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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 485 KB, 1024x403, caramelpeanutbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9389081 No.9389081 [Reply] [Original]

Recipes involving these chocolate bars.

My Grandparents gave me like 12 of these recently, I don't wanna get fat so I wanna bake something for friends.

>> No.9389094

Just give them to your friends. Otherwise crumble them in something or garnish some cake or whatever.

>> No.9389110

>I don't wanna get fat
>I'll make my friends fat instead ;)
Just eat like one bar a day, ffs.

>> No.9389112

eh, feels better baking something, don't want it to look like I'm just offloading crap to them
i mean I guess I could just crumble them and put them into cookies but I'm not sure if it would work as intended with the nougat

>> No.9389118

Hmm. You could use them as part of the base for a cheesecake?

>> No.9389122

one cookie or whatever isn't going to make them fat, anon
>one bar a day
that's a lot still

>> No.9389142

Cookies reinforced with fucking Snickers bars will most definitely be fattening.
>that's a lot still
251 calories per bar.

>> No.9389155

One single cook won't immediately balloon their weight to obesity dummy
Also if I'm going to indulge in something I want it to be nicer than just a fucking snickers bar. Why does this matter to you anyway, if you don't have recipes why are you here?

>> No.9389161


thanks anon, I might give it a try

>> No.9389163


You could eat several cookies or candy bars several times a day and not get fat....assuming you cut calories from elsewhere in your diet.

It's not what you eat, it's how many calories you consume in total.

>> No.9389166

that's my point, I'd rather cut more calories out for something nicer than a snickers bar, and also offload the bars to my friends without seeming like I'm dumping crap I don't need on to them. Also gives me a chance to bake which I like doing.

>> No.9389186

There's no point, this is /ck/. The idea that anything could be nicer or more enjoyable than cheap junk food is pretentious, and if you have an opinion on macro ratios or personal nutrition of any sort you must be a fat ketofag vegan.

>> No.9389205
File: 113 KB, 1200x683, snickers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do this.
Here is my recipe for apple-snickers-cake
250gr flour
125gr butter
125gr yoghurt
200gr sugar
4 eggs
2 snickers
2,5 apples
1/4 tspn salt

Begin with the wetworks, starting with the sugar, butter and yoghurt (the sugar needs to 'perforate' the butter). Then add eggs, whisk lightly.
Combine flour and salt with a (dry) whisk. Add the wet team to the dry team. Try to NOT agitate the mixture through hard whisking/stirring. Agitation will create gluten strands, resulting in a chewy cake. Add your sliced snickers and apples. Pour mixture in buttered+floured baking thingie. Bake for about 40 minutes at 180° C; or when a toothpick comes out dry.

>> No.9389214

what a coincidence; I just got a load of apples from my tree, I'll definitely give this a try, thanks anon

>> No.9389716
File: 80 KB, 393x384, IMG_0055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make ice cream. Put chopped up candy bar in it. Sit on your fat ass and eat it slut.

>> No.9389940

Just boil the calories out

>> No.9389984
File: 761 KB, 1280x720, img_17e7cfb656ddf5e3673fbf1655541e3f967924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natto-filled chocolate bars?