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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9395387 No.9395387 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck is the ice cream machine always broken?

>> No.9395408
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>Go to McDonald's
>Order ice cream
>Receive it

>> No.9395415

i got an ice cream from there today. they just hate you.

>> No.9395427

I always figured they just cleaned it and don't want it to be not clean again, until the next day or whatever. Food service workers are babies like that.

>> No.9395431
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>order other stuff
>sit down to eat
>the McSlave brings me free ice cream for no reason

>> No.9395433

>going to McDonald's
>eating (((fast food)))
kys shills

>> No.9395799

I've been to McDonalds 3 times the past week purely to get a kids sized shake with their 2 cheeseburger meal. The last two time the fucking machine has been down. What the FUCK anon

>> No.9395810

They dont wanna clean it. Used to pull the same crap in the BK lounge

>> No.9395837

Why not just switch to scooped ice cream?

>> No.9395901


Want to know how I know you're a godforsaken Caucasoid?

>> No.9395922

Wasn't there an article about how McDonalds pinned it down to a design flaw in the machine and is rolling out a newly redesigned machine starting this year or something?

>> No.9397172
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>order mcflurry for the first time
>mcdonaldman goes to the machine
>spout practically explodes and leaves ice cream everywhere
>mcdonaldman offers me 2 large fries instead
I still haven't tasted a McFlurry, are they even worth buying?

>> No.9397239

It's one of the most complex and frustrating pieces of equipment in the entire restaurant. Half of the time, it is lazy employees, but sometimes the piece of shit simply doesn't want to cooperate with anyone. It also takes forever to get the ice cream mix down to the correct temperature, especially if it's being started up again after cleaning.

>> No.9397241

why the fuck they microwave go from 100 to 59

>> No.9397286

They can't call it ice cream

>> No.9397289


The McDonalds near my house has the ice cream machine down 99% of the time. Then again this is apparently the McDonalds with the worst reputation in the state. During labor day weekend their credit card machine "went down" Thursday night and only went back up Wednesday. To be absolutely fair this may have been a legit problem but considering they were making people wait 5-10 minutes per car I kinda doubt it.

Oh and an old friend who worked at McDonalds for a week confirmed that, of course, they just unplug the machine every now and then if they just don't feel like serving it.

>> No.9397292

ice cream is difficult to make

>> No.9397294

They're good but Dairy Queen blizzards are better and have way more flavor variety

>> No.9397303

Lots of reasons. It's harder to store (hard ice cream has to be kept frozen while soft serve mix is refrigerated and only freezes while it's put through the machine). Also it's a bitch to scoop and more difficult to portion.

>> No.9397315

This. The soft-serve is also much cheaper.

Like any other fast food product low cost and ease of service are far more important than quality or flavor.

Proper ice cream is more expensive to buy, more expensive to store, requires more work (and more opportunity for contamination) to serve, is difficult to control portion size (important for food cost control), and so on.

>> No.9397319


>> No.9397334

It takes hours to break down and clean and putting it back together practically takes an engineering degree. There are hundreds of parts all of which have to be meticulously cleaned and lubed and put back together in a specific order. Usually only one or two people max per store know how to do it. And any one of those parts going wrong can shut the whole thing down. It is a shit show and I honestly can't believe they haven't come up with a better way by now.

>> No.9397351

get out of the woods Cletus

>> No.9397355

>During labor day weekend their credit card machine "went down" Thursday night and only went back up Wednesday.

If it's a franchise, their payment processing service probably fucked up/was shut off for not paying the bill and they couldn't get it resolved until people came back to work after vacation.

>> No.9397379


This, and also the fact that after>>9397334 refrigeration units of ALL kinds get to a certain age, they have this delightful habit of breaking down if you look at them funny.

Then it takes like three weeks for maintenance to get an HVAC guy out, he works on the thing for fucking five hours, gets it up and running, then it lasts for another month before it shits itself again, and the process repeats like four times before they finally just cave in and replace it.

>t. Two ice machines, three refrigerator cabinets, one AC unit and a walk-in across three completely different companies

>> No.9397392


Only the manager is allowed to clean and maintain it since it's a pretty complex machine. Someone working on the machine means one less person helping out with grill/fryer/front/drive through/stocking/food prep/portions. Don't always assume the restaurant is fully staffed and is ready to handle a busy crowd in a timely matter. Workers need a break every few hours to do cleaning and restocking.