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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9418265 No.9418265 [Reply] [Original]

What is your ANGRIEST cooking memory /ck/?

For me, it's literally any time I try to fucking flatten some pizza dough. I just can't fucking do it. I buy some at the store, I take it home, and I try some flour and a rolling pin but every time, without exception, it just doesn't fucking work. At best I'll flatten it out to the perfect round shape only for it to return EXACTLY into a fucking thick as shit heap perfect for becoming chewy bullshit. If there's a secret or something to getting it to stay fucking flat, I haven't seen it.

>> No.9418894



>> No.9418959
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I'm sure I have a bunch, but the only thing I can remember off the top of my head...

>making jambalaya
>made it tons of times, one of my signature dishes
>everything is coming together perfectly
>seasoned so well
>gonna splash a bit of worcestershire sauce on top to add some savoriness
>grab bottle out of fridge, unscrew lid and shake some into pot
>expecting a few drops of liquid due to that little plastic restrictor
>thick brown goop pours out and coats everything
>i had grabbed hoisin sauce accidentally
>half a cup of hoisin sauce doesnt pair well with jambalaya

>> No.9418983

Let it come to room temp first.

as for angry food memory
I had a bowel resection in '02. was in the hospital 2 1/2 weeks with out food. thought I was going insane, every thought was of food. wrote out what I would eat for the next two weeks, wrote 25+ rice krispie treat add ons. the day I left the hospital, they took my stomach pump out and the bile on the tube must of rubbed against my taste buds some how. because when I started eating, everything tasted absolutely disgusting, so bad that I didn't want to eat. I actually shed a few tears at the dinner table. it got a little better each day til the third day i was back to normal
I try not to get angry when cooking

>> No.9418990

Can you hit me up with your jambalaya recipe? I loved it as a kid but I haven't made it in a very long time.

>> No.9419140

Making mayonnaise. The 50% of the time that I get it to work, it's the best mayo I've ever had. But the other 50% of the time that it fails, I get so upset that I've just given up on trying.

>> No.9419226

one night when I worked as a dishwasher they retarded waitstaff kept putting steak knives in with the regular dirty cutlery and after the 5th or 6th one I grabbed from that watery bin I couldn't take no more so I yelled at the servers to stop being retarded

>> No.9419275

>I waited until I couldn't takes no more, after 5-6 times I exploded in rage
>Instead of speaking up after about 2-3 times like a normal person.
fucking moron

>> No.9421016


It really depends what I have on hand, but it usually starts with cooking some tasso and/or sausage, and frying celery, bell pepper, onion and garlic in the grease. Then I'll brown some chicken in the pot, toss in rice, chicken broth, bay leaf and whatever spices I feel like. Right before the rice is done, throw in shrimp, then I'll squirt some hot sauce and worcestershire sauce and lemon juice in it.

>> No.9423040

I was too busy. It's not like I had my eyes on which server was putting what where in my dishpit. I was running about like a headless chicken to keep up and make sure all the cooks had their plates and pans and such.
>fucking moron
No, you.

>> No.9423112
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every time I make chimichurri sauce:
>making chimichurri sauce
>add vinegar
>it's now vinegar sauce