eats chips and gravy, but chip shop sauces are always way too sugary and sweet for me.

>> No.9455446

All my local fish and chips places have turned into paki run shit holes that serve you old, rotten fish and expired potatoes. The only good one left is a Portuguese fella about 3 miles out from my home.

>> No.9455477

I love chips and gray at home but at an actual chippy its has to be curry sauce,chips and kebab meat for me. Or battered sausage/saveloy instead.

>> No.9456964

My school was majorly black, so they all lapped up the fried chicken and chips after school...

>> No.9457044

they know where the pengest munch is though m8

>> No.9458024

If your an inbred northern twat

>> No.9458047


Go over to a Brit/pol/ thread and remind them all the Rotherham girls were mudsharks who loved their Muslim boyfriends and the free stuff they gave them at first. The mental gymnastics and double think is amazing.

>> No.9458049



>> No.9458057

>actual chippy
>kebab meat
thats a kebab shop mohammed

>> No.9458233

Fuck off Northern englander all of yous are not only racist but also retarded
In Scotland where we welcome immigrants with open arms this has happened its a product of your racism
Also this is a cooking board and is not ment for the discussion of political ideology or beliefs

>> No.9458237

Yes they do

>> No.9458241

Only amongst people who have taken a survey where they stated that they where religious I assure you Muslims are still a minority

>> No.9458244

Tru dat

>> No.9458248

You are clearly the spazzy being so autistic you didn't get he was implying the Welsh are sheep shaggers

>> No.9458250


>> No.9458253

Mental gymnastics to get around statutory rape?

>> No.9458273

chippie with the boys during lunch was the ultimate comfort during those shite days, sorry to hear that