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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9421916 No.9421916 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: shit people say that instantly makes you lose respect for them

>I don't drink tap water, I only drink bottled water.
people say this to me all the time, i live in fucking michigan the water is fine, great even

>> No.9421931

Ya fuckin simp

>> No.9421942

I only drink the finest water distilled by hydrolysis/combustion in my tool shed out back. I add my own minerals so I don't die of water toxicity.

>> No.9421955

My dad when he's saying I'm ruining my health by eating chips once a week, while he's an alcoholic and has been smoking for 30 years at least.

>> No.9421956

>i don't drink water at all.

big red flag for dating men....also if they're overly fussy eaters combined with not drinking water.....strongly correlates to being a manchild

>> No.9421958

Women are manchildren by default as a whole so it works out

>> No.9421960


>> No.9421968

>none of the food on my plate can touch another food

>> No.9421977

Tap water is filtered poopoo peepee water.
Enjoy your poopoo peepee water op.

>> No.9421991

"i dont eat onions"

>> No.9422114

>I don't like fish
>I don't like dark chocolate

>> No.9422124

All water is cloud pee. Let that sink in.

>> No.9422130
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How is the nations largest contaminated water scandal going for you I hear there are people still drinking bottled water because the water in michigan is unsafe.

>> No.9422131

Fucking kids saying "I don't like it" without even trying it ever.

>> No.9422133

>I only drink craft beers
>Chipotle is the best place for Mexican food
>Taco Bell isn't even real Mexican food!
The first two are genuinely annoying. Saying Taco Bell isn't Mexican food is like saying the sky is blue. Yeah no fucking shit dude.

>> No.9422150
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Lel I have a friend exactly like this. We don't even have Taco Bell where I live (not yet at least, one's opening up this fall) and he still claims TB is dog shit compared to the patrician choice of Chipotle which he has been to once in his life.

Just overall dude always tries to one-up everyone else on anything subjective. You like a certain TV show? Well guess what faggot he likes a show that's objectively better than the pleb shit you enjoy.

>> No.9422163

Not a thing that people say but rather what they do; for some reason it drives me up the fucking wall when someone (who's usually a picky eater) smells whatever they're being offered before eating it.

>> No.9422169


>> No.9422183

I love banter as much as the next guy, but you should probably look into how each city's water system works. You're putting one shitty city's woes on a whole state.

>> No.9422189

and bottled water is bottled poopoopeepee water

>> No.9422196

>eating with your mouth open
>left elbow on the table...shovelling food into their mouth with their right hand....don't raise the fork up to their mouth, they lower their head to it
>eating makes them out of breath
>making "sex sounds" (heavy breathing, groaning) whilst eating.

fat people disgust me.

I blame the parents

>> No.9422197

>not living at the foot of a mountain and having a natural spring flow through your backyard for the purest of pure water drinking experiences

>> No.9422198

My wife swears up and down that she's lactose intolerant, but she'll still eat foods that contain dairy products. After years of calling her on her bullshit, I got her drunk and then held her down and force fed her a half gallon of milk.

I think I cured her, as she hasn't used that particular excuse lately.

>> No.9422201

I legitimately can't eat onions though.
When I was a kid, it would make me instantly gag, even a tiny bit.

Turns out I have recently found out I have been intolerant to onion, according to a gastroentorologist who examined my shit.

>> No.9422214

>nobody can tell the difference between a cheap wine and an expensive wine
>I tried Dom Perignon and it sucked, didn't even taste good
The last was from my sister who barely drinks and probably holds martini & Rossi asti Spumante as the gold standard for sparkling wine.
*I couldn't care less whether you like a wine or not but speaking in absolutes is retarded

>> No.9422215

I lived in rural village. the water was piped straight into people's homes from a waterfall on the hill above the village. me and my buddy would go up to it once a week and pee into it as kids.

a sheep drowned in it a few years ago prompting the local council to invest in water purifying shenanigans.....now the water tastes of chlorine and I drink bottle water or beer.

I had a crush on a girl my village when i was 15....so obviously i wanked into the water supply knowing that she'd be drinking minuscule amounts of my cum or bathing in it.
teenage boys are fucking weird. my family probably drank my cum also

>> No.9422235

what the fuck is wrong with smelling your food you pedantic retard

i hate picky eaters as much as the next guy but youre just neurotic

>> No.9422249

You jizzed and pissed into your own water? You fucking autist.

>> No.9422253

Aww how sweet!

>> No.9422533

When people eat meat. Like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.9422546

You do realize that dairy products like cheese don't contain lactose right?

>> No.9422789

Where do you live, my guy?

>> No.9422857

You sound like a huge fucking asshole. She can eat cheese, butter, eggs, etc without having symptoms of lactose intolerance.

I'm lactose intolerant, and a glass of milk will straight up make me vomit in about 10 minutes. I can't eat ice cream, or things like sour cream. However, I CAN eat cheese and butter, because these things only have a trace amount of lactose in them.

Your ignorance of lactose intolerance probably made your wife sick as fuck, and now she's afraid of talking about it to you after what you did.

Go to hell.

>> No.9422860

>i have a cat

>> No.9422930
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This entire thread: Holy fucking shit, I laughed.

>> No.9422956

thanks for the tip but I'm not a fag

>> No.9422996

Outside of shitholes like Detroit and Flint, the rest of Michigan is quite wealthy. It is a huge controversy that the state (white) government took over the bankrupt city (black) government's finances

>> No.9422997

>and now she's afraid of talking about it

Well it sounds like win-win to me.

>> No.9423005

>I don't like "insert basic food here"

>> No.9423025

all teenage boys are like this. stop trying to medicalize degrees of normality with your (((voodoo))) phrases like "autism".

teenage boys pee and cum on lots of things.
entirely normal

>> No.9423515

Dude what the fuck

>> No.9423592

Poor woman, to be married to an aggressive retard.

>> No.9423677

when someone says they don't like dark chicken meat
or when they don't like any chicken with bones
neck or face tattoos and facial piercings
when people just talk about how picky eaters they are but acting like they are not picky
people with brown skin
I don't like the taste of water ( why haven't you died already for petes sake)
I'm allergic to...

>> No.9423692

If you drink str8 municipal tap not reverse osmosis filtered you're probably a gynoboy

>> No.9423704

Everything except the brown skins part.

>> No.9423710

I hope you live in Flint, and drink nothing but tap water.

>> No.9423720

I put tap water in a bottle before I drink it.

>> No.9423978

Thanks, now I have fresh pasta

>> No.9424031

>I'll defend you, m'lady

>> No.9424345

>making a thread shaming people into drinking tap water

>> No.9424374

Sorry you got your feelings hurt roastie

>> No.9424383

>blacks and democrats get governmentpower
>water becomes undrinkable

I'm not even surprised

>> No.9424395
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>> No.9424419

literally just flint because of a corrupt politician, it's getting fixed nao

>> No.9424422

I don't get why keeping your mouth over the plate is a bad thing

>> No.9424439

kill yourself my man

>> No.9424440

>water in Michigan

>> No.9424524

>jealous Califag

>> No.9424531

>Not getting your maximum DPS when eating.

>> No.9424535

Mentioning the ingredients list unless you have an actual allergy.

If it tastes good eat it. These people are as bad as anti-gmo and ant-vaxxer morons.

>> No.9424536

How do I become as alpha as this man?

>> No.9424569

>that steak is bad it has little marbling

not everyone likes fatty steak

>> No.9424577

>god tier
Personal water filter

>okay tier
Bulk water from dispensary station

>pleb tier
Water bottles
1 gallon/2.5 gallon water jugs

>hipster faggot tier

>poorfag tier
Tap water

>> No.9424695
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>the water is fine

>> No.9424712

These kinds of people are cancer, but they are good fun to annoy. Since they just talk out their ass anyways run their game on them but do it 500% harder until they give up. Keep it up and you will witness an expression of total defeat that will be glorious and totally worth your effort. They will now hate you going forward and usually be extremely petty.

>> No.9424722
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>"I'm vegan"

>> No.9424740

Enjoy your fluoride shot.

>> No.9424768

You're a fucking idiot. All you have to do is eat whatever it is in front of them without making a fuss and they'll want to try it too, providing they're hungry.