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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 649 KB, 1600x2131, fad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9435105 No.9435105[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When will this fad end?

>> No.9435111

What, aprons?

>> No.9435113


>> No.9435118

What, books?

>> No.9435122

What, watches?

>> No.9435151

What, glasses?

>> No.9435153

What, manlets?

>> No.9435193

What, wooden furniture?

>> No.9435208

HOL UP. I'm seeing mutlple copies of the same book on them shelves. This is one of those trendy butchers that doesn't actually prepare any meat on the premises, just upsell meats you could get at the grocery while selling a bunch of schlock.

>> No.9435213

What, tattoos?

>> No.9435224

Just the ones that would be visible below a long-sleeve or even bulldog, and thus in front of customers or investors.

>> No.9435228

What, sharpening knives?

>> No.9435233

>no one else remembers the 300 post shitfest we had last time someone posted this exact OP with that exact comment

please just report and move on

>> No.9435237

what, white people?

>> No.9435250

What, hoomans?

>> No.9435347
File: 132 KB, 600x600, 1334295733355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, Asukaposters?

>> No.9435358

What, OP sucking cocks?

>> No.9435359

it just accured to me that a numale is just a beta emulating female presentation

look at him, hes got all his books proving hes really into this hobby, he's got his hair and beard looking the right way, tattoos on display, watch, designer knife, and he's making something kooky and exotic so he can post it on tumblr and pintrist and look super cool

>> No.9435360

likely never

>> No.9435371

What, shitty OPs?

>> No.9435373

What, what?

>> No.9435382

How can you tell it is a designer knife? The one lying on the table seems to be some generic Euro knife. It does seem to have an odd step in the profile, about an inch in front of the bolster. I wonder what caused that. It's not typical for any kind of sharpening or other wear pattern.

>> No.9435389

What, carbon based life forms?

>> No.9435435

I think he's doing a demo at a bookstore or gourmet food type shop.

>> No.9435448

>cook/butcher making an honest living teaching women with too much money how to do basic kitchen shit
>he goes to the barber as asks for trendy haircut so that more of these Pinterest women with too much money would come take his classes
>/ck/ loses their collective shit going REEEEEE HIPSTER FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU REEEEEEE

>> No.9435450

Maybe there's multiple volumes?

>> No.9435494

So is "numale" the new hipster?
Asking for a friend...

>> No.9436134

What, good (((((Content)))))

>> No.9436142

Do womyn really use this?
I might get an account, for a friend.

>> No.9436149


>> No.9436380
File: 126 KB, 801x801, am I an adult yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, that is essentially it. Weak men using what they perceive as manly attributes but instead of them being their own traits, they're like makeup put on display in feminine ways. That's how they make beards and such look so effeminate.

Anyone authentic can smell their bullshit from miles away, but females can't.

>> No.9436397

This is loser for "I have never failed at anything because I refuse to try new things"

>> No.9436409

in some sense tho he's just making/doing what he is.

the way I see appearance and actions is kind've one in the same, if he "needs" to look that way to feel comfortable doing what he wants to do, then that's just the reality of it, people will judge the final result anyway.

it's not as if people will go to a restaurant because the chef looks this or that way, they go because of the food they will eat

I mean, if we're being real here the whole presentation isn't really THAT outlandish

>> No.9436420

it is possible some follow trends and some make them......

>> No.9436460

Maybe it is a cooking shop that sells multiple stuff from knifes to pans and books. Maybe he is doing a presentation on sharpening knifes to sell some service or product they have at that said store.

Store in my town sometimes does that also, last summer they tried selling big green egg bbq's by showing people what it does.

>> No.9436572

What men?

>> No.9436600

There are no men in this picture.

>> No.9436939
File: 17 KB, 220x308, 220px-Clémentine_Delait_1923c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leave it to the french to start the bearded lady trend.