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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9420557 No.9420557 [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate /ck/

>> No.9420559

But he's morbidly obese.

>> No.9420563

Imagine being at computers so fat you look and see food

>> No.9420572

Right, I'm not an american, but:
>2 big bottles of canola oil
>4 lbs of rice
>2 lbs of beans
>two heads of garlic
>12 onions
>2 lbs assorted vegetables
>2 lbs chicken breast
How much should that cost overall if we're buying this in fucking Walmart, roughly?

>> No.9420573

not enough garlic and seasonings. well maybe idk, is a lb 0.5kg?

>> No.9420581

He grossly missed the mark on that one.
>The first guy wanted to say millenials want to reap the rewards they didn't earn themselves.
>Second guy wanted to make things about wages

>> No.9420585


>> No.9420587

No u

>> No.9420598

where i live people barely eat beans at all, i dont remember ever seeing them outside of some salad bars
i have always wondered how do americans and europeans eat so many beans, what do you make with them?

>> No.9420602

I eat them with rice, some salad and some meat.

>> No.9420607

I think cooking your own avocado toast is probably cheaper than getting it at a bistro. Millenials are painfully stupid with their money. My youngest brother is one of them and absolutely kills me to see the shit he wastes money on when he has so little of it (unemployed).

>> No.9420618

My youngest brother is in debt because he likes to go to the champagne room in strip clubs and wonders where all his money went (he has a degree in general business that he never used). He barely clears 39k USD a year and lives in NYC.

>> No.9420625

1kg is 2.2 lb

>> No.9420633

Don't bring your stupid twitter screencap bait threads here, tourist.

>> No.9420637
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20ish bucks. But I could do it for cheaper if I wasn't limited to walmart. There prices aren't the best.

>> No.9420643

I went with Walmart just because it's pretty ubiquitous, but supposing best possible prices, how much is it? Also, add another head of garlic and some extra stuff for seasoning.

>> No.9420653

Making some pessimistic estimates, I came with $35. In reality, probably less than that.

>> No.9420664

Isn't cooking the cheap choice?
You don't have to buy the oil, spices, rice, legumes every day.

You can also cook your food and freeze it to use for other days.

>> No.9420665

The rice and beans would drive that up a lot here in Denmark actually. But you're not supposed to get 1-kg bags of those at a supermarket; you get sacks at the bazaar or Asian market. Doing that I guess I could make that shopping list for $20.

>> No.9420666

Yeah, I'm from Brazil where they're sold in bags of 1kg/2kg in most supermarkets but they're dirt cheap due to how they're everywhere.

>> No.9420675 [DELETED] 

Clearly socialism is the answer, despite the fact that more people have starved to death under it than any other system in history.

Also, fuck Dobson.

>> No.9420681 [DELETED] 

>I'm not American
>lists weights and measures in obscure amounts long since abandoned by everyone but America, Liberia and El Salvador

I'm on to you, seppo

>> No.9420685

No u

>> No.9420688

I'm pretty sure that the internet and the focus on food in recent years have made millennials more likely to attempt cooking - particularly cooking new things - than previous generations. It's certainly the impression I get, most older people I know act like people who can cook are wizards, whereas most younger ones I know can grasp the basics.

Fuck both of these people, the first one is some bitter old shit, the second is a whiny inflation-artist.

>> No.9420689

Keep that autist on /v/ please. Plus the dude is fucking fat

>> No.9420691

I assume everyone I'm talking to on the Internet is American. I just set lbs to roughly 0,5 kg and an inch to 2,5 cm mentally for conversion.

>> No.9420692
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Stop faling for this stupid bait.

>> No.9420733

Contempt for Dobson sure isn't limited to one board, but /ck/ is one where I wouldn't have expected to find it. So this guy wants me to believe he can splurge on Apple and Nintendo but kitchen basics are off limits?

>> No.9420737

is there a single thing that he can talk about without being really fucking retarded?

>> No.9420743

No u

>> No.9420766

>buy cans with red beans, white beans corn and can of spam
>buy a pack of noodles
>dump everything into a pot and boil it for 2 hours
>add some SriRacha sauce

Dinner for two days cost me around 4 Bucks.

>> No.9420780

I don't know anyone that likes his stuff, I can fanthom anyone liking his stuff.

>> No.9420807

Us Brits use them too

>> No.9420813

>So this guy wants me to believe he can splurge on Apple and Nintendo but kitchen basics are off limits?

>> No.9420817

This is the last fucking place I expected to see a Dobson thread

>> No.9420821
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Andrew Dobson is still around?

>> No.9420826

That was an analogy, not a literal sentence. Why is everyone in 4chan retarded enough to not get analogies? One thing is inflation bear not getting them, but you are supposed to be smarter than that.

>> No.9420832

They Don't Think It Be Like It Is, But It Do

>> No.9420842

>no limes

Please try again.

>> No.9420845

>only 2lbs of chicken

never gonna make it manlet

>> No.9420853

>can of spam
>packet of noodles
>boil for two hours


>> No.9420855

make what?

>> No.9420857

I know plenty of people who want to and do cook.

>> No.9420867

Not in any meaningful capacity, no. He mostly just posts on twitter, and somehow manages to be wrong about every possible thing he weighs in on.

>> No.9420872

Go to bed, Dobby.

>> No.9420887

Is your heart still beating?

>> No.9420919

Still, it's a weak counter. I'm assuming the analogy has to do with work (cook) and play (eat). Of course a lot of people don't want to work, but how can one "not afford" to? Is he collecting disability or something?

>> No.9420927

70 USD

>> No.9420938

A head of garlic is like 10¢. Spices can be had in bulk for a few dollars each depending.

>> No.9420997

I can get like 5 pounds of chicken breast at Wal-Mart for about $10 in the US if that helps any. I also bought a box of 4 pounds of rice for $6 in that same trip but I could have gotten it cheaper in a bag.

>> No.9421011

>2 big bottles of canola oil
>4 lbs of rice
>2 lbs of beans
>two heads of garlic
>12 onions
>salt, pepper
>2 lb assorted vege
>2 lb chicken breast

sum total: $21

>> No.9421029

I got about $50 from looking at the online order app for a store close to me, but I couldn't do exact weight for any fresh ingredients. Walmart would probably be about the same price.
Mexican/hispanic grocery stores can be the cheapest places for a lot of ingredients. They're one of the nicer little things about living in a border state.

>> No.9421043
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Have you shopped lately, your prices are wrong. 4 pounds of rice is closer to 6 dollars, Walmart beans dry are about 1.60 for a pound , two heads of garlic is 3 dollars, 12 onions will be more like 5 dollars, six if you want anything other than regular white onions

>> No.9421045

>The prices in my local place are the prices of things in the entire world.

>> No.9421049


Walmart brokers huge distribution deals, so yes staples through out walmart are relatively in the same price range unless you live in california or alaska, then its slightly more expensive.

>> No.9421078

'B-but healthy food is expensive! Junk food is so much cheaper!'

>> No.9421103

Buying in bulk would be cheaper in the long run.

>better off buying a gallon of vegetable oil $5
>50lb bag of jazmine rice from the asian market $30, you can find cheaper quality rice for 2lb for a dollar
>peruvian beans on sale you can find for a dollar a pound a couple times a year you might fimd 2lb for a dollar, pinto beans are usually cheaper than that
>Garlic is sold in a pack of about 5 for around $3
>onions are around4lbs for a dollar
>kosher salt is usually a little over a dollar
>pepper is around $1/oz for pre ground more expensive for whole
>vegetables are usually under a dollar a pound
>chicken breast is usually $1.99/lb but I would recommend leg quarters or thighs and drum sticks which i have seen go as low as 49¢ for leg quarters and ¢77 for legs and thighs

I would also recommend potatoes which are nearly always 10¢/pound in 10lb sacks. Some times when potatoes are plenty full i have seen them go for 2lb/10¢

Pork picnic should is also great because it constantly goes on sale for 79¢ a pound.

Beef chuck roasts (choice) is a good buy in my area when is goes to 2.99$/lb

I would guess $25 would be more than enough to buy everything on your list. You could save money if you went with thighs and then trim them and render the fat from the trimmings to make schmaltz.

>> No.9421108

THey can't afford to cook, because they're faggots and don't understand how to live. Too buy obsessing over whether or not their skinny jeans go with their vintage bobble touq and whether or not their favorite shitty-sounding band is too popular.

>Can't work
>Can't plan a menu
>Can't make or stick to a budget
>Can't even cook

>> No.9421109

where the fuck do you live, paco?

>> No.9421114

>4 pounds of rice is closer to 6 dollars
Fuck off with that shit, a 20lb bag costs like $15

>> No.9421119

The US is so big that there is no good general price for these ingredients. I don't shop at wal-mart generally, but I doubt the prices would be much better than at Albertsons where I do shop. All these ingredients (assuming not frozen veggies and chicken), would be about $40. Not too bad, considering I could probably feed myself for more than 2 weeks on that.

>> No.9421167

>clearly said he doesn't eat beans
It's obviously an Ahmed.
>captcha: charlton mohammed

>> No.9421184

He's also like 50, so not a millennial.

>> No.9421195

>4 pounds of rice is closer to 6 dollars
??? last month I got a 5lb bag for $2.50. Then again I got generic long grain rice.

>> No.9421237

just checked my local supermarket's shop from home link.
>store brand canola oil 24 oz $1.99 ea
>Rico brand Long Grain Rice 20 lb $7.99
>store brand Kidney Beans - Dark Red 40 oz $1.79 can
>2 Pack Garlic Bulbs $0.66
>store brand Salt - Iodized or Plain 26 oz $0.59
>Mi Pepito brand Ground Black Pepper 1.25 oz $1.19
>Carrots 1 lb $0.99 - Russet Potatoes 5 Lb Bag $1.69 - Tomatoes On The Vine 1 lb $0.99
>Perdue or Tyson brand chicken thighs (because breasts are inferior, you pleb), $0.99/lb

so that's 4 + 8 + 1.8 + .66 + .6 + 1.2 + 1 + 1.7 + 1 + 2 = $22 and you have five times the rice, an extra half pound of beans, enough salt for months, and at least 4 lb more of potatoes than you asked for

i'm in the NYC area, so prices aren't even dirt cheap, as they would near farm country

>> No.9421245

i forgot the onions
>Onions - 3 lb Bag each $2.50

>> No.9421318

what the fuck do you need so much fucking canola oil for you fat fuck

>> No.9421405

>>2 big bottles of canola oil
>>4 lbs of rice
$7 (cheaper to get the 40lb bag in the long run)
>>2 lbs of beans
>>two heads of garlic
>>12 onions
>>2 lbs assorted vegetables
$5~$15, call it $10
>>2 lbs chicken breast

$67 total

>> No.9421409

What the FUCK does this sentence mean?

>> No.9421473

It means hes hopped up on ancient /v/ memes.

>> No.9421493

20 doll hairs

>> No.9421506

>Checkmate /ck/

Wait... I thought Niggers were all obese & fat because poverty forces them to eat only junk food?

>> No.9421507

>Waaah I can't get a high paying job with my Jouranlism and Intersection Feminism degree!
>All you old people stole all the money!
>It's your fault!
My generation sucks ass.

>> No.9421511

Learn to quote posts, you dumb phoneposter

>> No.9421545

4chanX adds a > to quoted posts automatically and ain't nobody got time to go and delete every extra one individually

If anything faggots should stop using > as a bullet point, especially for numbers

>> No.9421557
File: 29 KB, 640x557, Rich Niggers Are Fatter than Poor Niggers - Poverty Mythbusters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait... I thought Niggers were all obese & fat because poverty forces them to eat only junk food?

That's a Liberal myth that's been disproved over and over again.

>> No.9421563

Obviously not American. In America we use American oil, not two big bottles of that Canadian shit.

>> No.9421564

Only does that shit on a phone, phoneposter

>> No.9421577
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>> No.9421583

don't select the meme arrow when you reply

>> No.9421585

4chanX is a desktop firefox extension, phoneposters use Clover.

Only works for the first line, subsequent lines will be fully highlighted

>> No.9421601

I have one near me in maine. And while technically a border state it's as far from you as possible while staying in the continental United States.

>> No.9421606

I'm using it on chrome and it doesnt add any arrows at all

>> No.9421622

Chrome doesn't respect my liberties as a software user.

>> No.9422372


>> No.9422378

>no one can afford to cook
>so let's eat out!

>> No.9422441

IT: angry old men

>> No.9422637

Then how do they afford to eat?

>> No.9422677

They assume "cook" means "buy prime ribs and organic kale every night", giving them the illusion that Hungry Man dinners are cheaper than cooking

>> No.9422721

>poor women are fat
>poor men are thin

>> No.9422723


>no one can afford to cook

Bullshit. Millennials are the worst with their lying, projection, denial, and straight up ignorance.

>> No.9422746

>Garlic is sold in a pack of 5 for around $3
Wut? I buy garlic bulbs priced per lb. It usually comes out to about $.40-$.50 for a larger bulb.

>potatoes which are nearly always 10¢/pound in 10lb sacks
One dollar for ten pounds of potatoes? That's crazy. Where are you shopping, Idaho?

>> No.9422796

How old are you? Most people I heard complaining about millenials are themselves millenials. I am a millennial on the tail end. I waste money on all sorts of shit but then again I make a lot especially for a bachelor.

>> No.9423264

I don't get it

>> No.9423361

>potatoes which are nearly always 10¢/pound in 10lb sacks. Some times when potatoes are plenty full i have seen them go for 2lb/10¢

Do you also have to dig them out of the ground?

>> No.9423426
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>Andrew, Son of Dob

/cock/ thread

>> No.9423549

you anons really should remember that Dobson is shit from when this was /cock/. The only thing he checkmates is himself.

>> No.9423586

Well, up here, let's see.

The normal size bottles of oil are $3 so let's go with that.

>Right, I'm not an american, but:
>>2 big bottles of canola oil =6
>>4 lbs of rice =10
>>2 lbs of beans =4
>>two heads of garlic =1
>>12 onions =3
>>salt =2
>>pepper = 2 (grind yourself and is 50c)
>>2 lbs assorted vegetables 4
>>2 lbs chicken breast 10
>How much should that cost overall if we're buying this in fucking Walmart, roughly?

So 38 plus tax, around 40ish bucks right there.

>> No.9423901

m8 brits most certainly do not measure food in imperial

>> No.9423938
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Be careful, he could be lurking

>> No.9424992

>rice over $1/pound
Tell us what shithole you live in so I can make sure to never go there.

>> No.9425002 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 640x791, IMG_0487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Careful Mohammed, the metric Police might be reading this thread, you don't want them to kick in your door and confiscate all your butter knives.

>> No.9425007


>> No.9425010

Getting pre made food is never going to cost less than getting those exact same ingredients and making it yourself you communist retard.

>> No.9425158

Cooking for yourself is literally the cheapest way to eat.

>> No.9425637

I'm sorry I'm feeling really stupid. What exactly is this supposed to make? The canola oil is throwing me off.

>> No.9425645

I-is he serious?
Since when was it cheaper to go out to eat than cook?

>> No.9425934


>> No.9426339

>The poorest black men are still less fat than the richest black women

>> No.9427206
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If your doing this you got to get some salts and spices to flavor that food. Mince meat is also a nice change from chicken depending on price in your area. Great staple diet for its cost.

Any thoughts on how to improve the food or the dishes made with this food ? I feel like this a simple list that is difficult to perfect.

>> No.9427214

What? You can get a 50lb bag of rice at costco for 15 dollars.

Dry beans are around .25-30c a lb at most, 3 heads of garlic is maybe slightly over a dollar, and a large bag of onions comes in near 3 dollars.

Stop lying on the internet. Unless you live in NYC, then just move out of libshitholes

>> No.9427260


Nah about $20. In fact, I will look up the local walmart price and part it out for you.
>1 Gallon of Canola oil: $6.18
>5lb sac of walmart rice: $2.32
>2lb black beans: $2.34
>2 Heads of garlic: $1
>Salt & Pepper: $2
>2lbs assorted veggies: $3
>5lb chicken (thigh): $5.50

So that's a pre-tax cost of: $22 and some change, and that's getting twice your amount of chicken and a gallon of fucking oil.

The average poorfag will spend more than $22 in a day subsisting on fast food alone, especially if feeding a family.