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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 39 KB, 460x259, spoiled meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9405159 No.9405159 [Reply] [Original]

I'm sure all of us absolutely hate wasting food. And I'm also sure many of us did that more than once.

What's your worst(or just bad) story of wasting food, and how did you manage to fuck up so badly?

For example I just wasted 1kg of lovely pork belly ribs because I kept going out drinking for the past few days and eating out, completely foretting about the meat.

Pic not mine but related.

>> No.9405185

I don't give a shit about 'wasted' food and I don't much care for your assumption that I do.

>> No.9405195

Few days in the fridge still OK... Make stock or something.

>> No.9405206

Would that work? Wouldn't the taste of the stock be horrible? The meat is all slimy and smells not right at all.

Well, maybe you are too well off for your own good. I don't know. I just find wasting food unbearable.

>> No.9405631

>Tfw my big jar of sweet pickles is getting that white yeast stuff, and starting to smell a bit off. I even took out the juice, washed the pickles and jar, and replaced with vinager and water and it came back
>tfw my big jar of olives is getting floaty mold

fuck me

>> No.9405648

I don't assume, I know you waste food you fat piece of shit.

>> No.9405678

I have probably wasted $100 of salmon by burning it or thawing it incorrectly. I've thrown out so much food that I've bought but goes bad before I can eat it. Another thing I use to do is buy a bunch of food, try to cook, fail, then just go out and buy fast food. My food spending use to be $1000+ a month but I'm trying to bring it down now.

>> No.9405685

last night i cooked about 8 oz's of pasta with ground beef, decided i just wanted ground beef and make burgers and threw the pasta away LOL im american btw :)

>> No.9405701

I guess if you say past few days but mean three weeks, then yes, it's off. Perhaps check the setting on your frig too. Meat doesn't spoil in a few days in my fridge, raw or cooked.

>> No.9405702

How does fatty pork spoil so fast? 3 days shouldn't be a problem unless you got it cheap since it was past it's sell by date

>> No.9405706
File: 142 KB, 900x879, 1496649057639.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made chili con carne for the family, got carried away and made enough to fill a large slow cooker. Turned out I picked up hot smoked paprika instead of sweet smoked paprika and everyone else found it too hot to eat. I couldn't manage to eat all of it before it went bad and ended up throwing away a large casserole dish amount of chili. Felt awful seeing all that good chili go to waste.

>> No.9405750

i feel like i've been much better about not wasting food now that i throw 2 portions of protein in a food sealer bag and leave it in the freezer, then toss directly into sous vide machine and wahla

>> No.9405752

Why not freeze it

>> No.9405758


I threw away an entire head of lettuce last night because I didn't know I had it and it had gone bad.

>> No.9405772
File: 35 KB, 641x530, s337D7J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mum told me that since the meat it was cooked with was from frozen it can't be frozen again. Looking back at it, that's completely retarded isn't it? It's fine to freeze something that was defrosted and then cooked right?

>> No.9405774

I bought two whole chickens, they were sealed hermetically in plastic, but after 3-5 days raw in the fridge, they made a stink I did not trust.

Fucking shame too. At least they were cheap; mistake really only cost me like 10$. I was working late and gave zero fucks by the time I came home, and it was an ongoing problem.

I tried to salvage one and marinate it, but after I still could detect something "off" after a night of lemon juice and herbs, I knew it wasn't edible.

>> No.9405778

why not cook it straight away rather than marinate it?

>> No.9405779


yes, she's retarded

>> No.9405780

Yes you dumbass that only applied to uncooked meat.

>> No.9405791
File: 80 KB, 350x263, 354310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that food wasted for no reason.

>> No.9405984

Working at FedEx, an entire pallet of live lobster was shipped late and the order was cancelled while in transit. Everybody got to take home as much lobster as they wanted for free.

>> No.9406043

have you ever frozen water twice? if you have, then you better thank god for not getting salmonella.

>> No.9406999

TWO huge pots of lamb stew.

Was adding oregano to the stew, and after adding realized that the oregano had gotten a bug infestation - had just dumped fucking bugs into both pots of stew.

Threw everything out.

>> No.9407766

I hate eating gristle or the kind of fat that's not solid at room temperature so I always try to trim it out of my meat, but my knife is dull and I suck at using it so I end up with half my roast in the trash pile by the time I'm done.

>> No.9409352

same, i bought this. it's perfect for trimming the fat. also for removing fingers, be careful.


>> No.9409517

Not me personally, but my Dad has autism, and spends hours looking through flyers for grocery stores and goes to a minimum of 3 stores per day to "get deals" he'll buy 3-4 meals worth of meat, most of it goes in the freezer. Very rare that you can convince him to eat up what's in his freezer when you visit, he wants to get something from the store or eat at some restaurant.
Years ago I helped him move, and threw out at least 1500$ worth of prime rib roasts, etc, that were many many years freezer burnt.

>> No.9409526

>buy thing to try it
>eat it all anyway because it cost why the fuck was that beef jerky so sugary

>> No.9409794
File: 3 KB, 250x250, 636112406087719580-72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a nice sized pork shoulder and seasoned it well, put it in the slow cooker and headed off to work. Get home expecting the sweet aroma of slow cooked pork only to find out the cooker hadn't been plugged in. Punished myself by ordering domino's.

>> No.9409808

I have a head of broccoli that may or may not still be edible. Who the fuck are you, the broccoli police?

>> No.9409809

>will freezing food that's safe to eat make it unsafe to eat?

>> No.9409814

>tfw youre actually the broccoli police

>> No.9409894


Did you throw it away? A seasoned piece of raw meat will last a day sitting in a insulated cooking vessel, if it was cold when you put it in.

>> No.9409931
File: 26 KB, 600x600, 1499605888553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every week I buy groceries, I waste about 80% of it. I may eat some rice and some dairy products, but the meat, fruits and vegetables are all wasted because I just order take out instead.

>> No.9409953

is is a gross out food spammer thread..

he posts a gross food related picture, then forms a post around it.

He should probably be banned for being a jerk.

>> No.9409958

Not a waste

>> No.9409970

depends on the bugs
could've just been more protein your third world ass should've been grateful for.

>> No.9409976

First time baking I mistook tablespoons for teaspoons.

>Be 9
>First time baking
>Want to make scones
>Add tablespoon baking soda instead of teaspoons
>Happy they turned out looking nice
>Take a bite

>> No.9410015

Use to use these for boning chickens in a processing plant.

>> No.9410699

It won't harm you, it just won't be good.

>> No.9410715

>be working at a restaurant with shitty equipment
>have to store raw salmon fillets in a fridge that wasn't cod enough
>regularly open the bags to a foul smell, have to throw 1.5kg of fishy awesomeness away

>> No.9410739

I found your problem, you were using the cod fridge for the salmon.

>> No.9411655

For that company it was. For us it was great. Lobster is an overpriced memefood even on the coast; it's way too expensive here.

>> No.9412363

i don't waste food, i just feed it to my animals
they don't mind

>> No.9412391

Dad's a shopaholic but won't admit it. He keeps buying groceries weekly even though we don't need anymore. Heres a story
>Buy 4 whole chicken
>Leave for hometown around 2 weeks with the fridge turned off
The fucking smell oh my god

>> No.9412399

>make a crock of chili for house
>everyone has a bowl while it's fresh
>about half a crock left that would be gone if everyone would have a bowl for the next day or so
>people in house decide to order food or make new food
>ask on day 2 if anyone is planning to eat the chili besides me
>yeah anon
>day 5 passes
>nobody else touched it after the first day
>the chili looks like shit and it's too late to bother freezing it
>all because people don't like eating leftovers but will say that they will so they don't look like bad guys for wasting food
>even though we could have froze it for a different time in the future and they could have ordered fresh food making it a win-win

>> No.9412433
File: 259 KB, 1234x852, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bought a frozen seafood tray on sale
>Aluminum tin with aluminum lid
>Absolute shitload of clams, how is that even a food
>Eat the crab legs, shrimp and sausage
>Close the tray and stick it in my fridge to deal with later
>It's been 6 months
I don't know what to do with it, and I am scared to open it

Also this is from the last time I made beans, I hid them under the sink and forgot about them

>> No.9412457

Not sure if relevant, but here goes
>be me
>totally wasted
>making potato & carrot mash
>make a giant pot full, because fuck it, freeze the rest, i'm a lazy bastard.
>think "dude what if i put mango in this shit"
>do it
>throw everything away because it was inedible

And that is why i don't cook while being drunk anymore

>> No.9412473

"hid"? Why?

>> No.9412479


Your mom might be slightly misguided but she still gave you good advice. Almost any raw meat you get is garaunteed to be frozen once already and thawed so if you cook it and then freeze it again, you're just torturing the poor meat and it's gonna taste like rubber garbage.

>> No.9412483

I was making homemade pizza (dough and sauce) and discovered tiny black bugs in the flour. Too late to change and made the dough anyway. Dumped the rest of the flour but had tiny bug pizza crust that night.

>> No.9412484


Don't listen to this goon. Easy way to get sick

>> No.9412487

They were my dad's beans

>> No.9412501

>making homemade marinara sauce
>have a recipe that works but remember seeing Emeril Lagasse Vodka Marinara Sauce at the grocery store
>pour in probably a whole cup of vodka
>sauce comes out bitter af
Tried to save it with a bunch of sugar but it was too far gone.

>> No.9412506


You could have just boiled it down you dipshit

>> No.9412508

Same thing has happened to me numerous times. People have some huge stick up their arse about eating the same meal for diner 2 days in a row so refuse to eat it

>> No.9412550
File: 568 KB, 2121x1414, Healthy-Curry-Daal-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My worst waste story actually just happened 3 months ago. See I thought I was going to be real smart and tried making dal curry for the first time on a Sunday morning ahead for the week and freeze the rest
>Start around 3:30 A.M.
>Dice up 4 stalks of celery
>3 large carrots
>2 onions
>Several scallions
>Misc. bags of mixed frozen vegetables that needed using
>Presoaked 4 lbs of lentils, etc.
>Followed a base recipe and scaled it all up
>Entire mise en place finished 1 ½ hours later
>Had to estimate some spice amounts since measuring spoons were in the dishwasher and I didn't think they were going to scale linearly anyway
>Cook as directed
>Aromatics start smelling amazing
>Taste-test to make sure veggies/lentils are soft and everything is cooked through
>Tastes good man
>6:30 A.M.
>Feeling pretty happy with myself right about now
>Thought adding 4 tablespoons of turmeric to the pots for taste and color was a good idea
>Bad idea
>Overpowers everything
>Attempt to rescue it by adding even more chopped veggies, lentils, and water to "dilute" the spice
>Doesn't work
>Running out of space in the pots to add more stuff in
>It's now 7:30 A.M.
>Give up and dump both pots of yellow liquid failure outside
>Scrub and dry all of the pots and utensils quickly in shame before family wakes up so no one may learn my dark secret (they don't keep tract of grocery inventories)

There must have easily been 4-5 gallons worth of dal between both stock pots I had going on the stove. I still have that half-empty bottle of turmeric in the cupboard, and even now I can hear it laughing at me.

>> No.9412582

You threw away all that food just because it tasted sub-par?

>> No.9412589

You don't understand. All you could taste was the bitterness of the turmeric and it also smelled acrid as well.

>> No.9412692

It doesn't even apply to uncooked meat. You can freeze and thaw meat fifty times if you want. it probably wouldn't be good for the texture, i guess. But if it's chilli then it's presumably ground meat so it literally wouldn't matter.

>> No.9412717

>be my roommate
>buys 1lb of fresh scallops on Friday after work
>doesn't cook them immediately
>doesn't cook them Saturday
>doesn't cook them Sunday
>they turn
>I throw them out Sunday night

>also my roommate
>buys 10lb box of chicken breast for $20
>puts in fridge
>forgets to portion and freeze
>entire box turns
>learns his lesson
>buys another 10lbs of chicken breast
>places entire box directly into freezer
>solid block of frozen chicken

~$60 wasted

>> No.9413608

I can't remember, it was either a chicken leg or a pound of ground meat I left in the fridge for too long
Now that in itself wouldn't have been so bad, but some time later I noticed something white and wiggly coming out of my trashcan. I go to look and there's about fifty maggots on my floor trying to get to a dark hiding place, took me a few hours to collect the fuckers
Since then I'm more careful to use meat before I have to throw it away, and when I have to, I put it in two plastic bags to be safe

>> No.9413663

You missed a cleaning step in the process or there isnt enough acidity or salt in your mix, but that's expected with sweet pickles. Dunno about your olives.

Try filling as close to the brim to lock out air.

>> No.9414713

Yeah, that happens. But you can still eat it and pretend that you're saving some third-world nigger from starvation by eating rotten meat.

I did the same thing, basically, OP. I bought some ground pork from Costco, a huge fucking package enough for a month. Then I forgot it in the refrigerator for a week, and by the time I remembered "oh shit, didn't I buy some ground pork recently?" it smelled like death and turned literally dark blue when I took it out of the wrapper and exposed it to air. It was like watching a photograph sitting in a developer tray (you know, the old-timey kind with the papers and the chemicals). Take pink meat out of wrapper, air hits it, within a couple of minutes it turns blue and starts stinking like death warmed over.

>> No.9416404

This happened when I was very young, so I don't recall it myself, but my family has told me the story plenty of times
>Summertime, brother's birthday is in august, gonna throw a big party with barbecue for it
>we go on vacation for a week before the birthday
>mom prepares the meat n shit for the barbecue before the vacation and freezes it, so that we don't need to do as much prep work when we come back from vacation. Both the fridge and freezer absolutely stuffed with food.
>few days into vacation lightning strikes and the power breaks, causing the fridge and freezer to stop working
>middle of summer with a giant heatwave with the food not being cooled
>entire neighborhood starts to complain about some giant stench
>come back home from vacation and find all the food has gone spoiled and rotten
>have to get professionals to clean out the fridge and freezers because of all the hazardous fumes
>brother's birthday party is ruined and mom has to do a fuck ton of last minute prep just to get some shit ready for it
Apparently the neighborhood thought that somebody had died or something because of the stench. This also wasn't some small freezer compartment, this was a a bigass chest freezer.

>> No.9416654

>It was like watching a photograph sitting in a developer tray (you know, the old-timey kind with the papers and the chemicals). Take pink meat out of wrapper, air hits it, within a couple of minutes it turns blue and starts stinking like death warmed over.
How horrifying.

Something similar happened to my family went a hurricane moved through our area and knocked out power for many neighborhoods for a few weeks and a heat wave followed behind it.

>> No.9416668

Its going to end up like bepop's Toys in the Attic episode.

Best to throw out the whole kitchen and start fresh.

>> No.9416690

Last Christmas I visited my brother and University he was living with 7 other people we decided to have a big Christmas lunch brought huge amount of food about £70 of food and then £100 worth of beer we woke up around 8 and a bunch of us started cooking's and having a few beers by 1pm only 2 people left cooking rest of waiting playing drinking games while we wait already close to finishing all the beer about 70-80 can of beer and we'd already sent some out for more. By the time food is ready most of us are too drunk to eat anything most of the food was placed back in the kitchen for later all uncovered no one remembers to warp up and place in the fridge we all went out that night and in the morning pretty much all the food had ruined.

>> No.9417730


>> No.9417814

I went to this BBQ place with a bunch of friends including a qt who happened to be a vegetarian. I ordered this huge mixed grill platter that probably should have been shared between two people and barely even finished half of it. I just remember her disappointed, repulsed face sat opposite me as I had the plate taken away still full of uneaten ribs, burgers and sausages, silently cursing me for essentially wasting those cute little animal's lives

>> No.9417832

It's good to try to avoid food waste at home but in the US, the real culprit is chain restaurants and food suppliers who are legally required to throw out food that's in fact perfectly edible, and then making dumpster diving illegal on top of it.

In terms of home waste - get in the habit of making freezable stock, soup, and sauces, and then lrn2compost and you're barely wasting plant matter any more.

>> No.9417913

My mother in law and her mentally handicapped husband moved in with me two months ago. The retard husband damn near spends all of their money on groceries and fast food. There are 4 to 5 tubs of margarine in the fride at any time, 3 to 4 mayonnaise containers, 6 to 8 small cream cheese containers, an upright freezer filled with premade meals, lots of bread, lots of sandwich meat, etc.

They eat about 2/3s of what they buy, and they go grocery shopping every week, in addition to eating out every other day. Its fucking disgusting how much they consume and how much trash they generate.