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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 114 KB, 800x800, Bloody-Mary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9449763 No.9449763 [Reply] [Original]

These are fucking atrocious. I don't understand how these became so popular.

>> No.9449785

An alcoholic breakfast. You're just a child

>> No.9449803

bloody marys are fucking amazing

you have to have a good one before you can enjoy a shit one. the bloody marys you get on an airplane suck dick but i enjoy them now cause i guess my mind knows what they're supposed to be like and fills in the blanks

>> No.9449817

they sober you up if you need to drive home

>> No.9449948

Try it spicier. It kills the V8/tomato taste more.

>> No.9449954

An alcoholic breakfast is a mimosa + buttered toast.

>> No.9449957


that's a poof's breakfast mate

>> No.9450616

>the fact that

>> No.9450630

You can hide a shitload of vodka in a bloody.

>> No.9450636

wow dont you sound mature and employed drinking at 8 in the morning

fucking nigger

>> No.9450647
File: 267 KB, 1600x918, skittles2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying a bloody mary isn't gay as fuck? It's called a MARY. Get the fuck out you cock juggler.

>> No.9450654


it's full of horseradish and tabasco and lea and perrins. the bloody mary is not remotely insecure about its sexuality

>> No.9450663

So it's comfortable sucking cocks is what you're saying.

>> No.9450667

>Alcoholics get buzzed off mimosas
Me? I'm no alcoholic but as the song goes I done grown up round some folks livin their life inside of bottles.

>> No.9450684

Drinking is for gays anyway, their "lifestyle" only works if their drunk.

>> No.9450692
File: 66 KB, 721x961, 20170811_232126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a buzz, it's a hangover killer. Nobody, not even OP, said anything about a buzz you faggot.

Learn to read and get back to me.

>> No.9450700

>It's a hangover killer
Again, you don't seem to know the difference between actual alcoholics and people who binge more often than they should.

>> No.9450714
File: 22 KB, 500x346, hear-that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't seem to know the difference between champagne and orange use and tomato juice and cheap vodka.

>> No.9450743

this, depending on the size of the glass you can fit a quadruple shot in there and not even notice

>> No.9450818

And this is why it's an alcoholics breakfast. When you need to get rid of the shakes and get in a serving of vegetables nothing else will do.

>> No.9450842

it's actually a good drink to have if you want to get drunk and also avoid a hangover too

>> No.9450847
File: 252 KB, 1200x1345, Vermeer_The_concert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is a beer and a multivitamin

>> No.9450853

That's some Kenny's dad tier shit right there.

>> No.9450858

beer sticks to your breath worse, compare to a bloody mary.

or vodka in coffee.

or just vodka.

>> No.9450870

>i don't like thing
>that means nobody can like thing
pls no

>> No.9450948

You dumb fuck. It's named after the bloodiest Queen in England's history whole murdered thousands of Protestants by burning them, draw and quartering them, beheading them, torturing them, you name it. That's not exactly what most people consider gay, now is it? Idiot.

>> No.9450961

Hitler murdered loads of people and he was a homosexual.

>> No.9450965

That has nothing to do with the subject at hand, though, or the story of Queen Mary.
Also, Hitler was a faggoty cuck.

>> No.9450968

>It's not gay
>It's named after a queen!!!!
Oh honey...
Hmm yes, quite. The Canadian version of this drink has a man's name as well. However, last I checked tomato juice and vodka lacks both gender and orientation.

>> No.9450969

Thanks for the sweet info, Mr. Goldberg

>> No.9450976

What are you, 12? Only an idiot would associate the word queen solely with gays. Grow the fuck up and educate yourself.

>> No.9450978

I've only known people to drink them as a 'hair of the dog' thing.

>> No.9450988

Anyone who disputes that Hitler was a syphilis ridden faggoty cuck is also a faggoty cuck.

>> No.9450993
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>> No.9451002
File: 44 KB, 450x355, Taco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What you don't own a tooth brush or mouth wash? Step up your game, brah.

>> No.9451005

>Getting this triggered by an innocent joke
>Implying that naming a drink after a sadistic, bitch of a queen isn't EXACTLY the kind of humor a gay man would go for
Get out more

>> No.9451012

Found the mad gay

>> No.9451016


>> No.9451025

Nope, try again.

>> No.9451028
File: 32 KB, 245x221, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think he was gay just a child molester.
In Mein Kampf he alludes to fucking his infant cousin and Eva was definitely underage, albeit a little whore.
>pic semi related

>> No.9451030

>In Mein Kampf he alludes to fucking his infant cousin

>> No.9451035

I've always wanted to go to somewhere with "bottomless mimosas" for brunch but I'm pretty sure they'd cut me off after like 6 even though that's barely anything

>> No.9451038

So much worse, then. Syphilitic cuck pedophile.

>> No.9451047

Yeah, places that serve "bottomless mimosas" always drag their feet to get you refills, so you end up never really having enough or your money's worth. EXCEPT at casinos. Find a casino near you that offers bottomless mimosas, and you'll get your drunk on. Casinos love drunk people.

>> No.9451056

>mmm yes feed me more atrocity propaganda oh god it tastes so good every leader on the losing side of wars my nation has fought was obviously a cartoon monster did you know that the kaiser literally impaled babies on stakes omg let me tell you this totally true story about this cliche evil scientist experiment dr.mengele did on my grandparents who met in a concentration camp after surviving being gassed 3 times each

Does that cover it all?

>> No.9451066

Or just drink a breakfast stout, or a coffee bean IPA

>> No.9451076

delicious with tequila, shitty with vodka

>> No.9451079

um the source is Mein Kampf darling

>> No.9451093

Code word for "I'm projecting my own fantasies"

>> No.9451108

You're really gassed up, aren't you? (No pun intended).
Why do you assume that anyone who hates syphilitic cuckboy Hitler is a jew? Are you really that stupid? He is to be condemned along with all the other dumb dickheads of history who committed mass genocide. They're all pieces of shit.

>> No.9451122

Go and read it (if you can, it's actually fucking boring). He fucked his infant cousin in Austria.

>> No.9451123

I read Men Kampf, and I think you're making up stories, Rabbi

>> No.9451125

>committed mass genocide
Good goy, Nazis are evil meanie's

>> No.9451132

>Men Kampf
Homo confirmed.

>> No.9451137
File: 79 KB, 700x566, commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stalin and mao did nothing wrong

>> No.9451139

>This asshole's best rebuttal is calling people Jews


>> No.9451147

Was that a Freudian slip?

>> No.9451151

Stop bullying me or I'll report you all

>> No.9451238

There's a difference between hating "evil" historical figures and regurgitating over-the-top atrocity propaganda. The first is reasonable and the second outs you as a easily manipulated simpleton. If you honestly believe that historians have been "discovering" new negative things about Hitler's personal life on a regular basis since the end of WWII then you're a fool.

>> No.9451245


>being gay is negative


>> No.9451261

I’ve had uncountable Clamato Caesars in my life, but the idea of the same with plain tomato juice is revolting.

>> No.9451288

had one, can confirm

>> No.9451290

>being gay is negative
Yes, faggot

>> No.9451346

You're a fucking fool for overreacting this bad. I've never read his shitty book, because I never cared to, so when people (since multiple people mentioned it) say he was also a pedo, based on his own book, I'm inclined to believe it. It doesn't fucking matter anyway, he was still a syphilitic piece of shit.

>> No.9451355

Are we seriously arguing over Hitler in a bloody Mary thread right now?

>> No.9451360

/pol/ ruins everything.

>> No.9451370

Jews ruin everything

>> No.9451375

>I'm inclined to believe it
Stay goy

>> No.9451390

I don't care for either desu

>> No.9451416

Racist much

>> No.9451419

>having a sexual attraction which makes it highly likely that you will be a genetic dead end
Yes, that's a good example of an objectively negative trait. Having a genetic defect that makes you want to deposit your semen in the intestines of other males is nature's way of saying, "Please, let your garbage genes die with you".

So when I call you out for being easily manipulated, your response is to attempt to prove that you're even more easily manipulated than I had implied? Cool.

>> No.9451424

Overly jaded white boi I suppose.

>> No.9451440

That looks like some sort of carrot/cranberry juice lemonade.

How was your 'Mary built OP?

>> No.9451445

Gotta get your fruit & veg in.

>> No.9451452

essential ingredients:
>tomato juice

>worcestershire sauce
>god knows what else

>> No.9451461

a homosexual couple comes into my coffeeshop and orders this several times a week in the morning.

You are correct.

>> No.9451479

>Everything a gay man does is homosex
What?! Now you're gonna tell me getting my asshole rimmed is gay! This fucking world I swear.

>> No.9451481

>when the powers that be decide to come up with yet another ridiculous negative thing to attach to hitler
>this continues until the leader of a major power in the greatest human conflict in history is a syphilitic stump in chair with a bifurcated penis and one testicle, who simultaneously gasses homosexuals while having sex with 20 black men at once and jerking off to a wheel of cheese
It's sad really.

>> No.9451490

OK. you got robbed if you paid more tha $3 for that.

Smoked salmon Vodka
Either Picante Clamato juice or Picante V8 & pure tomato juice in a 70/30 blend
Lime cholula
Worchestershite sauce
>shake with ice like a baby that won't stop crying
>Strain into hurricane glass
>Garnish with:
Celery (classic)
Pickled asparagus
Quartered reindeer sausage
Crispy baked baconweave rolled into a tube
Anything else your little heart desires

>> No.9451492


>Yes, that's a good example of an objectively negative trait.

kek no

even if you want to have kids, you can as a gay person

>> No.9451524

>even if you want to have kids, you can as a gay person
Poor kid, the fag parents always groom them as sexual toys

>> No.9451531

But my teacher Mrs. Goldstein said Hitler killed everyone who did not have blonde hair, blue eyes, and a 10 inch uncircumcised cock.

>> No.9451583


better than a michelada

>> No.9451584

You are such a fucking dipshit. You just came here to argue your racist, sexist, classist, garbage opinions. I was actually about to agree with you on ONE point, but you fucked it up by acting like the ignorant, misinformed, uneducated piece of shit you are.

> prediction: he calls me "triggered" Because he's too ignorant to do better.

>> No.9451588

Maybe try moving out of your mom's basement and getting a real job.

>> No.9451594

He did have syphilis. That's undisputed.

>> No.9451602

>. I was actually about to agree with you on ONE point, but you fucked it up
Why do I give a fuck if you were gonna agree with me, kike.
Your opinion means nothing to me

>> No.9451603

What is nature telling me if I want to nut in your mom's vagina and then get sucked off by a man before fucking him in the ass while your mom eats my asshole and rubs her clit?

>> No.9451606


you're gonna be a great stepdad

>> No.9451618

WRONG! I'm never getting married. Obviously I'm the bull in that scenario anyways and said other man was the cuck step sad

>> No.9451631
File: 273 KB, 720x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Canada bars that serve nothing but elaborate Caesars (bloody Mary’s with clam) abound. Really nothing besides the Clamato stays constant, but the typical formula is booze + Clamato + spices + garnish.

Vodka is traditional for the booze but I’ve had quite a few with tequila and others (with beer in Canada is called a ‘red eye’ but it’s the same idea as a Mexican michealeada). Spices are often red pepper, black pepper, hot sauces, ‘seafood’ spice, celery salt, etc, etc. Garnish is normally either fresh celery, something pickled, and/or cured meat.

I can’t think of any drink with more variations.

>> No.9451659

Or yeah, forgot to mention citrus (normally lime) which I’m sure many would consider essential. Also normally there’s ice in the drink (whether done with liquor or beer).

At a Canadian supermarket there’ll normally be a whole section with just stuff to make Caesars.

Personally I’m a big fan of cheese in Caesars.

>> No.9451668

Just fyi, you're talking to an actual genealogical member of the Aryan race. Blonde, blue eyed, almost no body hair, and (oddly enough), fewer sweat glands than most people.
YOU are a piece of shit little white fagboy who's just mad your life isn't turning out as easy as you wanted it to be. Fuck off, cuntrag. Go sit around and bitch with your other basement dwellers.

>> No.9451669
File: 126 KB, 800x1201, 7971647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread about bloody mary
>takes ten posts to turn into "hitler was a good boy who dindu nuffin"

>> No.9451677

Needs celery salt

>> No.9451691

Yeah, and all because I posted about the actual "Bloody Mary" of the Tudor dynasty.

>> No.9451699


>> No.9451704


do you think alcoholics don't get hangovers

>> No.9451714

>Just fyi, you're talking to an actual genealogical member of the Aryan race.
Reddit Rabbi confirmed.

>> No.9451723

Welcome to 4cham, newfag

>> No.9451732

What the fuck ever, Pampers.
I know who I am, too bad you don't know who you are. You're a lost soul, latching on to whatever makes you feel good, instead of what's right.

>> No.9451744


Oh yeah you got me, all I wanted to do all along was have some little underage leftist shit on my side. Damn, how will I go on with my life now? Triggered? I dunno man, what else do you call it when you tell some sheltered little sheep that Hitler probably wasn't actually a cliched evil villain stereotype and that people who aren't attracted to members of their species with whom they can reproduce are unlikely to do so, and that little sheep gets all worked up and starts spouting a bunch of Sociology 101 thoughtcrime buzzwords like "racist, sexist, classist"? I don't wanna be predictable or anything but that sounds a lot like someone who's fucking TRIGGERED BABY

>> No.9451759

>You're a lost soul, latching on to whatever makes you feel good, instead of what's right
Says the liberal faggot

>> No.9451763

*tips 100% pure wool fedora

>> No.9451770
File: 50 KB, 960x640, IMG_2357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullshit is the objectively superior lunch cocktail.

>> No.9451779

how come no one has even mentioned the infinitely superior Bloody Ceaser?

there is absolutely nothing better than a nice n spicy gin ceaser to break up the beers on a hot summer day

also an incredibly hangover cure

>> No.9451788
File: 29 KB, 210x280, 7255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my cocksucking image

>> No.9451810

Soooo much projecting.

Still crying, I see.

>> No.9451812

>Muh Rick and morty obscure sense of humour XD

>> No.9451813

Lol, that's some tard-quality pasta right there. We all know who's "triggered" (and guess what, it's YOU! TEEHEE!)

>> No.9451817

Now you're just talking utter nonsense. Anything to feel good about yourself, right?

>> No.9451868

I'm just responding to this to let you know that your preschool-tier comeback is not worthy of a response.


>> No.9452719

>can't keep from trying to get the last word no matter how stupid it is.


>> No.9453752

I like virgin ones.

Ice cold tomato juice with a few dashes of savory ingredients is delicious.

Add vodka: yuck. And I like vodka too.

Tomato juice seems to magnify that ethanol bitterness and burn of vodka. Mixers are supposed to smooth liquor, not roughen them.