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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9404875 No.9404875 [Reply] [Original]

>getting food at chipotle
>stupid ipad pos system
>asks me how much I'd like to tip

>> No.9404906

>not tipping our AI machine overlords
wew lad, risky

>> No.9404931

Hi I like to overpay for shitty anglicized Mexican food propagated by McDonald's then get triggered when they try to rip me off. Just go to your local taco truck they always hook it up good homeslice.

>> No.9404941

>muh local taco truck
>paying $2 for tiny "authentic" taco consisting of greasy meat, cilantro, and a lime wedge

>> No.9404942

go tip fedoras somewhere else

>> No.9404946
File: 210 KB, 673x751, 1491580626685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to touch the same e-coli infested screen that every other person that's walked through this establishment has touched

>> No.9404949

It's roughly the same price as authentic shit near me. The only reason I don't go to Chipotle anymore is because I find it way too salty

>> No.9404961

I'm from a rural California town I'm not fedora tipping it's part of my childhood. Tacos are a 1.25 at most and are never greasy. Lengua has been my go to lately but Al pastor and carnitas that's refried til it crunches are good too. Chipotle charges more for a scoop of guac than an entire avocado from the store. Only normy white girls like that place.

>> No.9404968

Chipotle is cheaper per calorie.

>> No.9405009

>tipping, ever

Do Americans really do this?

>> No.9405025

What are you even trying to meme with right now? burrito suprema con guac y crema es $6.50

>> No.9405045

How many calories?

>> No.9405052

no one cares
go be a california beta cuck elsewhere

>> No.9405057

Do they force you to use it?

>> No.9405062

>I'm from California
Stopped reading there.

>> No.9405064

>muh local taco truck
>muh childhood
>write half post in spanish
Wow you're like so cultured and real lol XD

>> No.9405104

>be American
>go to a diner for breakfast
>pay $20 tip for $30 meal
>get shot by waiter because i didn't tip 80% minimum
>stumble outside and call 911, they say they'll send over the proper authorities right over
>tip the 911 operator
>police arrive and i groan with relief
>they shoot me a couple times because they took the groan as hostile behavior
>tip the cops as they handcuff me and put me in the ambulance
>arrive at the hospital
>tip the ambulance guys as they hand me a $10,000 bill for the ride
>get wheeled into OR to treat my wounds
>tip the doctors and nurses as they do the final stitching
>get billed $500,000 after being discharged, tip the receptionist
>get home
>finally able to relax after the whole ordeal
>or so i thought, the mortgage guys are over to get the next installment for my flimsy wooden house
>tip the bankers as they leave
>get a call from my boss, says im fired for missing work today
>tip the boss for his trouble
>later in the evening i shart myself because i wasn't able to get to the bathroom on time due to the wounds
>tip walmart

>> No.9405148

>be yuro
>die because a nigger stabbed me

>> No.9405188

kek, but you forgot a couple lines
>medical insurance company informs me my policy is cancelled since I actually received medical treatment
>send them a tip

>> No.9405211

This many triggered fly overs lol

>> No.9405224

You wouldn't know since I don't have the urge to post where I live at every opportunity

>> No.9405231

>triggered by someone living in mexico's even more retarded cousin
california is the lol capitol of the US