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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 11 KB, 600x434, e30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9434715 No.9434715 [Reply] [Original]

>wake up covered in vomit
>no al/ck thread

What the actual fuck?

>> No.9434737

How many of you have BPD? I think I have it, I'm at my wits end when it comes to drinking and I think I might be borderline

>> No.9434842

I do.

Fucking sucks man

>> No.9434961


how can you tell? whats the treatment?

>> No.9434965

I know drinking probably makes it worse but after spending the majority of my day off sleeping I want to consume as much beer as possible.

>> No.9434982

It seems it goes hand in hand.

I haven't been diagnosed but I strongly suspect I have it. I've done so many awful impulsive things.

I think its called objective displacement or something, where you cant remember how bad somethin like drinking is so you keep doing it. Its to do with the impulsivity aspect, forgetting all the drawbacks of doing something because your so driven by impulses in that moment. That's why I keep drinking anyway.

>> No.9435005

Shit. Sounds about right. Headed to the fridge now. Time to start cracking some cold and cheap piss water.

>> No.9435008
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>bein' "addicted" to the liquid jew.

JUST stop drinking you dimwits HAAHHAHA

>> No.9435010

My best friend got married to a BPD woman the other year
Surprisingly it hasn't gone tits up yet

>> No.9435016
File: 224 KB, 1146x763, sadfleck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a bad day.
Started out promising. Had a job interview for tutoring kids on basic science shit. I'm good at that.
Half way there, my bike tire explodes. There's no way I can make it to the interview on time.
Took me an hour to walk home.

Sometimes, it feels like life is out to get me. Like on a personal level.

>> No.9435060

Life's too hard, it really is.

>> No.9435063

thank you for posting

>> No.9435071

What gets me is that it didn't need to.
I look at my past and all I see is bad decision coupled with getting fucked by chance.

If life was always supposed to be this shitty, I could manage.
But it wasn't set in stone. I could have been happy. There's some other version of me somewhere who flipped a coin and led a better life than mine

>> No.9435115

Who here listens to Mark Lanegan while drinking?

>> No.9435132

Don't know him
What do you recommend of his?

>> No.9435139

Whiskey For The Holy Ghost: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odm92FWVY3Y&list=PL3AGJuJKM0r23oFzads_jQPd8NJJ62fkd

>> No.9435305
File: 11 KB, 232x217, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a lonely businessman half way across the country

My nieces/nephews birthday is coming up and the whole family is going to be there. Only person to invite me was my dad and sister, so looks like I'm booking a trip and going home for another mini vacation

I'm really successful and can pay for the ticket but my dad wants to give me half the price of the ticket so I can come home, guess someone in my family does miss me

I'm going home lads, I'm going home

>> No.9435320

Spend time with your niblings. It's worth it
Let's face it, people like us aren't gonna have kids.
Spend time with them and be the really cool uncle all kids need to have

>> No.9435336

No longer an alcy something like 302 days sober
but mark lanegan is pretty good at least this song is:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I08UAqxEyP4 Live version
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX9ccqQuzO4 Albim
Def used to love to rock out to this after chugging some booze...

>> No.9435416

There is another Al/ck/ thread but that newfriend didn't use a silhouette so I can't blame you.

Silhouette is mandatory.

>> No.9435439

What a bunch of newfags, Amirite?

>> No.9435454

someone please help

it seems that, as soon as i turned 23, i lost the ability to drink. now just two beers in I have a BAD BAD headache, brain is pulsing, etc. what the FUCK is the cause of this? can i never enjoy drinking agian??

>> No.9435457
File: 29 KB, 500x551, thank you based god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're being saved from a lifetime of misery

>> No.9435588
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Is this stuff just vodka?

>> No.9435634

There is a girl in my AA group I really wanna fuck. I'm 28 and never had sex. We both get along really well and both have BPD and get amazed how similar our stories are. How do I have sex with this girl?

>> No.9435692

Get her drunk and tell her your rich

>> No.9435770

I'm so tired, guys
I'm tired of drinking
I'm tired for being useless and being unemployed

They used to tell me that I was "Most likely to be sucessful" when I was a kid. I wish they weren't so wrong.

I'm so tired, guys. I wish I were normal.

>> No.9435783

Be thankful. You're in a thread for alcoholics, whining that you can't become one?

>> No.9435785

I was diagnosed with that and depression when I was younger. I knew I was depressed but never believed I was bipolar until recently

>> No.9435794

BPD isn't Bipolar Disorder
It's worse
It's "Borderline Personality Disorder"

It's like if your manic and depressive states are randomzied within a single day

>> No.9435801

People often seem to mistake this for the alcohol general, missing the -ism. Not including 'alcoholism' in the thread topic and/or an initial pasta may be partly to blame.
Also to blame: having this thread on /ck/ instead of a more appropriate board like /r9k/.

>> No.9435833

I see your point.

>> No.9435852

Hey /ck/ should I stop drinking? I've had like 7 every night this week. I'm in my early twenties. I also didn't drink for a whole week and a half before that. Could I cut it down to a reasonable number and still end up living an ok life or do I need to cut it out entirely? To me wine and beer and cocktails are one of the reasons for living

>> No.9435867

Oh shit my bad, totally misunderstood

>It's like if your manic and depressive states are randomzied within a single day
sounds like hell

>> No.9435870
File: 222 KB, 750x750, C-FOLIO.Loaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this Loaded Vodka? Its on sale for $5 tomorrow, $20 off. S-should i get it?

>> No.9435882

I think these people mean borderline personality disorder, not bipolar affective disorder. two different AXIS disorders here.

I have borderline and generalized anxiety disorder FML

>> No.9435892


>> No.9435919

I fucking hate Americans
That would be worth like 40 bucks here, on sale

>> No.9435922

Stop drinking. If you can, reduce or stop entirely. It ruins your liver and digestion and kidneys so if you don't have an emotional compulsion to drink heavily there is no reason to

>> No.9435923


Wait until they're manic? Mention that you'd like to try sex and go from there I guess.

>> No.9435932

Where is here?

>> No.9435933

do crazy girls enjoy stealing a boys virginity tho?

>> No.9435941


>> No.9435943


Sure. When it comes to virginity people fall into two categories:
"I don't want the responsibility of taking this person's virginity"
"Fuck yeah I'm this persons first, they're never going to forget me now!"

>> No.9436082

can anyone else confirm?
im a guy and i dont want to fuck a girl i want to get fucked by a girl

>> No.9436191

Considering you only are a virgin until P in V or you get the P in the A? Did I do the math right? Any-who I can indeed confirm that some women enjoy the thought of taking a dudes V card. The whole game is the approach.

>> No.9436207
File: 243 KB, 973x700, Keystone-Light-Keith-Stone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is going on with tonights al/ck/ thread? What is everyone drinking/thinking/regretting? I am drinking this fucking piss water (pic related), thinking that I need some real liquor, and regretting not looking for a better job to afford higher quality liquid drugs.

>> No.9436209
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>> No.9436244

What is the point of these threads?

Does getting (you)s make you feel better about your autism?

>> No.9436248

What's the point of you browsing these threads then throwing out the 4chan auto insult? Would you like to talk about something or maybe redirect us to another board? Nah you're just going to be a cunt.

>> No.9436258

When does it stop being borderline and start being full blown?

>> No.9436264

schizophrenia i'm assuming

>> No.9436276

How dare you even talk to me like that you fucking little monkey. You have no clue who i am and how i look like. If i'd be standing in front of you like now your voice would crack and you would shiver like a baby. Think before you post next time.

>> No.9436285
File: 23 KB, 650x366, bronnsaydrink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problems here friend.

>> No.9436286

>8 minutes
HURRY UP FFS. Fucking STUPID Sunday licensing hours.

>> No.9436298

It must suck to live in the bible belt. Especially if you smoke pot or drink

You can buy alcohol 24/7 where I live

>> No.9436302
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Not in the USA I'm assuming? 2am here in Commiefornia. Though you some of the shadier places will sell you whatever past whenever if they know you. Hindus serving Dindus.

>> No.9436313
File: 3.88 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_1165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beer cans are appearing instead of vodka bottles. I think my future alchie grilfriend might be trying to taper

>> No.9436317

How do you know It's a grill?

You should stake it out

>> No.9436327

This is why you carry a patch kit and either CO2 or a frame pump on your bike at all times

>> No.9436330

Anyone else get sort of depressed when they get to a certain level of drunk?

When I start getting past 15-20 or so drinks I start getting sad and depressed, Start listening to feels music and remembering the better times

>> No.9436339

uhhh, everytime but I drink well past that into days and withdrawal death

>> No.9436348
File: 14 KB, 350x232, whytry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the answer is to continue to drink through it all. Success is inevitable?

>> No.9436370

>how know?
IT JUST IS. don't question me or my soulmate.
>stake out
I might do. It's a mystery who it is. I can see the alleyway from where I live, I go down it at least twice a day, but have never seen who's adding to that pile. Regardless. It's a young she, a 9.9/10 qt3.14 who's desperately awaiting muh benis

>> No.9436372

Yeah I'm a real depressive drunk now if I'm drinking on my own. Usually carries over through to next day which leads to more drinking etc. My self esteem takes a nose dive as well which affects my work.
My usual drinking nights these days are spent standing on my balcony chainsmoking and listening to the same songs over and over.
Actually sober tonight for the first time in a couple weeks. Literally just waiting until bedtime then work tomorrow then 2 days off which I'll probably relapse on if the last 538 times are anything to go by. I've been hating my job lately but my days off are just soul destroyingly boring.

>> No.9436384

Sorry dude it's a fifty year old fat hairy guy who hasn't showered in two months

>> No.9436413
File: 397 KB, 1635x920, bad-ideas-06_13_14-920-48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You take that back. She's this gril's twin sister and that's all there is to it.

>> No.9436454

There are also people who don't really care.

>i dont want to fuck a girl i want to get fucked by a girl
Start by having sex together. You'll study the grammatical aspect once you're more fluent in basic sex. There isn't always a fucker and a fuckee.

"She" hasn't replied to your love letter sending "her" here? Did "she" at least look at the paper?

>> No.9436455

If you're cool with shaking and puking and dying for days after, sure.

>> No.9436459

Why am I so bad at existing? Why am I incapable of improving despite understanding what is wrong and how to go about improving?

>> No.9436465

How long has one avoided these after effects by just keeping up the sleeping/drinking routine? Also adding some veggies and eggs for survival purposes.

>> No.9436468

If you can stumble to the store in the morning you can do it forever, I guess. I just get bored of being drunk in 4-5 days and suffer through withdrawal laying in the floor for 3-4 days and then feel better, repeat once a month I guess.

>> No.9436472

Depends. Some people can't handle a few weeks. Other cunts can live drunk for decades before their liver gives up.

>> No.9436482

But the amount of liquor I put down in 4-5 day would kill most people that don't drink tons often.

>> No.9436484

>Stella Artois
Don't. She's clearly high maintenance.

>> No.9436487

That's the shit I don't understand. I know the whole tolerance thing but how fucking far does that go? Like can you really survive more jolly poison than the rest of us? How long does it take to build up to this god like tolerance? So many questions I'd rather not ask the googs.

>> No.9436497

Last time I went on a bender I went through 8 750's of vodka in 5 days, woke up too sick to move and puking up the pickle juice I was apparently mixing with at the end, throughout the day I started shaking like all fuck, got worse, etc. Is it worth it? Not really. I black out on the first bottle and nothing till I wake up sick a week later and count the bottles.

>> No.9436508

My "benders" could last years, but eventually my tolerance continue to rise.
There is a point where you wake up withdrawing 3-4 hours after passing out blacked out, and can only drink yourself to oblivion. Going to the store become very complicated, since you wake up in the middle of the night/on Sunday half the time, and are both withdrawing and drunk all time. And over a litre of vodka per day isn't cheap.

>how fucking far does that go
There is no limit. (That's why it's advisable to be a beer alkie : stomach volume is a limit.)
>Like can you really survive more jolly poison than the rest of us?
Yes, an alcoholic with a high tolerance will need more alcohol to die of acute alcohol poisoning. He may also die from withdrawals.
It's still killing him long term, obviously.
>How long does it take to build up to this god like tolerance?
You just drink more each day naturally, since you need more to reach the same effect. You'll get there eventually. Chronic alcoholism isn't god-like, this isn't a movie we live in.

>> No.9436513

>forgetting a whole week
Sounds appealing. As I said before, though, after this week of getting destroyed is it possible to just pick the bottle back up and repeat? How much of an alcoholic can you be before it becomes completely toxic and you die?

>> No.9436516

Answered my questions. Thanks bud. Now I know how to attempt to kms disgusting style.

>> No.9436520

For me? Who the fuck knows. If I throw a seizure in withdrawal that's probably what'll kill me. But if I can get good enough to get to the store, yeah, you can keep it up. I suggest not being a power drinker though. I kill that first bottle in like an hour and a half and I'm off to the store again.

>> No.9436523

Attempt is a good word.

>> No.9436530

>>forgetting a whole week
>Sounds appealing.
The anxiety of not knowing what fuckup shit you did is strong.

>is it possible to just pick the bottle back up and repeat?
The problem is usually to put the bottle down...

>> No.9436538

Just had to go back to the shop for tendies - another bottle has appeared. A quarter bottle of cheap vodka. MISSED HER, dammit.
Still, at least now I have some idea of the time she's there.
I'm coming, perfect blonde teen qt. We'll be together soon, cuddling, snuggling and shitting all over eachother in our sleep.

>> No.9436542

The love letter is gone ;_;
Maybe she's here right now. She might be shy.
Hi bb

>> No.9436549

>shitting all over eachother in our sleep
That'll not freak her, for sure.

Maybe she's you during blackouts?

>> No.9436587

>If tears were liquor
>I'd have drank myself sick

>> No.9436616

Nah, I only drink mid-shelf vodka and the occasional cider, none of that is mine.
I think I'm gonna leave another note, literally a message in a bottle, with another link to here and a copy of the tripcode. It's an hot gril, I knows it.

>> No.9436679

I settled on some whiskey and beer.
My sister seems to have stopped screaming.
Also why is there 2 threads? What nigger fucked that up?

>> No.9436701

i dont feel well

>> No.9436705

I've seen footage
I stay noided
I stay noided
I stay noided

>> No.9436706

Feel better anon

>> No.9436740

6 am now, guess I'll go watch the sun come up

>> No.9436776

>got piss drunk 2 days in a row
> 3 days anxiety through the roof and want to fucking kill myself

happen way to many times this year, probably its time to stop.

>> No.9436888


>> No.9436915

How the fuck do I stop this WD? I've got booze but I instantly projectile vomit anything I drink

>> No.9436972

Don't remember going out last night, woke up with some random hook up in my bed. Said we didn't actually fuck, just some finger stuff before I passed out.

>> No.9437098

update: i bought it

>> No.9437178

Yeah I was just in Ireland, and the locals were talking about raising alcohol prices to combat alcoholism. In Dublin, the prices weren't much different from Boston (where I live), so I'd assume it's cheaper in Ireland than Canada.

But the think is--does making alcohol really expensive combat alcoholism well? Seems like it more so makes alcoholics save money for alcohol and forgo buying other things. I don't know.

>> No.9437246

In Russia anytime they jack up the vodka prices too high people just switch to moonshine. That's the right attitude.

>> No.9437434

Sublingual, anal (diluted), or benzo.

>> No.9437442

I mad a big fucking mistake. I paid a bbw hooker off backpage last night to come to my house, Blew 300 dollars and feel fucking disgusting.

much shame

Also she was definitely not 20, I was hammered drunk and stoned and I could see that the moment she pulled up.


>> No.9437469

I've spent thousands on hookers. Probably will again at some point. No shame there imo, but... bbw? The fuck, man. PAYING to get a chunky monkey wobbleslob, fatty boombatty porkplanet into bed? How fucking drunk do you need to be?

>> No.9437473

why would you pay 300 for that, christ anon

>> No.9437474

That's my thing.

Plus when I'm drunk I instantly start looking for bbw's to fuck because I'm sick in the head.

Also I'm ugly as fuck so I would rather pay a hooker to be here then leave then pretend I want to date some bbw single mom and waste a ton of my fucking time trying to fuck her.

>> No.9437478

Well It was 120/hr but she drove an hour to my house, Came out to 300

>> No.9437544

Never move to a flat right next to a supermarket lads.

>> No.9437553

>For that
I'd barely consider $100 to fuck that thing at all

>> No.9437578

I live 15 seconds from a corner shop, 2 mins from a supermarket which stops booze at midnight, about 3 miles from a 24hr supermarket, have something like 5 local takeaways which deliver booze up until 3am, a local booze delivery service and I know literally hundreds of drunks and drug addicts. There is no escape.

>> No.9437585

I bought a drone last night when I was d r u n k as f u c k. I'd decided to attach my piss bowl to it, then when it needs emptying, fly my litres of piss and puke to the toilet. If I can get it to bring me food and booze too, I may quite literally never have to get out of bed again.

>> No.9437603


if she would lick my ass for 3 hours i maybe would consider 60 bucks

>> No.9437616

Who here /homebrew/?

Not paid for alcohol in months

>> No.9437633

what do you brew?

>> No.9437636

I've got fruit juices fermenting, no still though.

>> No.9437639

So you paid for fruit juices then. Is it even cheaper than wine?

>> No.9437641

Beer, Mead, Moonshine, Blackberry wine where I pick the blackberries for free.

>> No.9437648


>> No.9437649

Just a few hours until iv been sober 3 weeks so proud of myself
Is it possible I can ever drink again without falling off the bandwagon

>> No.9437652

Jack is that you?

>> No.9437653


>> No.9437674

I've tried drinking the wine/cider I've mad but it taste like shit.

I could handle drinking homebrew 10+ years ago when I wasn't old enough to buy alcohol but I can't stand that shit now.

How do you make it taste not shitty? I can't figure it out

>> No.9437676

Drink things that taste pretty much the same no matter the price point like beer and cider.

>> No.9437686

Nah that's cheap here

>> No.9437699
File: 3 KB, 123x46, firefox_2017-09-17_13-18-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still here

>> No.9437714

>try to play Lord of the Rings Risk with my roommate to test out some house rules he came up with
>put Bojack Horseman on in the background
>get too wasted on rum to pay attention to more than one
>sit and watch Bojack while it's my turn
>roommate gives up and tells me to go to bed, he'll put up the game
>only really catch on to how much of a dick I was being after I sobered up this morning
Feels bad man. I think I should cut back.

>> No.9437724


>> No.9437791

>Can I moderate?
You tell us, but it's fucking hard if you used to be an alkie.
Wait a few months before trying, for good measure.

>> No.9437806

have fun with a piss and puke covered house anon. Those things are hard to fly.

>> No.9437812

The modern ones pretty much fly themselves. Just touch on the screen where you want it to fly. Click 'home' to get it back, flies itself.

>> No.9437848

what kind of shine do you make? what kind of wash/mash and still etc?

>> No.9437934

well I made it Tuesday through Friday night without drinking, had some withdrawals but not too horrible, still got like 4-6 hours of sleep a night. Lost it all last night, probably had a solid 10 drinks of 5 hours. Felt ok this morning though. It's tough, I've got half a handle left too.

>> No.9438178

241 pm, time for drink 8 or so.

>> No.9438248

I can't live like this, but I can't fucking stop. Does that mean I'm going to die soon?

>> No.9438257

taper bro, taper down little by little.

>> No.9438258


>> No.9438270

I just relapse, every time. The acute obstacle is fuck all compared with a lifetime of fighting PAWS and cravings.
Christ. I don't want to die but I don't want to live. My life is totally destroyed.

>> No.9438278

You should try kratom.

Literally the only "drug" that helped me cut back on drinking, Not even benzos made me want to cut back. But kratom helped me a lot

If you have desire + kratom, It's a winning formula to quit drinking alcohol.

>> No.9438305

I second this, kratom has been very helpful to me as well. Give it a go, a months worth (500 grams) only costs like 10 liters worth of alcohol

>> No.9438334

Made burritos and passed out at about 1:30 am. Woke up at 6am and kept drinking. On the last drink from the bottle now and it's only 7:12 am and I'm thinking about buying more.

Someone stop me, I was supposed to quit.

>> No.9438339

Illegal here. I could very happily just smoke weed if that was legal, but nah. Too bad for me, apparently. Weird that the supposedly safer alcohol causes me to end up in prison, in hospital, living in chaos, screaming, throwing up, panicking and dying, whereas weed just gives me a mild cough sometimes. Guess I'll just have to die in agony. I'm using the fuck out of the NHS though, as an emphatic 'fuck you' to the government, voting public and alcohol lobbyists before I die.

>> No.9438358

Has anyone tried reciting the alphabet while hugely drunk? Jesus Christ, I genuinely cannot do it

>> No.9438359

where do you live? illegal doesnt mean impossible to get.

>> No.9438364

I can't do that shit sober. All I do is maths and computer stuff. Without intillisense for code in visual studio, pycharm, and with jetbrains I'd probably get fired.

>> No.9438369

UK. I can get hold of drugs no problem, but I'm not risking going back to prison. I'd rather die. uhm, evidently. This shit will kill me, the 'reefer madness' brigade have totally annihilated me.

>> No.9438387

I'm drunk as fuck and just tried and did it easily. What's the issue?

>> No.9438395

Maybe it's just me then

>> No.9438397
File: 13 KB, 650x650, IMG_1147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My latest bender was particularly bad and now I'm in that same fucking spot again, condemning myself for ever having convinced myself that I don't have a drinking problem.

It's honestly so irritating. I'm gonna hold off booze imagining myself a future where I'm teetotal and I'll be in the store and all of a sudden I notice some beer is on offer and I spiral into another fucking shameful bender. I want off this ride lads

>> No.9438431

God dammit. 22:41, still haven't got out of bed. I can't believe how ill I feel, and tomorrow I've got to go to court. I'm not well enough for this. Feel like just crawling to an airport and finding a hedge to live in, in some third world country. I'm finished.

>> No.9438463
File: 27 KB, 400x400, IMG_0704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be an al/ck/ meetup

>> No.9438468

well..... yeah I'd never thought about that. it would be an epic shit show though.

>> No.9438475

There would be a claim to bring no booze so as the sober life can be embraced.

Someone brings it anyway

>> No.9438477


>> No.9438478

>wanting to meet people irl

What's wrong with you?

>> No.9438482

Banned from driving, but I'd 100% attend if it was close.

>> No.9438486

Does anybody else here rail coffee like fucking crazy?
Something about that energy and attentiveness of stimulants combined with the relaxation and fuzziness of alcohol is perfect.

Do you mean borderline or bipolar?
Cause I'm bipolar II, and apparently alcoholism is practically a given for people with that.

>> No.9438495

dunno man, I'm not cured, life isn't amazing, it's just boring.. I have more work to do I guess. :(

>> No.9438511

I don't think I want to meet anyone here sober... no offense.

>> No.9438515

i want this but it would be bad for everyone involved.

>> No.9438522

We're gonna have a shit day anyway, may as well do so in the company of similarly retarded people. The 'oh Christ no' element the next morning wouldn't matter so much. We all know what it's like.
Plus there might be qt's :3

>> No.9438528

I'm on my fifteenth day.

I feel an emptiness were booze used to be but life is far from boring to me. Things are still very interesting like they always were.

My very last bit of willingness to socialise has thoroughly evaporated though.

>> No.9438529

I'm in denver next week if anybody wants an ugly brit to drink with

>> No.9438533

Had the worst hangover of my life today

I am literally never drinking again, ever.

>> No.9438550

You don't want to meet me.

And vice versa

>> No.9438570

I'm a little curious is there actually anyone in this thread will actually admit to be female (and really is)

I live just outside denver, a bit south of the DIA, the airport, where are you going to be and when?

>> No.9438572

iktf bro. hang in there.

maybe we will make it

>> No.9438574

it would probably just be a bunch of people discussing their problems and trying to lowkey assert themselves as being the most hardcore tragic alcoholic

and then Dan pukes on the table and we all get kicked out of the taco bell

>> No.9438578

this is part and parcel of ck you uncultured swine

>> No.9438610

Kudzu helped a bit when I was a blooming alky.

>> No.9438612

I was diagnosed with BPD after I almost accidentally drank myself to death and was held in the psych ward for a week because I thought I seemed suicidal and I went in saying I thought I had BPD. When I'm off the wagon I seem pretty BPD but when I'm sober my emotions aren't really all that volatile. The exception to that is when I'm trying to deal with any sort of romance, which almost never happens because I'm male and pretty introverted/a total hermit. I used to think my BPD was for real but these days I oscillate between thinking the symptoms were mostly due to my drinking problem and thinking I probably do have it on occasions that I get moody

Anyone else have similar experiences?

>> No.9438624

whoops, they thought I seemed suicidal*

said some shit about not really caring that I didn't die, which I wouldn't have thought was that uncommon to see in an alcoholic who just had their stomach pumped

>> No.9438626

When you see booze on offer, you picture yourself enjoying it at home, right?
Continue the movie in your head : starting a bender, eventually having to stop, the withdrawals, the anxiety, the shakes, etc.

>> No.9438648
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>be drunk
>recite the alphabet hilariously wrong
>too drunk to notice
>no one is around to tell you how badly you fucked it up
>think you're a champ

>> No.9438672


>> No.9438673

I do do that but I just tell myself 'oh I'll just drink alone at home who cares about the consequences'

Honestly life is so dull I'll happily fucking destroy everything because at least that is something to do.

>> No.9438695

Lakewood for 2 weeks

>> No.9438696

cool ill probs be falling of the band wagon in a another few weeks then ahahah

>> No.9438698

20th - 4th

>> No.9438715
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Drinkin canoe. I am the drunkest.

>> No.9438886

No more heartburn.
Please just...
Just please

>> No.9438943

>Go to the liquor store all shaking and sweaty
>The sweet girl at the counter orders me to drown a bunch of vodka
>She gives me a bottle of vodka to go
>Tells me it's all right she'll take care of it
>Try to tell her I'll come back to pay for it
>She tells me not to worry about it
>The same girl who always smiles at me when I come in
How low have I fallen, I don't even know if I have any pride left in me, I think this was the final straw

>> No.9438954

How would being rescued by a saint reflect badly upon you?

>> No.9439003

>everyone has a little to drink before hand to calm their nerves
>half of the attendees die in drunken car wrecks on the way there
>an hour or so of tearful feels follows as stories are swapped
>everyone migrates from the venue to a bar so everyone can buy everyone a drink
>the meetup turns into a 3-day bender
>only two survive
>they fuck like rabbits and then never call each other

>> No.9439017

I want to be a part of this.

>> No.9439027

These threads are degenerate

>> No.9439029

If it makes you feel better, my local liquor store actually closed for 2 hours last Monday to stage an intervention for me because they are worried I'm dying..

>> No.9439046

Mine refused to serve me once. They were convinced they were doing the 'right thing' and being nice. Reality was that I had to pay a cab driver to guy buy me booze because the WD was destroying me hard. Cost me like 4 times as much and probably ended up with a decent amount of brain damage that day.

>> No.9439063

>half of the attendees die in drunken car wrecks on the way there
The other half are on the wagon, but fell off at one point during the bender.

We could do it in Yurop, cities are more walkable.

>Sells alcohol
>Doesn't know alcoholism 101
I hate people.

>> No.9439065

Yeah, this was my biggest worry was they wouldn't serve me. Closest other liquor store is 4 hours from me because I don't drive and only walk and only have so much neetbux

>> No.9439102

I would be down for this.

I have have a drivers license and cars.

Who's in MI?

>> No.9439104

I am. West side.

>> No.9439107

West side of what, The state?

I'm in Walled Lake

>> No.9439112

You single handedly met a woman who cares about you and probably doesn't want to see you in pain/upset and you didn't ask her out?

>> No.9439116

kek'd harder then I should have at this, But all of it is 100% accurate.

>> No.9439131

I don't think I can ever go back to that place again, maybe I'll go there tomorrow to pay for the vodka she gave me

>> No.9439136

Yes. Around the Muskegon area.

>> No.9439142

>I'm probably the only one here in the baltic states

>> No.9439159

I don't know if your a grill or guy, But women LOVE "projects"...Thinking they can change a man and make his life better while at the same time getting what they want (you to be sober and happy).

I've dated several women who though they could make me stop drinking (like a motherly figure), We remained in a relationship until they noticed I was not going to stop (1-2yrs).

Women with that compassion about helping me who really need help is genuine emotions for a woman. She must really like you man...

I would go for it
Ah damn. That's a hike

Like near norton shores? That's a hike

I think that's like a 4+ hour drive.

It takes me about an hour and a half to drive from Walled Lake to Lansing to buy weed cheaper.

Do you browse these threads frequently? Maybe we could organize a MI meet and the drive would be worth it

>> No.9439167

Near there, yes. Probably closer to 3 hours.
Dunno if I'm a true alckie though. I guess if I try to quit I get cravings and some shakes/sweating, but that's it. I do know I need to stop but man

>> No.9439230

It's too much for me, I've tried to keep myself clean when I've gone there, but this time, I was way out of it, she probably knows it's gonna happen again, she must see a lot of drunks in this business, I just feel so ashamed, and I don't usually feel this way when I go to the store piss drunk getting more booze, or when I go to the store shaking like crazy in the morning, but with her, I don't know, I just can't go to that place anymore after this

>> No.9439299

Moonshine is more damn expensive than booze here. Which is a damn shame cause it's pretty fucking good desu

>> No.9439321

I miss that %80 estonian vodka

>> No.9439400
File: 29 KB, 900x338, e1b0e494f1b3675f44eb28639412af48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talk to a QT for a while
>Tells me she misses me, wants me to come visit
>Also tells me about guys from her college she wants to fuck
just realized im the gay best friend, except im not even gay
drinking gets her out of my dome

>> No.9439470

>spending night at parents house last night
>get drunk as shit in my room after midnight because I was bored
>wake up at 4 a.m. with exploding bladder
>Piss in a cup real quickly because I need to fucking piss and go back to sleep
>fill up the cup and still need to piss
>carry cup to the restroom to finish my piss
>drop cup while closing the restroom door
>32 oz of piss on the floor
>soak it up w a towel
>finished pissing and hide towel under bed

I wonder if they noticed. They have 3 cats that piss all over the place so I hope my little piss parade goes unnoticed

>> No.9439473

Couldn't move out of bed? Wishing nothing but to sleep through the entire day, but being fully conscious the whole time? You'd drink again.

>> No.9439495

Lol we should make a drunk piss story thread

I have a Neet girlfriend who accepts me for the drunken piece of shit I am and one night she threw up in a drink bottle and I pissed in a wine bottle and we woke up and I went ''eww gross'' and she said sorry thinking it was her spew grossing me out, but I was really talking about the fact some of my piss got on the handle of the wine bottle when I went to pick it up.

Fuck I want to marry this woman.

>> No.9439820

Lucky fucking son of a bitch I need to find this

>> No.9439870

Looking foward to mix tea and alcoholic drinks. So far mixed black tea and brandy. What else should I try?

>> No.9439883

green tea and vodka. Chinese tea mix with ginger, honey, and brandy (kind of like what you're doing) is a delicious asian hot-toddy.

>> No.9439904
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I am grill but I'm not an alcoholic.

Used to consider myself right on the edge and I think I often browse this thread as a reminder to stay away from the bottle. I used to drink heavily, nightly. But slowly I was spiraling downward and my health was declining and one day I just knew I couldn't continue. It's been almost a year. I've dropped 40lbs and lots of areas of my life have improved immensely. I wish everyone could have the same realization I did. I don't ever want to go back.

>> No.9439908

>and lots of areas of my life have improved immensely
such as?

And I can't image any social gathering without at least a few beers present.

>> No.9439921

I developed chronic GERD as a result of my nightly drinking and it literally made me miserable all day long until I drank again. Then the cycle restarted. All I did was fester in my bedroom living with family and playing vidya and drinking. When I got a hold of myself my physical health improved and the fucking anxiety lessened over time. That was the worst. Waking up and wondering what I'd done or said. I don't have to worry about that anymore and it's the very best thing by far.

I'm more active now. I go out and hike on the weekends. I actually moved and found a new job. Met someone I'm in love with and am very happy with. It was like I just got myself out of this funk that drinking was keeping me in. It wasn't easy, but it's been more than worth it.

And yeah... I'm not that social as far as outings go but I wasn't before either so it wasn't exactly a big switch.

>> No.9439953

>Waking up and wondering what I'd done or said. I don't have to worry about that anymore and it's the very best thing by far.
That honestly seems like a completely feminine answer. I have never regretted anything I said or done unless I was on blackout autopilot (i.e. falling asleep, then someone wakes me up. I never remember what happens in those cases).

Not really as a shot by the way, just my observation. Also the meeting people and falling love with them seems to be a big part of my life where because of my inability to relate with people, I do not expect this to happen, so the sauce makes me be more empathetic and relatable when I have to be in a social setting.

Inserting this sentence after my drink, I don't want to turn this thread into a back-and-forth blogpost, so ignore me.
>yet I'm still hitting post

>> No.9439990

To give you an even better idea. The worst blackout period of regret I had was when I spent it driving. My next memory was in the tank with a bunch of other female DUI offenders. That was a wakeup call too.

I don't mind blogs. I always lurk here and never post. The thing about finding love though... I really wonder if I'd let opportunities pass me by because I was in such a terrible place with drinking. And on the opposite end, my relationships while amidst my drinking probably weren't exactly what I should've gotten into. And if I hadn't gotten out of that cycle I'd never recognize it. I would imagine you can relate to people more than you give yourself credit for. You just have to give it a chance.

>> No.9440038

Yeah we've all been there. Blackout autopilot, fall asleep in the passenger seat of my brother's truck I've drove a hundred times before, he turns on the keys for heat (up north winter) and knocks on the window to see if I'm fine. My drunk ass woke up, went into autopilot and think it's someone knocking to get me up and out. Drove into two lamp posts and woke up in the drunk tank. Some nice, pleasant DUI classes afterwards with a blowie installed in your car, fun stuff.

And no need for sympathy. I have never had a personal relationship where I could ever let my guard down, sober or not, so everyone has always been at an arm's length. A chance is not something I could psychologically ever give.

>> No.9440047
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whats a great premier champagne you've personally tried?

>> No.9440083

I had blacked out plenty prior to this experience. Driven drunk too but never totally blackout. I also experienced the breathalyzer in my car for months after. Lucky us.

Maybe not but I still have it. Sympathy that is. Before alcohol I was optimistic and I found that again after quitting. Human relationships are a basic need, I believe. And I don't think there's a single person incapable of them. I understand the way you feel but truly I hope you give it a chance one day. It's worth it.

>> No.9440104

I one day hope for it too... but the ol' alarm clock chimes in 5 hours for work.

Thanks for the pep talk, though barring a self-determined paradigm-shift, I doubt it will change me. But hey, if I decide to walk on the straight an narrow again, you'd be surprised on how these little things turn into sage advice.

>> No.9440116

Oh this withdrawal isn't going to be nice.

>> No.9440119
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I'm glad to hear that. I wish I'd done what I did sooner and it's hard not to want that for others too. And if you make it, come back here and let us know. Definitely has to start with you though, despite whatever I've had to say.

>> No.9440150

>Drank a lot last night
>Stomach and side hurt this morning
I think I'm dying lads

>> No.9440155

I had my first Harvest/Moscow Mule the other night. It was amazing. Are the other mules that tasty? What are some good mules that have that earthy, fall taste to them?

>> No.9440178

whiskey suggestions?
I usually just drink makers mark because it's relatively cheap and smooth.
Looking to try out some different brands/types.
I think I prefer bourbon to scotch, are there other types I should try or should I just stick to bourbon?

>> No.9440188

wrong thread faggot

>> No.9440267

we all are dude

>> No.9440290

Is moonshine just a meme for people to feel like they're naughty over there or something?

The whole purpose of it is to have untaxed liquor. Not that I would buy the stuff in the first place, making it is safer and cheaper.

>> No.9440291

>use 5 gallon bucket as piss chalice, ashtray and puke palace
>housemate practically kicks my door down, comes in shouting
>a cigarette had burned a small hole in the side of the bucket
>been throwing up and pissing into this thing for hours
>he was sat in the lounge below, piss began raining down on him, into his coffee, all over his tv and pc, furniture, carpets - everything, EVERYTHING drenched in piss
>house reeks so much that you can smell it from like 3 houses away. Ceiling yellow. Housemate not impressed.
Well then.

>> No.9440294

>15 days sober
>thinking of picking up a bottle to ward off the bleakness

probably because I actually got up in the morning today. I don't know how people do it. Any time between 7 and 12 in the morning is not worth being conscious for. It's so ugly and bright.

>> No.9440298

Second this. It helps with the mental and emotional balance

>> No.9440305

>Let's face it, people like us aren't gonna have kids.
Let's hope so. The children of al/ck/s are generally damaged, miserable fucks who should never have been spawned. I can't imagine passing on the sickness.

>> No.9440325

How isn't the floor/ceiling waterproof?

>> No.9440329

Why would it be?

>> No.9440336

he sounds pretty impressed desu

>> No.9440355

Slippery elm bark.

Take it for a while to let your insides repair then see how you go

>> No.9440367

Anyone else just can't really make themselves believe all the good reasons not to drink after a few weeks sober?

>> No.9440423
File: 768 KB, 720x3431, IMG_1187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have to move to a different fucking country just to get access to weed without risking prison. I'm so unwell because of alcohol.

>> No.9440446

Are you in the UK? Surely you can get plenty of weed over there.

>> No.9440450

Breaking the law is too dodgy

>> No.9440467

pics or ban

>> No.9440473

man you can practically see the panzers rolling over that

>> No.9440481

had 7-8 drinks this afternoon on a one day taper, tomorrow is going to suck fucking dick.

>> No.9440493

Surely you did before if you like weed in the first place?

What changed?

>> No.9440498

Too many criminal convictions now. Penalties could be severe.

>> No.9440573

>tfw started texting my mom in the middle of the night
>dropping redpills left and right and telling her how unhappy I am with my life and how It's turned out
>told her I'm a huge disappointment and I'm sorry I was such a waste of time and money
>drinking more because I hate myself more then usual today

I can't wait until the days I have the balls to put a 10mm in my brain

>> No.9440580

Its 4:00 am here. I drinked the whole weekend. It sucks to be and alcoholic. And im drinking

>> No.9440624

Do alcohol support groups make anyone else want to actually drink more?

One of the top posts on /r/stopdrinking right now is something along the lines of "I used to drink 2-5 days a week, usually 2 glasses of wine but sometimes up to 4-5. Now i am never going to drink again.". They then go on a lengthy rant about how fucking fulfilling their life is now that they don't drink.

Jesus, i probably could have gone today without drinking before reading that

>> No.9440630

you're not gonna get caught buying small personal amounts of weed from a normal dealer

just don't order it online if you're worried

in fact if you're in london there are genuine shops (disguised as flats) that sell hash

>> No.9440633


yeah i get that too - the problem is that i have successfully stopped drinking and drugs for extended periods of time (months), and if anything feel worse for it

obviously physically i feel slightly better but desu my physical health isn't a reason for me stopping - in the same way i still smoke 20-40 fags a day and don't care about stopping that, as it's not ruining my every interaction, opportunity and experience

also my substance abuse counsellor made me join an allotment group with the other alkies/junkies lol what a bunch of misfits we are digging up parsnips every wednesday morning

>> No.9440645

I get that with trying not to be a nazi, goes perfectly well until I see saccharine progressive propaganda.

>> No.9440651


Stopped reading right there.

>> No.9440679

>in the same way i still smoke 20-40 fags a day and don't care about stopping that, as it's not ruining my every interaction, opportunity and experience
Get a vape.

Some groups do that. Try not to focus on the idiots I guess?

>> No.9440699

>Get a vape

but i actually have no desire to stop smoking so it's kind of a moot point

also vaping isn't the same

>> No.9441090

>Dear teenage diary
I remember my first beer too

>> No.9441241

>Go to sleep at 6am
>Wake up 12 hours later
>There's a torrent added at 9am
>I wasn't even black out drunk
What the fuck

>> No.9441306


>> No.9441443

done my treatment program, hit three months sober this wednesday
getting tired of the fucking place though, can't wait to leave

>> No.9441589


>> No.9441616

Who /delayed withdrawal/ here?

>Drink a bottle of wine + a couple of beers to get somewhat drunk
>Feel fine for the coming 3 days except for the hangover
>About day 4-5 start getting the shakes and all
>Go back to step one

Is this withdrawal or is it just memes?

>> No.9441669

Sounds weird as hell desu.

When I'm at 48 hours I feel like it's all going to get better from there on out.

>> No.9441846

anyone in europe wants to get fucking wasted

>> No.9441873

Three day hangover from a bottle of wine and a few beers? Then shakes at day 4?

Don't know where to start with kindling or that withdrawal effects start about 48 hours after cessation. You may have something unrelated. To spook you, it's probably diabetes and complete renal failure.

>> No.9441890


t-thanks anon.

>> No.9442107

You've been there for 3 months? Christ, how much did that cost?
I'm nearing the end of yet another taper. Feels pointless though, I'm positive that I'll relapse. 3 months of inpatient treatment sounds great.

>> No.9442131

>You've been there for 3 months? Christ, how much did that cost?
costs 25 dollars a day now that im done my 12 week program, as opposed to the 40 when you're still in "class"

>> No.9442140

At the hospital for detox meds again. I hate wasting their time but its so damn painful. How does one evening of beer keep turning into five days.

>> No.9442262

Anyone in Seattle?

>> No.9442298

Worst hangover of my life today

>> No.9442306

I used to be able to drink quite a lot. I mean, I got super drunk, but then I would vomit and feel better. I never lost consciousness / memory and my hang overs were mild.

But now, I am 30, and virtually every time that I drink I end up forgetting the last part of the night. And I had a couple of experiences where I got black out, as in I was still moving but acting completely out of character and just being a huge pain in the ass for everybody else. My hang overs are brutal now, I can barely get out of bed the next day.

Is this how it is now? Is this what getting old is all about? Or is there a way I can go back to my former self? I hate my life and drinking is one of the very few things I enjoy so I don't want to lose it. I'd rather kill myself than live without alcohol.

>> No.9442314
File: 96 KB, 344x387, 1505012397729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What tips a person from a drinker to an alcoholic?
When can you really tell that you're starting to get hooked? I like to drink because I just love the taste but threads like these make me a little worried.
What symptoms should I be looking out for? How often is too often?

>> No.9442324

Addiction is continued use in spite of mounting consequences
There's small differences between "problem drinkers" and "alcoholics" according to ch3 in AA, but if you are trying to control something it's probably out of control.
If you want to stop, stop. Simple as.

>> No.9442328

Finally 18!

I'm going down to tesco and I'm going to buy a shit ton on alcohol

I'm already a heavy drinker, but recommend me some drinks to pick up

I want a variety

>> No.9442335

How did you know about this thread if you've just turned 18?

>> No.9442342

I um just discovered 4chan today

>> No.9442357
File: 22 KB, 369x426, 1505015120914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to live the good life but it is not my wish to become an addict who only thinks about the next beer.
Is there a fine line between enthusiast and alcoholic?
>Addiction is continued use in spite of mounting consequences
hmm well I'd say I'm far from that point but I'll keep a close eye on myself
Have fun but don't die.
Also Happy Birthday!

>> No.9442375

>Is there a fine line between enthusiast and alcoholic?
if you're still enjoying it and not ruining shit because you're getting drunk, keep on
stopped being fun for me when i kept waking up at 4am, drinking more, not remembering days at a time, drinking instead of going to work, etc

>I'll keep a close eye on myself
remember ya hit rock bottom when you stop digging. wish i had stopped awhile ago, but i wouldn't have until it got this serious tbqh

till then keep on enjoyin it, wish i could

>> No.9442389

Heartburn is the best deterrent.

>> No.9442405

Let's me a /al/ck info graphic of recommended drinks

First we need to ask everyones favourite

Then have a strawpoll lasting a week asking which brand you prefer for each drink

And finally you take the top drinks in each category and put them on an infographic

>> No.9442430

>Google exs name
>she's getting married this month

Oh God why

>> No.9442443
File: 15 KB, 526x320, 0f0c25d3328b8db260c2e26451f0ee76ceb9c1b83782bf7df2927aecdbb17b91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems to me like you've dodged a bullet friendo

>> No.9442467

I drank more heavily than ever before when my ex got married. It was an incredibly bleak time in my life. Changed me forever.

>> No.9442474
File: 706 KB, 735x582, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

She was a solid 8/10, ran track so awesome body, would put up with whatever I said or did, I even cheated on her several times and she didn't leave.

I left her because I was sick of driving 2 hours to see her at college.

I'm a fuckin idiot

pic related

>> No.9442485
File: 390 KB, 632x417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She must have something for alcoholics but she married one, This guy is drinking in almost all their pictures. This dude was just smart enough not to leave her

>> No.9442490

she looks fat
also he looks dead inside

>> No.9442499
File: 695 KB, 560x630, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not fat at all. She's got some nice abs and even nicer ass.

Perfect tits too, Just big enough but not too small.

Yea that guy just probably wishes he was dead inside, He just signed away half of his possessions and future earnings.

I know I'm going on a hard bender today after waking up to this

>> No.9442504

I wish I could post a pic of my oneitis. She has a vast social networking thing going on online though, it'd take like ten seconds to find her, her address, and mine, plus no doubt a shitload of her porn too. Feelsbadman.

>> No.9442506

She looks too good for him tbqh.
Is... is that his plane by any chance?

>> No.9442511

This was does, I'm surprised 0 google image results. She has her own fucking wedding page

>shitload of her porn

Elaborate please

>> No.9442512

What's a good introduction whisky? I have tried 3-4 different whisky's now and they all make me feel sick with every sip.

I just want to learn to like it

>> No.9442513
File: 7 KB, 208x242, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit's fucked breh

>> No.9442526

She's one of the few women I have met in my life that wasn't a literal whore.

She has probably slept with 3 or 4 guys in her entire life (she's 28), One being me.

I think she doesn't date/fuck me based solely on looks like 99.99% of women. She must see something in that guy, Probably just dating her father all over again. He was an alcoholic and her new husband seems to be drinking in almost every picture of him
Not sure If that's his plane

>> No.9442533

sounds like tom waits and leonard cohen,
nice one anon

>> No.9442535

She spent a few years doing porn when she was a teen, then again when she was, uh, like 25 iirc. Wouldn't be surprised if people here are familiar with her already.
Whatever, she's married now, so fuck it. Who needs companionship, sex, someone to love you, to help you when you're in trouble, to share life with you, to...
Fuck. I'm in hell.

>> No.9442536

sad desu, a life filled with a series of drunken slobs

>> No.9442541

could be you're gluten intolerant, try switching to spirits or cider and see if the same shit happens

>> No.9442547

Is she someone I may have come across watching porn, Or did she do like amatuer bangbus/homemade casting couch time thing?

That would ruin it for me man, I couldn't date a chick who took dicks for a living. That's like a hooker

When did you date her?

I know those feels bro......We have each other though. Lets just drink right though those feels

>> No.9442560

That woman has a heart of gold. I honestly sort of feel bad for her she has so many dad issues.

A true ride or die bitch

>> No.9442566

Heart of gold or just low self-esteem to the point that she doesn't feel like she is settling for a drunken mess.

>> No.9442582

Just checked. She's still making porn. Ffs. There's an image which is gonna be burned into my retinas for the next few months.
If you've watched a lot of porn, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you'd, uhm, 'come across her' at some point.
There's not a lot of difference between doing porn and being a hooker. Doesn't really bother me, I dated a former hooker some years ago too. In my experience grils invariably hate sex work, so go full squelchy when they're fucking a guy with whom they're enjoying sex resulting from an actual relationship.
>when did you date her?
Sorry bruh but if I don't go buy alcohol I'm going to fucking die from stress. I shouldn't have googled her. Been ages since I did that. Now I feel fucking terrible. Fuck tapering. Going to go buy like a gallon of vodka.

Hope you feel better, bro.

>> No.9442624

I vomited gallons of that yellow alien bile this morning. That could stuff could melt a tire.

>> No.9442627
File: 46 KB, 480x351, 1504898272767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry bro, I didn't mean to trigger drinking for you. Wasn't my intention.

Again, Sorry. If you want to chat later I'll be in the al/ck/ threads drinking away my shame.

Fuck women man....They will ruin your life. Not saying do gay shit but life is better without women then it is with them.

lets get fucking wrecked

>> No.9442637

Things seem to take a turn for the worse around 30. Common experience.

>> No.9442646

>find out friend is dying from liver failure this past weekend
damn, we're both only 25

>> No.9442650
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>> No.9442663

>out of money
>start new job next week
>still have 5 units of alcohol to drink in the form of very cold cider
>its never enough
>there is mouthwash upstairs
do i stoop this low al/ck?
im hitting new territory here

>> No.9442688

Did you call them and talk to them?

>> No.9442713

Good trigger discipline

>> No.9442717

Drink the mouth wash with cider. You will need the ethanol to counter act the methonal in the mouth wash.

>> No.9442737

kinda its made from barley

>> No.9442739

I'm getting better at drinking. Last night I drank 4.8L of beer, and this morning I woke up with barley any hangover. I might go get more beer right now

>> No.9442751

Life could have been so different lads.....

I wish I could do it over, This one I botched

>> No.9442757

found some weed crumbs, im alright for the time being

>> No.9442761

know that feel.
wishing/hoping to change whats past will only lead to despair though. when i despair i drink
gotta stop wishing i can change the past

>> No.9442762

its never too late friend

>> No.9442780
File: 11 KB, 364x405, images(15).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw everyones hurting about failed relationships, but you're fine because women have never even paid attention to you

>> No.9442785

Oh It's far to late friendo, I have the big C.

There a lot of things you can't change, Not everything you can.

>> No.9442828

>Life could have been so different lads.....
It literally couldn't have been. Everything is exactly the only way it can be.

>> No.9442832
File: 138 KB, 350x350, carlito.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Last night I drank 4.8L of beer, and this morning I woke up with barley any hangover

>> No.9442867

Anxiety is the worst. You know it'll pass but it's just there. I walk to work thinking everyone is muttering something about it, gets a bit real when you legit hear them mutter something too. I'm thinking a 70cl a night isn't a good idea!! Going to stop for a bit.

>> No.9442882

This will go well. Kek

>> No.9442905

Can picture it now. Drunkenly clicking 'fly to shop', instead of 'fly to toilet', and waking to find angry immigrants on my doorstep, insisting to know why I made an airborne robot fly 5 litres of vomit and piss to their shop then dumped it on their counter.

>> No.9442926

>finally make it to the first world
>still get droned

>> No.9442981

I'm nearing 30 and all that's seeming to take a turn for the worse are my drinking habits
Did he abuse tylenol a little or a lot? Not trying to be a dick about it, it sounds like an awful situation. It's just that you don't hear about 25 year olds suffering liver failure from just booze that much. Take care man.

>> No.9443030

Ky here - would travel and split a hotel room.

>> No.9443070

I'm just worried he's gonna fly the thing while pissing and slice off his dick with a rotor.

>> No.9443101

>Instructions unclear; dick stuck in ceiling fan

Btw, I don't drink as hard as you guys, but something dawned on me the other night about that plastic catch thing they put on plastic handles, namely that it's intended to keep you from cracking the bottle and just inserting a straw.
If I ever do get to that level of desperation, how would I go about removing that?
Just lever it up with a flat-head?

>> No.9443185







>> No.9443502

>be in al/ck/
>thinking flying a drone carrying piss and vomit through your fucking house while hammered is going to end well

Post results

>> No.9443515

Kratom was made illegal in my state a few months ago. Reading stories of kratom helping alcoholics followed by it being made illegal has got me thinking.

>> No.9443832

>cigarette burns strongly and long enough to burn a hole into a bucket
>in a bucket filled with various fluids
yeah okay

>> No.9444253

Why do you think red bull and vodka is a thing? It's also terrible for you, but I guess if you're knocking back pints every day it's not going to matter.

>> No.9444278

I've had hangovers paired with a migraine, and even the thought of vodka made me sick. I can still voluntarily make myself gag just from thinking about chugging some vodka and swirling it in my mouth, I often do it if I'm ever feeling like I need to be sick to get it over with. It all started with the worse hangover I experienced.

Downed 1.2liters of vodka in a night. Woke up feeling OK for 5 minutes, then it was like everything around me just caved in. Ended up in bed constantly moving my legs and twitching my toes for 12 hours straight, throwing up periodically. When I woke up my toes hurt and legs too from straining them. That night I said I'd never drink again, I was on it the next night lmao.

The funny thing is now I can down pints of vodka a night and feel decent in the morning now because I only drink vodka with water and cordial.

>> No.9444299

Hope it goes well but I had a similar relationship and it fucking broke me how it ended.

>> No.9444319

Got black out drunk a few days ago. Woke up with the worst anxiety but didn't know what I did. Apparently my step dads parents came around and his dad and I went into my room and talked and played music all night. This was the first time in years anyone was in my room other than my mom for a long time so I guess I was excited to talk to someone and ended up drinking way over my threshold (which is extremely high as it is).

I apparently ended up talking about how I have horns coming out of my head and then running into walls with my forehead. I'm the biggest fucking waste, no wonder I've ruined every single friendship and relationship I've ever been in and am now friendless.

>> No.9444541

welp had 5 drinks today instead of 0

>> No.9444704

Favourite drunk is Grande Maria