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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 14 KB, 320x398, Coffee RedBull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9416785 No.9416785 [Reply] [Original]

Lets settle this once and for all. Coffee or Red Bull?

>> No.9416786

Coffee is a natural thing, Red Bull isn't.

The decision really isn't that difficult.

>> No.9416787

My bfs cummies

>> No.9416788

>Not brewing your coffee with red bull

>> No.9416789

>Coffee is a natural thing
Yeah, I mean coffee cups just grow on trees and bushes. Totally natural

>> No.9416790

Has anyone actually gotten less sleepy from any of those? I tried drinking both but it never did a a thing for me.

>> No.9416791

Pretty sure it's 75% placebo either way

>> No.9416792

Neither. You're already lost beyond repair if you need either of thomes.

>> No.9416793

Coffee beans, you dum dum

>> No.9416794

Club Mate?

>> No.9416795

Meth and Coke

>> No.9416796

Coffee. $10/mo is better than $2-4/can.

>> No.9416797


>> No.9416798

If anything, this.

I have a packet of coffee at home. It's a nice gift. Try giving someone Red Bull. Fuck that!

>> No.9416799

whatever you like.

if you're worried about cost, buy caffeine pills and drink more water.

>> No.9416800

Do you eat coffee cups?

>> No.9416801

lol how else do you get it in your system?

>> No.9416802


>> No.9416803

Coffee doesn't make you less sleepy. It delays tiredness. Once it wears off you are more tired than before.

>> No.9416804

You have to roast the raw beans to make them actual coffee beans, pretty sure nature did not intend this.

>> No.9416805


>> No.9416806


>> No.9416807

Start by killing you'reself

>> No.9416808

lol don't be mean :^)

>> No.9416809

this. the only I can function.

>> No.9416810


Muh niggas

>> No.9416811

redbull has taurine which actually has a sedative effect on the brain, so generaly speaking coffe should make you feel more stimulated, on the other hand taurine gives your muscles more energy so energy drinks are generally better for athletic performance. energy drinks are also lighter on your stomach and don't give you the runs (personal experience). so in conclusion I would say that both coffee and redbull are good. coffee is more appropriate for some things and redbull is more appropriate for other things. neither of them is superior.

>> No.9416812

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.9416813


>> No.9416814

Say again?

>> No.9416815

>he doesn't inject caffeine straight into the bloodstream

>> No.9416816

>Red Bull
This is how I know you're underage.

>> No.9416817

peppermint tea

>> No.9416818

Cocaine IV bell ringer every morning

>> No.9416819

Not in my country anymore. So energy drinks are just coffee with vitamins. Still better that melted tar.
>implying Redbull is not the shittiest brand though

>> No.9416820

Holy fuck I'm 36 and iv'd coke for the first time. I was moving around on the couch trying to get away, ears ringing, scared the shit out of me. Hit so hard. I think I injected too much for first time. I still prefer snorting though

>> No.9416821

Also, affects your hearing for a while. Everything has a metallic sound to it. Really fucking weird

>> No.9416822
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this is coffee. that """"thing"""" is a crime

>> No.9416823

Red bull in milk coagulates into a yummy savory yoghurt.

>> No.9416824

>coffee purists
>even though the ones who brought coffee over literally said coffee without milk or sugar tastes like nasty water

>> No.9416825

coffee ofc

>> No.9416826
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you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.9416827

black coffee niggers are as obnoxious as water fags.
I enjoy my coffee with milk, how does it makes you feel? And now try to shit on my taste.

>> No.9416828

they're like vegans
they have to tell absolutely everyone they drink tar

>> No.9416829

None of them is natural.
Tea would be closer to natural since it's just hot water and some plants, but it doesn't give the effect we usually need, just after hours of stress or hard work.

Also, water for me.

>> No.9416830

> Coffee is a natural thing
So is Mercury

>> No.9416831

le caffeine coder meme lololol all I need is code and coffee amirite lololol

>> No.9416832
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hey now I'm just teasing you uncultured ignorants. it's not like I expect anything from americans

>> No.9416833

Some people just don't like milk?

Also, what the fuck is wrong with drinking water?

>> No.9416834

try again

>> No.9416835

Next time try cock instead

>> No.9416836

It is more about the attitude of those people, not the drink itself, freindly anon. see:

>> No.9416837

Low dose amphetamine keeps you awake for a lot longer and doesn't give you anxiety.

>> No.9416838

Why do people say that black coffee is too sour or strong tasting? To me it just tastes mildly sweet.

>> No.9416839

>Coffee doesn't make you less sleepy. It delays tiredness.
wtf is this marketing spin???

>> No.9416840

It also gives you borderline incurable addiction


>> No.9416841

>needing chemical substances to enhance their productivity
Spotted the brainlets.

>> No.9416842


>> No.9416843

Caffeine just doesn't do shit for a small percentage of people, sucks to be you. It's one of the most effective and safest performance enhancing drugs we have.

>> No.9416844

Because it helps me to take a dump in the morning.

>> No.9416845

Once I get tired, I nap for an hour and continue afresh.
Forcing yourself to stay awake is counterproductive in my experience, not to mention caffeinated drinks give me the shits.

>> No.9416846

Coffee because coffee actually tastes good

>> No.9416847

low doses are easy to kick

>> No.9416848
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>yerba mate masterrace not listed

>> No.9416849

are you 55?

>> No.9416850

>hey guys which of these two do you prefer
do you have autism and suffer from adhd or some shit why do you need to enter every thread and make it about you?
find some friends babe, stop being an attention whore online

>> No.9416851

That doesn't work because as soon as you wake up from a nap you need like at least an hour before your system boots up properly, that's unless you exercise or something right after. Can't work all dozed off.

>> No.9416852

t. Mormon

>> No.9416853

Yeah, I'm Spanish too.
La buena siesta ahí.

>> No.9416854

who are you quoting

>> No.9416855

>do you have autism and suffer from adhd or some shit
nothing heavy diagnosed yet. Just simple Depression.
>why do you need to enter every thread and make it about you?
Well I basically just said that there are other options than just redbull or coffee. Green Tea is really fucking healthy and (to me) tastes better than both mentioned things
>find some friends babe, stop being an attention whore online
/g/ is my only friend

>> No.9416856

>not just brewing looseleaf yerba mate

>> No.9416857

Coffee. But when I was in High School, I would drink Red Bull all the time because I didn't like coffee.

>> No.9416858


>> No.9416859

Red bull = sugary garbage
Sugar free red bull = still full of weird chems, don't trust it
Coffee with creamer/sugar = sugary garbage
Black coffee = a bit too acidic, otherwise decently healthy way to get caffeine
Caffeine pills = god tier caffeine ingestion

>> No.9416860

black tea

>> No.9416861

Woah woah woah don't drag us water purists into this shit as well. We are much better than to argue with pathetic losers who need a drink to actually function.

>> No.9416862
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This PSA was brought to you by amphetamines.

>> No.9416863

>sugary garbage
your brain runs on glucose so sugar is a good thing, of course if you remember to move once in a while instead of sitting in front of the screen 24/7

>Caffeine pills = god tier caffeine ingestion
yup, strongest and fastest kick

legal amphetamine alternatives like 2-FA are also nice option if you don't abuse them

>> No.9416864
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Real coffee, not the tapwater continentals and americans drink.

>> No.9416865

Is water purism as retarded as audiophilism?

>> No.9416866

>thread about caffeinated drinks
>"Dude, why are you trying to discuss caffeinated drinks?! Stop!"

>> No.9416867

dumb milk poster

>> No.9416868


>> No.9416869

>your brain runs on glucose so sugar is a good thing
you probably don't need more sugar with how much bread everyone eats. and the form of sugar in those drinks is not ideal. you should get most of your sugar from starches.

>> No.9416870


>> No.9416871
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>all the non-/sippers/ itt

>> No.9416872

Taurine has little to no effect on the body, seeing as it's degraded in the stomach. It's an endogenously synthesised hormone so you can't really absorb any from food.

Coffee gives you the runs because in some people caffeine (which coffee is much richer in) promotes Gastrin release. The only way Redbull is going to stimulate you more is via the sugar, which you can add to coffee if you're a pleb anyway.

Source: biochemist.

>> No.9416873

Don't use sugar.
It gives you a shirt high and then a dip which makes you sleepy.

Other than that you're probably very insensitive to caffeine.
In some people it has a huge effect, on others less.

>> No.9416874

why drink redbull?
it's overpriced shit and you can get other energy drinks with literally same ingredients and same taste for 1/4 price

jews brainwashed you good

>> No.9416875

Red Bull is shit. I'd rather fall asleep on the wheel than drink that piss. Megaforce is far superior

t: Finnish person

>> No.9416876

>buy monster green, thinking it's something like red bull just different
>turns out it's actually toxic waste, combined with what can only be described as coyote pee with the aftertaste of a rotten fish
How you can drink that shit is beyond my understanding

>> No.9416877

>doesn't make you less sleepy. It delays tiredness

>> No.9416878

Get the blue one, its has less taste just for sissies like you.

>> No.9416879

After that last experience, I'm staying as far away from monster drinks as humanly possible

>> No.9416880

>Coffee gives you the runs

Coffee makes me poop.
But it never gives me the runs - in fact quite the opposite.

>> No.9416881
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>you can get other energy drinks with literally same ingredients and same taste for 1/4 price

This is true.

They are paying for advertising but I'm not complaining.

>> No.9416882

I find Redbull delivers a more clear high than coffee, plus it doesn't make you feel all weird inside

I wouldn't recommend drinking more than a can per week though as it's packed with weird shit, that can't be healthy

>> No.9416883
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You niggers better be making drip coffee or I'll fucking kill you.

>> No.9416884


a friend of mine just mixes this into water and sips it all day at work

>> No.9416885

red bull

coffee is more of a treat like ice cream to me

>> No.9416886

I'm really into whipped strawberry rockstar and cherry amp lately. highly recommend both.

>> No.9416887

>natural thing

so is polio and spider legs

>> No.9416888

>future diabetic detected

>> No.9416889

>$2-$4 per can
I get my energy drinks wholesale at $.69 per 16oz can

>> No.9416890

I only drink black coffee (*) but he's right.
If people want to drink milk let them.

(* with the rare exception of lightly roasted single origins that are just too sour without sugar, though I try to adjust the brewing process instead this can take a couple of cups and at >40 euro per kilo I'm not going to waste any).

>> No.9416891

caffeine is degenerate

>> No.9416892

>implying it's likely that anyone will develop diabetes

>> No.9416893

What the fuck? How retarded are you?
You can get EVERYTHING cheaper if you buy the sole ingredients. There is something called marketing, marketshare and comfieness to get the product

>> No.9416894

>not slapping your balls to wake up everyday

fellas, its gay to sip coffe since youre drinking black piss from the literal seed (semen) from a tree.

>> No.9416895

I'd rather pay Red Bull for tested quality than touch those cheap knock offs mass produced with the cheapest ingredients possible and possibly a severe lack of testing and control

>> No.9416896


What does it taste like?
Does it taste like bubble gum? - I noticed most energy drinks taste like bubble gum and I was wondering if that was just the taste of caffeine.

>> No.9416897

>buys the original which has the shittiest flavour instead of zero or rehab
>"monster sucks!"
That's like buying E/S-series Thinkpad and saying all Thinkpads are bad

>> No.9416898

Pour over drip when I'm at home.
Espresso at the office.

>> No.9416899

100mg caffeine + 200mg L-Theanine pills is the way to go.

>> No.9416900

Try ephedrine, isn't as safe, heard it creates some degree of addiction, but it's a viable alternative

>> No.9416901

caffeine tastes bitter. it probably tastes like ass. his friend is retarded and should just eat caffeine pills.

>> No.9416902

>it's packed with weird shit, that can't be healthy

If only there were some kind of food and drug agencies to ensure companies don't sell poison to consumers.....

That said, drinking coffee is actually healthy unless it's French press or Turkish which is stupid to begin with.

>> No.9416903

I expected it to taste sour rather than bitter.

Unroasted Coffee is very sour.
They roast it to add bitterness, which masks the sourness.

>> No.9416904

Copypasta from archive.
>le coffee drinking machine amirite?
>le can't get any work done without my copheee xDD
>le guise i need le coffee first thing in the morning
>le le fifty gallons isn't enough for me
>im like, going through caffeine withdrawal rn hoooolyy craaaap xDDD
>us koders amirite?
Coffeeniggers are the worst thing to ever happen to this Earth. I see so many of these faggots at university, holy fucking shit, pretending their stupid habit is some life-threatening addiction, unable to use their pea sized brains until they drink that hot Satan jizz. These Pavlov dog motherfuckers need to be put down.

>> No.9416905

It's just university students.

Don't lump all coffee drinkers together.
Yes it's addictive but most coffee addicts don't act like drama queens when they get a little headache.

>> No.9416906

It should if you drink it while you are ALREADY awake keep you from getting sleepy much longer due to the nature of chemical receptors that are getting blocked inside your brain.

Main purpose of it is to rise awareness higher and keep it that way, it shouldn't and technically couldn't reverse tiredness.

>> No.9416907

don't listen to that cuck anon, we /greentea/ masterrace, coffee-cucks just wouldn't get it.

>> No.9416908

yes, it's bitter. you usually can't taste it because there either isn't enough caffeine, or there's a lot of flavor to mask it. coffee may taste sour because of the acidity.

you can kind of taste the caffeine in spike energy but that's the only semi-popular drink i can think of.

>> No.9416909

Coffee in the morning while browsing GEE then compile taking a massive shit, Red Bull for those nights before your day off so you can comfily game for hours on end then sleep in. They're situational honestly

>> No.9416910

coffee in the morning
redbull in the afternoon, but only occasionally

>> No.9416911

>unless it's French press

>> No.9416912
File: 26 KB, 480x480, shasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you see someone near a computer drinking anything other than this then you've probably spotted a CIANIGGER in the wild.

>> No.9416913

Coffee for just general computing (checking /bst/ and /guts/ thread while not working on anything

E-drank for projects like writing a program or editing RAW photos for hours


+won't erode your teeth
+comfy during autumn and winter

-lasts 10 minutes before going cold
-tastes like shit when it is luke warm


+lasts for 2 hours if you take a sip once in a while
+tastes just as good when it's cold or room temperature

-erodes teeth
-costs more money

>> No.9416914

For me, it's the French press. The patrician's choice of coffee brewing devices.

>> No.9416915

Stop breathing, Ausfag.

>> No.9416916

Original coca-cola tastes like ass.
But knock-offs taste like 10 times worse.

>> No.9416917


>> No.9416918


>drinking soft drinks for computing

you fucking cunts disgusts me.

You do NOT drink coca-cola for fun. You don't treat it as coffee or energrydrinks.

You only drink coca-cola when eating fast food such as burger king, or when you watch a movie and also eating snacks

>> No.9416919
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kys hipsterfaggot

>> No.9416920
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Coffee when sitting your ass and a proper energy blend when up and active. ON Amino Energy is great fuck those mass marketed energy drinks they are full of trash and overpriced for what you get if you read the labels. Bullet coffee is great if you have the will power to do intermittent fasting in the mornings.

>> No.9416921

You got memed, NOS is superior

>> No.9416922

>You do NOT drink coca-cola for fun.
>You only drink coca-cola when eating fast food such as burger king, or when you watch a movie and also eating snacks

>> No.9416923

>may taste sour because of the acidity.

I need a coffee just reading that.

>> No.9416924


NOS is the best of the big name energy drinks and always has been. Even Sobe No Fear was better than most Monster shit.

>> No.9416925

>it's natural so it must be good

what a retarded argument, really hoping this is bait

>> No.9416926

I still drink coffee though but not everytime. Only when I really need to.

>> No.9416927


Organic is better than natural so look for those.

>> No.9416928

Coffee tastes like shit, so ill choose redbull

>> No.9416929

I'm too afraid of mouth cancer.

>> No.9416930

Neither because I'm not an addict or don't get enough sleep, and I live in a country that actually enforces good working conditions.

>> No.9416931

>This is now a Poll.

Coffee or Broke. Red Bull is for Children.

>> No.9416932
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>Bullet coffee

>> No.9416933
File: 67 KB, 1200x1200, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They used to sell these in Australia, God tier

>> No.9416934

>doesn't give you anxiety
Not until the way down anyways

>> No.9416935

On the other hand, my Maximum Hipster Drive mode is all about that one energy drink made by that fuckin chinese tea company. Xing Tea, I think. Worked at an organic food place for a bit, tried it 'cuz muh employee discount, blew me away.

>> No.9416936


>> No.9416937

>French press.

Let me guess: because it has the word "French" in it so it must be sophisticated?

It kills all the fruity flavors and just leaves bitterness.
It you use shit tasting low quality beans that's alright, but "patricians" should aim a little higher than that.

It's also unhealthy because it has far more cafestol, which increases cholesterol in the blood.
If you have high blood pressure you should really filter your coffee.

>> No.9416938

I just fancy a nice cup of black tea. Theanine helps with the caffeine side effects particularly getting rid of any crash of sorts

>> No.9416939

don't do this

>> No.9416940
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>coffee has frutiy flavors

>> No.9416941

it is indeed really bitter. my friend also takes caffeine pills, but this method allows him to have a constant stream of caffeine instead of one big amount. he can also use more than 200mg which is the common pill amount.

>> No.9416942

Coffee generally makes me MORE sleepy.

>> No.9416943

>Organic is better than natural so look for those.

non-Organic is generally healthier.

Organic is only good for mother nature, but fuck her.

>> No.9416944

coffee + butter

>> No.9416945

ECA stacks are nice in a pinch.

>> No.9416946
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Only superior german craftsmanship OP.

>> No.9416947

>I have never bought coffee from a quality roaster.

Your supermarket trash doesn't, no.

>> No.9416948


>> No.9416949

i tried that before but couldn't stand the taste. if you need finer granularity with pills you can get scored ones and break them in half. maybe spread out the ingestion. also you can just take more pills if you want more obviously.

>> No.9416950

Monster is a bit like Mountain Dew. Comes in many flavors and the original is pretty nasty.

Try a Mean Bean Java Monster sometime. Or for a normal variant, the Khaos orange one is good.

>> No.9416951
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>> No.9416952

I'm pretty sure the liquid stuff is actually cheaper, because he also has pills and still sees the need for the liquid stuff.

>> No.9416953


Grass fed unsalted butter + Coconut Oil or preferably MCT oil + coffee blended together to a latte like consistency. Smooth caffeine intake and longer lasting energy that helps to burn fat when used along side a proper diet and the aforementioned intermittent fasting which also increases energy. You get better mental clarity and overall energy due to your body functioning properly instead of relying on chemicals and carbs for short bursts of energy that steadily drop off after a short duration.

>> No.9416954

red bull is literally made from bull's red penis excretions

>> No.9416955

>your brain runs on glucose so sugar is a good thing
No, complex carbohydrates are a good thing. Simple sugars are just unhealthy, even if they DO give you energy.

>> No.9416956

How do you deal with coconut oil burning your mouth?

>> No.9416957


Never even heard of that problem maybe you used the wrong kind.

>> No.9416958

Monster drinks are made from monster cum

>> No.9416959

coffee for taste, red bull if you actually want a quick boost

>> No.9416960

Being from Thailand, that sounds plausible.

>> No.9416961

Just drink beer you pussies

>> No.9416962

>drinking a desktop environment

>> No.9416963

>Organic is only good for mother nature, but fuck her.
Even that's highly debatable, since you get less produce per acre, leading to the destruction of natural environments.

>> No.9416964

*Both* espresso (as in, ESPRESSO - made by a pressurized machine) and energy drinks.

>> No.9416965

We share the same fate, anon.

>> No.9416966

Nobody stops you from doing that, too.

Haven't figured out how to homebrew good caffeinated beer yet, though.

>> No.9416967
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what are you even on about
i don't drink rockstar because it always gives me the runs, along with nausea and a headache

literally nothing wrong with drinking black coffee/espresso. it's pretty healthy, and only like 1 calorie/serving

you're a comedic genius

>coffee won't erode your teeth
>coffee tastes like shit when lukewarm
>energy drink lasts 2 hours per sip

pic related

NOS is shit flavorwise, it's way too sweet. However, it'll give you a high amount of energy for like 8 hours and you won't crash

>> No.9416968

aww :3

>> No.9416969


Look at the size of that shit post.

>> No.9416970

Came here to say this.

>> No.9416971

>not naming your desktop environment after your drink of preference

>> No.9416972

black tea

>> No.9416973

Mix them up.

>> No.9416974

>Red Bull
Tastes like shit.

>> No.9416975

>All coffee tastes the same
Some are so good and w'll prepared they should be drunk black. Some are do awful you should drown it in sugar and cream

>> No.9416976

If you're sleepy and drink coffee nothing will happen (except for maybe your heartrate going up and you feeling extra shit). If you aren't tired, drink coffee and start working the effects of tiredness will be slightly delayed. Is logic really that hard for you retards?

>> No.9416977

This, cancer.

>> No.9416978

Sleepy is the feeling of being tired.

Caffeine directly inhibits the feeling that we call "sleepy" specifically by delaying the effects of the need for sleep.

>> No.9416979

Coffee brewed with redbull instead of water

>> No.9416980


red bull a shit

>> No.9416981

yes i'm sure coffee powder/beans grow in trees

>> No.9416982

>2/4$ per can

>> No.9416992

Naturalistic fallacy, but I do agree. I prefer coffee.

>> No.9416994

>fire is not natural
>enacting harvest from nature is not natural
>genetic disposition of beans offer caffeine and a flavor that is purposeful to humans and animals alike

>> No.9417017

Personally I think using a French Press brings out more chocolatey notes and just makes for a tastier, richer cup of coffee. Never really noticed any fruity notes, but that comes down to beans and taste buds. Haven't used a French Press in a while since it's a bitch to clean properly every morning and there are quicker alternatives to get some decent coffee.

>> No.9417153
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>it's overpriced shit and you can get other energy drinks with literally same ingredients and same taste for 1/4 price

The energy drink choice of poorfags

>> No.9417303

Redbull is always a drinkable temperature. Coffee isn't. People who aren't lollygaggers drink energy drinks.

>> No.9417326

Coffee is the least refreshing drink, hot or cold. I would take any energy drink over coffee in the summer. Winter time is another story

>> No.9417347

I dont have a kroger where i live :(

>> No.9417364

Is Red Bull made from fairydust?

>> No.9417371

I stick to the sugar free redbull cause of calories, or some nice tea. Coffee's good but I only really enjoy espresso and my cheap little maker broke.

>Tea, early grey; hot.

>> No.9417476

>Not making coffee using Red Bull

>> No.9417481


>> No.9417603

You can buy 1lb of decent whole bean coffee for $5 and it lasts you a whole month even if you drink a cup every day.
$5 won't even buy you 2 sips.

>> No.9417711

>36 and on 4chan
LMFAO you fucking failure

>> No.9417750

I think being on 4chan is the least of his worries since he's shooting up. It's one thing to ingest drugs by nose or mouth but it's an entirely different thing to hit the needle.

>> No.9418486
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>> No.9418570

Coffee gives me headache and makes me thirsty. I'd prefer coffee if it wasn't for this so if I had to choose I'd say red bull

>> No.9419276

Wou net zeggen.
Burgers zijn tuig van de richel.

>> No.9419309
File: 40 KB, 368x500, orange pineapple tang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning, bro...

>> No.9419461

After I burned out my adrenal glands I started drinking Red Bull's to stay away at work. I was working 26 hour days and drinking 2 a day for over a year. They do the job I don't care what anyone says yes they're probably bad for you but if you need energy take one. If you just need a little bit of want a boost. Drink coffee. It is more sustained energy rather than a rapid nuke of caffeine and sugar.

>> No.9419463

You have a histamine allergy or are putting too much sugar in

>> No.9419542

>26 hour days

poor guy

>> No.9419555
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 34381_sfs-cold-brew-concentrate-027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, please look up cold brew coffee. No, not iced coffee, but cold brew coffee.

It's coffee that is steeped for 12-15 hours at room temperature and then you extract it and can store it in your fridge for weeks.

Since no hot water is used to brew it, it has no bitterness when you drink it black. It still has a strong coffee taste, but not the bitter attribute you associate warm coffee with.

You can dilute it with milk/cream/sugar and it tastes amazing. Whatever you're diluting it with will probably have less calories than a single fucking 8oz redbull.

30ml of French vanilla creamer = 70cal. 4g sugar =16 calories
Coffee itself = No calories

Also did I fucking mention that cold brew coffee has a lot more caffeine then redbull and regular hot coffee?

>> No.9419756

I enjoy black coffee, but sometimes an unsweetened plant milk latte is good too. Did you know almond milk/amygdalate has been used in cooking for centuries? There's some interesting old cookbooks available online. They may even be of practical use if you ever go camping.