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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9384163 No.9384163 [Reply] [Original]

This is not normal.

>> No.9384166


>> No.9384170


>> No.9384176

For me,

>> No.9384177
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>wanting to discuss something other than youtube celebrities or my regional fast food is better than your regional fast food
in before op is banned from all boards

>> No.9384186
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>only quads can stop the gicka chicka

>> No.9384187
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I cant bring myself to eat chicken but once in a while as a guilty pleasure because of this. It just feels wrong. Same with most meats but Im not a vegan.

>> No.9384188

>This is not normal.
Is this supposed to be news or something? Shit's been known for decades.

This is why factory farmed meats taste so bland compared to properly raised animals or wild game. They're bred to grow fast fast fast without any care given to flavor. It's all about price as opposed to quality. That's my biggest gripe with industrialized agriculture, and it's also why I think that lab-based meat is going to be equally awful.

>> No.9384190
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>> No.9384191

You do know that these cornish crosses are just a 4 breed cross right? No genetic or hormonal tampering going on.

>> No.9384193
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LMAO, fuck off PETA

>> No.9384196
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>Im not a vegan.
And yet you talk like you have a B12 deficiency. Go eat a steak, you'll feel better in no time.

>> No.9384200

Sounds bad but it's better for the planet to grow chicken like this. Takes less resources to get more quantity of meat.

>> No.9384201

I've got nothing against eating animals, anon. They're delicious.

That's the whole fucking point, really. Why make them less delicious with industry? Do it the old school way, and that way the finished product actually tastes amazing instead of meh.

>> No.9384207

Old school way is energy and land intensive, start sterilizing people and we can go back to the old way.

>> No.9384208

>implying b12 sumplement is not safer than antibiotic and hormon dosed garbage meat

>> No.9384211


>> No.9384213

It tastes fine to me and I guarantee you wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a double blind test with the bullshit hippy organic stickers removed

Stop promoting the vegan agenda, you dumb yuppie. We were meant to be carnivores

>> No.9384221

>Old school way is energy and land intensive
That's fine, I'm happy to pay more for quality. When you actually cook for yourself food is AMAZINGLY cheap. I am far from rich but I can easily afford to spend on good quality meats. (And I do. I often mail order or drive out to local heritage farms. I got half an Ossabaw hog last month)

There's also the simple volume trade-off. Instead of eating a ZOMG 24-ounce steak, eat an 8 oz one, but much better meat. There is honestly too much meat in the average Western diet as it is. Eat less, but better meat and both your tongue and your health will be improved.

>> No.9384226


No need to sterilize people. You go back to the old agrarian ways before the current levels of selective breeding, mechanized labor and fertilizers/pesticides, and famine will take care of all of it for you.


Eating game meats is not part of the vegan agenda you illiterate. Humans also aren't carnivores, but omnivores.

>> No.9384231

>implying concentrated supplement absorption of B12 is the same as that of meats

>> No.9384239

>It tastes fine to me
Probably because you've never had much to compare it to.

Ever had fresh tomatoes or strawberries from grandma's garden? Gone hunting or fishing and gotten some really fresh meat? It's honestly night-and -day different from most of what you'd get at a supermarket.

The sad thing here is that many people are eating crap food and are completely clueless about it because they've never tried the alternative.

>>Stop promoting the vegan agenda,
I'm not. I'm preaching meat, anon. Good meat. Meat is tasty. Old-school raised and wild game even more so.

>> No.9384244

It doesn't need to be as high. You can just dose the fuck out of it, it's cheap as shit. Who cares if the efficiency is less, just take more.

>> No.9384293

the downside of shitmeat is far greater than the downside of supplements

>> No.9384315

>in 2008 we have bigger chickens at the mass market level

i love that all you normies gleefully swallow the idea that this is somehow a bad thing

newsflash: you have the same opportunities now as you did in 1947. breed your own chickens or go to a farm or butcher where they have the skinny ass chickens you seem to love so much. good meat has always been scarce and always will be. stop whining that the food industry has come up with an alternative product for the people who are too poor or dumb to get the good stuff.

>> No.9384334

What do you even mean by that, and why would it equal bad?

>> No.9384342

domestic animals in general are not normal or natural, but we do it because its convenient and tasty

>> No.9384346

>chickens are evolving back into dinosaurs

>> No.9384351

>there's only one type of chicken
>implying humans haven't been altering animals since husbandry was innovated

>> No.9384354

I too just saw Food Inc.

>> No.9384359

>ood meat has always been scarce and always will be

But that's not true in the slightest. Turn the clock back a couple generations. The average family had a small garden or perhaps what you might call a "farm". Garden-fresh vegetables, eggs laid that morning, and meat from the chickens that free-ranged in said garden was the norm. Even the poorest peasant had fresh eggs, fresh veggies, etc.

Nowadays we have a much better variety of food. But the quality of that food has taken a serious hit due to industrialization.

Of course you can still do a lot of the old school stuff yourself. Backyard chicken keeping is a growing trend, for example.

>> No.9384360

>I'm happy to pay more for quality.
Not everyone has money to pay for quality, dude. Why do people always forget that poor people need food too? The industrialization of food has allowed poor people everywhere the capability of eating foods that used to be considered a luxury such as meats.

>> No.9384367

you are using the term 'quality' in a rather subjective way

>> No.9384370

The average family living in a city a few generations ago did not have any of that. They went to their local market to buy all of that.

>> No.9384373

by generations, do you mean centuries?

>> No.9384381


>But that's not true in the slightest. Turn the clock back a couple generations. The average family had a small garden or perhaps what you might call a "farm".

no they did not. whatever they did have would offer nowhere near enough to sustain the average modern diet in any case.

industrialisation was voluntary. people do not want to live a subsistence lifestyle.

>> No.9384385

>meat from the chickens that free-ranged in said garden was the norm
And you are just talking out of your ass.

>> No.9384387
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a challenger approaches

>> No.9384395

The poor can still eat just fine. Even good quality meats are not prohibitive if you use them sparingly. And as I mentioned before, the current western diet has a massively unhealthy proportion of meat in it anyway. Eating less meat would be a good thing.

The people I know who are "poor" are that way because of bad spending habits. They constantly talk about how "poor" they are, but they eat 3 fast food meals a day, plus sodas and snacks. You could eat like a fucking king if you took that same budget and actually cooked from scratch.

The problem I see is that the wide availability of relatively cheap food has become so tempting to people that they end up spending far more money than they need to in order feed themselves.

>> No.9384433

What did you think a fucking peasant farmer ate? Chicken gets too old and stops laying? That's food. What do you think people did with male chicks? You only need one or maybe two roosters for a flock of chickens. Any more are unwanted because they fight. Those young male chickens? Fucking food.

Even a lot of classic dishes originated that way. The famous French dish "coq au vin"? That's a peasant recipe: when you were so fucking poor the only thing you had to eat was the stringy 'ol barnyard rooster so you had to slow look the fucker in wine for ages in order to make it tender and palatable.

>> No.9384435

>The poor can still eat just fine. Even good quality meats are not prohibitive if you use them sparingly. And as I mentioned before, the current western diet has a massively unhealthy proportion of meat in it anyway. Eating less meat would be a good thing.
According to who? The poor can still eat just fine because of industrialization. Before that they had to eat mostly starches and had really poor diets lacking in nutrition.
>The people I know who are "poor" are that way because of bad spending habits.
Not every poor person is poor like the people you know.
>The problem I see is that the wide availability of relatively cheap food has become so tempting to people that they end up spending far more money than they need to in order feed themselves.
Never in the history of mankind would you find somebody making the assertion that the wide availability of cheap food is a "problem". Even today, in African countries, you would never hear that described as a problem. All Americans live a life of luxury.

>> No.9384448

>no they did not. whatever they did have would offer nowhere near enough to sustain the average modern diet in any case.

Offer near enough "what"? Do you think that people in the past (who often had massive families due to lack of contraception) somehow had a problem feeding all those kids? Hell no.

>>industrialisation was voluntary. people do not want to live a subsistence lifestyle.

Indeed. It's certianly less work. But people gave up quality along with it. Some people are OK with that, and that's fine with me. But other people don't even know what they're missing.

You see it time and time again. A few weeks ago a dude here mentioned he tried real butter for the first time in his life because all his family bought was margarine. He was completely blown away with how good it was by comparison. I saw the same thing with an intern of mine: we were out running work errands and stopped at a restaurant. They had fresh-squeezed lemonade. Intern was completely shocked at not only how good it tasted, but also the fact that it was literally as easy as squeezing lemons and adding sugar.

>> No.9384462

No shit they ate fucking chicken, your statement that every fucking person had chickens and gardens is just fucking shit smearingly retarded, you fucking mong.

>> No.9384474

Well, it is the same with the American population

>> No.9384478

I raised some Cornish X Rocks like those before. It was a horror show. You have to restrict their feeding a great deal to prevent them from becoming massive to the point where they break their legs and die of heart attacks. Ever see a chicken have a heart attack right in front of you? I have.

I've raised them on two occasions. The first was terrible. The second was fine since I fed them very little and made them go out and forage. They did a lot better and the mortality rate before butchering went down to almost nothing. Now I mostly raise egg layers and turkeys. Next year I'm going to try to get a flock of Bourbon Red turkeys, for that ultimate flavor profile.

>> No.9384479

Hits too close to home, man. More than 2/3s of us are obese. 70% of us are overweight.

>> No.9384480

>Do you think that people in the past (who often had massive families due to lack of contraception) somehow had a problem feeding all those kids? Hell no.
You are a pure fucking mongoloid.

>> No.9384493

That is a lot.

>> No.9384500

Sorry, forgot i wasn't on /b/

>> No.9384540
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>> No.9384549

That's not what he's saying you fucking retard. He's saying the norm was anyone who was raising chickens did it free range until industrialization came along. And even if it's not every person, up until this last century, the majority of our country's workforce was farmers where most didn't participate in pure monoculture so it's safe to assume at least most of them had one goddam chicken coop.

>> No.9384554

>Do you think that people in the past (who often had massive families due to lack of contraception) somehow had a problem feeding all those kids? Hell no.
Hahaha, oh my sides.

>> No.9384572
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>> No.9384582

I went omni to vegan pretty much over night and it was easy.

>> No.9384584

Its just like the Americans waistline.

>> No.9384589

Leave this to me

>> No.9384602

WTF did they do to that thing? It should be a final boss in some 80s video game.

>> No.9384607

joke was already made

>> No.9384625
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Neither is this then.

>> No.9384634

Its a breed. Perfectly natural

>> No.9384640

It all depends on how it was done. If done through selective breeding then its sort of normal, just helped along by humans. If it was done through gene cutting, selection, splicing, and artificial gene plantation for captured embryo and test tube chickens, which has been done here, it is not normal. There are monsanto and Tyson shills that will come in and say this is the same as selective breeding. It is NOT the same and it is not normal.

>> No.9384650

no domestic animal or plant is natural

>> No.9384657

If they select specific, yet naturally occurring genes for gene splicing, wouldn't that still technically be selective breeding? As long as they aren't pumping the chickens full of steroids I can't really see the issue there aside from retard bible thumpers who are afraid of science.

>> No.9384658

>I'm happy to pay more for quality.
>how to advocate for the genocide of brown people and still be a good little liberal.

>> No.9384664

I don't believe there are any chickens (or animals for that matter) available for purchase that have been genetically modified by modern techniques

>> No.9384667


>> No.9384670
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I'm brown, and I pay more for quality. Don't worry about me, we've been eating less meat and more vegetables since before it was cool. Worry about yourself. Or don't, it makes no difference to me.

>> No.9384680

Can I see your dick?

>> No.9384683

because the process of domestication is entirely unnatural

>> No.9384688

But isn't it done by humans? Are we not natural?

Or is the domestication of aphids by ants also not natural?

>> No.9384690

>Implying I voted for trump
You people really can't form a cogent point without running to your stockpile of embarrassing images of trump voters can you?

>> No.9384691
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>> No.9384694

>You people
Y so raciss?

>> No.9384701

in general English usage, unnatural refers to things done by humans to change nature

I am certainly not saying being unnatural or natural is a useful thing to know or care about though

>> No.9384709

I was hoping for a BBC :(

>> No.9384715

>in general English usage, unnatural refers to things done by humans to change nature
I thought unnatural is something abnormal or against the course of nature. Again, humans are part of nature.

>> No.9384721

by that definition literally everything is natural, that is not how that term is used though
I am not arguing that humans are not part of nature, just saying words have specific meanings that I do not choose

>> No.9384727

So if a monkey were to somehow discover how to genetically engineer chickens to grow larger, it would still be natural because a monkey is not a human? What if a robot did it? Would it go back and still be natural because there was no human interference?

>> No.9384735

I don't think robots fall under the category of a natural being. Do they?

>> No.9384737

Dude, I don't make this shit up, I didn't ask for words to be used in this manner

I think the distinction between natural and unnatural is generally useless, but I can't help that it exists

>> No.9384741

As far as I know, all robots are the result of human action

>> No.9384755

>Who cares if the efficiency is less, just take more.
It's a problem because less of what is in the supplement is absorbed as opposed to that of meat. In this way, it may say it contains "100% B12" but a small percentage of that would be absorbed into the blood. Most people who rely on these supplements wouldn't know that

>> No.9384801

>this is selective breeding

>> No.9384805

I've had chickens before, and let me tell you there are more breeds out there than shitposters on /ck/

There's different breeds and chickens are not quail or doves, they can be larger birds but it depends on the breed

>> No.9384810

Most supplements contain more like 2000%

>> No.9384835

For water-soluble vitamins, but fat-soluble vitamins are toxic in high quantities. For this reason supplements can only have so much in them, even if the majority of it is passed through

>> No.9384840
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What OP is referencing is a type of chicken which has been crossbreed with other species in order to develop a more plump bird at a much quicker rate. They're typically at eating age in around 2 months. I'm friends with someone who raises this particular breed for slaughtering.

They're non-gmo chickens. They were achieved through selective breeding.

>> No.9384845
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>> No.9384879

not that anon, but you need to go reread what that anon said in the beginning, the one you're defending

>> No.9384901
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I dont have any deficiencies and eat fish almost daily, I also cook that stuff for others to eat that I dont eat.

Youre telling me youre not grossed out by chicken breasts the literal size of all the meat on smaller chickens that are then injected with brine?

>> No.9384904

I'm scared

>> No.9384917
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You must be a foreigner. In America it's legal to defend yourself

>> No.9384956


Before some PETA faggots come rolling in here... sometimes cocks will get too aggressive and start harassing other chickens which leads to decreased egg production due to stress, and in some more serious cases dead chickens. It can be necessary to put down a back cock in order to preserve the greater whole.

>> No.9384966

Peta are the ones bankrolling lab grown meat you dipshit
Not the guy you replied to btw

>> No.9384980

Then quit nitpicking over semantics

>> No.9384994

What? I wasn't

>> No.9384997

Upgrade chicken.

>> No.9385004

everything humans do is natural, we are natural, any behavior we exhibit or wonder we construct is natural too. Our sky scrapers are every bit as natural as an ant hill, the only difference is we made a better hill

cosmic waves and heat bombarding our planet causing the gasses to swirl knocks down a tree and blocks a river

in what way is that more "natural" than a creature that spawned forth from this planet dragging it there instead?

>> No.9385013

thats explicitly not what the word natural means though. You should focus on how people caring whether food is natural are dumb, and how agriculture is inherently unnatural rather than trying to change the definitions of words

>> No.9385015

They get hormones and antibiotics, so ...

>> No.9385016



>meat eaters
>not being retarded

Pick exactly one

>> No.9385048

everything humans do is artificial. everything humans did not do is natural. that's what the words mean. it's an arbitrary distinction, but a clearly defined one and your piss poor vocabulary does not change that

>> No.9385050

it is possible for words to be wrong. It's strange that someone came up with a retarded definition and everyone just goes along with it.

>> No.9385055

>It is not normal

What does this even mean? Normal as in what people who didn't know any better did years ago?

Why the fuck is there this meme that unnatural = bad? PETA shills? Hippies?

There is literally NOTHING wrong with humans creating a better world through scientific means. Fuck your hippy dippy bullshit of a "green" world. We'd all be living like peasants still if nobody ever used science to increase agricultural output.

>> No.9385064


Yeah... they don't... so...

>> No.9385077

Its not that strange that there is a word for things that came about through human influence. The emotional attitude many people take toward the condition of being natural is far stranger

>> No.9385099
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I'm way more appalled at overfishing and the permanent destruction of the ocean's tastiest creatures within 300 years.

>> No.9385112

Amazing what 59 years of paid research, selective breading and genetic modification can achieve.
What's wrong with this again? it's a whole lot better then stuffing it full of hormones.
When people who aren't biologists talk about GM I get triggered, hippies amost destroyed the salmon population by breaking into a lab and releasing GM super salmon.

>> No.9385121

Note, GM foods are good, but no GM chickens are yet available

>> No.9385122

Humans are great. Look at how those great men were able to conquer nature; to kill so many useless, slow lumbering fucking animals. It's awesome.

Who the fuck CARES if a bunch of fucking bisons went extinct? No seriously; who CARES? Someone might be sad for five minutes upon hearing then get on with their lives.

Nobody said humans had to be the good guys because we have consciousness. It feels good to conquer nature even if it is with guns or machines. It feeds our people, animals taste good, and it's fun.

Hippies should once again be chastised and even imprisoned / shot.

>> No.9385124

>implying this is better

>> No.9385132

>He won't prove his point even though he has the burden of proof

>> No.9385150

That's a big cock

>> No.9385164

I think this thing needs a full sized house.

>> No.9385166

wow, just like humans

>> No.9385168

The reptilians are breeding Americans fatter for their fast food.

Well, at least you're free range.

>> No.9385242

it's the McChicken

>> No.9385439

>The virgin organic vs The Chad GMO

>> No.9385445

Imagine the size of the tendies.

>> No.9385467

t. buttblasted vegan calicuck

>> No.9385473

If they makin chickens so big why's the chicken at KFC still so pathetically tiny

>> No.9385500

I agree, death penalty should be reinstated.

>> No.9385527

I don't see how being able to produce animals for eating faster and cheaper is a bad thing.

>> No.9385604

Left one looks malnourished or something. The legs are way too big compared to the body, like it's not growing muscle properly. 2008 version shows we have the wealth and resources now to properly feed our chickens.

>> No.9385637

The problem is the growth horomones' effect on the human body. You know how people complain about horomones in water bottles and tofu etc? Same problem

>> No.9385639

No, no, we still need to sterilize niggers because if we don't they'll riot and steal all our shit.

>> No.9385652

They're just hypochondriacs. By the time the stomach and intestines break down the food the hormones are destroyed. These people are not growing tits from chemicals in their milk or meat, it's just because they're a fatass that eats too much.

>> No.9385653

No, he means about four generations ago. Before WW2, 75% of Americans lived in rural areas. That's "most". That's "a majority". That's a pretty fucking big majority.

When I asked my grandmother about the Great Depression, she told me that life went on pretty much like normal for her family and my grandfather's family, "but city people probably had some hardship."

>> No.9385654

is there any evidence that hormones consumed by livestock while growing have a biological effect on human eating their meat?

Just being something some mommy blogger is worried about it doesn't mean it should be avoided

>> No.9385658

You have no understanding of history. Even in glorious citified Europe back in the Middle Ages, 90% of the population didn't live in Paris/London/Munich/other cities. They lived on farms, you fucking mong.

>> No.9385662

Fuck the city people tbqh. They're the reason this country's in such a bad shape right now. Another great depression would do us all good.

>> No.9385663

the last time 75% of Americans were rural was the 1870s. A majority started being urban about WWI
See the big ass chart here for reference https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urbanization_in_the_United_States

>> No.9385670


>> No.9385683

Give us another 50 years and we'll have irl Chocobos

>> No.9385689

I care about animals going extinct because I want to eat them. Bison meat is tasty. I care at least sort of about rain forests because the biodiversity has many possibilities if the animals and plants are studied. I care about animals and plants in so far as they are useful to us, but that is a good reason to care about them.

>> No.9385696

>blocks your cock

>> No.9385697

This is nothing short of an amazing advance for humanity. Progress that the last few generations can be truly proud of. To oppose this is nothing short of fucking crazy, just like the anti-vaccine idiots.

>> No.9385700

RIP in KFC chika

>> No.9385967

Nope, no hormones are given to chickens within the US

>> No.9385974

That's exactly what he said............

>> No.9386010

There are no fucking growth hormones in chickens.

>> No.9386091

Virgin Chicken vs Chad Cock

>> No.9386149


>> No.9386211

HALT! motherclucker

>> No.9386211,1 [INTERNAL] 

yeah, quite fast growth