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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9410150 No.9410150 [Reply] [Original]

In Italy, when you order a full pizza, why does it come unsliced?

>> No.9410166

to eat with a fork and knife, it's the traditional way.

now why italians must always do everything the exact way they have been doing it for generations, that's just their thing I guess.

>> No.9410186

If you're having trouble, maybe you could ask mommy to come with you, to cut the pizza just the way you like it. She can also blow on it a bit if it's too hot for you.

>> No.9410188

Fucking posh faggot, you take up the entire pie and you FOLD IT AND EAT IT. Dat's how REAL 'talians do it.

>> No.9410191

because America is better at everything including other countries cuisine

>> No.9410194

I can't imagine Italians eat peasant street food with a knife and fork.

>> No.9410200

adults are expected to know how to cut their food.

>> No.9410226

What if I'm a 5yo loli

>> No.9410230

>pizza was a peasant food so will always be a peasant food meme
Enjoy your bread, peasant.

>> No.9410294
File: 32 KB, 336x450, berbere-firenze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently moved to Florence, and a lot of restaurants serve pizza sliced.
Especially the 'hip' places - it encourages sharing.

>> No.9410420

what's this one called? looks amazing

>> No.9410434

In America pizza has become associate with on the go the food, meaning the convenience of a slice being foldable is great for businessman/people who just need a quick lunch

In italy you eat it the way they ate it hundreds of years ago at a table with a knife and fork

>> No.9410450

It looks like bread with prosciutto and italian sald dressing on it

>> No.9410478

Don't shit on muh traditions, how else will I justify making far too much seafood and pasta every Christmas Eve?

>> No.9410484
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>> No.9410540

It's not peasant street food it's a typical lunch like chicken parma, fish & chips, steak n salad

>> No.9410703

>businessman/people who just need a quick lunch

Pretty much sums up our quality of life. Slam down a lunch in 15 mininutes so you can get back to Schlomo Shekelstein's office where you can earn him some more shekels while you get Matzo soup for your Xmas bonus.

>> No.9410709

if you ask for it they will also cut it for you, I always do that
italians are autistic

>> No.9410763

Pizza is good if you eat it every once in a while (twice or three times a year), any more than that and it becomes a dull, boring overrated food you quickly get tired of if you're a normal person.

If it wasn't for the massive Neapolitan immigration to USA and at the same time USA mass-exporting its culture to the reset of the world through Hollywood, pizza would have never become as big as it's today.

There are so many much more interesting and delicious dishes you can prepare with cheese and tomato sauce.

Strictly culinary-wise, pizza doesn't deserve all the hype it gets. Honestly.

>> No.9410771

>twice or three times a year

stop posting

>> No.9410777

>There are so many much more interesting and delicious dishes you can prepare with cheese and tomato sauce.
Such as...?

>> No.9410778

>There are so many much more interesting and delicious dishes you can prepare with cheese and tomato sauce.
Like what? Genuinely interested.

>> No.9410782

Why any more than that?
Are you telling me that you have pizza more than once a month?

>> No.9410785

pants on head retarded

>> No.9410795
File: 29 KB, 400x400, 1509e34005183da5ea4eb29150f341e5_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just fold it like a taco ya dingus

>> No.9410796

>12 months in a year
>3 times a year
You're a fucking idiot and don't know what you're yapping about

>> No.9410806

Yes, by your reaction I guessed that not only you have pizza more than once every six months, you also have it more than once every single months.

You know what's the worst thing here? You don't even enjoy pizza, you just eat it because you've taken it as part of your routine.
Have pizza once every six months, not only you won't miss it, you will actually enjoy it the few times you eat it.

>> No.9410813

might as well eat X specific thing every 4-6 months by your logic to 'actually enjoy it'

kill yourself retard

>> No.9410828

It's true, expand your menu.

>> No.9410883

The problem with pizza in america is the same problem endemic in the society. What's the minimum amount of expense on ingredients and production we can get away with and still have retards thinking it's good, especially when we put an american flag on the box with a silhouette of a popgun.

>> No.9411043

and back to /pol/ you go

>> No.9411077

Spaghetti and meatballs

Tomato, carb, cheese and "topping".

>> No.9411104

I will beat you senseless and drag you outside just to put a bullet into your head.

>> No.9411134

I hope you get raped to death by a pack of wild boars and go to the lower depths of hell you fucking faggot.

>> No.9412009

loli haet pizza, so you just don't eat any

>> No.9412519

Whenever I had it the server sliced it in front of me after setting it down.

>> No.9413534

swaghetti and memeballs

>> No.9413566
File: 50 KB, 550x366, giro-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> fork and knive near the plate for what
next time do a giropizza

>> No.9414048

I think it's pizza bianca with prosciutto crudo and nuts

>> No.9414065

Not prosciutto crudo, it's another kind of pork meat that around here we call speck. Comes from South Tyrol.

>> No.9414077

speck, noci, mascarpone

>> No.9414088

And laugh behind your back for being a manchildren.

>> No.9414095

That's about how often I have it.

>> No.9414147

In burgerland, when you have a baby, why does its penis come sliced?

>> No.9414166

they probably do yes, too spineless to say anything to my face

>> No.9414359

And they do not.
Not even on formal occasion.

t. Italian

>> No.9414370
File: 269 KB, 709x482, 1468503882215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's be american pretending to know italian cousine
>spaghetti and meat-a-balls :^)^)^)

each fucking time

>> No.9414471

So tomato, dough(carb), cheese and topping makes a dish better than pizza. Got it. Thanks dude.

>> No.9414558

>server sliced it for me

Did she cut it into bite size pieces and feed it to you like a wittle babby too? Now that, I might tip for.

>> No.9414567

Or too nice you mega retard

>> No.9414574

t. noseberg

>> No.9414597

that wasn't very nice you pussy shitalian

>> No.9414607

I'm brazilian and the everyone eat with fork and knife, but the pizza come unslice anyways. Maybe because Italians can eat a whole pizza and the rest of the world don't.

>> No.9414874

Fuck you and your slices, I'm not sharing.

>> No.9414917


Regardless of /pol/ shit, this is a depressing fucking state of life. I can't believe my coworkers that spend EVERY day shoveling down their lunch in 5 minutes, or eating it at their desk, instead of taking the lunch break they are legally entitled to.

Yeah, sometimes you have to suck it up and jump to another thing and need to chow down, but that should be the exception, not the rule.

>> No.9415080

That's why anyone predicting a nirvana of machines doing our work and giving us a leisurely free time are full of shit. They said that 30 years ago and we're working more hours than ever just to survive. The US is trully hell unless you're the top 5%.

>> No.9415101


Honestly, i rarely get pizza.

>> No.9415111


I don't necessarily agree with that, only because I think you have a skewed perception of the top 5%, but I do agree that the upper middle class is shrinking and the top has an easier course to profit.

>> No.9415292

Even if you had pizza as a meal once every month, so 12 times in a year (assuming 3 meals a day) you still have over 1000 meals to work with for "expanding your menu" there chief

>> No.9415309

>pizza becomes boring
>when you can put literally anything on it and have a new dish
That's like saying pasta dishes should only be eaten twice a year because there's so much more you can do with flour

>> No.9417475

>too lazy to make enough money to put the proper amount of toppings on a pizza
>too lazy to even slice it

>> No.9417504

>The US is trully hell unless you're the top 5%
fuck off man.
Life is super fucking easy in America thanks to capitalism. Almost every single one of us is in the global top 5% and have access to more than people ever had in the past

>> No.9417519

They're passing the savings onto you.

>> No.9417528

Because americans have no table manners and insist on finger food.

If it bothers you that much, just fold it up and eat it.

>> No.9417537

>reddit spacing
>muh civilized silverware
What is a subhuman faggot, for a thousand, Alex.

>> No.9417547

>eating with a fork and knife is posh
Do Americans really think eating with utensils is posh?

>REAL 'talians
You mean American "Italians".

>> No.9417552


>> No.9417608

Is because ur supposed to slice it, unsliced stays warm for longer, the people saying about fork and shit ar idiots, pizza is fast food here in italy too.

>> No.9417615

Hell, forks weren't even in widespread use in the US until the end of the 19th century. We're still getting accustomed to using utensils for shovelling food into our maws.

>> No.9417633


Bullshit, u dont know what ur talking about being middle class in Europe i enjoy i quality of life i would have to be upper class to enjoy in america.
It saddens me how shitty ur people have it in the states.

>> No.9417648

Obviously upper class.

>> No.9417710

i didnt say im upperclass, actually what i said is that u must be upperclass in the states to live better than i do, seriously u criticize me for my bad english but u cant even understand whats explained to u, if u dont have a graphic at the side.

>> No.9417732

Let me help you out: If you're from a country that doesn't speak English natively, you might as well be living in a ghetto in America. Don't bother replying again. inb4 you do because you're not a civilized anglophone.

>> No.9417788

Inba let me try to be snarky and ask u not to reply me back, because im afraid i cant back up anything i say if this scalates.

U realize ur replying in a thread about Italy right? Dumbass

Why the most ignorant people in the states ar the loudest?

>> No.9417803

Cool reddit spacing. Thanks for proving you're incapable of being civilized.

>> No.9417817

The simple answer is... because you ordered a full pizza and our "full pizza" tend to be only enough for one or maybe two people. We don't tend to make large ones as are found abroad.
If you want sliced pizza, go to a place that says 'pizza al taglio' (literally, pizza by the slice). You'll generally pay by weight or length of the slice (the pizza tend to be rectangular rather than circular so measuring length to decide how much you'll pay isn't difficult).

Getting a circular pizza cut into slices to eat as finger food is somewhat uncommon because many of the ones made this way have crusts, excluding the crown part of it, a bit too thin and soft to eat with hands.

>> No.9417823

If you don't like pizza then that's fine. But to most people it's an amazingly tasty food that's affordable and accessible. You're either a fucking idiot or from some third world country if you believe the pretentious shit you just spewed.

>> No.9417830

First u criticize my grammar
Second u criticize the fact that im not an english native speaker.
Third u criticize the spacing i use when writing.

If u have to resort to criticize grammar agaisnt someone who doesnt speak natively ur own lenguage, because u cant argue agaisnt them, ur just probably a complete retarded.

I mean u have it easier since is ur native tongue and probably the only lenguage u speak, come on silly boy.

>> No.9417839

Cool reddit spacing. Thanks for proving you're incapable of being civilized.

>> No.9417861

They dont slice it for you so that you can choose the size of your slices, depending on how you eat pizza. Larger slices for folding, thinner slices for sharing, etc.

>> No.9417878
File: 1.80 MB, 2416x1708, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason why they give you a pizza cutter in Italian restaurants.
Choose your own portion sizes if sharing. Don't start eating with your hands though, they'll throw you out.
I would add if your idea of Italian fine dining is Olive Garden or similar then ignore the above.

>> No.9417879

They don't slice it for you because Italians are lazy. Just look at the shit job they did of preparing they pizza in OPs pic. Burnt, watery sauce, uneven distribution of cheese, whole leaves of herbs thrown in the middle because using a knife is soooo hard.

>> No.9417883

Did you suck the waiter's dick in the bathroom too?

>> No.9417898

>he doesn't use the Firefox 4chinks add on
Bet you're not even behind a proxy either
Enjoy getting v&.

>> No.9417908

Epic browser automatically renames all files upload to the www.
Lurk moar, IE child.

>> No.9417912

Sorry for not being a pedophile (the only reason to use something other than Chrome or FF), guise.

>> No.9417919

It's a FF extension, retard.

>> No.9417931

Are you talking about a user script or what? I'm using 4chan X and it doesn't have anything to do with someone having the same image name as though they're posting from an iPhaggot device.

>> No.9417932

>I saw this cool comeback on 4chan
>I've no idea what it means but I'll use it anyway
Absolutely the worst kind of new faggotry.
Stick to Facebook.

>> No.9417935

Same person?

>> No.9417944

>t. homosexual who posts from his phone
How is that relevant?

>> No.9417945

>4Chan X
That doesn't offer any form of privacy.
If it's a case of babby's first steps in privacy then get Epic browser and learn to configure it.

>> No.9417952

If u go to the pizzeria, it come unsliced. In the most cases when u go for takeway tho, they slice pizza for you. thats how it works

>> No.9417957

>That doesn't offer any form of privacy.
Like I said, I'm not a pedophile. Just so you know, it's kind of telling when privacy is the first thing you jump to. You might want to think about that before you go full pedo sperg on people irl about browser shit.

>> No.9417962

Wanted to count chromosomes.

>> No.9417970

this is exactly the sort of mentality that makes cyber crime so easy.
What's your social security number btw, I'm running a poll and one lucky winner will get $1000 and a trip to Las Vegas?

>> No.9417972

>Wanted to count chromosomes
>is a pedophile
You sure got me.

>> No.9417978

>i'm j-j-j-just doing this t-t-t-to prot-t-tect myself from t-t-t-the real criminals!
Nice try.

>> No.9418120
File: 252 KB, 1002x1160, fucking pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you are talking about foreign countries because here they sure as fuck don't give you a pizza slicer.
>How to eat pizza
You cut it in four slices and eat it like pic related upper image, you can eat it with fork and knife but only if you don't want to get your hands dirty
Or you eat it folded,lower pic, this is usually done with smaller 1€ pizzas you eat on the street.

t. neapolitan

>> No.9418311

I like the neapolitan crust, but the unseasoned tomato sauce, bits of cheese with a few leaves for toppings was disappointing.

overrated reddit pizza.