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9393983 No.9393983[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any other women here that can handle whiskey?

>> No.9394024

Post bobs and vagene

>> No.9394039

That swill isn't whisky

>> No.9394069

M'lady, tis' truly a great thing that there are vagina-havers with us in here!
Don't worry, I'll be the one in the kitchen ;)

>> No.9394073

Ummm, of course. Why, are there actually people who think women can't drink whiskey? I don't drink much whiskey in summer, unless it complements a particular beverage or food, but in fall and winter, it's my go-to. I grew up drinking bourbon, but now I'm more of an Irish whiskey lady. Bushmills, of course. Jameson is for filthy Catholics. I'll also slum it with Chivas, and on nights I want to really get cozy, I go to Scotch (single malt).

>> No.9394131

>Bushmills, of course. Jameson is for filthy Catholics
Bushmills is fucking trash, at least drink Teelings or Redbreast.
If your single malt go to is Glenfiddich or Glenlivet please fuck off of /ck/

>> No.9394150
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2 gingers is best irish whiskey for cunts m8s

>> No.9394243

why do women pretend to like alcohol?

>> No.9394246

The same reason you do
t. not even a women

>> No.9394252

Whyre women even counted as human?

>> No.9394262

Can roasties please find somewhere else to attention whore, this is just embarrassing for everyone

>> No.9394267

Is there anything more pathetic than people boasting or thinking they're hard because they can drink x amount of alcohol without shitting themselves and dying?

it's literally the same as a heroin addict boasting he's got a 1gram daily habit and could inject amounts that would kill a horse

like cool bro, now die

>> No.9394269

t. soft drinker

>> No.9394277

t. ethanol abuser

>> No.9394279

yeah bro, i just drink mountain dew code reds while i'll play wow

>> No.9394284

>pretend to

Was your mother a Puritan? Alcohol appeals to women just as hard as it does to men, with preferences being the difference. Speaking from experience, the men I know drink beer, while the women indulge in Prosecco.

>> No.9394285



You Millenial Americans are pathetic cowards with zero competitive spirit.

Let me guess, when you played soccer, your momma only taught you there are participants, and no winners or losers?


Drinking has been a competitive sport since the dawn of civilization.

People who hate competition are always the Losers. That's why they naturally hate winners & even competition itself.

>> No.9394313

I think I discovered the reason why I lurk this website. It's to observe unfettered mental illness.

>> No.9394317


>> No.9394318
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>> No.9394321

>Let me guess, when you played soccer, your momma only taught you there are participants, and no winners or losers?

This is pretty standard for sheltered white kids nowadays.

> People who hate competition are always the Losers. That's why they naturally hate winners & even competition itself.

Thank you captain obvious.

>> No.9394323

Can you continue to lurk and never post again?

>> No.9394324

It was oh so close to a good post

>> No.9394336

I don't think they pretend, I can't handle beer but every woman in my family chugs 2-3 jars easily every weekend.

>> No.9394337

Opinions are like assholes. And your asshole is showing.

>> No.9394340

This is a roastie board for roasties to discuss roastie matters, like which fine aged Scotch whisky is the best for getting blackout drunk with.

>> No.9394342

>You Millenial Americans are pathetic cowards with zero competitive spirit.
>Let me guess, when you played soccer, your momma only taught you there are participants, and no winners or losers?

Stop thinking all Americans live in liberal California. There are still states that will raise men, not cucks.

>> No.9394343

It's only as pathetic as the alcohol-driven society we live in, which rewards heavy social drinking with better networking opportunities, career advancement and more companions. What you drink and where you do is an indicator of your worth.

Alcoholism will destroy your health and social life, but drinking is practically an institution of civilised life. Whether that's hypocritical or not is up to your judgment.

>> No.9394344

Let me guess, it's the insecure penis guy from that other thread. Maybe you should go somewhere else, like outside.

>> No.9394350


>> No.9394353

laphroiag quarter cask makes my cunt smell like a septic hospital ward when im menstruating.

my cat won't even go near me.

>> No.9394358

>Drinking has been a competitive sport since the dawn of civilization.


>People who hate competition are always the Losers.

Probably true. I've never seen a jock who hated being a jock.

>> No.9394361

>jack daniels
no wonder why she makes that face

>> No.9394367

Why are most of the men here so intimidated by women on here. Jesus, you fags are pathetic. Women are just like us, except with a few different kinds of problems than us. You pussies need to grow the fuck up. You disgust me.

>> No.9394375

tell me how you really feel

>> No.9394389
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Is this you?

>> No.9394394

Not saying you're wrong, but there are tons of opportunities to network with successful people and girls in recovery as well.

>> No.9394397

>Why are most of the men here so intimidated by women on here.

I think that one guys is intimidated by drinking competition altogether. Even more embarrassed he would be drank under the table and punked by a chick.

>> No.9394403

Liquor liberals and women will never be able to handle.

>> No.9394411


Don't listen to that one faggot.
Most of us would love to party with that chick.
After a handle, she'd be a free fuck every time.
Can't ask for a better drinking buddy than a hot chick who routinely overdrinks.

>> No.9394425

>just like us
minus the hormonal imbalaces and tits
oh wait

>> No.9394432

Kek, no. I'm fucking way older than that, first off. But, I have gone to the store and bought pads and tampons for my girlfriend and past girlfriends. It's not a big fucking deal, men do it all the time. Only an insecure pussy would freak out over that.

>> No.9394467

Yeah it's kid shit

>> No.9394496

You try to win games in order to have permission to feel self worth. I do what I want because I like it. Go die in a war.

>> No.9394502

>on 4chan

Everyone knows there are no women on the internet.

>> No.9394503

>hormonal imbalance

That's one of the key biological definitions between men AND women, dumbass. Or are you admitting you're low-test?

>> No.9394527

Are you 9? I don't understand why you would say something so obviously not true. I don't think even you genuinely believe what you just said so I don't understand why you would say it.

>> No.9394529

Beer mugs or tankards whatever they're called

>> No.9394546

>there are still states that remain solvent through dollars from coastal states like CA and NY where the majority of men are incapable of competing in a technology/education driven society and compensate by pretending competing with like minded troglodytes on who can own the most popguns, drink the most bud light and rotgut whiskey or beat their wife without leaving bruising evidence makes them a manly man.


>> No.9394547

Numales and women can't handle whiskey or bourbon. The leftist will smugly stroke his moustache while he tells you how "totally trashed" he got on Jameson and Coke the other night, but they can't even smell a barrel aged spirit without gagging and tweeting about male fragility.