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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9406956 No.9406956 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else love all canned seafood?

>> No.9407016

come to new orleans, we have a wine and canned seafood bar

>> No.9407024
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>go out to eat canned food
Do Americans really do this

>> No.9407025

Seriously that sounds amazing.

>> No.9407033

I love em.
Sometimes you need cheap pub food. Europeans eat blood sausage at bars

>> No.9407034


Hell yeah. I had a tin of smoked trout last week- it was my first time having it- and I'm pretty sure I'm addicted.

Oldfags from the US, any of you remember Hegg&Hegg seafood from the mid to late '90s? They had god-tier canned fish, locally caught on the West Coast I think. Their salmon and kippered herring were especially delicious. I think they stopped their retail sales though. My father would get a big order every Christmas, and he and my brother and I would just pig out on canned fish for lunch every day for the next week or so.

>> No.9407036
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>Four-hour guru Tim Ferriss extolled the virtues of doing so on the Freakonomics podcast (“I will literally buy cases of sardines,” he said), and Wild Planet, which sells sustainable fish in cans, has seen sales rise 28 percent in the past year. What’s going on here? Thanks for asking.

>> No.9407038

Is canned octopus something you just eat out of the can? Never bought that.

>> No.9407069

I like canned fish, but invertebrates from a can have a disgusting texture that I can't get past. Seems like creatures need to have skeletons to still taste good after the canning process.

>> No.9407070

Yes, and it's delicious.

>> No.9407071

Sardines are delicious but canned octopus and canned clams were outputting for me

How do you guys eat it? With mustard? Saltine crackers?

>> No.9407074

Canned smoked mussels are fucking divine.

>> No.9407082

Bleh, no thanks. I like mine steamed and put on top of pasta with a lemony cream sauce at a restaurant.

>> No.9407087

Saltless saltines for me normally.

My personal favourite is smoked getting packed in hot sauce.

I like canned tuna on toasted bagels though.

Only canned fish that I don't get is salmon. I love salmon, but canned salmon is gross.

>> No.9407089
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*smoked herring

>> No.9407128

Never had canned salmon ever and now I never will, thank you for getting rid of that curiosity from my mind. I will stick with the expensive fresh stuff.

>> No.9407132

I do. Seafood is the only thing that actually is just as good canned as fresh.

>> No.9407141
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>> No.9407154
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Just thinking about a tin of these with some chopsticks makes my mouth water.

>> No.9407165
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Canned salmon is good for salmon salad and salmon patties. The only thing I don't like is having to dig around in the meat to remove vertebrae.

>> No.9407184

>canned oysters
>hot sauce
>worchstershire sauce
>top them on saltines

Pretty tasty snack

>> No.9407210


Damn, you must love strong salt and piquant flavors. Eating anchovies wrapped around capers straight up would make my fuckin mouth pucker lol

>> No.9407222
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You guys gotta try canned cod liver. Ten times better than fois gras, doesnt kill you as quickly, tastes amazing on fresh bagels.

>> No.9407224
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Actually, in parts of Italy and especially Spain they have very high-dollar restaurants that specialize in canned seafood.
The fact that you didn't know this leads me to believe that you are a shitskin. Arab maybe? Dune coon?

>> No.9407238

Never heard of this. Isn't cod liver oil famously disgusting?

>> No.9407239


I wasn't even aware that canned cod livers were a thing.

>> No.9407245

It's a restaurant that just dumps stuff from a can on your plate, or they cook with the canned seafood?

>> No.9407257

Thats in those shitty costco gelatin pills that everyone as a kid choked on. When its still absorbed by the liver, though, it tastes creamy.

>> No.9407261

On a scale of 10/you, how triggered are you by European superiority?

>> No.9407265

Ok thank you for your contribution.

>> No.9407280

what is good entry-level canned seafood? i grew up eating seafood all my life but it was all fresh, canned stuff looked appetizing but i wouldnt know where to start.

>> No.9407289

>shitty costco gelatin pills that everyone as a kid choked on
please tell me more about this

>> No.9407291

If you're not talking about the usual fare of canned tuna or crab meat, you can start with smoked oysters or spat.

Kind of off the beaten path, but pickled herring on a Pepperidge Farm butterfly cracker (or a nice mini-rye slice) with a sliver of the onion it's brined in is sublime.

>> No.9407296
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Kippered herring.

>> No.9407306
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Not him, but my mom bought fish oil pills for me when I was a kid because omega-3 fats are very important for developing brains and I didn't like fish or really any meat very much back then.

>> No.9407341
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Are you Portuguese? I have no idea where these would be found in the u.s. except maybe a specialty store in a big coastal city.

>> No.9407346

Omg pickled anchoa. Why oh why do don't they pickle anchoa here in America. It's the best way to have anchoa.

>> No.9407366

Probably because you got plenty of meat from your dad

>> No.9407374

I think it's foul, but it's super high in Omega 3. But then I also think liver is disgusting period.

>> No.9407382

>remove vertebrae
They're the best part. They add crunch.

>> No.9407390

The cornmeal and onions in my salmon patties are good enough for crunchiness.

>> No.9407422

Canned kippered herring or sardines in mustard sauce are my favorite.
Eat them on crackers, plain and simple

>> No.9407434

Do you have a good recipe? i used to love salmon patties, but haven't made them in years

>> No.9407437

I love anchovies on fresh crusty bread for a snack

>> No.9407439

It's on my mom's kitchen bookshelf and I moved out 4 years ago, so I haven't made them in years also.

>> No.9407447

Bummer, my grandmother used to make them and i moved out of state

>> No.9407450

Just made an open face sardines and Gouda melts based on inspiration from this thread.

>> No.9407464

Speaking of corn, though, try this horribly fattening casserole some time.

>2 cans sweet corn
>1 can cream style corn
>1 cup shredded cheddar
>8 oz sour cream
>4 oz cream cheese
>1 box Jiffy cornbread mix
>1 diced onion
>1-2 diced jalapenos
>1/2 can (7 oz) sweetened condensed milk
>1 stick of butter

Oven preheated to 350F, mix everything together except sour cream. Swirl sour cream into mixture and bake for an hour until golden brown on top.

>> No.9407466

>turning into a third world shithole
>literally cant even stop their girls from getting groomed and raped constantly by somalians
>need a government permission cuck card to be allowed to buy a gun or cant own one at all
>controlled by the EU, have no sovereignty, unelected government
>even when the UK elects to brexit, the EU just tells you to shut the fuck up and pay your teletax or whatever you faggots call it lol
>police dont even shoot niggers
>can get ANY FOOD in the US thanks to our superior economy, even flyovers can get whatever they want from a grocery store no matter what time of the year it is

yes, we are in awe by your superiority. Are you required by law to get mad at people that say disrespectful things about dune coons or Islam? Hurry up, you need to go do your civic duty to prep Mohammed to impregnate your girlfriend right? Its not so bad, you have such superior bread and coffee, not just hot water passed through coffee grounds, right? So superior!

>> No.9407479

Forgot to add, use an 8x8" casserole dish.

>> No.9407483

That's nasty. This is why I can my own salmon. No pinbones, no vertebrae, no skin and no fat unless I want it.

>> No.9407488

>getting mad at brown people instead of rapists.

>> No.9407497

Anyone else ever have smoked or salted hooligan? How about sundried salmon slab?

>> No.9407501

Most rapists are brown people and most brown people are rapists. Get out of your basement and really learn about the real world.

>> No.9407505

what am I looking at here exactly

>> No.9407507

Rape is a cultural phenomenon that goes part and parcel with Islam.

>> No.9407518
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Forgot pic

>> No.9407519

smoked mussels. delicious smoke flavour

>> No.9407536

lolwat? Please explain your reasoning, unless you're a troll, then just say something funny.

>> No.9407575

Rape is the natural state of mammal reproduction. Only humans have broken that cycle.

>> No.9407593

Not saying that ONLY mislims rape. I'm saying that Islamic law both encourages and accepts rape as acceptable. In fact, if a woman is raped and can prove it (which requires 3 male muslim witnesses under Sharia) SHE is put to death, usually by stoning. If a man wrongs you (i.e. punches you or defrauds you or damages your property) a not uncommon punishment is for you and your family to be allowed to rape his sister. Afterwards, her own family must stone her to death in order to expiate the shame of having had one of it's womenfolk engage in sex outside of marriage. Rape of non-muslim women is encouraged in the qu'ran and is justified as "spoils of battle" for jihadists. Girls as young as 8 are married against their will to men in their 40s and some imams maintain a stable of girls and women to whom you can get married for a few hours for a fee. Afterwards, he dissolves the marriage and all the fucking you just did is perfectly legal. Never mind that the girl can NEVER get an actual husband because she's no longer a virgin. Never mind that she has no say in whether or not she gets "married" or to whom. Never mind that she receives NONE of the compensation for her paid rape.

Do you know why martyrs are promised 72 virgins (more specifically 72 houris - a type of air-spirit, not an actual human female)? Its becayuse Islam doesn;t recognize that women have souls. They don't go to heaven because they're no different than dogs or horses or cattle theologically speaking.

Islam is a fucked religion that produced a fucked culture from the word go. It's central figure was a half-mad goatherd who married a 6 year-old and raped her when she turned 9. And that is the figure they aspire to emulate.

>> No.9407595
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This stuff is godly

>> No.9407600

Rape requires the witholding of consent. Consent is only possible with self-awareness/moral agency. Animals do not posess moral agency, nor self-awareness to a level that makes consent an issue.

Also, you may want to look at every species that uses mating displays and mating calls. Those species tend to be centered around females choosing the males they're going to reproduce with.

>> No.9407601

You're full of shit. I used to breed hamsters and there's a courtship phase that ends with the female hamster holding still, raising her backend and tail before the male hamster sniffs his way toward the pussy and mounts her. I've also seen attempted hamster rape, the female will fight for her life if the male is /r9k/-tier.

>> No.9407609


There are a lot of fucked up cultures when you get to the backwoods. Just look at Appalachia. Most Muslims do not tolerate rape, because of regular human interaction. If your sister was getting raped, would you let that shit happen?

That being said, cordon off the area, let the Islamists do what the fuck they do, let the Zionists do what the fuck they do, and don't keep letting them come out in droves. But this is /ck/, so ignore me and let's stop talking this rot.

>> No.9407622

False equivalence. Rape just requires the one being fucked to not want it. Current civilization has just made it so that sex by force is a faux pas, but every war in history has shown us that humans can revert back to their more base instincts.

>> No.9407665

>Most Muslims do not tolerate rape, because of regular human interaction If your sister was getting raped, would you let that shit happen?

I wouldn;t because I see rape as a crime of violence against a person. Islamic culture sees it as a crime against property, and not terribly valuable property at that.

It's not just backwoods muslims either. The national pastime of Dubai is the rape of young men and boys. Under Dubai law, ANY homosexual act, willing or not, is grounds for up to 25 years imprisonment.

So gangs of wealthy, urbane, otherwise "civilized" men, rape people KNOWING that if their victim goes to the cops, HE will go to prison as well. Unsurprisingly VERY few men/boys (mostly naieve american and europeans) report their attacks to the UAE authorities.

Not a false equivilance. Un unconcious person can neither want nor not want sexual intercourse. Does that mean fucking a drunk person is not rape?

Claiming that wartime rape is somehow legitimate moral interaction is retarded. Using that logic, murder is moral because people kill each other during war.

>> No.9407673

You don't think that war, fighting, dick measuring, etc. Aren't our mating rituals? We're a fucked up ugly species but that's what it takes to dominate the world. Culture elevated us beyond that but it's still subtler versions of this. It's why studies show most women's hidden fantasy is rape/rough sex play and most men crave dominance. Notice I said most I don't want an argument about all these other niche fetishes.
>I bred hamsters
Literal rodents behavior dumb ass, and do you think what you did to them in the captivation of a plastic box is the same as nature? No, in nature the stronk male hamster beats the living hell out of the other male hamster then fucks that bitch still covered in his foes blood whether she likes it or not.

>> No.9407713

No, those are DOMINANCE rituals. Unless your plan is to mate with the guy you're fighting with, you're NOT engaging in a mating ritual. Even once you've proven your dominance over the waker males in your area, you STILL need to impress and woo the female.

Yes being forced is the most common female fantasy, it's a reaction to the loss of male power in society and the rise of the "numale" pansy who is so unsure of himself that he needs validation of every thrust in order to achieve orgasm.

Women want what everyone wants in a mate. Competence and confidence.

They want a mate who knows what the fuck they're doing and who's confident enough to just do it, rather than needing a fucking focus group in order to make a decision.

>> No.9407723

What do you think caviar is?

>> No.9407728

>he wants to pay a markup on the most expensive pre-prepared food and probably gets it served incorrectly

>> No.9407730

I buy sardines or herring most times I visit a grocery store. The real question is what kind of sauce you should buy. Mustard was not very good. Olive oil is pretty nice. I really like tomato sauce on sardines. I had some chilli oil on mussels and it was pretty bad. What does /ck/ think?

>> No.9407739

What is kippered?

>> No.9407744

The process of making herring into kippers.

>> No.9407746

Smoked with a sugar and salt cure I think.

>> No.9407768

I just bought some canned chunk light tuna.
Shit is fucking disgusting. It's so mushy and tasteless.
Solid white albacore is great though, and so is canned salmon, without skin and bones.

>> No.9407777

This is the saltiest canned seafood thread i've ever seen. Are you happy now?

>> No.9407784

Kippering is the process of curing meat (especially herring or other fish) by splitting, salting, drying, and smoking it.

>> No.9407804

Eat canned mackerel fillets in spicy tomato sauce on toast as a pre-gym meal a few times a week

Canned tuna a lot, canned sardines in chilli oil sometimes

>> No.9407821

My country is too Anglo for spices in their fish. Feels bad man.

>> No.9407837

>this isn't literally happening in the US also
>it's not pakistanis doing the grooming and the problem with Somalians isn't organised crime
>doesn't vary country to country and isn't actually just a scheme to prevent proles from arming themselves
>believing farage propaganda like he isn't a literal fucking kike former banker
>Tories aren't deliberately trying to stall brexit because they know it's going to kill the economy
>Police don't even shoot pikeys
>What are food deserts

lad, if you're gonna talk shit about yuropoors you could do a lot better than believing shitposts from /pol/

>> No.9407844

bout some anchovies and sardines and couldn't get over just how mushy and salty they were. Fuck canned seafood.

>> No.9407867

'Murican here and half of my work is somalis and let me tell you they're way too fucking stupid for organized crime. The problem is that they simply don't give a fuck about anything and will fuck shit up all day without fixing anything. I highly doubt their average IQ is above 80.

Some of their chicks are pretty hot though even though you can only see their face their fat asses are too much even for their xbox huge garments.

>> No.9407872

You can get mackerel or sardines in a "spicy tomato sauce" at nearly every supermarket in the UK, where the fuck are you that's more Anglo?

>> No.9407907

I just had sardines, mayo, lemon juice, and dill on crackers last night. Fast as fuck. Add hot sauce if you want.

>> No.9408208
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>> No.9408228

Oh dear, I thought those were McDonald's cheeseburgers in a can.

>> No.9408478

The architect of the eu was a former Nazi party member not this guy.

>> No.9408589

too bad fish oil supplements are a scam

>> No.9408599

Who the fuck eats blood sausage at a bar?

>> No.9408605

tomato sauce is good but isn't that because it's like 50% added sugar? And for real, how come mustard sauce is so fucking rare to come by if you don't live in us or gb...

>> No.9408612

Nobody. What he meant was
"britbongs eat something that possibly once resembled blood sausage from the floor, at a pub, wasted"

>> No.9408725

I am really keen on trying the new King Oscar sardines in Tapatio. The hot sauce sardines are always lacking so it should be pretty good. Have any of you had them yet?

>> No.9409076

Spotted the flyover

>> No.9409359

I like most but not all.

I like smoke oysters and mussels, some sardines, tuna, salmon, and anchovies. I've never tried herring or mackerel.

>> No.9409483


>> No.9409616


I haven't had KO in Tapatio, but in general I think the saucy KO varieties aren't really worth it. Much prefer the olive oil or olive oil with jalapeno varieties where you can really appreciate the fish.
Just got 20 cans of Aldi sardines in water for daily eating and a few cans of KO for a treat.

>> No.9409821

Right on. Usually I'm not about water, but oil is my go to. I'll bear that in mind about the sauced fishes.

>> No.9409907

How do I get over the pungent smell when I open a can?
My mom eats this stuff but I never had the "courage" to try.

>> No.9409974

Don't much like canned Oysters, but Sardines are fucking good

Plug your nose idk

Either you try and you like or you don't. Only one way to find out

>> No.9410008

lemon juice

>> No.9410064

Canned seafood is the new hip food. Watch it go the way of flank steak, say goodbye to cheap canned seafood

>> No.9410113

It's not, official estimates put it in the 70s

>> No.9410297

Please for the love of god no. I can already see it

>"This superfood is packed with omega-3s and is a cheap source of protein" -every fucking clickbait site ever
>"Millenials can't afford homes because they are eating sardines on toast"

>> No.9410660


Aldi sardines are thicc (3/can), good for mixing with rice for breakfast though.
They have mustard, water, and soybean oil kinds. The mustard sauce is kinda bad and I don't want to eat soybean oil every day so I drain the water ones and use my own olive oil.
King Oscar, my favorite is the Jalapeno in Olive Oil 2-layer (15-20/can). I recommend the 2-layer varieties, they're worth the extra 30 cents if you're splurging on KO in the first place.

>> No.9410664
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god this from the jap store, poured it all over some sticky rice and stirred, going back after the hurricane to buy a bunch more.

>> No.9410689

Gotcha. We don't have Aldi out my way. I'm not sure if the local grocery has its own marque for sardines.

The jalapeno with oil sounds good. The 2 layer is the whole ones right. With tail and all?

I've had that before. Good stuff.

>> No.9410700

Is this really happening?

>> No.9410705
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KO always has the tails, cheaper brands may not. 2-layer means they're small enough (high-quality enough) to fit 2 layers of a bunch of individual fish in one normal sized can. Cheaper ones are usually only a few big, fat fish per can.

Pic related, stocked up at Aldi today

>> No.9410713

i miss the squid in ink sauce i used to get at wally world, warmed it up and served on flatbread, tasty and cheap, then they stopped stocking it

>> No.9410731

Ah ok. It's been a while since I've had KO in general. I'll keep my eyes out. Thanks anon.

>> No.9411061
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I've always been afraid to buy/try the sardines in the tall round cans. They seem to be third world sorta food. Are they any good?

>> No.9411094
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This with some mayo, black pepper and chopped celery on crackers is the best lunch

>> No.9411096

tfw can't make tuna a routine. stupid mercury

>> No.9411129

In water or in oil?

>> No.9411178

Morcilla you dip. Get cultured.

>> No.9411277

Love tuna but where I live it's like $2 a can of bumble bee. A four pack was more expensive than a NY strip steak.

>> No.9411371

I don't want to do that. Simply pointing out that the ivans, not the burgers are most well known for expensive canned seafood.

>> No.9411425


Absolutely. Kippers are a god tier snack.

>> No.9411462

It's too early to tell here. Shelf prices are still stable. I haven't noticed an influx of people buying them. The $20 cans of sardines aren't flying off the shelves either.

>> No.9411791

What are some canned seafood essentials /ck/? I like kipper snack but I am curious about canned smoked clams or oysters.

>> No.9411842

riga gold smoked sprats
squid in ink
smoked oysters

>> No.9411851

3+ dollars a can out here in California. We are very meme sensitive.

>> No.9411859

Supermarkets still charge $2-$3 for the same cans that dollar tree has all the time. The slightly fancier ones have always been $3+ dollars a can here.
Well anyway, I'll keep my eye on it as I have a pretty good stock for now.

>> No.9411981
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This guy gets it