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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9385460 No.9385460 [Reply] [Original]

>go to preheat oven for pork chops
>Oven dings that it reached temp
>Open it up
>Roommate left rubber handled greasy skillet in there instead of cleaning it, with rubber spatula sitting in it as well
>Go to pull it out with oven mitts and handle melts to oven mitts

What in the fuck possesses people to put / store rubber shit in the oven?

Also roommate horror story thread.

>> No.9385471

>having a roommate
To be honest, you're the problem here, not him.

>> No.9385513

I knew somebody that stored stuff in the oven because they ran out of room on the shelves. It seemed retarded.
>roommate horror story
Howabout a fraternity house horror story?

>be voluntary paid dish cleaner at the house
>basically our job is to clean up right after dinners at the house, takes about an hour and a half
>make sure the kitchen is fucking spotless before I leave campus for spring break, not only because I like having a clean area but because I know I won't want to clean when I get back
>return from spring break
>kitchen is a goddamn dump
>countertops have messes upon messes
>people have clearly moved messes just to prepare their own food
>trash bin is overflowing
>microwave looks like somebody blew up their food inside it
>sinks are all full of dirty plates and silverware
>some pots have small fungus stalks growing out of them
>garbage disposal sounds like it has a few forks stuck inside
>smells like a science experiment in a septic tank gone wrong
>takes literally 6 fucking hours to clean
It was shit like that from living in the fraternity house that allowed me to personally understand the economic theory of the tragedy of the commons. I should have asked the president and our cook (great woman, would have sided with me) that no food should be prepared unless the responsible parties stepped forward and were properly punished.

>> No.9385870
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Why didn't you check the oven before? Most ovens even have a window with a light you can turn on.

>> No.9385889
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>doesn't bother to even check if there is something in the oven before turning it on
>blames roommate when it turns out there was something in there which could have easily been avoided by not being a retarded fuck

Really activating my almonds here OP. Sounds like you're a complete mongoloid who shouldn't be allowed into a kitchen.

>> No.9385890

Because it's called an "oven" not "greasy fucking pan storage"

>> No.9385919

kill your roommate anon

>> No.9385930

Lazy dumb fuck kills a spatula and mitt, blames housemate.

>> No.9385995
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>These people commenting that the onus is on OP for not checking the oven
There should literally never be anything sitting in an unused oven. What sort of mongoloid would do that?

>> No.9386013

Protip: Next time check to see if there's anything in the oven before turning it on.

>> No.9386031

Honestly all these anons saying OP should have known to look in the oven first - you guys are trolls right?

>> No.9386034

but his roommate also has a roommate..?

>> No.9386040

I check the oven every time I go to use it. If you live with other people this is a vital habit to get in.

>> No.9386053

Why would anyone ever leave anything in the oven?

>> No.9386057

you're fault for not checking the oven

>> No.9386058

I once lived with no less than 8 different roommates at any given time for about 6 years and this was never something I ever had to worry about.

>> No.9386080

because they're forgetful? retarded? set it on a timer to cook later and didn't think that someone else might want to use the oven? Takes literally a couple seconds to check the oven and avoid shit like this, don't know why so many people are taking offence to the idea of doing it.

good for you

>> No.9386106

Okay I can through a stretch believe that someone would for some reason leave their casserole or muffins or something in the oven after they are done for god knows what reason but why would a plastic handled pan and plastic spatula ever end up in the oven in the first place?

>> No.9386115

because they're a complete fucking retard or a disgusting slob trying to hide dirty dishes in the oven

>> No.9386125

So what you are saying is there is no justifiable reason for them to have done this and the blame does not in fact lie in OPs hands?

>> No.9386138

the blame lies in OP's hands for not checking, the blame also lies in his roommate's hands for putting it in there in the first place. congratulations, they're both idiots.

>> No.9386148

I sometimes forget my cast iron after seasoning. But that's it.

>> No.9386155

But there is no LOGICAL reason that OP should have had to look in the oven. Only a moron would have even put those items in there let alone left them there.

>> No.9386166


What about forgetting shit in the oven, I've done that

Put the remainder of something (wish I could remember what) back in there to keep it warm and forgot about it when cleaning up. Next used the oven 5-6 days later to find some very gnarly looking lamb. That's right, it was lamb.

In terms of horror stories

>Be living with fiance and roommate
>Room mate loses job, goes off the deep end
>Mooches off CentreLink for 3-4 months while looking for a job
>During this time starts a "paleo diet"
>Every night I come home to see him playing WoW with the sink overflowing with dishes
>He's literally had 8 and a bit hours to do the dishes
>His computer desk had a direct view of the kitchen sink

I ended up doing them

>> No.9386183

how about the logical reason to check the oven in case some moron left something in there to avoid the situation he's in now?

>> No.9386195

Everyone does it at least once before they learn to always look inside.

>> No.9386202
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trust, but verify.


>> No.9386214

Sure maybe having a roommate that fucking retarded is a reason to look inside the the blame is still 99% one the dumb ass roommate without which there would be no reason for OP to have to look inside.

>> No.9386219

Ethiopians are hesitant to share recipes with white people because they're so likely to make and serve that stuff without injera.

>> No.9386220
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>get home from work
>entire apartment smells like burnt dogshit
>roommate got drunk and microwaved a Steakum
>since he didn't have any plates he used a plastic tupperware lid as a plate
>since he was drunk he put it in for 20:00 instead of 2:00, I don't even know why you would microwave one
>pretty much microwaved a plastic lid with a thin slice of "meat" on it for 20 minutes and burnt it all up

>> No.9386256

the roommate isn't the one that melted the shit in the oven. what are you trying to prove here?

>> No.9386266
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Back when I lived with my parents, theyd go
out on random vacations from time to time and leave me and my brother alone. Hed always come back around 2am make some shitty food and leave again, never cleaning up his shit. Pic related

>> No.9386296

>Why would anyone ever leave anything in the oven?
People who put things in hot ovens, 1) have a small cooktop and no hot plates to move around pans once they are done cooking, 2) do not have gas stovetops that are immediately cool when turning off gas, 3) often do this to get a pan off a hot burner when there are other items on other burners, 4) remove a pan with screaming hot oil from being spilled until it is cool enough to dispose of properly in newspaper, a can, reuse, etc.

If you don't ever fry or never make 3-4 things at once, you might never face a problem of what to do with a hot pan when done with it. Not all items can be cleaned up immediately. For one thing, hitting a hot pan with cold water to clean it immediately will cause the bottom to warp or decrease the life of a nonstick. Think blacksmithing, when you heat up metal and then shock it. Bad idea. This doesn't mean someone doing the dishes each day isn't a lazy shit for not opening the oven and doing every last pot and pan. It could mean that too.

But, don't worry, you shouldn't do the same thing twice without being stupid. Lesson learned.

>> No.9386317

>roommate horror story

not /ck/ related so I'll make it short
One roommate wanted to grow weed in the closet (prior to legalization movement), other roommate wanted to bring over a narc officer she was dating

I live alone now

>> No.9386339

filthy oven storage plebs detected

I bet you're all hoarders too
>it's fine so long as I can still step on the floor in some places

>> No.9386351

Nice bait. OP melted shit in an oven and ruined it, his roommate merely put something in the oven. Doesn't take much to see that OP is the fool here.

>> No.9386683

Obviously it isnt you retard but op is stupid to not check. Doesnt change the fact op.. you know... melted a pan..
>dat projection.
Nice b8 m8

>> No.9386695


lol what happened next? Can't leave us hangin' anon

>> No.9386704

Should, would, and could but didn't.
Doesn't matter now the pans melted.

>> No.9386727

Not OP, but I've had a cop-in-training in my apartment while I was growing pot. He wasn't a full cop yet, and he knew I smoked pot, which probably explained any residual smell getting past my ionizers. He still sat 10' from my grow room all afternoon and didn't have a clue.

>> No.9387958

Why would you ever NEED to check if there was stuff in the oven if it wasn't on? The oven isn't a fucking cupboard anon, you don't keep stuff in there.

>> No.9388011

And that's probably why he left them.

>> No.9388433

You're a fucking retard OP
Apologize and give him money to replace the cookware you ruined

>> No.9388445

These people are ill prepared for life.

>> No.9388486
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Does nobody else use their oven to dry pots and pans? It's so convenient. I don't bother putting them away half the time because I use some of them daily.

But I never really worry about stuff melting, all of my handles and utensils are nylon or silicone.

>> No.9388671


are you people joking?

are there places where storing things in an oven is acceptable?

do you store pans in the ice cube tray and in the microwave aswell?

>> No.9388680

are you retarded? nobody is defending putting that shit in the oven, but it's not the roommate who melted the stuff in there because he didn't take literally 2 seconds to check inside before turning it on.

>> No.9388682


Go back to /pol/ you unfeeling piece of shit

ooh logic logic sometimes people just do shit you fucking retard

maybe they didnt have room in there cuboard? Maybe they put it in the oven to cool off and forgot about it?

just fuck right off you fucking insect

>> No.9388684



Looks like the injera is you

>> No.9388688


But why would he look

I dont check my fuel tank before driving incase someone is storing pans in there

I dont check my water bottle before I drink out of it incase someone is storing pans in there

what reason would someone have for ever looking at an oven and thinking "that is a place which is suitable for storage"

>> No.9388689

fine, don't check your shared oven and come back to it to find melted shit all up in it that means you have to scrape melted plastic up and repay someone for the cookware you ruined, no skin off my back.

>> No.9388691


>> No.9388696

I ain't paying for shit, it was their dumbass mistake to store it in the oven. Who fucking does that lol? I'll scrape the plastic off, but I'm flinging that shit right into the trash and lighting someone up for being a total retard when they get home.

>> No.9388697
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>> No.9388700

I'm done trying to explain to you morons. Why you flat out refuse to take 2 seconds to check the oven to avoid this is beyond me. OP is in the wrong for melting it, roommate is in the wrong for putting it there. End of story.

>> No.9388708

>still too hot to transfer into containers and put in the fridge
>can't leave it on the counter because the cat will throw it on the floor
>leave it in the oven for now

That said I leave the door ajar you'll probably notice.

>> No.9388722

I leave food in there sometimes. I check the oven before I pre-heat it, and I live alone. You better fucking believe I'd be triple checking it before turning it on if there was a chance someone else used it.

>> No.9388726

You won't have time to explain anything because as soon as you walk through that door I'm flipping out on your for leaving shit in the oven like a crackhead
>w-well you should h-
No, fuck you. I threw your shitty melted cookware you got from Target out in the yard, go get it.

>> No.9388735

you sound like a complete tit and a nightmare to live with

>> No.9388738

I check the oven every time I use it, but only because I read on /ck/ about this happening. OP is absolutely in the right, you should be able to turn on the oven without checking it first.

>> No.9388742

A nightmare to idiot ass roommates who do stupid shit and expect no one to call them out on their shit. Sorry dude, I'm not going to leave you a passive aggressive note on the stove so you can just crumple it up and scoff at it.

Fucking doing dumb ass shit and getting absolutely shocked that people would get angry with you.

>> No.9388753

The only thing OP did wrong is to live with an insane lazy person.

The first roomie I moved in with had 4 cats that she let go fucking everywhere, even the kitchen, no fucking discipline, thank god there was a door for it in that apartment, there was hair fucking everywhere including the stove filter and the sink's drain was clogged to shit from god knows what, something which despite me and later roomies' efforts resulted in water damages and us having to move. Thankfully she kept them out of the kitchen when asked for the rest of the time we lived together.

Still, I kept all my kitchen- and pantryware in my own room for the longest time, she had fucking mugs and shit everywhere, there was no place to put stuff, not that I'd want to, the place reeked of cat piss for the longest time after she moved. Despite cleaning and letting it draft more or less daily.

I usually have an apprehension about jacking it when moving in with a new person, I lost that pretty much immediately after finding her vibrator in the bathroom cabinet's toothbrush shelf, she also had a self-portrait with her and her cats which she hung from across the toilet, I wish I'd taken a picture of it.

>> No.9388757

dumb ass shit like melting your roomie's pans?

>> No.9388759

>don't know why so many people are taking offence to the idea of doing it.
It isn't the idea of checking that's offensive, it's the idea that OP is in the wrong when it's clearly OP's housemate. If a pedestrian enters a crosswalk without looking and gets hit, sure he should have looked, but the bulk of the blame lies with the driver who failed to stop when he should have. Similarly, you could say a woman walking through a park late at night in revealing clothing who gets raped should have known better, but the real blame is on the person who raped her.

In OP's case, anyone with half a wit would consider putting plastic in an oven at all, let alone leaving it, a far less reasonable action than turning an oven on without checking inside.

>> No.9388768

I've never seen an oven with less than 4 burners/plates on the stove.

>> No.9388769

>If a pedestrian enters a crosswalk without looking and gets hit, sure he should have looked, but the bulk of the blame lies with the driver who failed to stop when he should have

I agree with you on the fact that there is blame on both sides, however we disagree on who the bulk falls on. I don't think I'm going to get many to see why it should fall on OP but that is the stance that I take on this issue.

>> No.9388772

I jumped in front of a bus once. It was completely the bus driver's fault since he's the one that hit me with a bus. All I did was jump into the road.

>> No.9388773

He put them in there. I wouldn't get mad at him if I left my fucking tooth brush in the toilet bowl and he flushed it. Why would it be there? I can't get mad if I stuffed my keys into the garbage disposal unit and he flicked it on. "Huh, should have shined your flash light down there and checked before turning it on bro, takes two seconds". I don't hide important documents in the trash can and get upset if he takes the trash out without lifting the bag and peering into the can before setting it on the curb.

>> No.9388777

I don't think you're making fair comparison examples here, but I understand the stance from which you are viewing it. Personally I have benefited on many occasions from simply checking the oven to see if there is anything in it since some people do leave things in the oven. This and the fact that it takes so little time to avoid what can be a big mess (like in OP's example) leads me to have the viewpoint that the brunt of the blame is upon OP for not checking.

>> No.9388781

You fucking guys.
>buy bottle of water
>don't bother checking to see if someone is smuggling cocaine in there
>drink a large gulp
>die immediately
But I guess it's my fault I'm dead and not the fault of the drug smugglers, right?

>> No.9388786

Nice reductio ad absurdum

>> No.9388796

>I don't think you're making fair comparison examples here
I think they are perfectly fair examples, if a little hyperbolic. The point is that those things have absolutely no place being in those places, just as rubber/plastic has no place in an oven. Sure, we all do stupid shit from time to time, you could say it's just a stupid mistake. But it's the roommate's mistake, not OP's.

>> No.9388800

>it's the roommate's mistake, not OP's.
I'm afraid we're just going to have to agree to disagree there.

>> No.9388807

Alright, so I buy a bunch of toilet paper and instead of putting it into the closet I decide to store them all in the bathtub. Toilet paper is used around that, it's fair to say it's something you would find in a bathroom, but obviously not in the tub because water would destroy it. But I decide to do it anyway, because I'm a fucking idiot. So I close the shower curtain after I stacked rolls upon rolls, like fifty of them, in the back of the tub and then go to work. You wake up and are running late so you rush into the bathroom and turn he shower on to preheat it while taking a dump without peaking behind the other end of the curtain to see my mountain of now soggy toilet paper slop. Are you going to get mad at me because you now have to clean up chunks of wet toilet paper from the tub and all you wanted to do was shower, or am I going to get mad at you for ruining the toilet paper I bought and stored in the fucking bathtub without telling anyone even though I know full fucking well that if anyone used said bathtub while it was in here it would ruin it.

>> No.9388811

Who preheats their shower?

>> No.9388815

The problem is there's no practical way of knowing how common (and hence how reasonable, at least in this sense) it is to leave things like that in an oven, compared with some other mistake. If there were, I'm almost certain I could find enough equally common examples of somebody doing something inappropriate, that you would agree in at least once instance that the blame lies on him when something goes wrong and not the other person for not checking.

>> No.9388818

>you owe me a new ass brush bro

>> No.9388819


I think he means letting the water go from cold to hot before entering, it takes like a few seconds and unless you have a huge tank of warm water it doesn't last forever, it's not a perfect analogy, if understandable.

>> No.9388822

I think the major difference here is our life experience. I have found things in the oven before, by taking a couple seconds out of my life to check before preheating, whilst I take it that you have not. Therefore we differ in our viewpoints as to whether one might expect there to be, in your opinion, "unexpected" items in there. From our separate experiences we have concluded in our mind who is more to blame, I place it on OP because in my mind it is commonplace to check the oven whereas you place it on the roommate since you likely have not encountered this type of situation before and it's unexpected and therefore should not have been expected of you to check the oven in the first place.

>> No.9388827
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Nice pepe

>> No.9388830

I can imagine some showers take a while to go from freezing cold to hot, at least long enough to take a piss. Just presuppose that's the case as it doesn't really effect the analogy.

>> No.9388837

I agree that there are some missing details: is this the first time that this has happened (although we can probably guess that this is a yes), how big is the kitchen, how lazy is OP, how lazy is the roommate etc. I have lived in situations in which it's common so my viewpoint is somewhat biased in that regard.

>> No.9388839

Put it this way. Would a perfect world be one in which people always checked their ovens, allowing for people to leave all manner of stupid shit in there, or one in which nobody left stupid shit in there and nobody ever had to check?

>> No.9388842

I still don't know why you would leave anything plastic in an oven whatsoever. I mean I can understand checking before you turned it on, but I wouldn't blame someone if they melted something I left in there by mistake.

>> No.9388846

I didn't really mean to use preheat as to compare it to the oven, I meant pretty much letting your water warm up while you use the toilet. Takes about five seconds to get warm.

I see, and there's really no point in arguing about it. I just think it's silly to put stuff in an oven that would melt like that and find it as logical as storing toilet paper in the back of your tub. I've seen people leave baking sheets in the oven, but they are supposed to be there, just as I'd expect to find a washcloth in the bathtub. A washcloth won't make a mess of the shower if I turn it on without checking.

>> No.9388849

of course a perfect world would be that we didn't have to check and nobody left things in there but this isn't a perfect world and there are other things to consider like kitchen size etc.

small kitchen, no space, hot pan with nowhere safe to put it down

totally agree that it's not sensible to put non oven safe shit in the oven, sometimes it can be due to laziness or if it's a tiny kitchen it could be necessity

>> No.9388851

What kind of dumbass doesn't keep their clean pots and baking trays in the oven and takes up precious kitchen storage space instead?

>> No.9388858

>Only a moron would have even put those items in there let alone left them there.

And everyone knows roommates are morons, so the only logical thing to do is check the fucking oven.
Only a complete retard would turn an unchecked oven on in this situation.

>> No.9388861

Obviously you are such a bitch your roomate feels the need to hide a pan they have no time or inclination to wash. Your a tight asshole.

>> No.9388866
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I hope someone melts your pans you lazy piece of shit

>> No.9388872

>calls someone lazy
>refuses to bend down for a couple seconds to check oven's contents
wew lad

>> No.9388873
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>voluntary paid

>> No.9388879
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>too retarded and/or lazy to wash a fucking dish
>too retarded to realize the oven isn't a good place for dishes with plastic/rubber handles
Fucking degenerate spastic, do your dishes you lazy cunt

>> No.9388880

You should always leave any shared space the same way you found it. If you have to rush out, leave a note instead of insisting people take unnecessary precautions.

>> No.9388890

Have you ever had two fulltime jobs and depression? Once had a roomate like you and ended up storing the one dish i used the one pan i used in my closet, when i came home at 4 am i would make something and stuff my face redeyed tired and drag my unseeing soul to bed, my pan shoved back in my closet because a petty motherfucker like you would scream at me the precious 6 hours i had to sleep before my next job. Im not doing dishes when i need sleep to not die.

>> No.9388902

>totally agree that it's not sensible to put non oven safe shit in the oven
>of course a perfect world would be that we didn't have to check and nobody left things in there
I just don't understand how you can agree on both of these points, yet still argue that the greater blame lies on OP, who's only mistake was not accounting for somebody else's mistake.

How about if I say it this way. In a world where OP checks every time he uses the oven, the roommate is still at fault for leaving inappropriate things in there. In a world where the roommate doesn't leave anything inappropriate in the oven, nobody is at fault. Surely that counts for something.

>> No.9388911

>What in the fuck possesses people to put / store rubber shit in the oven?

Probably the same thing that possesses people to turn on the oven without checking it first.

>> No.9388913
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You do your fucking dishes because it's your fucking responsibility, not anyone elses, you make a mess you fucking clean it dickhead, at least you stored it in your cupboard rather than a FUCKING OVEN, I really don't give a shit what you have or what you do, keep the kitchen relatively clean or you can eat a dick faggot cause the world doesn't revolve around you or your stupid fucking problems and I'm not gonna clean up after you because of those problems unless you pay me 1 grand a fucking week

>> No.9388914

>too lazy
It's absolutely absurd to anybody who hasn't encountered it that somebody would put plastic or rubber in the oven, let alone leave it there. It doesn't make OP lazy if there is no reason it should have ever crossed his mind.

>> No.9388924

>who's only mistake was not accounting for somebody else's mistake.

I'm not the guy you're arguing with but I'd say turning on the oven without checking inside it first was violating a basic safety rule.

Even if you don't have retarded roommates leaving stuff inside it there's always the possibility that you yourself accidentally forgot something in there. Also, I don't know about how often you use the oven but I use it all the damn time. I always check it first just to make sure the racks are at the heights where I want them. It's much easier to re-position racks when they're cold.

>> No.9388948

You lack empathy, as far as character traits go this will not help you. I only hope you are still young and learning. You will alienate everyone around you if you do not adapt. Your name will be secondary to "that uptight bitch" in peoples minds, spouse, parent, coworker, these features merry secondary features to your unmoving and unfeeling.

>> No.9388962

>if you don't let people walk all over you and burden you with their issues no on is going to like you

>> No.9388967
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Fucking grow a spine, it's not a lack of empathy or whatever, it's a lack of tolerance for lazy pricks that expect me to do their fucking work, lazy prick, people like you are why humanity in general and many civilizations have gone to shit, take Rome for example, you're too lazy to do things yourself, expecting shit to be done by other people just because you have other shit going on and all that shit, have you ever considered that others have shit to do too? Fuck you, you should take out a smith and wesson retirement plan, fucking prick

>> No.9388973

Holy shit this is some incredible autism for people who cannot take five fucking seconds to check the oven's insides.

>> No.9388981

Aparently you dont understand a hierarchy of importance on any given event. Either you are sheltering a very low self esteem or you have a mental deficiency. Either way you are a ductaped shape of a broken person if you are grown. If you are young you will learn to pick your battles in life and be ok with human fails. Also own the economic situation where having a roomate is smarter than your porcelain self concept. .. own being financially secure is smarter than being vindicated.

>> No.9388986

You've got it all wrong, no normal person leaves dirty dishes in an oven, only raging autists like you and that "IM DEPRESSED" faggot leave dishes in stupid places i.e the fucking oven

Fuck off you psuedo-intellectual attention whore, no one thinks you're smart, your parents hate you and so do the people you call "friends"

>> No.9388989

You're talking to two different people, and both of them think you're a whiny person.

>> No.9388991

I don't just think it, I fucking know it

>> No.9388992

My roommate left pots and pans in the sink for 2 weeks, I kindly asked him to put them up, and they are up.
Whew lad !

>> No.9389011

>Broke roomate needing people pretend to be superior morally (because it is the only way they can pretend)

>> No.9389031

What the fuck are you even on about, nothing you said makes sense, where am I implying I'm broke, where am I implying that other people need to be somehow morally superior, how in the name of the gods does some dickhead leaving dirty dishes in a stupid fucking place tie in to all this

>> No.9389040

You have a roommate? You need a roomate? Then you have to own that first. That being able to support yourself is more important than some cracked self concept.

>> No.9389051

I have to own a roommate? Genius advice, captain crackhead, being able to support yourself involves doing dishes and not leaving them in stupid places if you haven't already figured that out, so is writing and speaking in a coherent manner, thank the gods I deal with retards day in day out at work, it's how I managed to learn how to interpret retard-english.

I suggest you go back to 1st grade because it's very clear your English is completely fucked

>> No.9389078

What i am saying is that you choose to put yourself in a environment where you have a roomate. You obviously are stuck up. This leads me to belive you have no real choice in needing a roommate. .. that you are poor enough to not have a choice. Therefore your need to house yourself is more important than alienating your source if the ability to house yourself.

>> No.9389087

Durrr *scratches ass* a roof over your head is more important than a dish. *Grunt and points* making roomate uncomfortable because you suck, not good. *Drools copious*

(Trying a language you know)

>> No.9389105

Firstly I choose to have a roommate because it's just straight up cheaper and allows me to do more with my hobbies rather than just sit around like some sort of spaz with no money and no life outside of work, secondly, not wanting dishes to be in the oven or any other place than in the sink, on a drying rack or in a cupboard is not being stuck up, it's called being a functional human being, if you can't understand that I'm guessing you have autism, autism sufferers lack theory of mind which makes it hard for them to understand why someone wouldn't want something a certain way or why someone is mad about something

You legitimately deserve death if you're so lazy that you put a dish in the oven, you are a degenerate if you do that kind of shit, I can't wait until society crumbles and weaklings that are too lazy to do shit that they need to do die off

>> No.9389119

>Aww watch two autists argue its cute how they both think their functional people.

>> No.9389132

I take it you're one of those people who leave dishes in random places and expects others to do your work. Autist

>> No.9389197

who the fuck checks a oven before turning it on
what kind of brain dead retard uses a cooking appliance as storage space?

>> No.9389211

what kind of sink doesn't have a drying rack

>> No.9389215

I've got a tankless heater and there's still the problem of the long ass stack of cold water in the pipes that has to come out first

>> No.9389219

I have a really small kitchen and I store things in the oven (baking sheets and stuff), and I do most of the cooking, basically all of the cooking that involves an oven.

People store stuff in ovens all the time if they are in crowded/small spaces. Also people (even smart people) forget and do silly things from time to time, it is always a good idea to make sure stuff is okay. You will learn this as you learn "adulting" or whatever you are calling being a responsible person these days.

Following pure logic does not make you a person capable of functioning properly in reality. It makes you sperg out about small things and not take responsibility because you expect people to work like robots. Bless your heart though.

>> No.9389223

who stores things in a oven?

>> No.9389224

>>go to preheat oven for pork chops
Why even bother? Preheating is essential for baking because baking is an exact science. A couple of degrees here or there won't make a difference when you cook pork chops. Especially if you allow them to properly rest after removing them from the oven.

>> No.9389235

If you put the pork chops into a cold oven they will cook, but they won't brown properly. They'll be this bland beige color.

You want the oven to be hot as fuck when they go in so the exterior gets nicely browned for dat malliard reaction. If not you might as well steam or boil them.

>> No.9389304


>> No.9389602

In perfect world, yes. But if you live with people it might happen. Which it did happen....

>> No.9389631

Actually yes you deserve to be removed from the gene pool if you can't look at a bottle and discern theres something wrong with the water or wonder why it has an awful chemical taste.

>> No.9389646

>to retarded to realize an oven isnt a good place.
You fucking /pol/tard, no ones saying its ideal.
People are saying its ops fault for not checking.

>> No.9389651

Are humans perfect?

>> No.9389660

What a cuck, holy shit.

>> No.9389662

Anyone that has had lazy roomates or just people with general common sense autismo.

>> No.9389672

No, but there are some things are are just so far out there that they are ridiculous. Leaving anything that's not oven-safe inside an oven is so absurd that it goes well beyond any sort of understandable mistake.

So is not checking an oven before turning it on.

>> No.9389730

Im not saying its acceptable to leave a pan in the oven if it has a place. Im sayong op is a retard for not looking. Its assumed this is a cpmmon occurance.

>> No.9389862

>awful chemical taste

>> No.9389892

You can't agree that it's absurd to leave rubber in the oven and still say it's unreasonable not to check. I could come up with any ridiculous absurdity I like and the odds are you have never checked for it. And the reason you haven't checked for it, is because it never even occurred to you that somebody might do that. That's what absurd means.

>> No.9390042

>no point

>> No.9390055

He means meme arrows.
He's obviously spent to much time on the 'other' chans.

>> No.9390078

>You can't agree that it's absurd to leave rubber in the oven and still say it's unreasonable not to check.

They're both unreasonable because they're both basic safety principles. You never leave objects that could be damaged by heat anywhere near or in a heating device. And likewise you never turn on a heating device without checking it first to make sure it's safe to do so.

I always check my oven before I turn it on. It's not because I'm expecting rubber in there specifically, but who knows what a roommate or family remember might have left in there....or heck, what *I* might have left in there.