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9441789 No.9441789[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just a friendly reminder that soy-based meat-alternatives are superior to real meat. They are generally derived from soy, gluten, pea protein, and other natural sources. They have no cholesterol and do not contribute to your risk of cancer and heart disease, like ‘real meat’ does. They are also delicious! If you haven’t tried the Gardein or Tofurky line of products, you are missing out!

>> No.9441795

But I'm not a gay jew

>> No.9441797
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No thank you, but we appreciate what you do around here.

>> No.9441798
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>> No.9441799

>do not contribute to your risk of cancer and heart disease, like ‘real meat’ does.
Yes they do.

>> No.9441800

My recently vegan friend would die of allergic reaction to soy if he ate it.

>> No.9441820

I like regular meat, I'll pass on vegan

>> No.9441822


Enjoy being sterile and low test, faggot.

>> No.9441829
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you'll have to try harder than that,mate

>> No.9441835

>do not contribute to your risk of cancer and heart disease, like ‘real meat’ does.
Why do people still think cancer is some kind of flu you can simply prevent by excluding something from your diet?
EVERY food contains something that could potentially cause cancer. Every food contains radioactive material, this doesn't mean it's harmfull.
Just don't eat 5 lbs red meat every day, you'll be fine.

>> No.9441841

I'm fine with food that's naturally vegan. But when you try and ape meats and cheeses and such using soy and science, I'm done.
Look at that sloppy joe package. Why don't you post the ingredients?
You can't tell me that food like that, so fucking processed, is better for your body than some freshly ground beef.

>> No.9441852
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>do not contribute to your risk of cancer and heart disease, like ‘real meat’ does

Sadly, this is where you are very, very wrong, my friend. I know this first hand.

I've am a life long Vegan diagnosed with Colon Cancer just a few years ago. I am deathly afraid of facing chemotherapy in the next few months....

I really wish I know how bad Singular diets are for you years ago. Here is a recent study from Cornell.

> Long term vegetarian diet changes human DNA raising risk of cancer and heart disease

Long term vegetarianism can lead to genetic mutations which raise the risk of heart disease and cancer, scientists have found.

Populations who have had a primarily vegetarian diet for generations were found to be far more likely to carry DNA which makes them susceptible to inflammation.

Scientists in the US believe that the mutation occured to make it easier for vegetarians to absorb essential fatty acids from plants.

But it has the knock-on effect of boosting the production of arachidonic acid, which is linked to inflammatory disease and cancer. When coupled with a diet high in vegetable oils - such as sunflower oil - the mutated gene quickly turns fatty acids into dangerous arachidonic acid.

The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters, a finding that has puzzled doctors because eating red meat is known to raise the risk.

>> No.9441859

>The finding may help explain previous research which found vegetarian populations are nearly 40 per cent more likely to suffer colorectal cancer than meat eaters

This also explains the dichotomy of why Indians have lower rates of very other cancer, but has 3x the colon cancer rates of every other nation.