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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9441512 No.9441512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I got drunk and woke up and this was in the sink


>> No.9441521
File: 1.97 MB, 4128x2322, 1505753321533-1059567076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this was on my couch

>> No.9441537

I'm so glad I quit drinking.

>> No.9441539

that's nice

>> No.9441582

How hard was it?

>> No.9441593
File: 2.55 MB, 4128x2322, 1505754329004-304318034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I am such a slob

>> No.9441609

holy fuck dude get a grip

"Past a certain age a man without a family can be a terrible thing."

>> No.9441612
File: 253 KB, 1846x1212, IMG_0660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you...

unironicly piss in a bucket?

>> No.9441613

I never heard if cooking rice with quarters in it does it enhance the flavor?

>> No.9441615

Jesus fuck my dude, get your shit together

>> No.9441618
File: 35 KB, 641x530, s337D7J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-w-what's the yellow liquid a-anon?

>> No.9441625

I'm assuming you are OP from another thread and forgot to take off your name.

>> No.9441634

freshly squeezed lemonade

>> No.9441636


>> No.9441638


This isn't an al/ck/ thread

>> No.9441645

you are a slob

fucking disgusting

>> No.9441679

How can you live with yourself OP?

>> No.9441738
File: 212 KB, 675x900, 098097969578 (42).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't hard at all. It took me many years to get to that point, but I guess I finally had enough of the blackouts, the life endangerment, the money spent, and most importantly, the three-day hangovers I suffered after my three-day benders. That's how I spent 6/7ths of my week.

I've got six months sober today.

>> No.9441745

You're right, it's a sink-food thread. Post your sink-food pics.

>> No.9441773

That's good
I wish I could do that

>> No.9441825
File: 153 KB, 314x352, 098097969578 (300).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I never thought I'd be able to. No matter how bad things got, I continued to drink. It became less and less worth it until one day it suddenly just wasn't worth it at all. I've had no desire to drink since I quit.
But it was getting REALLY bad. 5th of vodka every night, and the blackouts were coming on after just an hour or so of drinking. Usually because I'd be feeling great then smoke weed on top of it.
I'd take cabs most of the time, but sometimes I'd drive blacked out to the store to get strong beers or wine when the bottle was gone. Smoking in the house, dropping cigarettes on my floor and clothes. Broken glass all over place, big plates of uneaten food, smoke alarm from burning pots of food, lost money, lost keys, lost phones, lost ID, strange bruises and cuts, leaving my dog places, drunken calls and texts, pissing myself, occasionally shitting myself, ....just off the top of my head. I'm lucky I didn't die.

>> No.9441898

Wow damn
Good thing you quit

>> No.9442027
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Anon. Im worried for you.

>> No.9442032

That's a lot of scoops.

>> No.9442051

at least it wasnt a turd

>> No.9442191
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Know your limit pleb.
Also anyone who thinks it's a good idea to eat before drinking is a disinfo agent, it just makes you more prone to puking.
There is no need to quit shit unless you really want to. Just don't be a jackass who eats a bowl of rice then downs 7 pints.

>> No.9442248

I'm actually pretty confident eating helps. I don't drink much but before a friend of mine moved we'd occasionally do tequila shots to get drunk and he'd always get to walking trouble drunk when I'd just be slightly tipsy. He's around 80kg, I'm 90kg but what I think made the difference is that I don't drink without eating something and he'd just chill while I snack something small real quick.

>> No.9442275

Maybe it's just me then. Whenever I eat I find it hard to swallow any alcohol to the point where I almost gag if I try to drink at a reasonable rate. However on an empty stomach I do not experience that same reaction and can easily down alcohol faster and take in much more before I start feeling sick.

>> No.9442348

I don't get full but eating on an empty stomach irritates it for me so it starts making all the fun awkward noises so I don't do it.
I'm definitely not an active drinker though. I literally only drink at parties 2 times a month at most and I haven't touched alcohol in pretty much a month right now so my opinion and experience are worth very little.

>> No.9442370

Uptate, op

we're waiting

>> No.9442384

I drink a little more than that but then again different bodies can act and react in different ways I suppose. My body just cant handle food with alcohol for whatever reason.

>> No.9442421
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That is not from one day. Seeing how people on 4chan live always make me feel better about myself

>> No.9442727

The funny thing is given you're living like this, the entire apt. is probably under 600 square feet and could be cleaned spic and span within a couple hours. My apts. in college would end up looking like that in every room after a month or so of not removing trash or doing laundry and then I'd fire up a huge joint early one weekend morning and have the place perfectly cleaned in a few hours and my laundry done in a couple more. The multiple piss jugs were kind of tricky because I lived in rooms in an old house carved up into apts. where we shared a bathroom and I had to make sure no one was around to see me carrying them down the hall to empty in the toilet.

>> No.9442755

I pissed on my floor a few weeks ago.
Clean your shit you fucking cave person.

>> No.9442771

Looks like you tried to make chicken fried rice.

Also, you'll curb or quit drinking when you're ready. I was as bad as >>9441825,
but losing my job because i was too hungover to go to work was a god send. I couldn't afford to drink so i just focused my time on the gym and eating healthy. I'm three belt sizes down and only drink once in a while with friends. I still have a tendency to drink a lot though. I'm still looking for work too. But i look better and feel better and i don't want to go back to drinking every night again. I just believe things will change when they need to; whether it be good or bad doesn't make a difference. The only thing that matters is that you know you'll make it through.

>> No.9443990
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I think thats why I like coming here sometimes. "Hey life is bad sometimes, but im doin pretty good!"