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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9415943 No.9415943 [Reply] [Original]

post your restaurant idea

right now

>> No.9415946

Fast food sushi.

>> No.9415947

Waitresses are registered nurses and you order iv bags.

>> No.9415953

That's called Revolving Sushi Bar.

original 9/11

>> No.9415956

no fuck you its my idea

>> No.9415958

Pizza shop that only serves dessert pizza

>> No.9415960

store that sells food in return you have to pay them in say money or something

pleas dont steael my idea

>> No.9415962
File: 112 KB, 720x960, tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An exotic food truck where I change the type of food all the time so I can make puns.

>Zebra burger day
>Black Zebra with white stripes - $10
>White Zebra with black stripes - $50
>Refuse to tell anyone what the difference is without buying

>Rabbit burger day
>call it the fiver special
>charge five dollars

>Dog meat day
>wait for girls walking dogs to go by
>ask them if they want my hot dogs
>they tell me to fuck off, they own dogs
>hey, I own dogs too, mine are just dead

>> No.9415966

A restaurant chain with fries, burgers, kids meals and playground etc.
A breakfast and dinner menu.
Probably has a drive thru.
Signature sauces and burgs.
Sides like piping hot fries and chicken nuggets.
Fuck I'm making myself hungry

>> No.9415967

mission style burritos, taqueria in europe

>> No.9415971

I'd just serve crap I bought at wal-mart directly and jack up the prices. I wouldn't have to pay for a good cook cause it's all premade canned crap.

>> No.9415974

magen boegli

>> No.9415993

A ramen noodle restaurant for college students
the ramen is made in bulk and served like a soup kitchen
instead of buying a meal every time, you buy a punch card for a few dollars and you use it to get 5-10 bowls

>> No.9416000

A restaurant that only serves potato products. Fries, baked potatoes, hash browns, scallops, smothered, potatoes o brien, boiled, tater tots.

>> No.9416003

I've been thinking this one over
>Open up an experimental Burger Joint in some country with very lax laws
>Lots of crazy different types of burgers with different meats
>Have all of the chef be convicts
>Have them all compete to find who can make the best burgers consistently
>kill off the ones with either no creativity or consistency
>Get more convicts
>Repeat until you have a full staff of master burger chefs working for next to nothing.

>> No.9416008

That exists but with actual food. A lot of places in eastern Asia just sell meal tickets that are exchanged with meals college cafeteria style.

Already done by numerous Mexican hustlers nearby conventions / theme parks

Trip AND an original. I don't see it take off, but good luck.

lawl might work in Africa or middle east where everyone hates everyone else and cannibalism is allowed

>> No.9416010
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>Hello, I'm looking to book a plane ticket to a country with no laws against murder

>> No.9416020
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Honestly I don't understand why this hasn't already been done. The potato's versatility is only matched by huge cheap it is. Seems like a huge profit ceiling.

It probably exists but not were I live, but a strictly-soup buffet. You could also order delivery or take-out in quart or gallon jugs.

>> No.9416022
File: 79 KB, 800x531, pub016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cozy little Celtic pub/restaurant that serves food and drinks from the 6 Celtic nations decorated like pic related

>> No.9416053

Food stand or truck where I make weird kebabs.
I'd have one with meatballs, pasta, some sort of vegetable as filler, and tomato sauce to dip with.
I'd also have one with chunks of ground beef, onions, tomato, lettuce, cheese, and slider buns toasted and seasoned at the ends.
I had thought of some more but I forgot them.

>> No.9416055

Call it 24k and all food is made of pure gold

>> No.9416061

5 Appetizers, 5 main courses, 2-3 desserts. Large menus are always a bad sign. Restaurants should focus on using local produce and doing a few things well, not everything adequately.

>> No.9416074

They have these in SoCal. It's called fresh potato factory

Mine is a smoothie/shake/coffee bar that has the same business model as subway/chipotle/make your own pizza places

>> No.9416114

An American Southern food restaurant situated in the UK. Biscuits, cornbread, fried chicken, pork barbecue, grits, collards, gumbo, all the classics made the right way, but in Bongistan so it seems exotic and unfamiliar to them.

>> No.9416127
File: 56 KB, 480x480, 15624181_1326543487366444_363987766687563776_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keto Kitchen

I serve only low-carb meals from apetisers to deserts and juices, the customers can see how much kcal, macros and micros they ate.

There are also high-protein daily meals for those that do sports.

Everything is served in picrelated plastic dishes so it can be taken home or delivered.

>> No.9416131

>Everything is served in plastic dishes
you had me until there

>> No.9416133

it's a calzone food truck but all the calzones are themed around comic books

>> No.9416138

Make blood pudding with guests own blood

>> No.9416140

My restaurant idea is basic. Serve whatever the hell I want and allow the wait staff to slap anyone that tries to go off menu and can closed fist punch anyone that asks for a "vegan alternative" or asks for anything to be served anything is "Gluten free".

>> No.9416163

ok, we'll strike that one :-)

>> No.9416197

people enter the restaurant and are seated by the waitress
all the tables in the restaurant form a circle around one big table in the middle
suddenly some waitresses walk to that table carrying an entire meal including drinks and desert for a full table
every table starts furiously bidding for the food until one table outbids the other ones and buy the food
there isnt enough food for every table nd nobody wants to go home hungry or get stuck with the worst meal
but also it may be worth it to hold on to your money to see what food comes next and to wait until the most wealthy families have all bought their meals so you can get away with eating cheaper

>> No.9416198

Pizza place that only sells by the slice close to a university. this is in a country where you only buy whole pizzas, and we're not fat enough to buy a whole pie for a quick lunch. Lot's of potential here! the whole pizza lunch/going home from the club/hangover slice concept is ready to boom here!

>> No.9416228

Stealing this. Sorry.

>> No.9416383

A giant swimming pool filled with chili. Make it heated so the chili won't go cold. You can swim in it and eat as much as you like. You just pay for entry and for drinks.

>> No.9416448

A biblical themed restaurant where only food and drink referenced in the bible prepared the way the jews and romans cooked it, is served. I think it would be quite popular in the areas like the south and midwest where we have large concentrations of the whacko, loony fundamentalists.

>> No.9416466

This already exists in France and is fairly popular
it's called "La pataterie" and it's a chain.

>> No.9416475

Weebshit extraordinaire. Only japanese food, including the less famous stuff; especially the less famous stuff. All served in bentos by cute girls in meido uniforms. And just go all out with it - areas where manga is sold, the TVs playing anime, Japanese music playing (not only weebshit), more than a handful of fighting game arcades... going all out.

>> No.9416482

This would be EXTREMELY popular in cali

>> No.9416486

Fuck, I'm in Atlanta.

>> No.9416490

Try to survey the amount of weebs in unis/youth area

>> No.9416492

All menu items are either beef or bread
>>Bakery and steakery

>> No.9416504

I'm still an uni student. Georgia Tech seems to have an above average number of weebs, but I didn't gather much else. Probably gonna move to California later based on my major and job prospects.

>> No.9416506

i want to sstart a dnut shop across the street from campus in my college town

>> No.9416511


Atlanta is the perfect place for it. ATL niggas are weeks to the max. Plus all the Asians, especially Filipinos and Vietnamese there. You'd get massive amounts of business in Atlanta.

I wish I still lived there but I'm back home in the UK now. I'd totally be an investor in that.

>> No.9416515

Have Tailor Swift shit on a plate and then sell tiny bites of it for $100

>> No.9416524

I disagree. I think a lot of people would say "Why would I go to that weeb-ass joint when we could just go to buford highway and get the same thing for 2.50 with actual dog meat?"

In ATL its a flawed concept. It might work if it was actually ON A CAMPUS like gatech or gastate but it would have to be on campus and would only survive on convenience and price. It could work, especially if you got some college student groups to hold meetings there from time to time to expand the crowd and force the restaurant into the school culture. (But this part is true for any on campus dining location - and good luck with on campus rent prices)

>> No.9416534

Yeah, if there's anything I can say about Atlanta is that there's a shitload of FGC players and they're all weebs. I reckon it might work, but I'm not even from the US or out of college, getting enough monetary stability to start that up would be great.
>ywn host fighting game tournaments in your weeb restaurant and getting great quality weeb material to the masses
That'd be a dream come true. Comfy as hell.

>> No.9416536

Cliche as fuck

>> No.9416537

all the foods are cooked as heavily in or with alcohol that I don't legally need a license to sell it, but it can still get you drunk

>> No.9416542

Food truck that does auithentic chinese and japanese dishes. I'm white as fuck and live in a white as fuck city in Alberta where it doesn't have any good food trucks or chinese restaurants. Mostly chinese, I reckon.

>> No.9416543

You've a point there desu

>> No.9416549

Holy shit. I am going to do this but as a food truck and only do it once a week on fridays. This is brilliant as fuck.

>> No.9416560

A family style fine dining experience where I serve a different meal every night and that is it. No choices to keep prices down and waste minimal. I may have Staples that are served weekly or bi-weekly if they prove popular. For example, I'd like to do fish Friday's but do different things like one week serve up a whole roasted salmon during salmon season, but during the winter do a hearty fish stew, or throw in a traditional bacalao dish etc. Ideally I have the whole week planned out and posted by Saturday at the restaurant and on social media so people can plan ahead since no choice will be offered. I'd like to find a way to keep prices within the $10-20 per person range, adjusting with cost of ingredients of course. Drinks sold separately, gotta make my margin somehow.

>> No.9416578

Retro diner. It has a griddle for burgers and stuff, but the main draw would be an old soda fountain complete with old stuff like phosphates and egg floats with a full icecream/dessert counter.

>> No.9416589


I think the appeal of the restaurant idea is the weeby-ness, or the food itself. Like a lot of places nowadays you're paying for a total experience. The people who'd react how you posited would probably never want to eat there regardless.

There's plenty of successful quirky eateries both OTP and ITP. Colleges aren't the only big pull for that sort of market. There's a massive arts scene, film/television, music, etc. The customer base extends well beyond GA Tech weebs, and a good bit of quirk with the right marketing can become a local landmark and tradition.

t. Owns 3 restaurants in 2 countries.

>> No.9416591

cereal fast casual

>choose your grain
>choose your sweetener (optional)
>baked really fast in some magical oven
>fresh homemade crunchy cereal
>choose your milk (or yogurt for $2 more)
>choose your toppings (fruits, nuts)
>$10.99 per bowl

>> No.9416615

Cool. What do you think of my idea? (not that I'm in any position to pursue it)

>> No.9416621

Yeah, it's supposed to have good food because fuck it, we're on /ck/, we have to like food at least a little bit, but the idea is to try and make it a weeb heaven of sorts. Doesn't need to be flashy, too. Not too sure on how far the costumer base extends, though.

>> No.9416629

I've seen the concept crash and burn so mich that now when someone considers it I ask if they are willing to move 1000 miles to get to a better market. That is about the level of dedication needed to make it.

>> No.9416635

>self used oven
That's a no go. The shit that would cause will never make it worth it. It's like you've never worked in public before.

>> No.9416641

Nobody said it was self-used, anon.

It could be done like those Mongolian Grill places: Customer walks up with his/her hipsterbowl loaded with ingredients. Restaurant monkey cooks it for them. Customer shells out neetbux.

You make really silly assumptions.

>> No.9416651


I think it's a great restaurant in theory, but the mass appeal isn't there. People are picky and self-centered. It'll probably be great critically but a market flop. Customers want variety. Food critics will love it. Food critics don't keep the lights on.

I think if you could vary it just a slight bit, to a few local seasonal staples with a boutique preparation on the menu at a time, you can draw in the locals, tourists, foodies, and critics and get a hit going.

>> No.9416658


Atlanta certainly has the customer base for it. Slap in a bubble tea bar with a walk-up/drive-through window off the side of the bubble tea bar and you're printing money in Atlanta.

>> No.9416663


True. Luckily though it's probably a good market for it. You've probably got 4 cities in America that would work in: LA, SF, NYC, and luckily ATL. You could strike gold if you did it right in Atlanta.

>> No.9416664

So you pay some minimal wage to get it running, then what? Ovens take forever to heat, so to get the product served you need to keep it running all day. That just sounds like a miserable money pit.

I really think you need to rethink the concept. You are taking a niche market and burdening it with expensive frivolous options.

>> No.9416673

One of the walls is an ant farm. It's just a cafe otherwise. Maybe some small insect enclosures underneath glass set into the tables

>> No.9416676

>Ovens take forever to heat, so to get the product served you need to keep it running all day.

That's not a concern at all. You could either use those high-speed convection microwaves like Subway uses to toast sandwiches, or you could use an electric conveyor type oven, like some other sandwhich chains or most pizza delivery places use. They don't seen to have any trouble running one 24-7.

>>I really think you need to rethink the concept.
It wasn't my concept. I just jumped into the thread when I saw you assume that the customers would be operating ovens when there are plenty of ways around that.

>> No.9416683

Someone would break it, then you are closed for a week trying to remove the little shits

>> No.9416686

>Someone would break it

Why would you not make them out of unbreakable materials, anon? Are you daft in the head?

>> No.9416691

Just use thicker glass like they do in zoos, I don't think people are completely retarded enough to hit it hard enough to break it

>> No.9416694

The part that's not exactly helpful is that I'm majoring in Computer Engineering. I do have a minor in Business and another in Economics but that's it. On the other hand that can probably get me enough money to get going.

And, honestly, I love Atlanta, the city just feels fantastic. If I can do it here I'll be very, very glad.

>> No.9416700

I wish this was true

>> No.9416716

Unless your food is fucking incredible no one will bother with this. Sorry ~

>> No.9416731

Good points. Especially with families having picky eating kids. I could do a separate little menu called the Picky Eaters menu to make it playful and offer a grilled cheese for like $7, a personal cheese/single topping pizza for $9, or a pair of sliders for $10. I would also make all the sides orderable as entrees so vegetarians can order extra vegetables, rice/beans, salad etc.

>> No.9416739

richpeople korean bbq,without anything hinting that its korean.
dryaged beef, iberico pork etc
very high prices for the meats, a whole bunch of free side dishes which are very cheap.

>> No.9416746

Every dish in my restaurant would revolve around different varieties of hot sauce, or maybe there would just be a big hot sauce bar where people could choose to top their food with different ones, or both. I just really love hot sauce.

Someone opened up one of these in Louisville and it makes me so angry because it's the most bullshit idea for a restaurant ever and it takes up a space that could contain something actually good. I hope it burns down in the middle of the night accidentally.

>> No.9416762

I've seen some around nyc, it's called potatopia

>> No.9416776

I'm sure your health inspector will cuddle you after the fucking he will give you

>> No.9416983


I'm a Political Scientist who started a marketing consultancy after being on benefits checks before I started investing in restaurants. Your major in college doesn't mean shit in the real world most of the time, so don't worry about it. Only the lucky fall into their dream job they got a degree in. If you're pitching to investors make sure you have a clear, concise business plan, and have plans for a couple years, not just getting off the ground. Importantly, when it comes to running a restaurant from the business side remember:

1) what do I want to see in a restaurant? If it's not what you want, then it's probably shit and not many other people want to see it either. People have pretty similar expectations of service and hospitality

2) find someone who can make your expectations a reality in the kitchen and in the dining room. Get the best, most inventive and creative chefs and operations managers you can find. Preferably, the ideal candidate could do the other's job too if need be because they have vision, skills, and instinct in a good restaurant. I lucked out with my first restaurant, as I invested in and later bought out my mother-in-law's share she split with me on her bakery/restaurant in Panama. She hated and wasn't good at the business side of things so I took her share of ownership in exchange for a salary. She's a nitpicky, demanding, and focused perfectionist to a tee, so she's an irritating mother-in-law but fantastic at cooking and running a restaurant for me. Get the right people for leadership.

>> No.9416985

This, people eat out to avoid hassle. If any easier option is available you will be ignored

>> No.9416991


Try not to get too playful and whimsical with the kid's menu if the rest of the restaurant is more upscale and boutique in theme. Cohesion in all parts of the menu and theme of the restaurant are essential to making it a place people return to. Clusterfucky themes are why no one wants to eat at a chain restaurant if they have a choice otherwise.

>> No.9416999

I will give you kudos in that at least you understand the work that is needed before opening something like this

>> No.9417011

Yeah, that ought to help. Anyhow, I need to get out of college first to try and do that.

>> No.9417059
File: 29 KB, 352x500, 41Fp0qCClYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have developed ideas for several economical family chain resturants/strip clubs

Potter's fish shack-girls will be bottomless instead of topless and we will have a signature 'pooters fish sauce

BBWs-pronounced 'be be dubs' will be a fry by your side table chicken wing joint with plus size strippers for man who's into that. They will grease them selves up with fryer oil. And give you all dances while you enjoy your buffalo wings with bleu cheese dip.

P.F. Wangs-habachi style service with Asian men in nothing but annapron. Wait until you get Wang Chung shimp flipped I to your hate by an Asian penis

Pizza slut-strip club pizza joint.

I have a few others if anyone is interested in investing

>> No.9417060

Asian food trucks everywhere

>> No.9417063

Pooters fish shack

>> No.9417107

you must be 18 years old to post on 4chan

>> No.9417175

I'd like to open up a nice BBQ joint with the absolute best equipment and hire the absolute best BBQ cooks from down south.

My BBQ joint will eave a smile upon our customer’s face and a feeling of great satisfaction when they leave the restaurant. I will do this through superior quality food, superior customer service, sales growth, cost controls and treating my employees like family. I believe that our employees are our most important resource and our success depends upon creating and retaining a staff capable of delivering an exceptional dining experience to every customer, every time.

And we'd make sure we only serve Blacks. No fucking whites. Shitty asians or mexicans. Blacks only BBQ heaven.

>> No.9417186


>> No.9417208

I'm 30

Well see who's laughing when your bringing the wife and kids down to pooters....dipping your fries in our famous pooter sauce!!

>> No.9417259

Not really a restaurant, but a cafe mixed with a brewery.
The cafe would open during the morning and go until evening, which then would close and turn into a bar for the brewery.

Basically a cozy space for people to shill.

>> No.9417276

i wanna dip my fries in your man-cream

>> No.9417282

Same here

>> No.9417295

>Clusterfucky themes are why no one wants to eat at a chain restaurant if they have a choice otherwise.

But also, you know, the fact that with most chains it's almost always boil in a bag, pre-made Sysco/US Foods meals for real restaurant meal prices.

>> No.9417296

So, an Irish pub. With a pot of stew.

>> No.9417310
File: 248 KB, 1065x1600, IMVzrQM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call it the Two-Dish Kitchen.

Someone (my mom, probably) will prepare large servings of only two entrees. Customers can have either one or both, but only two dishes are prepared each day and no special requests are taken. The entrees would change depending on the season (i.e. more stews in the winter), but there would only be two options.

The overhead would be low and customers would be satisfied with the low prices.

>> No.9417315

Nah that's be it. And it'd be the best fucking grilled cheese/pizza/sliders these people had ever had the pleasure of tasting. My background in the food industry right now is specialty cheese, so you know. And the theme is comfort food Americana/Mediterranean made with just fantastic local ingredients (easily pulled off here in the heart of California farm country) so decor would be a little cozy a little formal. Dare I say California casual. Think going over to Sunday dinner to your grandma who really has her shit together. I have this vision of a candle lit room rich in darkish woods maybe California redwood with some booths lining the walls and long continuous family style tables down the middle. I'm on the fence about having white table cloths but white cloth napkins are a must.

>> No.9417345

We think alike. Let's go in business.

>> No.9417508

the food court at my college had some kind of potato restaurant called "Fully Baked" it was basically a Subway type thing but instead of sandwiches you got baked potatoes and could customize the toppings.

>> No.9417529

I have two ideas

>A supper club that offers a choice of three meals (one meat, one fish and one vegetarian). Included are two bevereges (non-alchoholic) and desert. All available for a flat fee.
>Live music, dancing & dinner theater to accompany.
>alcoholic beverages available for a sepearate fee (wine/beer at the table with brandy or cognac available afterwards).

>Viking-themed world cuisine restaraunt
>Individual entres or "table meals" (where everyone at the table shares one large meal)
>specializing in hearty cuisine gathered from all nations by the "crew" (employees of the restaraunt) on their travels while "gone a-viking".
>Brewpub that offers beer, and both greatmeads and quickmeads as well as home made soft drinks
>Waitstaff to wear traditional viking garb and fake a scandinavian accents (preferential treatment for applicants who actually HAVE a scandinavian accent)

>> No.9417585

...such as?

>> No.9417596

They have that in NYC. The waitsaff are encouraged to be rude to the customers, refuce to bring them water ("Yer legs ain't broken, get it yerself.") and absolutely no substitutions or special cooking instructions are allowed.

Apparently is quite popular with tourists who want the "authentic NYC experience"

>> No.9417619

t. /fit/

>> No.9417620

Don't make it a full-time permanent location. Make it a traveling restaraunt that you can pack up in a semi or two and the work the comic convention circuit. When the convention season is over, winter in either SoCal or ATL for maximum profit during the slow season.

>> No.9417696
File: 274 KB, 1024x760, Rick-Howland-lost-girl-35557104-1024-760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why hello thar

>> No.9417701

I think this is the only idea itt that would actually do well.

>> No.9417774

I reckon that could work in a food truck esque fashion. Besides, that does allow for the possibility of growing a consumer base on the Fighting Game community, which has a shitload of weebs. I guess having a permanent "base" of sorts in ATL and having most of the kitchen infrastructure on some sort of easily transportable area might work, with enough to keep the place going even during con season as something of a hangout place.

>> No.9417876

i once went to a restaurant that had no menus. It wasn't some edgy hipster place either, just a random nowhere place.

>can I have a menu
>we don't have menus
>then just bring me food

>> No.9417929

Pork Tenderloin Sandwiches only

>> No.9418015

Are you from Iowa?

>> No.9418026

If you combine your two ideas and change viking to Anglo and you get Medieval Times.

>> No.9418028

vegan mcdonalds

>> No.9418031


>> No.9418039

I am a Burger from the South. So, I would go to a large European city and open a Soul-Food restaurant that did cafeteria style "Meat 'n' Three" for lunch during the week and all day (10am-10pm) Georgian Pit-Cooked BBQ on Friday and Saturday.

>> No.9418048

nepali home cooking...
like 6 different kinds of dhal bhat and a dozen different pickles
thali sets
yomari and other sweets
chow mein the right way
bhutun and baara (stir fried offal and eggs sunny side up)
obligatory momo

then we do the restaurant up to look like a himalayan tea house

nepali is like the healthier and more appetizing version of indian food. it *should* have a relatively low price point, and the shit sounds exotic as hell.

>> No.9418059
File: 135 KB, 650x417, Cereal-Cafe.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one is you

>> No.9418181

>low overhead

The issue is that this never occurs. Any place where rent isn't outrageous will never get any business. Location is one of the top three issues of any new business. That's why you never see any serious startups go for the value crowd.

>> No.9418217

>Spiderman calzone

>mozzarella cheese
>tomato sauce

It's regular pizza themed, because Spiderman was a pizza delivery boy

>> No.9418222

this makes me irrationally angry

>> No.9418392

shames me that these hipster cunts are from my country and all. We get so little national representation and they're always fucking ballbags.

>> No.9418403

none of those were puns

>> No.9418406

Lost in translation perhaps? I have no other clue what anon was on about

>> No.9418415

A restraunt that serves items that best go with salsa (chips, quesadillas, etc.)

>> No.9418433

The south cant evrn understand niv versions of their holy book let alone understand or actually like what was traditionally served. If anything you'll have a tamborine shaking baptist adding passages to say fried foods are traditional biblical.

>> No.9418448

If you're in the UK this is my idea and I will hunt you down and slaughter you if you take it from me.

>> No.9418474

Has to be... have family in cedar rapids and man i miss a good tenderloin. ;_;

>> No.9418786

I know they're popping up everywhere, but a burger joint. An affordable burger with standard toppings, and standard potato fries. Working on variations and different toppings as well as fries.

>> No.9418805

>Hmm, what kind of people can I openly threaten the life of without being immediately retaliated against?

>> No.9418818

Ramen Nazi
In the flyover I live in there are no ramen shops. There used to be one but they kept fucked hours like 7:00pm to 4:00am and it took like a 45 mins or longer to get your shit food. They were in the hipster part of town and went out of business fast. Do something simple and fast in a small fucking shop. Ramen is basically an assembly of ingredients that are mostly precooked or cooked fast. There may just be no market for it were I live. Or 15 cent ramen packs have ruined the perception of ramen here.

>> No.9418836

Or you know, use plexiglass. Good enough to keep 100 tons of water and animals away from you, good enough for an ant farm.

Plus chinese restaurants have fish tanks there, they don't get broken.

>> No.9418847

If you make something too exotic to the locale, people just don't go. Comfort food is always part of any menu for a reason. I think there was an episode of Hell's kitchen about a lady who had a kitchen in England that served authentic southern cuisine which even Ransey liked but didn't make it.

>> No.9418862

logistically impossible, authentic Chinese requires high temp flames to work with. Also,
>Chinese food not being authentic
look harder

>> No.9418875

seems like an oxymoron to me. The majority of Korean food is prepared with such empowering sauces to override cheap ingredient. You'll hardly notice any difference between Kobe beef and a grade A hind leg meat after those sugar & garlic heavy marinades.

>> No.9418881

what about mixes, you angry af nigger

>> No.9418888

Use wood (700° f) or mapp gas (2000+). Which isn't even needed since Chinese cooks use propane and multiple jets to get it to heat high enough. Oxygen ratio control is necessary.

>> No.9418957

I like to think he's a self hating white liberal. Not even a wigger, just one of those affluent white college kids.

>> No.9418975

doubtful because self hating white liberals are usually cool with beaners and chinks

>> No.9418981

I think it was still funny. Would love to see that anon become the new food attraction for the dogs.

>> No.9418991

An ice cream truck but for adults instead. So it rides down the street from 5pm to around midnight, offering beer, whiskey, and cigars at a premium.

>> No.9418996

That's so illegal in America.

>> No.9419001

It's called TARGET

>> No.9419159

Totally legal in Louisiana so long as you sell the beer / whiskey in a cup with a lid and you put tape on the lid. In New Orleans there are plenty of Drive-Through Daiquiris.

>> No.9419173

Serves exclusively rich and hearty dishes like stewed ribs, but there is no cutlery.

People are encouraged to get messy and primitive while eating.

>> No.9419215

A wings/fried food place that serves dipping sauces in a bowl *IN* the table that is self-stirring and self-refiling through a pipe system from the main kitchen. Cheese, ranch, bbq sauce, etc.

>> No.9419224

My exas Iowanian. Tenderloin sammiches on Sunday, Potaro soup on Monday and Porchops & Mushroom gravy on Wednesday. The proverbial "farmer's daughters" know how to COOK.

>> No.9419232

high carb whole food plant based. It's a very rare kind of restaurant. Not even the raw fad places know how to not use extracted oil and de-fibered juice.

>> No.9419237

Illegal in AK. Stupid "open container laws"....

>> No.9419242

Its the one thing about iowa i miss. You just hit the nail on the head and its making me sp hungryy

>> No.9419256

Create a niche cuisine called "primal dining", paleo menue and serve nothing that can't be cooked on a flat rock over a fire or smoked. No cutlery or plating, your food is brought to your table on a tray and dumped on a waterproof tablecloth that is then replaced at the end of the meal and hosed off in the back.

High quality food, caveman-level dining.

>> No.9419358

you just didn't get it

>> No.9419404

A food truck that experiments new flavors with tacos and burgers, ranging from more traditional toppings such as the beloved cheesburger to a more Asiatic/Polynesian inspired mix, like Hawaiian style pork chop burgers. We make our own lemonade and also create interesting variations of soda and milkshakes.

Van is a kombi painted in bright sunny pastel colors to reflect the neo-Californian aesthetic.

>> No.9419430

Im guessing the standard female server attire is a sailor uniforn with cat ears and a nazi armband who will greet everyone with a little "Guten tag, senpai!"

>> No.9419464

I oculd see hipsters loving something like this

>> No.9419470

Indiana makes them better

is that you René Redzepi?

>> No.9419489

place where fat people are banned

>> No.9419509
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Resturaunt where you sit down and get local anesthesia and then the staff attaches a stomach pump to you surgically, that wau you can eat delicious food for hours and hours on end without getting full.

>> No.9419631

You gonna call it "Anorexia Nirvana"?

>> No.9419637


And also;

BULLSHIT! Indiana doesn;t even do a decent job of imitating Arizona or that shithole Illinois.

>> No.9419661

I like it. I make my own soda (from scratch, not that pre-packaged add seltzer water shit) if you want to ask any questions.

>> No.9419662

A bar that let's you be breastfed by big titty sluts

>> No.9419663

I was thinking gymrats, but hipsters will do, so long as they have the dosh.

>> No.9419748

Mexican restaurant called "Careful, The plate's hot!"

>> No.9419789

A food truck called cooked where we just get really fucking high and make traditional stoner foods

>pizza sandwhich
>spaghetti kebab
>burrito pizza
>pizza pocket burger
>spaghetti sandwhich
>pizza spaghetti
>2 min noodle sandwhich
>all of the above except also deep fried

also punk music is playing all the time

>> No.9419795

I was thinking of a breakfast restaurant like Waffle House or IHOP, but focused on eggs, eggs are very versatile and you can make many dishes with them so it would feature a very varied menu.

>> No.9419924

They also have to wear cat ears.

>> No.9419979

I swear, best thing I ever did was to escape from the fucking U.S.A. Here in Taiwan I can walk into a 7-11, buy a beer, pop the top, and walk down the street drinking it right in front of a cop. They won't even twitch, it's legal and nobody gives a shit.

>> No.9419987

There's a chain called "The Egg and I" that does that. I don't know how widespread it is.

>> No.9420038

subway but with hamburgers

>> No.9420106

weiner circle in chicago is super famous for this, i'm from australia and i know about it

>> No.9420118

>The Egg and I
I think it is mostly Portland based. Do you live here as well (Portland, OR)?

>> No.9420162

Pizzeria/Candy store

Sell all staple children's foods, Pizza, Tenders, Sandwiches, alongside all sorts of pre-2k candies, drinks and snacks.

Each dining booth has a CRT TV and either a Sega Genesis or Super Nintendo. Everything is 90's GNARLY themed.

Then if the business takes off, I'd buy a larger building and make a couple movie rooms in which 2 nights a week I'd put on a double feature of staple 80's and 90's movies. Eventually adding a bar.

Think Chuck E. Cheese, no play area, video games everywhere Blockbuster-style. Now I know gamers are an easy target, but everyone wants to be a 90's kid right now and I'll capitalize on those fucks just you watch.

>> No.9420275

Every 7-day week I have five countries represented on the menu by two dishes each. All the food is hearty and refuses to cater to either gluten scare or rawfood retardation. Every meal is paired (optional) with an alcoholic beverage from the same country. Rotations do not include deserts in their two dishes each but each country gets represented by one deserteach as well on the desert menu as well as either an avec or desert drink per country.
Countries banned from the rotation: Mexico, Canada, USA and UK.

After the restaurant gains traction, guests can vote online on which three continents the countries will be pulled from during future weeks.
Price range: 18-40 USD per dish.
Tipping is not allowed for parties smaller than seven people.

>> No.9420289

Reddit would love it

>> No.9420299
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>> No.9420577

>A family style fine dining experience where I serve a different meal every night and that is it. No choices to keep prices down and waste minimal. I may have Staples that are served weekly or bi-weekly if they prove popular. For example, I'd like to do fish Friday's but do different things like one week serve up a whole roasted salmon during salmon season, but during the winter do a hearty fish stew, or throw in a traditional bacalao dish etc. Ideally I have the whole week planned out and posted by Saturday at the restaurant and on social media so people can plan ahead since no choice will be offered. I'd like to find a way to keep prices within the $10-20 per person range, adjusting with cost of ingredients of course. Drinks sold separately, gotta make my margin somehow.
Tujaques in New Orleans did this for 160+ years. Price fixe several course lunch/dinner based on chefs dujour. There were oinly two items that were always offered, shrimp and brisket and the rest of the courses were seasonal gourmet things with no substitutions. They have the prix fixe as a special now, and offer choices too.
My family has been going for 4 generations there, since the 40s, for during business travel and vacation reasons. No matter what came out of that kitchen, was always a treat. Invented the grasshopper, oldest standup bar in america, boiled brisket with horseradish-remoulade...

>> No.9420593

It's like a pub meets a patisserie. I guess you could call it a chocolate bar.

>> No.9420644

Hi. Any of you guys fancy giving a review on m restaurant. Man bites frog in Chorlton, Manchester.
Thanks in sdvanve

>> No.9420941
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A vegan restaurant where I douse everything in salt, MSG, and sugar, and then deep-fat fry it.

Vegan instantly makes the restaurant stand out and attract attention.

Unhealthy food 'cause it's still America, and our vegans still love sodium-laden heart attack food.

>> No.9420960

I would serve the most pretentious and anoying food possible saying how it's all began free gmo with magic mother nature sprinkles and also some generic comfort food. I would ask to rate the experience, and then fuck with them saying that both dishes were done with the same ingredients. Hell, I don't care if it wins money, I just want people to stop eating that crap.

>> No.9420981

>Panini & pasta restaurant
>All sandwiches are served fresh, variations that'd be served are: Grilled cheese, Italian, Turkey and chicken
>Spaghetti and various pasta would be served. Toppings would be entirely customizable
>Your food would also be served by huge fat dudes in tights,
I also got another one but it's dumb
>A food place that serves Top Ramen, served with trendy hipster recipes and (possibly) arsenic
>The arsenic is served at random though, so no one knows which bowl it's in
>The restaurant would also sell expired sushi that's just painted to look good, because it'd be funny

>> No.9421699

cause its a sidedish and should stay that fucking way

>> No.9421738

Am I allowed to call them mommy?

>> No.9421753

Cool thanks for the info boss! I'm going to take this down because I WILL do a culinary tour of Nawlins b4 I die.

>> No.9421819

Night time buffet for the stoner fags

>> No.9421829

Fuck off Joe Rogan.

>> No.9421843

The philippines, famalam senpai

>> No.9421882

I'd love to be able to have my meals gradually pumped into me some days. When I'm just too busy doing work.

>> No.9421883

I'm thinking of a restaurant like Arby's, but offering offal based dishes, offal is very cheap so the prices would be good.

>> No.9421889

So... Any McDonald's with a play place?

>> No.9421909

you food segregationists fucking sicken me

>> No.9421989

how is it compared to normal soda?
how do you make it?

>> No.9422001

how cheap is taiwan anon?
could you redpill me on the country? been thinking about going there

>> No.9422031

Please put your idea into motion. I'd love to see it added to the corpse pile.

>> No.9422035

I call it slumming.
the wait staff will be dressed as homeless people.
sticky floors.
food will be served in a trashcan you'll have to stand around and dig your food out of, everything will be cooked but eaten cold, or just warm.
drinks are carried in flasks by the staff.
dingey lighting, broken neon, the scent of piss and vomit lingering in the air

>> No.9422039

The problem with such a concept is that the bade isn't large enough. The base is mostly millenial and millenials don't make shit.

Also, the first thing you need is a bar. Half your profits come from that alone

>> No.9422041

Vegan fast food.
I think it could do well in the right area.

>> No.9422044

Sounds like the BK by the SF city hall.

>> No.9422050

>Vastly overestimating the number of actual vegans because he's been on the internet too long

It wouldn't work here, where I live, a northern California uni town. It wouldn't work anywhere. Ok, well maybe parts if India.

>> No.9422350

the thing is, the vegans who do exist are a loyal customerbase and will spend good money for vegan food that isn't just a couple boring options on a mostly non-vegan menu
the real issue with this, at least where i live, would be that most vegans know how to make veganized comfort food and junk food at home and would prefer to pay for a comfy atmosphere, innovation and nice presentation to go out to eat with friends
there's a vegan cafe that specializes in things like burgers and chili cheese fries and shakes where i live, and it's done incredibly well but it's basically the hipster version of fast food. i suspect its success is largely due to the fact that they got a prime location in 'the granola belt' where all the hippie families live

>> No.9422383

With a couple of exceptions I prefer my homesoda to store bought. Making cola from real ingredients is a hit-or-miss proposition (mostly miss so far). But I've made good root beer, sarsparilla, birch beer, spruce beer, uncola, cream soda and ginger soda (ale, beer and stout). The only fruit soda I've had go south on me was orange (there's nothing that tastes like orange soda except orange soda concentrate).

I use filtered water, real ingredients (for example my ginger beer uses American, Jamaican and Siberian ginger, Madagascar vanilla bourbon, pineapple juice, cane sugar and key lime juice), and Ginger Beer Plant.

GBP is the key. It eats sugar and excretes CO2, allowing you to brew and carbonate naturally. Of course, you can choose to force CO2, the way the big soda companies do. It certainly takes less time and allows you greater control over the sweetness of the final product.

Basics of the evolution are thus:
>Heat 4 gallons of filtered water in 7 gallon pot.
>add all primary ingredients (fruit, sugar and primary herbs & spices)
>bring to a boil, then simmer for 20-30 minutes
>Remove from heat, allow to cool to ~175F
>add secondary ingredients (juice, delicate aromatics like vanilla extract) to brewbucket
>pour wort (heated water infused with flavors) into brewbucket, filtering out solids.
>allow to cool to ~72F
>Pitch GBP and seal the bucket and store at room temperature in a dark place; or filter into a Corney keg and force carbonate
>if using GBP taste the wort every day to check it's progress (sweetness & carbonation level), when soda tastes right bottle or transfer into a keg and store.
>if force carbing, store in a cool or cold place until the soda is carbonated, then detach from carb rig and store.

Propert sanitation and hygiene at all stages is essential.

>> No.9422467

Pizza drive through
Novelty health food
High end finger food at a place where you can pay for company like a host club but for old people(30+) and it's only open during lunch hours.

>> No.9422532

>cola is hit or miss

Sounds like you definitely know what you're doing on brewing, but I would have thought cola would have been reengineered by now and copycats available by googling. Do they just not work?

>> No.9422537

Asuka cosplayers are hired to go around sitting on the customers' faces.

>> No.9422610

Oh, you can buy cola concentrate, sure. 5 gallons worth costs you about $7 I'm talking about working it up from scratch using actual kola nuts and REAL ingredients. Haven't been able to get the color right (kola nut juice is red) and it always winds up too bitter.

You can get almost any flavor of soda concentrate, but brewing up REAL soda is a lost art.

>> No.9422715

>Selling beer and alcohol by private business is illegal
>Selling guns to adults with only minimal background check is okay
Its like a funny skit.

>> No.9422718

Tell me about it.

>> No.9422722

American South/Southwest cuisine in Britain.
>chicken and biscuits
>biscuits and gravy
>sweet tea
>tacos/Mexican menu
Shit like that. Possibly cajun.

>> No.9422728

Potato pancakes.
Sweet potato pie.

>> No.9422737

fully automated drive coffee drivethrough:
>no human workers except for regular maintenance
>is just more or less the size of a fridge
>you bring your own mug and get charged by how much you fill it up kind of like a gas pump (though you can buy a disposable cup for a small fee)
>Menu is fully customizable, you can add any mix of different milks sugars or flavors like caramel
>you can order before hand to have it ready for when you arrive (although it shouldn't take to long make on the spot anyway)
>you can have a default order, or it can make other suggestions based on previous orders
>use machine learning to figure out the optimal time to brew a new batch of coffee etc...

>> No.9422784

This is unironically the future. If only you were working on building robots and not shit posting.

>> No.9422879

Pretty sure britbongistanis hate flavor

>> No.9422989

I'm fucking dying

>> No.9422999
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The Wake and Bake Diner

Essentially we would serve regular diner food, but also include a special menu of weed infused breakfast foods. Donuts, muffins, pancakes, anything that we could put weed in, we would. 4/20 special platter served at 4:20 every day.

>> No.9423008

Isn't this just an arcade? There are already pay-per-hour console arcades in west coast.

>> No.9423090

a place where you can eat food off some japanese broad's tits

>> No.9423111

haha weed amirite XD

>> No.9423122

a restaurant that serves food

>> No.9423134

Yes, very XD my friend

>> No.9423157

Sounds like an automat for coffee. I could see these taking off if done right.

>> No.9423165

Kola nut juice..?
You are aware that the primary flavoring in cola is Ginger....right?

>> No.9423177
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Restaurant that only serves food from recipes more than 500 years old

>> No.9423195

It's easy enough, prepare some pizzas right before the time people start arriving, and keep what remains in a warm, safe place that people can see when they walk in.

>> No.9423214

No, I live here in Taipei, Taiwan. But the restaurant that I saw was in the far-southwest Chicago suburbs.

>> No.9423226

Where do you think the Cola in Coka-Cola comes from? Colas originally contained Kola nut juice to give it caffine and part of it's distinctive taste. I'm trying to figure out how to make a cola beverage without using 57 artificial flavors, caramel food coloring and refined caffiene.

>> No.9423312

Drop by /trv/ some time, we discuss it there fairly often.

It can be very cheap if you live like a local, very expensive if you try to live a USA lifestyle. Rent is about US$650 for a very nice apartment (top floor, ocean view, near the MRT) in Danshui. Food is about 50% more expensive than the U.S.; locals eat a LOT of rice and other carbs. Tech stuff is about 5% to 10% higher than in the U.S.

Within Taipei itself, the air pollution is relatively bad because of the topography and all the vehicles. In the south-central part of the country (Taichung, I think), the air is bad because of the world's largest coal-fired power plant, and the government is forcing the scrapping of the three nuclear plants so they're going to add more coal power, yay. Food safety is bad because the government doesn't go after scumbags who substitute cheap industrial chemicals for expensive food-grade food; there are constant problems with plasticizers being substituted for palm oil, or industrial oils being substituted for cooking oil. You can get around this by buying from Costco (which is mostly imported food) and cooking nearly everything for yourself at home.

Medical care sucks; if you need healthcare, the only solution is to fly to Thailand and pay for it. The local hospitals will kill you. They nearly killed me.

Taxes are low; I paid 12% total on $60K including their equivalent of "social security" AND their national health scam insurance. I can save over half that each year and still live quite comfortably. The U.S. IRS wants their cut on anything over $100K, so I don't have to pay anything to the U.S. on that $60K I've already put in 40 qualifying quarters for SocSec so (unless they change it, and they probably will) I won't lose out on that, although I probably won't get much out of it (but nobody will since it's already bankrupt and so is the U.S. government).


>> No.9423331

>>9423312 (cont'd)
I don't have a car; the government requires that you have a minimum of a year left on your resident visa in order to get a license, which means that since my company renews mine annually, I can never get licensed. There is ALWAYS less than a year left on it, since the government takes two weeks minimum to process it and dates it from the date that the company filed to get it. By the time I get it, I have 350 days left, and "no driver's license for YOOOOU!" I do drive a scooter (illegally), though. Dangerous but fun. I only use it during low-traffic times and in low-traffic places. The locals drive like idiots.

Cops are polite and decent. I've never had a problem with one. I'm a middle-aged white guy and the cops in the U.S. act like assholes toward me; last time I had to call one (in the U.S.) because someone had broken into my house, he saw a baggie of split peas (for soup) in my cupboard and freaked out claiming that they were marijuana. No, I'm not fucking joking. Another one (Chicago) wrote a ticket out for me but didn't give it to me, then filed it with his department -- I got sent a notice two years later and was told there was a warrant if it wasn't paid. Thanks, officer asshole.

On the plus side, it's warm, it's relatively cheap, taxes are VERY low, it's a good hub for travel, and the chicks are hot and willing and often quite kinky. I'm here because of work, and at this point I am probably stuck here because it is difficult to go back to the U.S. and be taken seriously. That's ok, what with taxes and ridiculous cost of living in the U.S., I'm saving twice as much on $60K as I was able to save on $100K in the U.S.

>> No.9423344

They sell alcohol to drunks. That's stupid, you should be required to be checked for past drunk driving or drunken violence. If they'd done that, my uncle would still be alive and half of Britain wouldn't be allowed to drink.

They don't sell guns to anyone who has ever committed a violent crime. Anyone who violates that and obtains a gun illegally goes to prison for a couple of years. It's like sanity.

>> No.9423431

Pretty smart, sounds like to me. If I was younger I'd gtfo of the shithole the US has become and join you. Good for you. I had my fun in Asia for several years right out of college.

>> No.9423442

One where if you ask if we have a "vegan" menu you get banned forever.

>> No.9423490

Its called "Brutally Honest"

The idea is that the waitstaff and customers will be encouraged to be critical about the food.

Basically the end goal is that eventually there will be nothing critical to say.

>> No.9425405

>change wal-mart to Sysco and you've just created the entire casual dining industry.

>> No.9425470

Then it can cater to American tourists and upcharge for huge profit.

>> No.9425502

In that case, perhaps throwing a few British comfort foods on the menu would be a good idea. Stuff that would fit in with Southern stuff pretty well, like black pudding or shepherd's pie. There is some Scottish and Irish influence in American Southern cuisine anyway.

>> No.9425507

It's a coffee shop that has pictures of famous actors and musicians who have fallen on hard times

The name is "has beans"

>> No.9425517

This reminds me of my dream as a kid to live on a planet made entirely of tangerine segments

>> No.9425545

This girl is violating several health codes.
Why can't I run a restaurant wearing only an AA cup bra and panty-jeans?!

>> No.9425554
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Please make this happen.

>> No.9425724

Isn't that just Five Guyss?

>> No.9425823

But zebra are all black with white stripes

>> No.9426113

Ancient Roman restaurant serving foods that they would have eaten back then. And of course decorated accordingly.

>> No.9426321

"Open Sauce" you getz recipe for food you haz orderts:
Go order, eat, like, get recipe flyer, try cook... not so great, come again, order same meal to compare....something something... profit

>> No.9426478
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>> No.9426619


>> No.9426623

Lesbian cafe
Only lesbians are allowed except for trans M-to-F or the butch types (basically only lipstick lesbians).
It'd be a lot like a gay bar but obviously more feminine with cute/sexy waitresses only.

>> No.9426691

Might be hard, they types of grain they used to use in bread making are more or less extinct (Einkorn and Emmer) except spelt.

Spelt almost went extinct, but a movement in the 1970s renewed interest in it.

Find a seed bank and ask for some emmer, grow and harvest and return what you borrowed from the bank and try making some roman era bread.

>> No.9426992
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>making some roman era bread from emmer

That'd be dank as fuck. I'd pay up to $10.00 for a 1lb loaf just to try it if it were baked in a wood fired oven.

>> No.9427278
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Would a gentoo restaurant be that but also deconstructed food?

>Only lesbians are allowed except for trans M-to-F or the butch types (basically only lipstick lesbians).

Fuck off Cathy Brennan

>> No.9427335

sorry, lesbians will never be attracted to you, hon

>> No.9427414

Weird because I've had sex with both cis and trans lesbians, but whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.9427505

Not sure how the restaurant would work but have the bar sell beer in super soaker guns and hard liquor in cheap squirt guns.

>> No.9427539

You forgot soy sauce

>> No.9427555

Copy Ichiran Ramen


>> No.9427566
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That was my idea, damn it.

>> No.9427575


>its inside a grimy warehouse type place
>only serve various mystery/mixed meats all ground together
>all food is placed in a few dog bowls including a few dog bowls with water
>there are always more guests than bowls so you have to fight for your meal

>> No.9427578


>> No.9427579

Already exists

>> No.9427794

Why do you think it could work in Atlanta? I can see San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City... Why Atlanta?

>> No.9427808

Dumpling Dump.....
tiny food shack...to go dumplings of all sorts- alfresco dining on few tables out front...fresh iced tea and lemonade.

>> No.9427967

What if there was a list of ingredients, and you could choose 2 or 3 things to go in your dumplings?

>> No.9428002


>> No.9428191

An arena with 15 or so different food trucks and only one window that they can pull up to serve you at. (Reinforced for customer safety of course. You approach the window and press a button to announce your presence, and the food trucks have to demolition derby in order to get the precious window spot. The trucks have to be fast at order fulfilment because they could get knocked away at any time. Nobody pays until the food is in their hand.

>> No.9428218

That's a lot of work to put toward clientele who are going to be rude to the employees, destroy the building, leave no tips and complain about everything.

>> No.9428225

Small art cafe
Hire qt's, change theme seasonally in fantasy, cute maid, cosplay themes etc
Host art and MTG events (I live in Seattle, these things are common)

>> No.9428659

So your average burger joint in mexico

>> No.9428686

Coffee place with brain teasers
Wood theme
Lounge upstairs for hours by paying per hour, have a small library there.

>> No.9430533

>instead of chairs there are turbotrainers and rollers for roadbikes
>coffee black/sugar/milk
>protein snacks
>carbohydrate snacks
>free coffee refills as long as you can maintain 300W

>> No.9430919

A restaurant for alcoholics where you can drink as much as you like and not feel rude/uncomfortable. Wash your steak back with a whole bottle of scotch and our staff will drive you home.

>> No.9431585
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fantasy LARP / cosplay pub
looks like pic related
maybe hire actual dwarves or something

>> No.9431612

A restaurant where everything is cooked with a little cannabutter.

>> No.9431925

I think that's just called a dive bar, man

>> No.9431969

sounds comfy
Too bad I actually quit drinking like a good boy :(

>> No.9431990
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i want to reserve a table good sir

>> No.9431994
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>Russian military jacket
>Japanese on bag

>> No.9432000

That's just Bob's Burgers

>> No.9432018

yeah, if I learned one thing about running a restaurant from Gordon Ramsay's shows, it'd be that.

>> No.9432031

A pizza place that mixes bone marrow into the dough
And no, I thought about this before the Boneless pizza meme

>> No.9432045

gay plastic paddy larp bullshit fuck off

>> No.9432047

>Only the lucky fall into their dream job they got a degree in.

As another guy with a poli sci degree, I can second this. What job do I have? I shoot xrays and do CT scans in a hospital. lol

>> No.9432088

A shop like papa murphys except you aren't allowed to leave the store with the pizza

>> No.9432094

Hire some old cajun and get him to sell gumbo out of a cart

>> No.9432104

A restaurant where you make your own food. It's like blue apron except your ingredients are fresh instead of shipped from wherever and you don't have to clean up after yourself.

>> No.9432114
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Molecular gastrostomy restaurant, but we only do that puree shit that tastes like hamburgers or birthday cakes or some other actual food.

The purees are not served on plates, but on the busboys' penises, and we only hire uncircumcised Asian or Latino men as busboys.

>> No.9432131

>but nobody will since it's already bankrupt and so is the U.S. government

You know people have been saying this about social security for literally decades?

>> No.9432697

McDonalds burgers are shit.

>> No.9433112

Just a normal restaurant, but before people are allowed to enter, they have to show what topic they are researching in mathematics and do some basic proofs in the subject.

>> No.9433154

You sign a waiver before you sit down.
They serve normal food, but they never bring you utensils.
Instead, they only bring power tools.
Cordless drills, table saws, angle grinders, small chainsaws.

>> No.9433837

I see you're not a gun owner.
Don't believe everything you're told, it's no less difficult to get a gun in America than anywhere else.
We just like them more.

>> No.9433859

Translation: I've had sex with gross tumblrites who claim to be lesbians for SJW cred and dudes but I'm totally not gay honest
What a loser

>> No.9433866

You my nigga.
I'd love to run a fantasy tavern.

>> No.9433870

I'll pump it in you ;)

>> No.9433872

Quality sausages and brats fast food place

Fried cheese curds are main side

>> No.9435056

You bring the ingredients, cooking materials, and expertise. We provide a place to cook and eat. The ultimate diy experience. Tipping compulsory.

>> No.9435092

a food truck which serves somewhat seasonal soups with a carb (rice, pasta, or fresh baked bread) and various extras

>> No.9435096

lol fuck off dude the whole boneless pizza meme is so retarded

yyou are so unoriginal

>> No.9435112

Your insurance would not cover you, assuming the health inspectors allows it in the first place

>> No.9435129

For the longest time I wanted a bar/pub and bakery combo. Have nice desserts infused with alcohol, or have a beer with your doughnut idk. Could have a list of pairings for people to try

>> No.9435254

>Illinois a shithole

Can confirm, I live in that shithole.

>> No.9435563

Can you not read nigga

>> No.9435645

Rare Organic Indonesian Spices

>move to southern california
>go to 99 cents store
>buy fuck load of chips
>crush em
>put in spice bottles
>drizzle over soups, sandwiches, eggs, whatever
>market to hipsters

>> No.9435742

Had a place like this in the college town I used to live in. Didn't even last a year.

>> No.9435778

A restaurant like Subway, but with wraps.

>> No.9435790

TPN isn't a good idea if you can avoid it. You could just give people Soylent with an NG tube.

>> No.9435791

>small shop that only serves a small menu of wood fired pizza, brownies, and beer
>pizza menu has a small core and the rest of the items are seasonal
>two kinds of brownies: dark chocolate and blondies
>a few staple beers with local craft beers rotating through the rest

>> No.9435803

>updated tiki bar concept with good hawaiian and american chinese food

>eastern european small plates with vodka served in small carafes (3-10oz) so that you can share it with your friends and make toasts, but still try more than one variety

>food truck that sells cold pizza (made fresh every evening and chilled overnight)

So, Pita Pit?

>> No.9435841

How about a soup+bread+spread place. Offer four soups on a given day, rotating them. Several breads to choose from, and several spreads for the bread.

Keep it simple, so it can be cheap, but a good meal.

>> No.9435860

Id love to open a sandwich place. Id freshly slice some raw beef and make awesome cheese steaks made to order. I'd smoke meats, pastrami that kinda shit. Roast beef. Maybe some Italian cuts. Fresh made bread. Fresh sliced veggies.

>> No.9436271

'Just Reubens'

>> No.9436328
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Primarily a fry joint with fries made of starchy things. Different yams, carrots, bananas and more exotic roots/vegetables. Cold pizza cut into thin strips and battered then fried. Meat fries. Cheap ingredients, big servings, tons of tasty sauces. If it can go through pic related then I'll fry it.

I think it'd be ridiculously easy to run.

>> No.9436773

There are ice cream trucks in my city that drive around late at night during the summer. You can buy ice cream from them, but what they actually sell is weed

>> No.9436804
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There was one in my town. It didn't do very well.

>> No.9436864
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Only authentic antique roman dishes.
Alternatively, a restaurant where only my husbando can order food and he has to pay with half his wages.

>> No.9436910

Was that a watership down joke? Thats dark mang.

>> No.9437088

There's also a bunch of bars in NYC that are stuffed with arcade games in the walls. One of them is a chain called Barcade.

>> No.9437124
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There's a brand of sodas by a company called Q. None of their drinks have artificial flavors or colors, the ingredients are organic, and they use agave nectar as their sweetener instead of corn syrup. They have a cola flavor in their range and the guests at my bar rave about it. Pic related


>> No.9437226

I would 100% eat here. Add options to serve the brats and sausages in either a toasted sourdough baguette or over mixed salad and you suddenly have mass market appeal. Add fries to the menu for children and manchildren. Offer guests a small assortment of optional toppings on their brats: sauerkraut, cornichons, melted cheese, etc. Serve everything with a side of mustard for dipping.

>> No.9437703

A burrito truck that serves beer and has girls in bikinis. Also it has poles connected on the top of it for pole dancing.

>> No.9437841
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Self-replying, I promise not to be a Soup Nazi.