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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9419584 No.9419584 [Reply] [Original]

Who work at a supermarkets? What's the strangest food related stories/purchases have you come across?

>> No.9419622

used to work at one. I was a deli guy
>we had a plastic table and chairs for people to sit at while they eat the fried chicken and various other hot food we sold
>fat guy is sitting in one and leaning it back against the ice cream cooler
>chair breaks and he hits his head on the cooler
>he tries to sue us even though its his fault

>we also had gas pumps, another time this guy left his car filling unattended and it overflowed
>gasoline everywhere
>wanted to not have to pay for the spill even though it says right on the pump to not leave unattended and if someone had dropped a cigarette the store could have gone up in flames

fuck customers they're all fucking retards

>> No.9419633

I used to work at Publix for several years. We had the usual hodgepodge of pain in the ass customers. However the real fun was what happened afterhours and/or in the back stock room. /b/ tier sex and drug stories abound. Also we stole a lot of beer and food. Really the best days of my life.

>> No.9419638

Every gas station I've ever been to automaticaly shuts of my pump when my tank is full.

>> No.9419656

the auto shutoff can fail

that's why there is a sign on the pump that says do not leave unattended

>> No.9419659

What's wrong with the gas pumps? The pumps should be able to detect when your tank is full and stop pumping gas.

>> No.9419678

>why is it possible that a mechanical can fail
its the same reason you are supposed to keep your finger off the trigger of a gun even if the safety is on.

watch the pump unless you want to pay for spilled gas or possibly die in an inferno

>> No.9421056

You can tell people haven't worked in retail by what little understanding they have of how registers work (or benefit of the doubt, they were smart enough not to choose cashier)
>Lady asks why there's two of some water I accidentally scanned twice
>Already voided it by the time she pointed it out
>Says I'm trying to scam her
>Literally point to the v for void next to the item like I have to teach this bitch the goddamn alphabet
>Keeping that retail smile.jpg
>She lets it go, still glaring suspiciously at the screen while she finishes the transaction
>I would've let it go if she didn't complain to my boss

I don't get people some times

>> No.9421096

As soon as you said sue i was sure youre american.
I hate the fucking lawsuit culture of my country. If i was in that situation mu first response would be to apologize profusely and offer to pay for the chair. Its just so disgusting to me thay if an American is slightly hurt the first thought we have is "how much money can i take from these people?" Makes me hate my country sometimes desu.

>> No.9421144
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Used to work in the bakery at Stater Bros.
>customer comes up early before we make doughnuts
>requests a special made doughnut which isn't uncommon
>they ask for "greens" on it so I assume the color green which also isn't uncommon
>i bring out a doughnut with green frosting lines
>he gets all pissed with me saying that he "doesn't want carbs" and says he wants vegetables on it
>can't refuse service
>make him another doughnut and put lettuce and broccoli and stick it on there with some honey
>literally the most disgusting thing I ever made
>he comes back and I show it to him
>"thats the wrong kind of doughnut!"
>i ask him to show me what he wants
>he points to a cake
>i cant deal with him so I direct him to another baker
I hate customers

>> No.9421171

People who don't understand registers and people who think they understand every register are equally as bad.

>work at store that's halfway between regular grocery and big box/restaurant supply
>certain items (bottled water, sodas) have the same bar code on the resale case as on the individual items
>scanning the individual item racks up the sale for the entire case
>because of this, we have individual codes for loose items
>entire cases cost enough that, when voided, require manager override

>ringing up some guy in a cheap suit who's talking on a bluetooth
>in 2016
>office break room stuff mostly
>"Oh don't forget these kiddo"
>before I can react, reaches behind the scanner and rings up 2 bottles of soda, stop him before the third
>the screen confirms my fears
>2 cases, each at $35, have been added to the order
>clear both
>register locks up at end because high void amount
>have to wait for key carrier
>listen to guy rant about how our registers are dumb and he should be able to scan what he wants

Don't stick shit behind the fucking counter

>> No.9421202

> People order a literal ton of stuff
> It's mostly alcohol and mixers
> Turns out, it's for a wedding

> Shitton of bottled water on an order
> Driver brings it back, throwing a hissy fit about how he can't get it up all those stairs
> I get sent out with him to shut him up
> Shitton of bottled water
> Three floors up
> No parking anywhere near the door
> Door's a storey off the ground with stairs up to it
> Driver parks illegally, I grab trays off the van and slide them through the railings to the level of the floor he's standing on
> Then we haul them up the stairs
> Asian family who don't trust the local water. As usual.

> Top floor flat
> Half a mile from the nearest parking, legal or not
> New driver who can't be trusted with customers or van keys on his own yet, so I'm out with him
> Multiple trips, even for two people.

> No house number on manifest, only a cutesy name
> This means I, the supervising non-driver, have to get out and run up and down the street checking house names because they're so far from the street you can't see the damn signs
Better hope your house never catches fire, or you never need an ambulance...

> New housing estate
> Not updated in the satnav yet
> Have to stop and ask the postman where a house is
> Estate is full of lost delivery drivers for various companies asking where stuff is

> Arrive at address
> They're getting another delivery from another company, who seem to think we're able to do their job for them
> Hands over the parcel to us, drives off
> "Oh, uh, this arrived for you too and they gave it to us? Is this for you? I'm not sure."

> Small housing estate built for old people
> Stairs so steep I nearly fall down them, young and able-bodied

> Another delivery to an old person
> Low ceiling, I nearly concuss myself on the doorway into the kitchen
> Unload everything, trying to ignore the all-pervasive smell of piss

>> No.9421241

> Arrive at address
> They've got builders in
> Can't get to the house except through the work in progress
> Builders are amused by this, and insist on helping by taking the trays inside for us and unloading them
> Have to remind them to give the paperwork back after it's been signed

> At the store, cold stuff regularly sits out of chilled areas for up to an hour
> Warehouse is basically organised, barely-managed chaos
> I'm the only one able to bring order to it
> Book half the summer off, so I'm off work more than I'm in
> Get back after two weeks to discover we're losing drivers like crazy and the rest are mad as fuck
> Discover nobody's been covering for me

> I don't give a fuck
> My co-workers don't give a fuck.
> Management doesn't give a fuck
> Blast heavy metal all day in the warehouse, uniform ends up scruffy at best
> Use a battery bank to steal power from the company
> Teach people to skateboard on equipment
> Wrestling matches in the warehouse, right in front of the camera
> Team leader attempts to forbid me from taking time off work whenever he's scheduled to be in, because I'm the only person who cares about doing stuff right
> Only care because I get bonuses for the company making a profit
> Openly trying to get other jobs, nobody cares
> Ignore corporate team-building, department organises it's own meals out after payday
> qt3.14 immigrant girls brought customers to me for a year because I can translate the local accent into simple english, and then give them an exact product location for what they want
> From memory, because the only accurate map of the store is in the heads of the order pickers
> And even then, only because data is exchanged regularly in the form of small talk

>> No.9421246

I don't work at one but I once witnessed a middle aged woman with stunna shades on ask for white meat chicken thighs

>> No.9421258

>work nights in a fairly big superstore not particularly close to nearby towns, etc.
>stocking shelves n shit and a guy asks me to run stuff through the tills through him
>do it as I'm the only guy around it seems
>he buys heavy-duty big black bin bags and a shovel and topsoil
>question nothing and go back to work
>realise days later what his purchases could've entailed

>> No.9421264

These stories remind me of my days working at king soopers (Kroger store in Colorado)
>be courtesy clerk (bagger and cart pusher)
>old bitch standing uncomfortably close to me, watching me like a hawk as I bag her groceries
>as I put each bag in cart she ties them immediately after
>catch on and begin tying bags for her before putting them in cart because I figure it is what she wants
>she unties the bags immediately after I put them in cart
>just say fuck it and stop tying them
>she audibly sighs and stands next to me for five minutes as I bag for other customers tying all of her bags on a frustrated manner

>> No.9421330

Isn't it against the rules to reach behind the fucking counter like that
Actually no, that seems like common courtesy

>Have baggers
>Customers insist on bagging for them
Usually these are part timers doing 4 hours a day on the weekends, let them do their one job

>> No.9421431
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>>he points to a cake

fucking kek

>> No.9421639

>store was remodeling
>recently ordered a bunch of high tech scales
>touch screens, wi-fi, talks with storewide inventory system
>install them wherever an old scale used to be
>first day with our brand new amazing scales ready to go
>they all blue screen after a minute of being switched on
>inventory and POS both grind to a halt
>have to go back to using the old scales for 2 weeks while IT tries to fix everything

>> No.9421692

All scales, self-service checkouts, scanners and registers over here run Windows CE. Seems odd that they'd go for NT.

>> No.9421703

>Everyone on this Earth is a retard except me, but including me.
Also, pick a better place to live nigga

>> No.9421704

£90 of the small mcdick sized fruit bags, asked if it was for a club or something and the guy said no. To put it in perspective that's about 360 bags

>> No.9421777
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I like these threads. Makes me realize how much bullshit employees put up with and why they genuinely like seeing me

>When something goes wrong I don't mind
>When a customer is being a bitch I don't mind
>Patiently just do what I need to do
>If the employee makes a mistake it's not too bad (I'm flexible, all errors can be fixed)
>Always do that survey shit just because it I want them to know the employee does a good job
>At some point I started getting free shit and discounts whenever I'm buying something because I'm not a shitty person

I've never seen a McDonald's or grocery store employee at lunch rush have such a genuine hope filled smile til I show up. Hell even the managers offered me a job at some places solely based on my patience

But then I tell them I have a felony and job already so I can't take a second one without issues. I hate disappointing people but goddamn a fuckin job offer for just being a regular and not a bitch?

>> No.9421806
File: 120 KB, 411x566, d3593fd21392f60e878e0e9532275e45--tattoo-images-colored-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 mins till closing
>Customer with two trolleys comes along
>As per store policy ask if she needs help packing today
>No response, ask louder
>Still no response decide to ask when she gets to till
>Start scanning her food
>She walks over, faint smell of alcohol and weed
>"Hello, would you like any help-"
>"Why aren't you packing my shopping?"
>Goes on 5 minute rant
>I'm used to this shit by now
>Pack her shopping
>Halfway through second trolley phone starts ringing
>Answers and stops unloading her shopping
>Another 5 minutes
>Customers in queue getting upset, one asks her to keep loading
>Distract her back to me before she can rant at this man too
>Finish packing
>Goes on another rant anyway
>10 mins to go at this point, am in full smile and nod mode
>One of the high points of it was how me not packing her bags was wasting everyone in the queues time
>U WOT M8?
>Finally leaves only 2 people left in queue, everyone else moved till.
>Easy last 5 or so minutes, apologise to the man from before and give him a discount
>Shift finished boss wants to see me
>Turns out the bitch lodged a formal complaint and as she spent lots of money and does so regularly they don't want to say no to her.
>All my shifts for next month are moved to out of the way positions, told that if I see her again to look busy and get out of the way.
Very lucky that my boss is cool and that was my first complaint since I started.
Pic related but not her.

>> No.9421878

One of my biggest peeves is when people decide last minute they don't want produce
Boxed shit and cans I can handle but when it's like bakery, fruit bowls, or deli meat (which they had to wait for) I get really fucked because they throw that shit out

>> No.9421952

used to work on a local chain, first as a floor clerk and then on the warehouse
>all dat rat shit fucking everywhere
I always wash my hands after handling groceries (even packaged ones) and try to at least rinse cans/bottles/jars and only drink from them as a last measure
it got to me man
I never considered myself squeamish but hell

>> No.9421982

used to work at winco in produce department
>lady walks up to me
>"e-excuse me... do you have any *looks at list* 'th-thyme"
>pronounces the th as in "the"
>feel bad for her girl spaghetti and walk her over to it
>think she realizes im smiling bc of her
i didnt correct it either so i know when she tells someone else she'll realize how she said it wrong. its ok bc she was qt

>> No.9421999
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>> No.9422317

Used to work in the back room of my local small town super market as a teen, working the bottle return machine and stocking shelves. Comfy job, only 6 hours a week, every fourth weekend and could trade shifts freely.

>Afternoon shift on a weekday, store manager comes in
>"I need you to go out and help this man find some shoe laces, and keep an eye on him"
> "Lul wut? Why would i need to help some dude find shoelaces and then follow him around the store?
>Come out from the back of the store, see 3 shabby looking dudes
>It's druggies
Apparently my county had been required to take in some social cases and put them in gov housing in my town, in return for like 3x their monthly cost to the system.
>First guy tells me they need some shoe laces so i walk them over to the misc shelf.
>"What length do you need?"
>The guy looks dumb founded, looks around for a second and then then grasps his bicep
>"Let me just get the longest"
>Now that's sorted, and the guys walk up to the register. Except, where did the third guy go?!
>Go around the store looking for him. Where the fuck did this guy go?
>Find him at the soda aisle. "Just wanted some apricot sodas for me and the guys"
>Well alright then. Walk him to the register, they all pay and leave.
>As i walk out back one of the guys calls out to me.
>Thanks for the help kid, here's a little something for you
>He hands me one of the fucking apricot sodas

All in all one of the most pleasant experiences i ever had with a customer

>> No.9422380

I will never understand being unable to void shit from the register meme. I worked at Carls Jr for a while as a cashcuck. If someone changed their mind or I misclicked I had to go get a manager like a fucking wagie retard. Literally never worked front of house again in my life. If I was attractive I'd be a killer waiter. Such is life as a cookcuck.

>> No.9422401

Post void limits at ur work place
Mine was 20$, I went into override over a case of fucking diapers

>> No.9422425

>work at Kroger
>One day someone comes in
>Buys three bottles of cough syrup
Not really weird but who needs three bottles of cough syrup at one time? Must of had a really terrible cough

>> No.9422427

working stock in the morning, heavy woman comes up to me, strips naked. and says let mommy get a try!

>> No.9422460
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>oh it didn't scan that means it's free right haha

>> No.9422501

>Forget nametag
>'Hello [insert store here]'
I hope they don't expect any more than an empty laugh and on bad days a vacant stare

>> No.9422540

How many Happy Birthday X cakes do you get commissioned to do every week? What is the most creative cake you have ever made

>> No.9422707

Anon he wasn't going to use it for a cough.

>> No.9422748
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>work in deli
>mid december
>lady brings up a sealed package of some thin dried salami that we sell
>"Can you cut this for me?"
>look at coworkers
>"W-well management says we're not supposed to but we do it so customers don't get angry"
>are you fucking kidding me
>mfw I have to unwrap this salami, cut it in half, and try to use it on the slicer when it doesn't have enough weight to keep itself on the blade

I had a lady that would come in every day to buy our baked potatoes. Every time, she would ask for extra cheese. We just put our store brand shredded cheddar on top, it was already on the potatoes. She just wanted more. So we had to get the bag, and pour it over the potatoes. And then she would tell us when she was "satisfied". She would always go on about how much she "loved her cheese" while we were doing this.
It was always a gross affair and we would have to almost pick straws to deal with her if she showed up. The way she went on about the cheese, it was almost sexual and fuck me it was disturbing. Fucking fatties.

>> No.9422877
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This isn't really a shopping experience but it happened to me today
>Been volunteering at a homeless kitchen for a long time now, pretty much one of the authorities of place
>All of the church isn't there because of a conference so there's another group of people who don't want to be there
>Middle Eastern looking guy who's there often and pretty friendly asks me "excuse me, is there pork in the hotdogs?"
>Find the person who cooked them and ask what's in them
>without looking up the old lady shrugs without saying anything
>see the hotdog package in the trash so I go through the trouble of digging out the package to see the ingredients, tossing my gloves, washing my hands, and grabbing new gloves so this guy doesn't get kicked out of paradise for eating a pig
>tell the guy there's beef, turkey, and pork in the hotdogs
>"Thank you, thank you; I was about to take a big bite!"
>Do the rest of the night's work
>As the middle eastern guy is leaving he comes to me and says "thank you, I got a job at that new restaurant: the Italian bistro. I'm your guy there."

Sometimes working with people is alright

>> No.9422924

people never talk about how muzzies can be complete bros sometimes, but when I worked at the customer service desk at a tech store they were the single most polite group of people I ever dealt with
middle aged white women were always the absolute worst, and I'd run a fucking mile if I ever saw a short fat woman with a henpecked-looking husband in tow

>> No.9423648


>> No.9423662

How is he gonna work italian tho? Just host?

>> No.9423708

Dudes a gardener, chill

>> No.9423714
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>work at regional Kroger variant
>produce department

>customer walks up and starts telling me about how she bought 4 live basil plants and the purple ones all died
>keeps repeating that they died while talking about what she expected, other plants doing fine blah blah
>ask her if she talked to customer service to get a refund
> "No"

also mexico needs to answer for these mangos

>> No.9423750

>youngish guy is putting his stuff on the conveyer belt
>middle aged woman starts putting her stuff on as well
>the young guy says he doesn't have enough room and tells her to wait
>her husband arrives
>they yell at each other for a bit
>they get into a full on fist fight and they are scrambling on the ground wrestling each other
>i'm so detached from reality having worked all day i just sit there the whole time and when the security guard guy showed me the video (we got on well) i literally just sat there the whole time and didn't react at all

made me feel like i had autism and i probably do

anyway after a while the fight got broken up and the police came down etc

>> No.9423755

not him, but where i worked, these 3 little kids with about 15 bucks between them asked for a custom cake with the design they had drawn on a sheet of craft paper, which was a stickfigure being hanged with the text "jonoathon go to heck" underneath it, with fire everywhere. had a good laugh, but we made the cake

>> No.9423763

i thought these line breaks were different stories

>> No.9423781

>live near DA REZ
>natives come in all the time, constantly want to buy huge amounts of produce
>"hey uh can I get a box of your cheapest apples/stonefruit/corn/melons"
>gets so bad we have to tell them to call 48 hours in advance to order boxes of stuff
>they never do
>If we have extra and give them a box, the rest of their cart (or second cart) gets filled with junk food
>pay with ebt/food stamps/muh ancestors bucks

>> No.9423828

I'm sorry your bosses are spineless dicks.

>> No.9423956

>tattooed on eyebrows
mexicans were a mistake

>> No.9424100

Also not him, but the weirdest thing I wrote on a cake was for a young girl and her father. They got a holiday log cake and asked if I could write "Sorry I got the cat wet" on it.

>> No.9424211
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Shaved ham.

Only after moving here and getting a job in a supermarket deli have I ever heard of shaved ham. Ham sliced so thin that the slicer chews up the meat, resulting in what's essentially pig confetti. I don't know why anyone would ever want to eat that crap.

>> No.9424256


Woah I've accidentally stumbled back into the 20th century.

>> No.9424270

>Also, pick a better place to live nigga
how do i contact moon nazis?

>> No.9424273

Woah, highschoolers with no experience need to start somewhere. Of course with a $15 minimum wage you can forget that happening. No highschooler is worth that money.

>> No.9424285

My country has a higher minimum wage than the USA, lower youth unemployment than the USA, and every supermarket uses self-serve checkouts. There are different ways to do things.

>> No.9424291

I work at a restaurant as a cashier. People get so fucking mad because they're too stupid to read the menu
>brisket sandwich 6.99
>brisket sandwich with 2 sides 9.99
>drink 2.50
>guy gets a sandwich and 2 sides and a drink
>yes sir that will be 13.35 for your total
>but a brisket sandwich is 6.99
>yes sir and you got 2 sides (which are actually half price if you get them with a sandwich)
>oh they aren't included?
>no sir with the sandwich they're about 1.50 each
>oh well I don't want them you can put them back
Fuck you asshole

>> No.9424299

You lack organization, boy. Your formats all fucked up.

Btw, complaining about nearly concussing yourself is your fault.

>> No.9424308

I've worked at a local grocery store for 6 years now in various departments. The worst I would get in any of them is bitchy housewives, without a doubt. They have no patience, they are condescending, and they have no manners. That's what irks me most of all. Did your mother not teach you to say "excuse me" when you need to ask a question for help? It's so simple and sounds so much better than being demanding and expecting me to be at your beck and call.

>> No.9424320

That's also your country. There are more factors but a high minimum wage artificially raises the price of labor. Who do you think is going to get cut, the laborers at the middle and top or at the very bottom?

>> No.9424323

*of low skill labor

>> No.9424342

Afaik they can cook pork just fine. I work at a restaurant that serves a lot of pork, and one of the main chef guys is some Muslim kid.

>> No.9424355

low mimimum wage encourages personel spam at issues, provides little incentive to employers to increase the efficiency of their business. Creates a lot of shit-tier do nothing jobs and a stagnant economy.

Hence why you have semi-educated young people standing around packing bags when there are many better things they should be doing.

>> No.9424362

>higher minimum wage but lower unemployment
>"yeah but it wouldn't work because they would cut jobs"

I swear Americans actually enjoy being class cucks

>> No.9424373

It's because if you're smart, and quick, you can steal that way. They even track those numbers. I've seen people do it, but it's not super common.

>> No.9424376

i would have said "nope, they're pork-free."

>> No.9424382

That's pretty rude anon

>> No.9424390

but then he wouldn't have been your guy at the italian bistro

>> No.9424408

A customer tried to steal a plastic crab from the seafood department, saying the workers there let him have it. But, one of the managers saw it in his cart and said the people from seafood have been looking for it all day. They got into an argument over a fucking plastic crab.

>> No.9424418

I realized this maybe 3rd week of working cashier at six fags

>> No.9424420

I wish I could be a bagger. It is such an easy job but so many people fuck it up somehow.

>> No.9424428

I got hit by car riding my bike and my family sued. I never thought of it too much, but now I feel kind of guilty. We're not even poor, in fact we're quite wealthy. It's kinda shitty growing up and realizing how flawed our parents might be. Then again, I can't complain too much when I have around ~30k in my personal savings. Maybe I'll be more charitable.

>> No.9424453

Fuck no, I was a bagger when I was 16, and the baggers at my store are fucking retards in their mid-20s to 40s that don't understand basic fucking bagging procedure.
>Put all frozen and refrigerated shit first
>Fucking retard mixes non-refrigerated shit with refrigerated shit
>Gib me mo money plz
I bag my own shit because they can't get such a simple task right. FFS, I didn't even need the retard down on his luck manager to explain that to me at my first training. I thought it was common sense.

>> No.9424461

that's hilarious

>> No.9424462
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do you by chance live in Tampa Bay

>> No.9424472

Can confirm, have stolen grill orders by ringing them in and voiding them after they made them

>> No.9424489
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>Work at a Fred Meyer (Sup fellow Kroger bros)
>Home department, mostly furniture, cashiering, etc.
>Help a bro load a couch into a customers truck, don't think much of it.
>Few hours later manager overheads for me to to go to the loading area.
>Apparently we fucked up and loaded the wrong couch.
>Wasn't my sale so I didn't get the couch, just loaded it but whatever.
>No couch in site, no truck, customer wants us to take the correct one to the house so they can inspect it first.
>Manager has to get his truck and the three of us pack into his 3 seater beater truck. Which looked hilarious considering he looks about 100lbs wet and me and the other dude are 200+
>Arrive at the house and the customer is some older lady and her son, not the original people so she must have hired a 3rd party for the first couch.
>Get it inside and open the wrapping of the couch so she can inspect it, and I notice something.
>Couches are both the exact same couch.
>She instantly starts to complain saying the couch is a different color, it's too red compared to the one on the floor.
>Don't want to point out that she has red blinds and everything in her fucking house is red.
>Her son physically facepalms and starts to apologize to us.
>Manager makes us take the original couch back anyways and offers her a discount for her troubles.
>Basically blames us for getting the order wrong.
>As we drive back to the store he comments "And that's how you keep a customer."
>Wondered if the other employee squished next to me was thinking the same thing about getting rid of a body and if anyone would care if only the two of us came back to the store in the managers truck.
He's the kind of douche that lets a customer return a used couch that we have not sold for years, obviously had been in a dorm or some casting video because the customer complained that a spring came out.
I swear we have had shit come back because of him that had body glitter on it.
But hey, "We made the customer happy."

>> No.9424575

To be fair, having a plastic crab would be a really cool thing.

>> No.9424587

I worked at a Harris Teeter for 3 years. It was pretty mundane customer service shit (90% of people are cool, 10% are fucking vile pieces of shit that make you want to kill yourself, etc). Until I started doing nights.

We were a 24 hr so after 11 the registers would close down and it would just be the u scans. I was the watcher of the uscans, while the stockers did their shit in the store. Some things:

>Drunk people who were drunk and stranded and wanted me to leave my job and drive them fucking home in my car. they were drunk and hungry so I felt bad and bought them slim jims. Then they tried to fucking steal on the way out and I had to yell at them

>A man buying steak. Except he was so drunk, all he could say was 'steak'. His credit card wasn't working, and I was trying to help him, but all he kept doing was pointing and mumbling steak.

>A woman whose son was a drug addict came in, had a meltdown arguement with him in the parking lot bought some stuff, then burst into tears and asked me to hide her change because he would beat her for it. I got her a chair and let her sit down and have a good cry, tried to talk to her.

>a man came in, got into our beer and wine section, drank a giant jug of wine, tried to cut his own throat. The baker wrestled him to the floor and I grabbed his arm, but he stabbed himself with a piece of the jug he'd shattered on the floor and sawed a cut across his neck. 911 had to get him. We re-opened 2 hrs later.

>> No.9424590

As faggoty as he is, he's right. Customers are fucking insane retards. Just give them the new couch and gtfo. I don't know if I woulda given them the discount though. And I definitely would've talked shit about that customer once I was back in the truck

>> No.9424595

>>he points to a cake
Yeah thats about when I would be done too

>> No.9424604

The first time I got a complaint I was so depressed and fucking angry. It was just some impatient fuck who thought we weren't doing our jobs fast enough even though we were hauling ass

>> No.9424606

>Be in the back room.
>Packing garbage into the wet waste compactor in the middle of the summer, smells like shit and death.
>Someone from deli asks me if I can grab something they can't reach on their pallet.
>Fumble around and grab some of the plastic containers she wanted with my trash covered hands.
>Hand them to her and notice she is wearing that perfect white getup the sushi makers wear.
>She thanks me and heads off to probably go fill those trays with food.
>Shrug and keep tossing gross as fuck garbage, dirt, and glass into the compactor.
>Wonder if she is going to clean those things before packing them.

>> No.9424611


>> No.9424623

>Usually these are part timers doing 4 hours a day on the weekends, let them do their one job
Fuck 'em. They are always horrifically slow, and in the time it takes them to get one fucking bag done, I've finished three bags and have them loaded into the cart. I just want to get home, I don't want to tie up the line, so just go mess up bags at another lane and let me handle my own bagging.

>> No.9424808

>feels bad man

>> No.9424847

$10 at Publix.

>you can't override yourself.
Fuck you. If you didn't want me to override myself you shouldn't have given me an override number.

Other things that require an override
>Accepting $1,000+ at once
>Erasing entire transactions
>Signing someone else off
>Signing anyone off if the have a transaction saved up.
>Accepting more coupons than there are items on transaction.
>Accepting a coupon that would otherwise leave you with a negative balance

>> No.9424928

lol where at? Poundland?

>> No.9424963


>> No.9424987

it's all surface area

>> No.9424998

Former deli worker/fried chicken guy

>cut a piece of meat, customer asks for it to be thinner
>recut the same setting on the slicer, they're fine with it
>4 pounds of chip chop ham please :^)

Luckily management never worked nights so we could shut down an hour early and clean. The worst part was the special orders for chicken

>Man comes in and wants 180 deep fried chicken breasts, all of them covered in barbecue sauce.
>He does some event at his restaurant every year and he used to have to do it himself, but since he found out management won't say no to anything he just comes to us
>Have a plan for getting it done on time while still doing the rest of the days work
>lol coworker lazy girl is scheduled that day instead
>order is almost 3 hours late
>he gets it for pretty much free

>> No.9425033

Baggers are fucking useless and they don't need to exist. If you need a part time faggot just because MUH JOBS then pay the kid the same amount to polish fruit or jerk off the butcher.

>> No.9425036

> working customer service desk
> man comes up very angry saying price for his cheese was different on shelf
> walk with him to shelf
> the price on the shelf is more than he paid
> try to tell him that the difference is on us
> he is still angry
> wants to pay the full price
> makes me ring him up for the extra 13 cents
> he happily pays
> he is all smiles as he leaves

okay then

>> No.9425039

>black dude in a wife beater and jeans comes up to the counter
>asks for a $2995 money order
>yeah no
>decline his ass
>immediately gets pissed off, almost like he knew I was gonna deny him
>he tells me that's all he has in his account
>asks for a manager
>leaves before I can walk outside if the office


>> No.9425050

Spent 3 months in america. Had groceries bagged for me four times before I decided that I was done with their bullshit. The only person that was able to bag my stuff properly and timely was a literal down syndrome retard.

I can do my own bagging twice as fast in the exact way that I want it. Also better for the environment because I'm not using 6 plastic bags.

>> No.9425119

I once had some lady fucking ask for 40$ in singles. It told her dumbass that would clean me out bc my till was just check, but she insisted on getting it from me
Tfw I spent 2 minutes too fucking long trying to keep count as I separate 40 crisp dollar bills from eachother
>It's for poker :^)

>> No.9425123

never understood why people don't just hit up an ATM. Some placed even have them in the fucking store

>> No.9425128

Most of them were useless with like maybe one competent one and would always nbag for whoever they were 'buddy buddy' with.
I liked bagging shit myself time goes by quicker if Im doing something
They all left when school started anyway lmao

>> No.9425133

You have seen an ATM that dispenses singles?

>> No.9425134

>The atm was literally right next to my till
As we all know, people become legally retarded when they enter a supermarket

>> No.9425143

ah, right, i'm old, I forgot they don't anymore.

>mfw banks won't even take change anymore


>> No.9425151

Assistant Store Director at a regional chain. My biggest issue lately is theft from the really bottom barrel people. Most of the actual drug addicts have store bans on them now and all I have are the sad sacks left. Peppermint extract rubbing alcohol, and anti diarrhea medicine are getting stolen in small amounts when I have my lower tier managers closing the store. The anti diarrhea medicine was the one I had to look up since apparently certain ones if you take the entire bottle at once you can get high. If I ever got that bad in life I think I would need someone to just fucking shoot me. I almost don't want to catch them simply because life has apparently already fucked them ten times till sunday.

>> No.9425154

Not like you can *do* anything to them besides ban them from the store or call the cops, and in the interval they'll leave. You ain't even allowed to legally restrain someone anymore unless they're running out with stock

>> No.9425155

So pretty much extreme constipation in exchange for weak high, what a trade off.

>> No.9425169

Oh I know, luckily this is a smaller town so I can keep track of the harder addicts and ensure they don't sneak in. Most of them also have long since been so deep in with the law that they barely ever leave jail. Most of the stuff we are losing aren't major loss items, thankfully. I lose more a week off truck drivers driving like loons than theft shrink.

>> No.9425175

I think the exact words with one of my lower managers at the time when I figured it out and explained the shrink reason was "No shit" "Well that is the least of their worries"

>> No.9425189

That's just depressing, man.

>> No.9425226

I work in a computer shop, and middleaged muslims are usually the worst to deal with when it's about voided warranties.

>> No.9425261
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>Hello Woolworths

>> No.9425282
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>all he could say was 'steak'

>> No.9425289

What is it with retarded customers and fucking cheese

>> No.9425307

Call someone from Japan

>> No.9425308

You can tell someones going to bitch about something over the way they glare at the screen
>Guy has one tomato
>No sticker so I just put in the cheapest one, it was also small so it came up for less than a dollar
>'Actually no that's a roma tomato'
>Don't do this to me.png
>notices right after the credit transaction went through so there's nothing I can do
>Tell him to go to customer service
I felt bad I had to pin them t the front desk for a dumb ass mistake, but hey they probably got charged more so they do them

>> No.9425321
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>Loss prevention walks by me and hands me a handful of alcohol theft prevention zip ties.
>Asks me to go help a customer over in tools, around the metal snips.
>Walk over to the gentleman currently holding a box of shoes doing jumping jacks over in hardware and ask him the usual customer service shit.
>He fucks over to another isle.
>Use the zip ties I was given to secure the fuck out of anything that can cut a cable in the isle and walk away.
>Watch him come back to the isle later and lose his collective shit when he cannot manipulate a single wire clipping item there.
>I even put one on a screwdriver to fuck with him.

>> No.9425322

Why tho?

>> No.9425348

Hahahaha I had a friend at BK who would always hook it up. Place your order at drive thru and if he knew you you'd find extra sandwiches, one time I got like a whole big bag filled with fries and the sandwiches on top.

A different person in high school worked at the same place and literally fucked up giving my friend change so bad he MADE money purchasing bk.

>> No.9425351

Babby momma needs money for dem kids.

>> No.9425401

50 at home depot

>> No.9425410

No why deny him service, like fuck it what's it to you? Unless the company had an established protocol against transactions that size.

>> No.9425456

$3000 is like the cutoff for requiring us to fill out extra government paperwork. It requires two forms of ID, a SSN, and all kinds of extra information. When someone tries to jump around and be just barely under that range it's a severe red flag.

>> No.9425466


>> No.9425474

So what if he's trying to order Columbian Bam Bam. It's not your place to deny him service deputy dog

>> No.9425494

Actually by the policy of WU and MO services it is the duty of the merchant to deny service in the case of possible fraud. You won't be found liable but if you repeatedly ignore signs willfully they will cut off your entire damn company. Which is why most chains have pretty hard rules on money transfer limits.

>> No.9425514

Yep. Just doing what I'm told. I couldn't give two shits about what people wanna do with their money or how illegal it may be. I recently got busted because a guy bought upwards of $4000 in money orders by sending one different guy in at a time with a stolen credit card. Spacing it out over hours.

>> No.9425541

I swear to fucking god.
>"everything ok sir?"
>he just kinda shrugs and points. "Steak"
>"uh... ok just slide it again?"
>he slides, it beeps
>"Er... are you... try it the other way?"
>"just let me uhm... do something on my terminal"
>go back, have no idea what he's doing wrong
>"Are you trying to get cash back?"
>"Steak" he says plaintively, gesturing to his raw t-bone

Eventually his card worked thank god

>> No.9425549

Had a buddy who gave me free money while returning bottles.

>> No.9425573

Bored people fuck with shoplifters.

>> No.9425640

I work at a pharmacy and always screw around with the scammers that try to buy stacks of those $25-500 Visa cards

>> No.9425668

Low minimum wages allow people with little to no skills, such as young teenagers and poor uneducated folk, to make money and get job experience. High mimimum wages remove these people from the labor pool by making an artificial floor on the price of labor (wages). Most people, such as yourself, assume that higher minimum wages help these people but it's really quite the opposite.

That is proven economic fact.

>semi-educated young people standing around packing bags when there are many better things they should be doing.
You cannot determine what someone should be doing. Nobody can but that individual.

>> No.9425687

Oh Love doing that shit.
Until Christmas rolls around and I have to explain to the little old lady why she can't use her check book to buy those cards.

>> No.9425731

How exactly does that scam work?

>> No.9425816

>higher minimum wage but lower unemployment
Economically infeasible for an extended period in a free-market, take a basic macro-econ course.

>> No.9425966
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>Work as a third party stock manager for different supermarkets.
>Usually really good.
>Everything is neat and tidy.
>Except Poundland.
>Every single one is abysmal.
>Damaged boxes everywhere.
>Mousetraps are common.
>Stock is always mixed together.
>Antifreeze bottles in the same box as pet and human foods.

I don't know how they aren't being sued and closed down. A word of advice and warning to every brit. Never, ever, ever buy consumable items or clothes at poundland.

>> No.9425980

Worked in the deli of a local supermarket for a summer. No real hellish customers or anything. The deli manager told me if we get backed up and customers start getting ornery, throw them some free samples of popcorn chicken to shut their gob. Worked every time.

The only strange thing that happened was like 3 days before I left to go back to college
>early morning nobody in store except staff
>going through deli startup checklist
>hear bloodcurdling scream
>qt hispanic produce chick running around screaming bloody murder
>run out to see what the fug
>gigantic black and yellow spider on floor near bananas like 10" long
>throw apron over it, sweep into box and throw it in dumpster out back
>girl is crying her eyes out, manager doesn't know wtf is going on
>explain and he sends the girl home
>girl comes in the next day and gives me a big ass plate of the best chicken empanadas I've ever ate

In retrospect I should have married that chick just for the empanadas

>> No.9426028

damn right you should have, you know it's real if she thanks you with food

>> No.9426038

Confirmed, anon just missed out on his one true love qt with traditional values and manners.

>> No.9426062

You only get three, Anon. I hope you can get back to her or still have two left.

>> No.9426084

Oh fuck you just reminded me

>assistant manager at Wal-Mart
>just moved to 3rd shift a few weeks prior
>called up front for the trillionth time
>someone had a fucking brown recluse in a cup
>found it in the in-store Subway, which had been closed for hours
>I am arachnaephobic
>tie cup in trash bag, throw into compactor, wait hours to crush
>weeks later after I entered work order for pests, exterminator tells me he can't do anything

btw this was in Michigan, they have come north

>> No.9426101
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>Notice mice have been eating my candy bars.
>They only go after one brand, snickers.
>Little niggas have taste.
>Write off mouse traps and one of the bars.
>Cut little chunks off and stick them on the traps.
>First night I watch a mouse take the bait right off the trap.
>Really press the caramel into the trigger plate and reset the trap.
>End up catching three mice over the rest of the next day.
>Have to clean up mouse blood spills all over the walls of my kiosk.
>Pretty sure security has the angle just right on the cameras to see the splatter happen.

>> No.9426104

I mean, you hating your country is your own business, I don't give a shit, but it sounds like you're just actively looking for faults, and I don't know why you're posting this garbage on the cooking board.

>> No.9427107

Recently was moved to produce. I never realized how much I hated working with people when I was given the opportunity to work in complete isolation and thrown right back to front end when it got busy
It's cold asf, but time flies when your cutting fruit

>> No.9427182

I was doing third shift stock at Giant supermarket stocking shelves teens come in and trenchcoat one of them drops a big black dildo like 4 feet from. Me I'm like what the fuck walk a way. Another time there was this homeless guy that kept showing up begging for a job and sleeping out in front of the store this went on for about a week until we call the cops on the dude

>> No.9427261

They banned the locking mechanism in Yurop, you have to keep the handle pressed.
Solved both the problem of dysfunctional mechanism and people walking away.

It works with an efficient education system, not the Murican joke of an education.

>> No.9427287


i worked stacking supermarket shelves when i was like 15 only memory of it was some old greek customer explaining to me for 20mins what the best kind of olives were

>> No.9427293

When I worked at a grocery store in college, which was just off campus from the medical school, some med students hid jarred fetuses around the store; beer aisle, pickle aisle, feminine hygiene aisle, deli meat section.....it was a mess and caused quite an uproar, the cops had to come in as well as a coroner to verify that they were pickled fetuses.

>> No.9427323

I used to work in an office at the back of a grocery store doing data entry and ordering stock.
I had a tinted window facing the street that was covered by bushes. One day I was sitting at my desk and this guy walked up to the window and pulled his dick out and was about to start pissing. I thumped on the glass with my fist and yelled out for him to fuck off.
He tucked his dick in pretty quickly and ran away.

We had cameras pointed at the window from inside because it was a break in point. Caught the thing on tape. My boss was an angry south African bitch so she tracked down his identity and gave the footage to police, he had to go to court and get a fine.

>> No.9427340

I feel the same way. Like are people really so fucking awful that me just going about my business trying not to be a pain in the ass is such a great thing?

>> No.9427675
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>ask a fat woman for any donations or roundups
>they literally always say no as quick as possible
>while buying 200 dollars worth of junk food

>> No.9427736

Not weird or a purchase but I was stocking dairy on veterans day, spotted an older guy next to me with an Army shirt or showing the branch and thanked him for his service. Turns out he was an intelligence officer after WWII and ended up talking to me for about 30 minutes as I was stocking about operation Gladio and his hate for commies. Most interesting conversation I've had with a customer and he seemed genuinely happy, almost teary eyed to talk about it and have someone listen.

>> No.9427769

>begging people for shekels while they are trying to shop and go home

>> No.9427801

>Caught the thing on tape.
How long do you usually keep things before deleting them?

>> No.9427809

I still can't believe how many people actually buy those blocks of liver pudding.

>> No.9427820
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>not using antique pumps to fill your antique car
Fucking plebs

>> No.9427823

>. And then she would tell us when she was "satisfied". She would always go on about how much she "loved her cheese" while we were doing this

>> No.9427835

>not the Murican joke of an education.
We know Common Core sucks you obsessed fuck.

>> No.9427839

Would record onto a hard drive, I think it would record for about a week and when it runs out of space it starts over and records back over the old footage.

It was hooked up to computers so you could select bits you want to keep and save it permanently onto the computer.

>> No.9427847

Is it bad that the first thing that came to mind to me would have been to get a spa gun and scan a pickle jar, make some clearance stickers and put them on the jars if I found them?

>> No.9427849

That's interesting, thanks.

>It was hooked up to computers so you could select bits you want to keep and save it permanently onto the computer.

Aren't you legally obliged to delete it after some time? I assume after some months or a year max.

>> No.9427869

Data retention policies differ by country and state. CCTV laws are kind of a joke and probably should be updated.

>> No.9427870
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if I don't get the highest donations of the month I won't win 100 dollars of in-store credit

I need it

>> No.9427895

holy fuck

>> No.9427905
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>popular new england chain supermarket
>work in deli department
>deli has seafood section with live lobster tank
>customers asks "How fresh are your lobsters"

>> No.9427954

Fuck you're right, that's probably why we've seen so many western and northern European states collapse since the end of WW2

>> No.9427973
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>Work in meat department
>Have people routinely ask if the fucking cold pink chicken in our fresh case is raw

I got a lot of minor stories like that\
>"Is the Italian flavored chicken spicy?"
The light is completely gone from my eyes and the customers know it

>> No.9427986
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Also a few months ago the meat manager just walked out on the fucking job so we had no manager and only one meat cutter and it took them like 2 months to find a new one.
That poor mother fucker was working 60 hour weeks and worked like two weeks in a row without a day off and barely complained.
And our new manager talks about how much he hates the job and wants to quit, if he does I think the cutter is gonna cut his wrists.

>> No.9428006

>9:30 at night don't know why the fuck we stayed open this late when I never had a customer past 6:30
>A short black guy with a bike helmet on and his bike in the fucking store is staring at my chicken
>African, barely speaks English
>"Is dis chickin kooked?"
>"Cook in microwave?
>Walks off

>Taking fish out of case for the night
>Stupid cunt walks up and says she wants fish
>Starts asking me what's the most popular fish
>Has never cooked any kind of fish in her life before

>Morbidly obese black guy comes in and asks what kind of ground beef he should use in slow cooker
>Think he's confusing meats or cooking method
>No he really just puts ground beef in slow cooker and eats that
>"Is 73% real fatty?"
>Yes that's the fattiest kind
>"Oh good das mo flava"

I did have one really cool African guy talk to me about cooking duck for awhile though, I think he was trying to cheer me up because just before him I had the most god awful start screaming at me because we were out of some lunch meat and he overheard her.

>> No.9428053

That job doesn't even exist anymore in California, we're cucked so hard they banned grocery bags in the entire state.

>> No.9428057

They cost a dime you fucking memester.

>> No.9428063

A manager at my local grocery store got so fed up with their shit he emptied the safe on like late Sunday night or early Monday morning and nobody ever saw him again. Probably in Mexico or some shit

>> No.9428065

They're not the same bags though, and that's still a dime more than they used to be.

>> No.9428092

He probably had OCD.

>> No.9428250

>Stocking shit in frozen isle
>Everything is fine
>Suddenly some guy who looked 50ish started looking through the boxes on my u-boat
>"Uhhh can I help you sir?"
>He gives me the most blank stare I have ever seen, like he's a fucking corpse
>Not sure what do and he stops messing with my boxes and starts looking through the waffles
>Keep an eye on him but keep stocking
>He wanders the same two isles for like 15 minutes with a box of waffles and toilet paper
>Right when I'm about to get a manager cause this guy is so out of his mind his wife or carer come gets him

It was just depressing cause like I said the guy looked younger then my dad but he must've had early onset Alzheimers

>> No.9428288

In California plastic bags form gangs and murder kids with guns, that's why they had to get removed.

>> No.9428329

Sheeit, people like you who don't have much patience shouldn't work up front with people, you'll drive your blood pressure nuts.

>> No.9428331

This pisses me off because I know for a fact there are people working at my store stupid enough to take that seriously and give it to them for free. I expect these assholes say this whenever they get a chance because they know this too.

>> No.9428337
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>work at uni cafeteria
>serving pastas
>eyyy yo can i get that chicken mariana
>uhhh hey man can i have chicken mar-mar uh. marinara
>can I get chicken mar... uhh, that one.
It's literally only black people. Have they never heard of marinara before?
If we had the mariana filled with chicken world hunger would be solved. ITS MARINARA
Even the fucking indian exchange students can say marinara, why is it only black people. Pic related in every way

>> No.9428452

i happen to know two Pakistani acquaintances that host and serve at olive garden in CA. I hung out/talked with one from evening till dawn at my friend's place who was passed out from doing psychedelics. Shit like that makes me miss high school times and I'm an atheist.

>> No.9428454

i think schoolsfirst does. or count it at least. but that's a FCU i got cuz my dad works custodian at a college.

>> No.9428455

damn you should just sell them robitussin on discount.

>> No.9428458

its not a scam if its a guy doing it to up his credit game. some banks reward obnoxious behavior like that.

>> No.9428464

It's the Amazon cards you gotta look out for.

>> No.9428545

Typically the way it works is they use the prepaid visa card, and back charge the card they bought it with. It doesn't matter to the store they bought it at just the credit card company.

>> No.9428560
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This guy blocks your path, what do?

>> No.9428566

I would say excuse me, but I wouldn't look him in the eye or acknowledge him as I bump into him and knock him out of the way, more than likely causing him to drop his precious avocado.

>> No.9428570

I sneeze to throw him out of the aisle.

>> No.9428572


Pretty sure that thing is basically made out of HIV/AIDS

>> No.9428576

Did you just assume xir gender, SHITLORD?!

>> No.9428585

he sippin' dat lean

>> No.9428615

Yea, he looks sickly

>> No.9428638
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>sorry I got the cat wet

>> No.9428679

What was it like working with retards? Every King Soopers I've ever been in had a downie at every checkout line bagging

>> No.9428696

Not him, but sometimes I'd rather work with downies than non-disabled folk. Give them a simple and repetitive task and they'll perform it until you tell them to stop, and customers tend to be more cautious about being assholes when you've got a simple soul like that around.

>> No.9428725
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>Half way through long order
>Doing all the bagging, doing all the good bagging protocols AKA common sence
>Bagger comes along, and it's a fairly decent one
>Alright then. I start passing it to her.
>Order finishes
>I look over and see the girl has a 10$ bill in her hand
>'They tipped me'
Nevermind the fact that your not supposed to tip retail workers. I know for a fact that he wouldn't have given that to me despite scanning and bagging his shit
>mfw that money could've been mine for half the work

>> No.9428738

>Nevermind the fact that your not supposed to tip retail workers.

>> No.9428739

lots of people who buy one banana and something like whipped cream

>> No.9428750

>tfw americuck
It's suffering man

>> No.9428751

lol what the fuck were you doing, was this your first job?

I worked a similar job next to the biggest douchebag bar area in the city and those people would have gotten kicked out within 5 minutes unless they were buying pedialyte or water. Or I'd at least videotape that shit to show people.

>> No.9428760

I think anon meant supermarket workers.

>> No.9428766

>tfw working graveyard shift right now
>tfw the town drunk is in again but I can't kick him out cause he's mostly sober and hasn't done anything yet

>> No.9428842

>first day on register
>didn't get any training so I end up having to work out the transactions and change mentally for the day
>give a woman too much change but realise it, she hastily walks out of the store denying it and laughing


>> No.9428848

How much change? How poor is the neighborhood you're working at that one would run out denying that the cashier gave back too much?

>> No.9428858
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I have slight color vision deficiency and my roomate wanted ripe bananas, I had to ask somebody which bananas where the ripest on the tray, he told me which ones and when I got home my roomate was mad because they were apparently green as fuck.

Fuck that dude.

>> No.9428860

Did you explain your color blindness?

>> No.9428862

yeah I told the guy that they were all the same to me because of it and he still fucked me.

Roomate knew I have it but not for greens/yellows

>> No.9428868

Just feel them next time. Ripe is softer. Flex them with your hands covering the ends

>> No.9428980

I work graveyard shift in a small coastal town, at a gas station at the busiest intersection in the worst part of town. I have plenty of stories. Here's a couple. For some context to these stories I work alone.

A homeless man walks into our store and makes a beeline to the bathrooms, however the bathrooms are electronically locked. He comes up to me ans asks that i unlock them because he wants to wash his hands. This is a pretty common line i get from people who want to use our bathrooms to shoot up, so i direct him to a sink in the front of the store and tell him he can wash his hands there. I go back to my business, and about 10 minutes later i realize he is still washing his hands. I go to see what's up and he turns around and has a folding knife in his hands, pointed at me. I start to back up and reach for my phone, thinking i'm about to get robbed by a smack head when he says "hey man, check out this cool knife i found. I think its a real army ranger knife!" He then walked around the store showing it off to everyone, before leaving. It was obviously a very cheap folding knife.

>> No.9429003

Most druggos that are high don't actually want to hurt anyone, at least in my experience.

>> No.9429044

How does buying gift cards help your credit?

>> No.9429050

I worked at a tesco petrol station and didn't have a void limit

Hell I even did refunds without bothering the manager

>> No.9429084
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>be student with part time job in store
>woman comes in with kids
>"make sure you do well in school son or you will end up like that man"
>points at me while i'm scanning their shit

>> No.9429096

Ask her for permission to be on TV
There are hidden cameras and you're filming an episode of undercover boss, you're the CEO of Walmart.

>> No.9429102

You should have offered the kid free drugs.

>> No.9429107

Ah yes, one of their many first lessons in life: "look down upon others, follow my rules and your success is guaranteed".

>> No.9429120

Buy gift cards, use gift cards to pay credit card debt on time.

>> No.9429125

The absolute audacity

>> No.9429155

That's doesn't really bother me Tbh

It's the old cunts that call you a stupid and shit for no reason.

>> No.9429188

kek I get the same shit, fucking customers

>> No.9429189

How the fuck does one confuse cake with donut

They are very distinct food groups here in the u s of a

>> No.9429200

I used to stock grocery stores for an alcohol distributor.

Buy more carts you fucks. We need to move on with our route and Becky is using four of them for paper towels or ramens or some shit. I on the other hand have 50 cases of breakable product.

>> No.9429275

Goes well with potatoes.

>> No.9429310

How would he be blocking my path? I don't eat that shitty meme food.

>> No.9429334
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when I worked at Safeway in San francisco as a kid one night we caught a homeless nig trying to have sex with a frozen turkey
I yelled at him but he wouldnt stop, so I called security over and he had to hit the guy with his baton to make him quit
that turkeys pussy game was cold but tight I guess

>> No.9429347 [DELETED] 
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I work in produce. Pic related, some weird ass zucchini from a while back. Also have had this conversation many, many times with customers:
>"Do you have zucchini?"
>"Yep, it's right over there."
>"But the sign says 'Green Squash'"

>> No.9429362

never go cold turkey

>> No.9429409


>> No.9429414
File: 2.68 MB, 264x192, ciffirret.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've worked at a high end supermarket for the last 9 or so years, used to be a cart bitch but now I'm in some weird middle management data position. It's alright I guess.
From the cart bitch days:
>cleaning up carts in the sweltering underground parking lot
>woman comes up to me, absolutely irate
>"can you report people for parking in the mother/child accessible spots who OBVIOUSLY don't have children"
>I tell her no, it's not a legally mandated thing, and she gets pissier and walks me over to the car in question
>it's a gold coloured Mercedes-Benz
>"there's no CHILDSEAT inside, how dare they park here, entitled assholes, etc."
>I say passively that it might belong to a pregnant woman
>she gets red in the face, agrees with me, and wanders off embarrassed
Why were you snooping in a strangers car, fucking white women.

>used to help this super nice mid forties rich blind Japanese woman shop, led her around and collected her groceries for her
>she loves chatting with me, always super nice (even if she is a bit of a gold digger), comes in and will ask for me or this other white chick to help her
>start hearing other co-workers (all Filipinos) talking shit about her, calling her racist
>turns out she won't let them help her because their English is fucking terrible and they have no product knowledge despite some of them working there longer than me
>they unsuccessfully try to get her banned from the store because they suck at their simple jobs
Really how hard is it to read product packaging.
I have other stories, like when a baby squirrel got stuck in the parking lot, or the second-hand story I heard from the security guards about the miscarriage they found in the ladies room once, and some other shit I'm sure. All in all not bad a job in retrospect.

>> No.9429494
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found the stormweenie

(no pun intended)

also ive worked at tim horton's, taco bell, and mcdonald's (Im from northern burgerland) so I guess i'll share one story from each restaurant.

mcdonald's first:

>working the first window at mcdonald's
>management would print out customer comments and tack them to the wall for everyone to read
>so many retarded comments
>one person complained about getting a free extra slice of cheese because it "threw off her calorie counts"
>another got pissed when she asked for extra jalapenos, but she got "too many extra" and called us "smartasses"

>> No.9429510

must be nice having another country protect you militarily so you can allot funds to your own displacement by allowing muslims to have 10 kids on your gracious dime. enjoy that minimum wage though

>> No.9429519
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taco bell next

>working taco bell making tacos
>some guys order $10 in food, including drinks, i think it was two $5 boxes
>they get to the window, they look like swaggits, with flat billed baseball caps and glasses
>pretty sure hes got a dope leaf on his shirt
>cashier (not me) hands out the food
>they reject the food by throwing it and loudly shout "WE'RE GOIN' TO WENDY'S"
>i only feel pain that food was wasted, my training kicks in

tim horton's last

>its my first week there
>two managers are laughing with a regular customer
>one of the describes the muffins we have
>customer orders a chocolate chip muffin
>cashier says t hat we are out
>mangaer interjects "you could have a SARAH muffin!"
>i dont get it and ask, confused
>"that means vagina, stupid"
>i cringe and run to the back
>try not to cry
>say nothing the rest of shift

crazy tacklebox faces i tall ya

>> No.9429529

Thanks Tyler

>> No.9429591

Normal people.
I once bought 200 grams of chicken hearts, fried them and ate like 5 of them...

>> No.9429617

>Thanking someone with food after they help you is a "tradishuna"l "value"
>traditional values and manners.
That's a whole lotta assumptions.

>> No.9429672

We've only had one guy do that, the rest were people with stolen credit cards or counterfeits from New York. People used to get card number info from ATMs and make imitation cards, which they would use to purchase gift cards to put the money on before the account owner had time to cancel their cards.

Also the scammers would always buy the same shit, a box of Dove soap or an Oral-B toothbrush.

>> No.9429723

>evermind the fact that your not supposed to tip retail workers.
That's too fuckin bad!
The girl should've split it with you if she wasn't like that

>> No.9429761


>> No.9429874

You forgot about all that amazing vacation time that helped fuel Greece's debt.

>> No.9429908

Not really, it takes time and effort to make a homemade dish which signifies work ethic and good time management to have the available time. That she did it in gratitude to a stranger signifies an old fashioned sort of philosophy that showing appreciation to strangers promotes a healthy society. There are good assumptions and bad ones, these are good ones.

>> No.9430280

If he's going to be a bitch to you for doing him a favor even after explaining the situation, then tell him to get his own fucking bananas next time.

>> No.9430381
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>customer asks if I have the key to the dressing room
>late 40-50's black woman
>kinda just grunt, I mean I am autistic
>say "if its closed theres someone in there"
>she doesn't understand this and goes over to the dressing room and opens the door for it
>the lady inside didn't lock the dressing room
>fat black lady opened the dressing room door on a chubby white lady
>she goes and complains about me so that I have to waste 13 minutes of my time talking with my store manager

>> No.9430431

do the retards get paid the same as the regular employees?

>> No.9430669

Who doesn't lock their fucking dressing room?

>> No.9430734

Sort of unrelated but a brutal shopping experience

>be 8
>notice sparrows flying around the store a lot
>ask young cashier woman how they 'take the birds home'
>she responds 'oh we catch and kill them after the store closes, or try gas them out'
>my face is pure horror
>mother complains
>cashier gets fired and the store apologises/ gives me chocolates, flowers and a huge stuffed toy

>> No.9430927

You also get paid twice as much as them and should be bringing your own equipment.

>> No.9430963

Males. We always hope one of the Penthouse stories describing a wench opening a dressing room door on a male and preceding to liquify and fall on her knees will happen to us.

>> No.9432122


>> No.9432159

Used to work at a grocery store meat counter. Every year around thanksgiving all the retards would come out of the woodwork.
>guy comes up to the counter with several bags of produce and a big ass chuck roast
>plops them on the counter and very confidently requests that we grind them all together
>have to explain to him that the grinder is for meat only
>he pulls the "YOU GUYS DID IT FOR ME LAST WEEK" card
>however our crew was small and we all talk to each other all the time and know none of us are retarded enough to risk our jobs for that
>he gets pissed off and storms away

Had a similar situation with a woman who claimed we sliced her rutabagas for her on our meat saws """"last week""""".

As a retailcuck one of the greatest feelings ever is seeing through a customers bullshit and just replying with "No we didn't" and watching them get unreasonably angry because their lie didn't work.

>> No.9432177

>As a retailcuck one of the greatest feelings ever is seeing through a customers bullshit and just replying with "No we didn't" and watching them get unreasonably angry because their lie didn't work.
i work graveyard shift at a gas station, and i'm the only one who does. its always great.

>the other guy sells me beer without an ID at 3am
>the other guy lets me use the store phone for my personal calls
>the other guy lets me pump before i pay
yea fuck off cunts. there is no other guy

>> No.9432201

>"Steak" he says plaintively, gesturing to his raw t-bone
You have a gift for storytelling. I lost my shit.

>> No.9432261

>Rural Australia
>Largely indigenous community
>All the stereotypes are true
>Working chain supermarket
>Customer service is a fucking nightmare
>People constantly trying to steal
>Constantly trying to beg for items
>Trying to haggle $56.45 down to $30 and some change
>Physical/sexual assault and verbal abuse at least once a day

>Stacking shelves while there's no one in
>Hear the door buzz
>Run back
>They're already half way over the counter trying to steal smokes
>customerservicesmile "Hi, how can I help today?"
>Government assistance card
>Have a 10 minute conversation that I can't sell them smokes or alcohol with dole money
>About 7 young guys come in
>Immediately over to the cooked chickens
>They clear out all the smallest ones
>Spend a week's worth of dole money on them
>They run out
>Take my break about 20 mins later
>Go around the back
>There's chicken carcasses and meat strewn around
>Completely coated in cum
>Gag and go back inside
>Local guy sitting on the step huffing glue from a coke bottle
>Pass by as he reaches out and gets his fingers caught in the door
>Moments later come out from bathroom
>He tries to stand
>Falls back and smashes through the front window
>Ambulances are all out
>Have to run down to the health centre
>Nurses are out
>Ask some medical students doing research on the local populace to help
>They patch him up
>Walk back inside
>Pack of kids came in and looted the place
>Just give up, report it, throw keys to the manager and go home to sleep for 12+ hours

>> No.9432278

The way abos smell is probably the worst part

>> No.9432508

>>Rural Australia

Whereabouts in Australia are you?

>> No.9432510
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>sexual assault
>at least once a day
Any stories? Please be as detailed as possible.

>> No.9432519
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>>There's chicken carcasses and meat strewn around
>>Completely coated in cum
You mean, like, they fucked the roast chickens?

>> No.9432592

Perth, but I was in a shitty town half way to the NT
Yeah, they use twine to pinch the end and fuck it, usually before, during or after eating it
I'll take the bait
>First month in town
>Have to take the job because otherwise I'd be sitting at home all day and my dad refused to have that
>Been working in the store for a week
>Stacking shelves while manager is in the back smoking
>Hear the buzzer
>Don't have a conditioned response to it yet
>Finish stacking and bend down to grab basket
>Feel a hand slide from my back down, through my legs and far enough forward for a thumb to get caught on the hem of my pants
>Just about launch into the shelves
>Aboriginal guy with about 4 teeth total is smiling at me
>Don't have an ear for the local dialect, but think he's pretending he slipped
>Bolt back to the front
>He spends about 20 minutes with the freezer door open just staring at choc milk
>Take the chance to dart off to the side and try to alert the manager
>Hear footsteps
>It's a fucking ambush
>Rams into me, knocking me into a card display
>Practically fucking mounting me from behind
>His face is jammed up against the side of my neck
>Crawl out and feel him run his hands over my hips
>Keeps coming closer
>Vault over the freezer to get behind the counter
>He just keeps smiling and goes back to looking into the freezer
>Text my manager
>No response
>Call him
>Call his name
>Guy comes running up and starts to round the counter
>Practically leap forward to get out before he can box me in
>Puts a hand out at neck level
>Gropes me as I move past
>Open manager's door
>He's not there
>Back door is open and I can see him about 150m away kicking rocks onto the road
>The guy is right behind me
>He leans in and sucks on the back of my neck
>He reaches out and grabs my arms
>Starts trying to lift my shirt
>Wriggle free and run
>He follows
>Run directly into one of the researchers who's stationed here
>The guy just smiles and walks away

>> No.9432601

Good stuff
What do you look like? Height, weight, cup size, hair, glasses etc

>> No.9432611

Corrective back brace

>> No.9433177

If I remember correctly, we didn't have any full retards who worked there, but one of the baggers was mildly autistic, I think. You could just tell by the way he talked, but it wasn't crippling to him in any way. He could still hold a conversation, and actually did a decent job.

>> No.9433234

There was one bagger who had autism and anger issues. To put it into perspective her carer had to stand next to her as she was bagging shit
One day she asked a pregnant woman if she could touch her stomach. The lady said no. She freaked out and straight up hit the lady in the stomach
Another instance before this was her slapping a child for one reason or another.
I don't know why they didn't fire her after the first incident

>> No.9433292
File: 22 KB, 250x250, meat baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone have any good jester stories?

>be me working the register
>woman comes up with a baby in her cart, I start scanning her stuff
>I'm focused on getting home so my eyes are all on the food, she must be looking at the candy bars or magazines or whatever trashy shit we have on display
>glance up
>baby is gone
>replaced with a ground beef baby with olive eyes and bacon diaper
>my heart stops
>there's no way
>he wouldn't
>immediately call an amber alert, frantically look all around the store
>jester is hanging from the ceiling laughing his ass off
>fucking prick
>can't find the little shit, cops get called
>eventually we find it sleeping back in the break room
>mother's pissed, threatens to sue
>manager comps her whole cart just to placate her

I swear to God I think my manager was ready to shoot it. Are jesters always this borderline psychopathic?

Pic related, the meat baby looked close to this.

>> No.9433331

I have no idea what is going on in this story.

Fuck is a jester?

>> No.9433366

Grade-A management right there. Did the pregnant woman or kid's parents not threaten to sue or anything?

>> No.9433371

Maybe none of them were ripe

>> No.9433379
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You're lucky you've never run into the jester m8

>> No.9433428

Policy is policy and I understand you must follow it, but that's a stupid one. Just lobacten the fuck outta them s.o.b.'s when you're done. I mean I understand if it's busy you can't do that but if it's slow shouldn't be a biggie.

>> No.9433441


>> No.9433454

They didn't. I think they let it go on the case of 'look how retarded this girl is, clearly she didn't know what she was doing'
I think that's why she was still working for a little while after the first incident, but one times to many and if they just got rid of her we wouldn't have another incident and that sweet potential law suit

>> No.9433536

I understand where you're coming from, but it's a small but busy store. Plus it was near thanksgiving so it was even busier than usual.
Having to sanitize the grinder an extra time just because someone wanted us to grind his broccoli would've slowed production to a halt.
We don't do shit like that because if we had to do it multiple times a day we would never get anything done.
Same reason why the store has a strict policy of only cutting bone in hams on the saw first thing in the morning, since doing it several times a day would require us to sanitize the saw before and after each time.

>> No.9433538
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>> No.9433542
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>he doesn't know about gym clowns or grocery jesters

>> No.9433543

>haha im going to pretend to not know what a retail jester is

How about sharing some stories instead of shitposting?

>> No.9433552

Ooh holiday season! That guy can go fuck himself. Jesus I would be ashamed to ask for such extra time consuming work while a shopping riot is palpable in the air all around

>> No.9433555


Whoops meant

>> No.9433570

That's a bit of a stretch. I mean, autistic or not, becoming known as "the store with the bagger who hits people" doesn't sound like a good thing.

>> No.9433707
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>browsing cheeses
>older guy comes up to me
>"ah, a fellow cheese connoisseur, eh?"
>picks almost the cheapest shitty cheese
>walks off

>> No.9433736

Shitposting IRL

>> No.9433760

Holiday season at a grocery store is the closest I've been to becoming a mass shooter.
There's days where every single customer is pissed before they even start talking to you, so then if any one little thing doesn't go their way they freak out, threaten to never shop there again, call our managers and/or corporate etc.
Then there's the jackasses who don't want any of the turkeys on the sales floor, they want some mutant 35 lb turkey, so I have to dig through a freezing cold storage trailer for their turkey, biggest one I find is 34.5 and they get mad about it like it's my fault.

>> No.9433785
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>"I see you too are acquainted with the wonderful world, of ales, sir?"
>walks away with a six pack of bud light

>> No.9433795

>working night shift
>it's about 930 pm
>some dude in a big oversized hoodie and one of those big floppy beanies comes up to me and my co worker
>"ey man where's the sushi in this store"
>tell him our store doesn't carry sushi anymore
>"alright uh.... where's the liquor aisle?"
>point it out to him and he walks off
>coworker tells me he saw the guy come in and out if the store multiple times already
>we both look over at the door and see the guy leaving while clutching something in his hoodie pocket
>coworker calls up the store manager and tells him about it
>same guy walks back in, wearing a different hoodie and no hat this time
>we both start laughing at how ridiculous this guy is
>a few minutes later we see 2 managers escorting him from the store
>later they tell us they caught the dude walking around with a huge party tray of cookies under his sweater
>he saw them coming towards him so he dumped the cookies and tried to play it off like he never had them
Dumbest part of this story is that the store is 24 hours but there's no 3rd shift loss prevention person at all. This means if they catch someone stealing at night they either need to hope the cops arrive in time or just let them walk out.

>> No.9433901

>If one little thing doesn't go their way they freak the fuck out, threaten to never shop there again

This literally happened to me on the first fucking day I worked cashier, some dude in deli forgot to place a scan thing on some deli meat and the lady flipped the fuck out on me like it was my fault.
It didn't help that it was busy and customer service was packed as it was with express lane

>> No.9434000
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>Shekels so their accountants can donate it in the company name and get a tax deduction

The free gift that keeps giving. I loathe people who ask me to round up.

>> No.9434157

RIP Ashens, then

>> No.9434183

Or getting people who seem like this is their first time shopping for groceries even though they're 50.
>Does this cheese have gluten?
>Where's the sour cream
They're staring at 5 brands of sour cream
>So is this like a cheddar?
Clearly written Gouda on the package


>> No.9434271

I used to always get customers that are older men that were sent to the store by their wives or some shit, and seem to have never even looked at a package of food before.
>excuse me, where's the... *looks at crumpled paper* pan...ket..ta?
>pancetta? Right over there
>ok now where's uhh... *squints at list again* parm..uh...san?
>parmesan cheese?
>well I don't know, maybe?

>> No.9434359

>cashier at local supermarket
>manager doesn't care about anything except losing money
>nobody checks the shelves for expired product
>new managers keep coming up with plans to check all this
>old guard managers and owner don't care
>I start checking items when its slow
>nearly clear the entire breakfast related product aisle on the first day of doing this
>on average the items were 6 months out of date with 3 years being the max
>this is the same for every single aisle
>owner just marks everything down and puts it back up

>customers don't like to put items back or hand them to the cashiers, they seem to be embarrassed or something about it
>find things placed randomly throughout the store
>some items get hidden behind other items too
>found a tub of ice cream in the bread aisle
>wasn't there too long but there was liquid cream everywhere

>break room is apart of the store room, not well cared for and maintenance never happens because store owner tries to pinch every penny he can
>go into the store one night when not working to grab something
>my friend who worked as janitor/courtesy clerk rushes past me with every absorbent thing in the store
>join him despite not being on the clock
>the breakroom bathroom exploded and water was gushing everywhere
>since the store manager didn't care about anything, a lot of stuff was just left right on the floor without pallets or anything to keep product raised
>nearly half the inventory back there was ruined as water went everywhere
>walk in freezer had a layer of ice that was never broken up expect to free the two pallet jacks we did have (at least in the 6 months I kept working there)
>there were boxes and other items just left there

I hated that place. Somehow it hasn't been shutdown, it stays in business by supplying the college town with a supply of 30 can boxes of beer and 40s. The average costumer was the greek houses or black people.

>> No.9434418

why not just pay in cash through a checking account?

>> No.9434438
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I always hated bag niggers. I live in CA and bag niggers will over fill my reusable bags almost to the point of bursting. It fucking triggers me at costco. Some mong is making $20 an hour to fuck up my bags REEEEEEE GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY PROPERTY YOY DONT KNOW HOW TO BAG

>> No.9434451

Old customers are the worst.

>some old woman comes up with a full cart
>its a really busy night and we are down a register due to a computer problem
>she puts one item onto the belt and tells me the price
>scan it and its the price she said
>she does with with every item
>even similar items
>registers were too big to let me lean over and grab stuff
>she would shoo away anyone trying to help her unload
>spent nearly an hour scanning one item at a time
>we only had three other registers open and the lines were super backed up
>this old dumb cunt did not care, she had to tell me the price of each item and give it to me one item at a time

>some old guy comes in
>places three grapes on the counter
>hands me a coupon
>pulls out his checkbook and writes a fucking 10 cent check
>storms off because "[I] took too long."

Old people are also the ones who are going to yell at you.

>> No.9434464
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I feel bad for the truly ancient oldfags I see.
>be at 99 cent store buying beer and candy
>some ancient looking broad that looks 90ish is ahead of me
>says she feels tired and sound like she is gonna keel over and die at any moment
>shop boy comes over and loads her cart
that old bird is probably one slip and fall from living out the last few months of her life in some nursing home

>> No.9434481

Lol old people are the worst. This one sounds Jewish lol they think they're outsmarting the system but they have dementia.

>> No.9434489

That doesn't build your credit score because you never had any debt

You know when those $1 coins came out? I bought my credit limit worth of them because my credit card gives a fraction of a mile for each dollar I spend. I waited for the end of the month and then paid my debt off with those coins. I got a free flight and a decent raise on my credit score for that. Its been since fixed. But the systems that run these things don't really know what your doing, they just see you taking in $5,000 worth of debt in one day and then paying it off before the payment is due.

Giftcards in general are pretty easy to game to get yourself free stuff.

>> No.9434609

Uh what fucking credit card company lets you pay with a gift card?

>> No.9434621

None, you use the gift cards to buy other gift cards if you want to churn

>> No.9434648

I don't have words to express my rage.

>> No.9434680

Fucking what

>> No.9434693

>I waited for the end of the month
That's dumb, you don't need to do that. You can pay as soon as you're showing a balance. The credit raise comes from having a line of credit where you made on time payments and didn't have an unreasonable credit utilization ratio. On time doesn't require you to wait. It just requires you not to be late.

>> No.9434732

Just remembered another good one
>some customer comes by and fucks up the tag on our lobster tank by moving the "6." behind the "1"
>tag now reads "$1 99/lb" instead of "$16.99/lb"
>not sure whether it was the same person but someone orders 3 lobsters
>scan and bag them
>no sir they're $16.99
>I come around and look at it
>I push the "6." out from behind the "1"
>Yeah looks like someone messed our sign up, sorry about that
>I WANT IT FOR $1.99
>I literally an unable to do that, sir. The scale only goes by what the price in the system is and only a manager can override it
>he's practically throwing a temper tantrum now, demands the manager
>the only manager on duty is our smug as fuck produce manager
>call him over
>customer rants about our sign saying 1.99
>smug manager tells him that TECHNICALLY it didn't say "1.99" it said "199"
>offers to change it to the sign price of $199/lb
>customer is fucking SEETHING because his shitty scheme backfired on him
>storms off saying he's gonna call the corporate office and all that shit
>me and smug manager laugh after he's gone

>> No.9434749

Speaking of building credit history and upping your score, isn't it a bit hard to do now with that recent hack?

If you ask me, I feel like the government should handle credit history.

Nationalize all current credit bureaus into one single government run one that allows free credit history checks 24/7 instead of just once a year under the current system.

After all, the Equifax Data Breach makes it impossible to never not be paranoid about your credit history since the data breach included social security numbers and other stuff.

Unless everyone in America that is alive gets new social security numbers, how do you fix this problem?

Makes you wish Bartering came back in popularity.

You give your neighbor some eggs and they will trade your flour and milk, etc

Sigh, this problem all stated because banks and companies ignored that statement under your social security card that states "Not to used for identification purposes" and the American government didn't have the balls to tell them to "Fuck Off, these numbers are only to used for social security and nothing else"

>> No.9434920


He was taking the piss out of you, m8

>> No.9435000

I understand that people are complete retards, but it's hard to imagine someone doing that when the retail worker is obviously 25 or younger. That is, it's acceptable for teens and college students to do retail/rest work. I don't recall anyone ever disrespecting me when I delivered pizza in college. (not that anyone should disrespect 40 yos who do retail/rest work.

>> No.9435053
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I work at the bakery department at my regional Kroger variant, fun times have been had. Easily of the worst customers are the white trash who come in. However a variety of immigrants suck. The black people who live in my area are relatively literate, and try their best, but I still get a few giggles.

Some dumb shit people demand is that any bread item is still warm, in the bag. This can't be done for a couple of reasons. First, if I package the item prematurely, it will release steam into the bag, causing the item to become soggy, and we can't sell that. Second, when these people want it, they want it right out of the oven. I once had to do that for some impatient fuck. Bread that comes out of 300-400 degree oven is fucking hot, it burns your hands, and can even melt the plastic on the bags.

When people order cakes, they cannot comprehend that we need at least twenty-four hours to prepare it. We need to make sure the cake decorator can in fact have the cake ready. Earlier today someone called, and was livid because I could not take a cake order in under three hours. We didn't have a cake decorator for the day, and what she wanted was too complex to just piss out in that time. I offered alternatives, but she was set on having a half sheet with a full skier for her "precious kid." I do not understand how these people could just forget an event that warrants a cake, and get so pissy at us when we simply cannot deliver on their unreasonable demands. Also, everyone needs to have their stupid fucking cake written on it. I don't understand why. Maybe I don't understand because I had a mom that loved baking so much, and always made a special cake for our birthdays, but I don't recall any of them having any icing on it saying "Happy Birthday, Anon." Regardless, when I first started, I always declined writing on cakes when I was alone because I simply didn't know if I was allowed to use the piping bag. Cont...

>> No.9435120

I worked retail and easily the nicest people, at least women, were Muslim women. Indians not so much.

>> No.9435164

every few months you want to leave a small balance so as to ensure the card is "active" on such a system, but otherwise there is no need to wait.

>> No.9435169

>smug manager tells him that TECHNICALLY it didn't say "1.99" it said "199"
>offers to change it to the sign price of $199/lb

This is exactly the shit I would pull kek. He may be smug but it may be half earned

>> No.9435175

I started writing on cakes when the night manager specifically told me I had to after a white trash bitch got red in the face for me saying I simply couldn't do it. This was of course, after I told her I couldn't fully decorate a cake in a custom manner in one hour by myself, so she picked one that was already prepared in the display case.

>What do you mean you can't write on it? You don't know how, or do they not let you?
>I don't know if I'm allowed to ma'am, I've only been here a week.
>Can you give me the bag, I'll do it my fucking self!
>I don't think I can do that either, ma'am.
>I need to see you manager NOW!
>Since I'm alone, closing the damn place with a growing list of things to do, I get the night manager of the whole damn store. Luckily he started in the bakery, and gave me a few pointers.
>He takes some heat from the customer, and starts writing on the cake.
>I've been tasked with standing by the counter, making sure the customer doesn't disappear.
>She proceeds to practically tell me I'm worthless, stupid, and that it makes logical sense for the bakery to do everything with cakes.
>No it doesn't, bitch.
>I take this shit like a trooper, with a smile on my face.
>Manager finishes cake, didn't do a perfect job, but the customer has calmed down enough so she just takes it and leaves.
>One of the guys in the deli department felt bad for me, and offered me a sandwich, don't take it because I'm a fucking autist that doesn't like being given free shit (it makes me feel uncomfortable)

Now I write on cakes, but I always say to customers that I'm not really good at it, but I'm willing to do it. Most are perfectly fine with it, and my uneven lines, but once I had a few Koreans kinda pissed that it didn't turn out perfect, when I gave them the same warning I give everyone else. They wanted something like "Birthday Adele 5 Faye 8" and wanted it in a color I didn't have a lot of, so I made do, but the icing just didn't want to come out of the bag right.

>> No.9435196


Yes you can pay whenever you want, just not late. The trick is leveraging and floating no interest debt

>> No.9435202

>The trick is leveraging and floating no interest debt

Shit like that is so unstable, not really viable long term. It always leads to ruin eventually.

>> No.9435219


Who claimed it was viable long term?

>> No.9435225

>>mangaer interjects "you could have a SARAH muffin!"
>>i dont get it and ask, confused
>>"that means vagina, stupid"

What the actual fuck

>> No.9435238
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The lines were all jumbled, and I even gave her a good discount, because I could, but she was still visibly pissed.

One event that didn't make me consider leaving the job on the spot:
>Finish packaging surplus rolls.
>I like to bundle like rolls with like rolls so people can get similar packages for cheap.
>One of them is a six count of wheat bolillos, which is $1.25, labeled "Assorted Surplus"
>We also have an eight count of the rolls for about three dollars.
>About 30 minutes pass, and the customer service clerk comes over and says "A customer thinks you packaged this wrong."
>Inspect it, it's surplus, I remember pulling each roll out of the designated individual roll case, packaging it, labeling it, and putting it back out to sell.
>The clerk also tried explaining to this customer that it was surplus, and was correctly marked. She wasn't having any of it.
>Comes over to me, and before she comes over, I'm expecting this half-retarded shebeast to roll along on the store provided mobility scooters.
>It's actually a thin 50-something lady.
>I question our literacy rates in the great US of A.
>I again try to carefully explain what a surplus roll is.
>She isn't getting it.
>She eventually storms off because I can't package, or apparently price surplus rolls correctly.
>Laugh with the clerk because how absurd people can behave over a dollar's worth of bread.

I haven't really had that many problems with old men, only to point out which bread is which, and where it is, but all demographics do that. It's only women that give me trouble, and old ones at that.

Fuck old women.

>> No.9435243

>older guy
>dumb comment
>buys generic cheese

Was a dad joke, m8

>> No.9435244

Kinda related: I work as a courier and grocery stores are some of the worst places to deliver to. I have one on my route that I walk through the front back to receiving because they won't answer the door if they're doing anything else.

I unload the shit myself fucker just sign my scanner and I'll be on my way.

>> No.9435264

>Some mong is making $20 an hour to fuck up my bags
>20 dollars an hour

Do people actually believe this? because it would explain so much about why people are assholes

>> No.9435269


As aweful as companies are at securing data, the government is worse. my tax information got stolen long before Equifax fucked up. Moreover, when companies fuck up like Equifax, there's the law and hoardes of angry customers there to put their ass in a sling

>> No.9435300

I dont know the specific payroll for costco baggers but I do know costco generally pays a lot higher for comparable jobs at most big box stores

>> No.9435319

I guarantee you it's not 20 dollars. $10 at most, most are making exactly minimum wage

>> No.9435325

not at costco nigga

>> No.9435332

$10 at most.

>> No.9435343

>when companies fuck up like Equifax, there's the law and hoardes of angry customers there to put their ass in a sling

Niggah, you can't even find out if your data was compromised w/o waiving your rights to class action. You're telling me that doesn't need controlling? Their marketing dept. put out a statement that it does't apply but when you click on "I accept the terms" it clearly states you have excluded yourself from class action and legal experts have said that supercedes marketing's spiel.

>> No.9435392

Not him, but I sincerely do not know what a jester is

>> No.9435800
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>Be assistant manager at family owned grocery store in Louisiana
>WIC/Foodstamp niggers acting entitled as shit over prices/shit their gibsmedats don't qualify for
>Retards that waste time and money going back to the store to get a $2 refund
>Retards that ask for a refund without a receipt
>Retards that ask for a refund without the product
>Those 300 year old white women that don't pull out their checkbook until you've finished ringing up their last item
>"haha if it doesn't scan it's free"
>"haha it's okay I just printed that bill today"
>Massive blobs of fat that get upset when they don't immediately have access to a mart cart
>People that shit on the floors and walls in the bathroom
>Massive health code violations everywhere but it doesn't matter because the health inspectors never come by because they're probably being paid off
>Can't fire garbage employees because the owners are attached to them even though they are costing us money
Anyone that says being the manager is easy can go fuck themselves

>> No.9435855

It's petty small talk, I hear it a lot but I appreciate people at least trying to not treat me like a machine

>> No.9436004

When i worked at a hotel some old guy got irate that I wouldn't check him in without his ID first, as it was in his car and didn't feel like getting it. I told him I would get it for him, customer service and all. Calls me a fucking retard so I cancel his reservation.
>Spews explicitives and threatens to call the membership line.
>"That s fine, they can't create reservations so it won't help you"
>gets irate at the customer service rep on the phone for not being able to reinstate his rez that was canceled " for no reason"
>loudly remind him that he called me a fucking retard so the rep can hear, and that its not polite to lie
>moves away to continue to rage
>no dice, threatens to have my job if i don't reinstate the rez
>tell him i will if he aplogizes to me
>hubris won't let him "you're just a fucking clerk"
>"im also the clerk who canceled your reservation and won't reinstate it. Next hotel in our chain is 30 mins north. Be sure to remember to tell them you called me a fucking retard and that's why you couldn't stay here tonight"

Mgt gets wind and actually backed me on this one. No repercussions or consequences. Felt pretty good.

>> No.9436273

why even keep displaying items that have been voided?

>> No.9436576
