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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9391773 No.9391773 [Reply] [Original]

>want donut
>don't want to get fat(ter)
What's his name, /ck/? What's that kryptonite food that you can't get enough of?

>> No.9391790
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Her name is milkshakes.

>> No.9391800

Onion rings

>> No.9391801

pad thai

>> No.9391803
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Man I have a lot. I try to offset my junk food consumption by eating a half bag of spinach a day.

>Mac n cheese
>grilled cheese
>Asian food, chow mein noodles and chicken
>burgers and fries
>queso dip and chips
>sour cream and onion chips
>regular ruffles chips with special dip sauce I make
>loads of dr. Pepper and red bull

Reeee eating healthy is aids

>> No.9391809

>I try to offset eating food by eating more food
Americans, everyone.

>> No.9391817

Yikes faggot learn some common sense. I eat vegetables so that I can budget small amounts of unhealthy food in my diet to counterbalance the negative effects.

>> No.9391824

Kettle chips.

I will fucking eliminate a bag of kettle chips in one sitting.

>> No.9391836

Wew lad. The Americans are mad today. All those hurricanes must be interrupting the insulin supply lines.

>> No.9391907

>insulin supply lines

Top kek you got me

I'm just salty as fuck bc women are so flakey. Reeeee

>> No.9391948
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>learn common sense
>claims that you can "counterbalance the negative effects"
if this is what burgers actually think that right there is the cause of your obesity epidemic

>> No.9392010
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>Sugary Cereal
I can eat 4 bowls in one sitting of this stuff. 100-130 calories for 30g of cereal (before adding milk) is one serving. DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY SERVINGS WILL FIT INSIDE A SINGLE REGULAR BOWL.

>> No.9392021

Mashed potatoes with gravy. I think about it all the time

>> No.9392301
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recently became addicted to these

>> No.9392326


>> No.9392350

>he doesn't know about negative calories

>> No.9392562

That's called, "Nutrient deficiency." Learn what it is you are craving (when you've already eaten) and find out what nutrients you are needing that you are not getting. It can be sneaky. Like you crave salty foods, but actually need foods with more potassium in order to process the salt you are eating.

>> No.9392564 [DELETED] 

>feel like a pig after a binge session
>have a few bites of a crisp vegetable
>instantly revitalized
What is this sorcery?

>> No.9392577

I am quite literally addicted to peanut butter.

>> No.9392581

Ok Winston.

>> No.9392589

You don't counterbalance a calorie rich food with a health addition that just adds calories. You exercise you fat fuck. Burn off those calories and limit your intake of unhealthy crap to once and awhile as opposed to every meal.

>> No.9392597

No, it's called wanting a doughnut because doughnuts taste good

>> No.9392606

so why don't I crave potatoes and bananas when I want salty food? Most salty foods have straight up sodium chloride in it.

>> No.9392612

Instant Mash Potato

Real mash potato is good but if there were a bowl of both in front of me it's her who wins.

>> No.9392666

these and fried chicken/chicken wings. Haven't had them in months though despite being an extremely healthy/fit anon who burns over 1.5k cals a day. If I even take a bite of something like that I feel like shit (mentally, not physically) and need to work out to feel better. It's so easy to fall back off the wagon and gain weight. I'm hungry all the time. I don't eat any sugar/deserts. Everyone I know always tries to get me to eat unhealthy when I go out with them for a meal. It's hell.
t.boxing instructor/competitor

>> No.9392673


>> No.9392679

Try kanten when about to cut wieght a month out

>> No.9392682
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>> No.9392686
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Agar agar kanten

>> No.9392697

Reese's Cups/Pieces
Anything ice cream/frozen yogurt/frozen custard related
Andy Cap's/Chester's Hot Fries
Peanut Butter in general. (1 32oz jar a month, minimum)
Taco Bell (Only for the cheesy bean and rice burritos from the dollar menu/Baja Blast)
Any kind of sweet pastry. Donuts, honey buns, honey butter croissants, danishes, cinnamon rolls, etc.

Thank fuck I actually work it all off.

>> No.9392701

Can you explain? I looked it up and it seems like a gelatin. Do you just make bulk amounts and eat it to curb hunger?

>> No.9392707

my cravings are under control.
for sweet cold - skim yogurt/skim milk + aspartame
for fat - beans + spices imitates fat well.
for crunchy bad stuff - toasted breads.

Fancy nuts like pecans, walnuts, pistachios, are probably my weakest link.

>> No.9392713 [DELETED] 

>muh calories
Why is /fit/ so obnoxious and retarded?

>> No.9392783

How much do you weigh?

>> No.9392788

Ice cream. I could eat ice cream until my stomach bursts and I would still want more. Restraining my cravings for it is the most difficult part of staying thin.

>> No.9392791
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Fucking fruit/gummy snacks. I started buying these because they come in smaller pouches that are only 70 calories, but they're still devoid of any nutrition and are 100% artificial corn-syrup filled garbage.

>> No.9392792

but ur already fat

>> No.9392827

Same. I've compensated by switching to gummy multi vitamins.

>> No.9392832
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I'm only 140 lbs but I could easily down a panful of brownies if I were to stop giving a fuck long enough

>> No.9392838

I'm not fat but stale unglazed donuts (the brown bread ones). I can eat a fucking truckload of those

>> No.9392860

I've trained myself to believe that anything with sugar in it will give me painful cavities... and it works. I don't crave sugary things. I use artificial sweeteners, instead.

>> No.9392896

Lemon bars. Also brie.

>> No.9392912

>tfw 110 lbs
>can eat an entire cheesecake

>> No.9393064
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Worst part is they don't sell them in my country so when I DO find them at the import store I buy bags and bags of them and eat them all within a few days.
I can't even stop myself at this point.

>> No.9393069

Little Caesar's extra most bestest pizza for $6.

>> No.9393094

>really feel like a huge cheeseburger with salty fries
>eat a banana
>still want the burger and fries


>> No.9393575

p much anything been dieting for a while everything looks good

>> No.9393606

A donut is only about 300 calories, it's fine to have one as a breakfast

>> No.9393611

cravings are partially physical and partially mental. you are not a biological machine, but a being capable of rational and irrational thought.

>> No.9393618
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>> No.9393628
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Monster cereal. Once Halloween is over the dollar store near my house always stocks them and I can buy a shit ton of booberry and count chocula for a $1 a box.

>> No.9393633
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>> No.9393639

rice. I just want to eat giant mouthfuls of plain white rice

>> No.9393640

I fucking love fries. Fries turned me into a fatass when I was a kid. Lost all the weight when I started college. I don't even eat fries that often anymore, barely once every two months because I go fucking frenzy on them. I love fries. I would kill for some fries.

>> No.9393727

Oreos and that vanilla/chocolate sandwich cookies from the dollar store

>> No.9393741

Oh man I love this brand. Whomst here /Honey nut scooters/?
They're actually not incredible I like them because of the name.

>> No.9393827

Stink beans

>> No.9393843
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God I love Canada.

>> No.9393886


>> No.9393909


>> No.9393928 [DELETED] 
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I love fries but I am less worried about getting fat but more about the acrylamide.

>> No.9393943
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How does it feel to be outclassed?

>> No.9393954

Grapes. Black and green, red can fuck right off though.

>> No.9393972

>muh calories
Why is /fit/ so obnoxious and retarded?

>> No.9394032

Creamed corn

>> No.9394045

>canned tuna
i love it but the mercury poison meme is starting to worry me

>> No.9394070

Carbs. Fucking carbs. Also, a certain regional brand of potato chips that has vinegary spicy tomato flavour. Only sold in packs that are 220 grams, nothing less. Chock full of glutamate, hydrogenated oil and salt, but it's insane how well it hits my palate: slightly spicy, sour, slightly sweet, tomato-ish flavour. Nothing compares: fresh fries, just out of the deep fryer, other tater chips, nothing.

I'd really love to find another (less fucked up) food that hits my tastebuds like that.

>> No.9394089
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Cookies, of any kind.
Sesame ones in particular are my cryptonite.

>> No.9394134

>sensible offhand acknowledgement of calories is obnoxious and retarded
how american are you?

>> No.9394140

idk I was on a snickers and salsa chips binge yesterday. before that it was tuna all the time. now i'm not hungry.

>> No.9394143
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Coke, mc donalds, Doritos, peanut butter and Subway Style cookies

>> No.9394152
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The good thing about cake is that it's generally easy to avoid it in daily life, and the special occasions where it is eaten are around other people and the cake is shared so I can't really eat too much of it. I'm a control freak in life and I am careful and controlled with my diet, but I literally fantasize about baking/buying and then eating an entire cake all by myself nearly every single day. I also collect pictures of cakes, it's like porn to me.

>> No.9394158


I think he means he eats half a bag of spinach, INSTEAD of an actual meal, so he can eat some garbage instead.

>> No.9394214

Beer, wine and cheese. Haven't touched it for a month. Eating mostly agar pudding made with soymilk an diet protein-fiber powder. Around 1000 cal a day, loosing 1.5kg per week. Feeling not hungry but weak.

>> No.9394251
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peanuts, i eat them with the shell on

>> No.9394351

How are your poops?

>> No.9394417

I imagine they're similar to a hospital room that a woman just gave birth in. Blood, some pain, maybe some crying

>> No.9394528

The nose knows.

>> No.9394593

Anything minty
Rum Raisin

What sucks though is the sugar collects at the back of my throat or something and leaves me gaging like a cat for a bit after I'm done eating but damn if they aren't worth it

>> No.9394607
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>> No.9394632
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Basically everything. Started cooking for real and experimenting in the kitchen the past year and I always prepare way too much. Then I eat it all, especially when the meal doesn't turn out that great and I don't wanna let my flat mate eat the leftovers.

Made apple pie for the first time yesterday and already ate like half of it on my own because it takes away lots of space in my fridge, it didn't turn out good enough to give it to my neighbors so I'll most likely end up eating it all on my own.

>> No.9394640

Just start cooking smaller portions. Whatever you think the right measurement is, cut it by half or something like that

>> No.9394660

I already try to and succeed with most things but I recently got into baking and making like half a pie is not an option because I have to fill out the baking pans and shit

>> No.9394666

meant for >>9394640

>> No.9394690

Are you the same guy who made the thread here about eating an entire jar of peanut butter? If so I'm impressed

>> No.9394700

>basically everything
same unfortunately

>> No.9394709
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This is crack

>> No.9394713


>> No.9394717

Then get smaller baking pans

>> No.9394718

Post cakes

>> No.9394758

I have a bit of a "Seinfeld" problem where if I stick my head out of my apartment window I can just barely see the Krispy Kreme sign. When they turn that light on...holy fuck! They're addictive and 10X better hot than cold.

>> No.9394762

Any kind of cheese, pickle flavored potato chips, and those little $0.59 fruit pies.

>> No.9396036
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Have you ever had chinese bean paste balls?

So good

>> No.9396043

fake food.high quality.

>> No.9396060

Oh yes please yes.

They used to sell these, pretty cheap, at a hmong shop nearbye. I'd grab them as a quick breakfast.

>> No.9396099

Just Cantonese food mainly.

Always using this just eat app

Fucking cancer.

>> No.9396119


>> No.9396129

Vodka. It's where I get most of my calories from.

>> No.9396138

Deep fried pizza and chips (fries) with curry sauce

>> No.9396167

>Deep fried pizza
what the fuck is that

>> No.9396174
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Tracey's ass

>> No.9396192
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I'm a fatty burger and I basically bounce between all things fried, bleeding red, and sweet. I'm not exactly a landwhale but damn am I unhealthy.

>> No.9396854

also cheeseburgers
and chicken express tenders

>> No.9396930
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>> No.9397082

Beer, cheese, pickles, chips

>> No.9397183

wtf This post really rustles my jimmys.

>> No.9397374
