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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 267 KB, 1072x712, halloumi-grilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9383321 No.9383321 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s favourite exotic, fancy, and/or fuck-my-wallet cheese?

I'm casting a vote for halloumi

>> No.9383365
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>> No.9383377

Jesus that looks more like a decorational statue than a cheese.
What is it any way? Looks like a play on mozzarella string cheese.

>> No.9383385

tfw lactose intolerant

>> No.9383418

>mozzarella string cheese
Kind of, its softer. Also there are smoked varieties.
Originatied somewhere near Caucasus or Turkey

>> No.9383419

>not a normie cheese

>> No.9383467

is velveeta normie?
asking for a friends tho

>> No.9383558
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Straight up the best thing I have ever tasted.

>> No.9383696

Am I the only one that eats parmesan straight? I fucking love that shit.

>> No.9383707


> exotic
> fancy
> fuck-my-wallet

None of these describe halloumi though. It's good as fuck, but easily available and relatively cheap.

>> No.9383708

Port-soaked Stilton
Blacksticks Blue
Pt. Reyes Bay Blue

Wait, was I only supposed to pick one?.......impossible. I could keep listing favorites, but I think you get the idea.

>> No.9383740
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I presume there are millions doing that

>> No.9383744

Is mimolette normie?

>> No.9383786

old mimolette isnt.

>> No.9383788

i personally like soft goat cheese with tomato in bread for a snack, also (don't hit me) parmeggiano, grana padano, pecorino, provolone, mozzarela and the italian cheese equivalent to bacon, Scamorza (wich is one of my favourites)

>> No.9383798
File: 54 KB, 1024x683, Scamorza-Affumicata-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ilustrating, because i forgot. scamorza with its smoked flavour...mmm

>> No.9383807

This thread is biased as Americans won't be able to post here.
Please delete this discriminatory thread.

>> No.9383809

I want to try that melted cheese they scrape off by the lb.
Raclette I think it's called.

>> No.9383812

I spent a week in Naples, basically just eating the entire time. Had plenty of this and smoked buffalo mozzarella. Good times.

>> No.9383814

I want to like goat cheese so badly, but because I grew up around goats, to me, goat cheese (no matter what kind, and I've tried many) tastes the same as goats smell. I just can't get past it. I have no problems with any other cheese, no matter how strong the flavor, but goat cheese always gets me. Tastes like how goats smell during rutting season.

>> No.9383818

Fuck off, it's mainly Americans posting here. Know your audience.

>> No.9383834

Yup, it's called raclette. You eat it with potatoes and pickles. It's a swiss dish

>> No.9383866

In America it costs upwards of $8/lb, keep in mind we're used to Sargento WIDF cellulose shreds that cost $0.25/lb and if you think anything is better than WIDF cellulose shreds, you're obviously trolling or insane.

>> No.9383874

Memeterrey jack

>> No.9383958

well, if you don't like it, there's no problem. at least you have a good motive. you know a lot of picky eaters dont like things because "reasons"

>> No.9383983

Americans don't have real cheese though. Just pasteurized milk products.

>> No.9383986

OP here. Never heard of it, so yes.
When I say normie I mean like cheddar, pepper jack, mozzarella, fake pre-sliced cheese, mozarella, etc..
Even then, if there's something really special about its, okay, but i don't really want to debate what is and isn't normie cheese.
Basically, if you can find it sold in area where it is not next to brie in an American supermarket, its not worthy.

I'll give a list of all the normie cheeses I can think of right now:
Cheddar, white American, processed cheddar bullshit, Swiss (sold just "Swiss"...), monterey jack, colbyjack, pepperjack, colby, provolone, cottage cheese, ricotta, mozzarella, parmeSAN, parmigiano-Reggiano (sort of an exception. Even though its "real" parmesan and preferred, its still sort of just the-stuff-you-always-put-on-pasta discussion), maybe asiago IDK, and probably a lot of other shit...
But exceptions may apply.

Maybe you are from a different country? I think its rather exotic to have cheese that can be grilled without coating.
Maybe its not a special cheese to you, but I certainly can't find it in any other aisle other than next to the craft cheeses.

I just wanted a thread about interesting cheeses, not to debate about what is or isn't normal. I use the word exotic lightly.

>> No.9383989
File: 35 KB, 546x477, Dipping cheese in cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know, you can dip cheese into other cheese?

>> No.9383991

You are thinking of canned cheeses and American Cheese. Everything else is real cheese. Some of the best cheese come from the Amish.

>> No.9383992

Bullshit. I can buy raw milk cheeses at any number of stores where I live. And I live in "commiefornia", as people like to call it, you know, the place everyone thinks has so many restrictions, so I'm assuming other states either produce or can get raw milk cheeses as well.

>> No.9383993


>> No.9383998

Selling raw milk is illegal in my state. ;_;

The farmers you can get it from are extremely careful. More so than drug dealers. Getting a hookup is almost impossible if you don't know someone close to them. One guy was paying a farmer in silver coins, just to get raw milk for making cheese. It is fucking crazy.

>> No.9384018


Once a month I get the train here and spend ~£100/150 on cheese and cheese related products. I can see why they say it's as addictive as heroin.

>> No.9384023

Damn, that is pretty crazy. There's quite a few producers of raw milk cheeses out here. You can buy them at any good grocery store. I have some Sierra Nevada Raw Aged Goat Cheddar in my fridge now, it was on special this week at my neighborhood store.

>> No.9384024

If it's pasteurized it ain't cheese.
Real cheese does not exist in the USA.
This is common knowledge.

>> No.9384036

You can buy raw cheese just about anywhere though. It is raw milk that is banned for unlicensed sale. You have to be licensed and the milk lobby made sure that costs an arm and a leg so small time farmers never get it. However, you can make cheese with it and sell it fine.

>> No.9384037

Dipshit, do you even read?

>> No.9384039

And this is different state to state since each state is its own country. Much like in the UN. Which is why some have things legal in the state but is illegal on the federal level.

>> No.9384041

>Selling raw milk is illegal in my state
You must be in one of those backwards states like California or Florida.

>> No.9384043
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>> No.9384045

I want to come to the UK and go cheese shopping with you. We'll spend £300 and nearly kill ourselves. (Nearly, but not quite).

>> No.9384046
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Like beer and wine, cheese is not understood by many in the USA.

>> No.9384053

>spend ~£100/150 on cheese and cheese related products
How in the fuck are you spending that much on cheese? Please let us know what your average haul is.
I can imagine some nice boards and knives would put you back a pretty penny, but you don't need to rebuy them every bloody month.

>> No.9384056

That's fucking bullshit.
I wish I had known that
Some how, my state was the only one on the west coast that doesn't allow unpasteurized milk.


Well... good thing I live on the edge of Washington.

>> No.9384058

You should try the Amish country for cheeses. Though, not the places that have online websites. The online shit is entry level babby tier shit. They don't even have Limburger styles on those. I had one that has little pockets of clear liquid in it. The liquid felt like daggers on your tongue for an instant. It was amazing cheese. I don't remember its name, but it was made from goat's milk.

>> No.9384062

Yeah, no shit. You see the "herd shares" thing? That means you "own" the cow but someone else takes care of it and you get the milk from it. Well, it is just a way to get around the law since the person taking take of it basically "owns" it and is "renting" it you to you.

>> No.9384064
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WIDF #btfo

>> No.9384067

Big government has gone too far.

>> No.9384069

No worries, I can get great cheeses where I live, I just want to go shopping for great cheese with someone else who's as much of a cheese whore as I am.

>> No.9384070

>Cheese Food
Seems legit

>> No.9384074

No, those are all state level laws. They exist because of milk lobbyist. The only way you can get out of them is to go through a massive pay wall intended to prevent small farms from selling milk and being competition. Thus, "big agra has gone too far."

>> No.9384079
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>Natural American Cheese

>> No.9384082

Point taken. All I know is someone has gone too far when a pleb can't even drink some fresh milk or eat a piece of real cheese.

>> No.9384085
File: 12 KB, 262x355, happy_cows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wisconsin Real Cheese Food (made from products derived from genuine milk) has won the World Championship Real Cheese awards for the last 45 years

>> No.9384092

>World Championship Real Cheese awards
Is this like the World Series where only America participates?

>> No.9384104

Are you thick or just stupid? There's a Canadian team in the world series too. Speak when spoken to you dim fucking yuropoor.

>> No.9384105

Kind of, except limited to Wisconsin. However they throw in a few non-Wisconsin entries each year, to make it seem "world"

Keep in mind, it's arguably redundant to even have such a competition, since everyone already knows Wisconsin cheese is best in universe #1 (made from happy cows™). Anyone who disagrees with this statement has obviously never been to Wisconsin

>> No.9384106

Oh, I didn't realise Canada wasn't part of North America

>> No.9384109

OP again. Just to clear this up, even when pasteurized milk is illegal for stupid bullshit reasons, not all cheese has to come from fresh unpasteurized milk to be good. Some is produced from pasteurized milk

So we don't need to get into this American cheese meme.

>> No.9384116
File: 27 KB, 404x404, casu marzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the real normie filter
The Casu marzu is a cheese from Sardinia and Corsica which countain Cheese fly larvae
"The acid from the maggots' digestive system breaks down the cheese's fats"

>> No.9384120

Halloumi is extremly common and cheap here, even Lidl carries it.

I had Casu Marzu for the second time last week and it's delicious but my number one cheese is Caglio (italuan fir rennet) from Sardinia: A baby goat gets to suckle milk right before the slaughter, the milk stays in the stomach, the stomach gets tied up and the cheese ripens/ferments in there. There is nothing in this world that tastes like it and if you love cheese you should definitly try it.

>> No.9384122

>Did not have the genetic fortune of becoming used to dairy products over the centuries.
This whole thread is racist against black people and I'm offended.
How dare you all discriminate against the great pharaohs of ancient times?

>> No.9384124

more simple you may know the Maroilles, a cheese from my region, the north of France famous for it's horrible smell

>> No.9384126
File: 687 KB, 1920x1619, Maroilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We offen it it in tarte

>> No.9384127

You must be really sad person.

>> No.9384130

Isn't casu marzu illegal in France, but for some reason, the law isn't really enforced or something?
Can you get high off casu marzu?

>> No.9384131
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, Tarte au Maroilles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat it

>> No.9384144

it's forbidden in europ expect in Sardinia for some reasons so no you can't find it anymore in France
you still could a few years ago so maybe it's possible

>> No.9384146

>Can you get high off casu marzu?
your stomach could not sure for the brain

>> No.9384152

port salut

>> No.9384165

Casa Marzu is not specifically banned, but rather it falls under a blanket restriction regarding "contaminated food".

Nobody really cares about it because even in Sardinia, where the cheese is from, it's not very commonly found. And then it's understood that this cheese is supposed to contain said insects. The hype about ZOMG maggot cheese is far larger than than the popularlity of the cheese itself.

Think of it like jaywalking. It's illegal everywhere but almost never enforced unless someone is being a real idiot.

>> No.9384173

You know there is something wrong when the food you are eating requires safety precautions in case the insects inside the cheese decide to jump into your face since it is much more closer than the 15cm/6" they are capable of jumping.

Either way, the fact that a food became illegal in the European Union for safety reasons is enough for me to not touch that shit with a 100 foot pole and a hazmat suit.

>> No.9384181
File: 415 KB, 1271x985, Grillkäse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe you are from a different country?
Not that anon, but here in germany they are cheap as dirt beeing sold on your way to the checkout in the summer season. A double pack 300g costs aroung 2-3€, just as much as any other normie cheese.

>> No.9384194

>Either way, the fact that a food became illegal in the European Union for safety reasons

Really? Do you honestly think that regulations are always based on practical reasons rather than silly technicalities or mistakes sometimes?

You'll understand when you're older, kid.

>> No.9384199

>Think of it like jaywalking. It's illegal everywhere but almost never enforced unless someone is being a real idiot.
You should try living in Portland OR, where everyone on the road and even the people who make the roads themselves are always at all times real idiots and they have occasional crackdowns because of it.
>3rd or 4th highest rate of accidents per capita out of all cities in the United States

>> No.9384206

Cager propaganda word
Another cager propaganda word

If you don't like living somewhere that has its priorities straight, move to LA or Houston

>> No.9384209

you're right since it taste like shit
>Nobody really cares about it because even in Sardinia, where the cheese is from, it's not very commonly found.

>> No.9384220

Alright, I suppose I could be convinced for other things, but I'm not convinced with flying maggot cheese.

I am definitely more intimidated by a food ban in the EU than I would be in America, but I wasn't really that serious about that part its really just the flying maggots.

>> No.9384229

Speaking of "propaganda words":

Do you ride? Or are you using "cager" as a propaganda word?

And no, I don't mean a bicycle. I mean a motorcycle. Because motorcyclists invented that term decades ago. I've noticed that very recently it seems to be popular among young trendy hipsters that have never so much as sat on a bike.

>> No.9384247

>young trendy hipsters that have never so much as sat on a bike.
What you mean young trendy hipsters that don't actually have bicycles and fuck up traffic aren't a common problem and often parodied stereotype where you live?

I'm pretty sure that poster is trolling with knowledge of how Portland actually is and what it thinks about LA.

>> No.9384252

>internal combustion shilling intensifies
Your time is almost up, enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.9384257

>Clarifies before saying it instead of after
Fuck I read it wrong.

>> No.9384269

I don't live anywhere near Portland actually, I'm just glad to see some parts of the west coast are managing to pull their heads out of their asses and recognizing that cager tyranny is a major problem for quality of life

Enough blood is shed to fill a decent sized lake every year through "accidents" because when you zoom around at insane speeds while texting and/or drunk and/or impaired with road rage, who could possibly foresee the consequences?


>> No.9384281


I was tying to ascertain if propaganda boy was using the term casually like a biker would, or if he was trying to use it as a propaganda term meant to make car owners look bad. I suspect it is the latter but I wanted to make sure before I stared calling him a needle-dicked bugfucking hypocrite.

>> No.9384300

I don't need to "make" car owners look bad, they do a pretty good job of that on their own


>> No.9384320

I don't own a motorcycle or a car, anon. I'm simply trying to figure out who am talking to.

And now it's obvious! The needle dick is out! I think you should shove your internet appliance up your asshole. Yes, that will be painful. That's the point. While you ponder the pain, consider the massive enviornmental damage that was caused to mine the metals used to make that device. The toxic waste that was produced to create the battery in said device. The toxic waste it will become when you discard it to buy the latest and greatest new one. And the fact that none of your sheltered hipster existence would be possible without internal combustion engines.

How the fuck do you think your precious Hipster Foods supermarket was built? Do you think that magical dolphins delivered the pre-bagged organic salads for you? Do you think that precious plastic that's all over your life came from fairly farts and not the heavily polluting oil industry?

Me? I'm about to go fire up the chainsaw to clear the last bit of pasture for my goats. Am I happy about its emissions? No. But that's easily offset by the fact that I'll be eating my own naturally-raised meat that requires no transportation to get, no plastic packaging, and no industrial feed.

So go shove your self-righteous arrogance right up your crackhole along with that phone.

>> No.9384352

Victor Hugo is that you? Don't you have some Vietnamese hill people you could be blessing?

>> No.9384362

And yet, one of the major issues with Portland roads is that bicyclists are explicitly allowed onto major roads. And I'm not talking in bike lanes, I'm talking IN THE ROAD.
You will see bicyclists at stop lights in Portland.
There were problems during the eclipse when stupid fucks who weren't even the usual stuck-up bicyclist cunts were riding their bikes on the streets and didn't do all the shit the bicyclist cunts knew to do, like use hand signals when turning.

There's also really annoying events and attractions like the Pedal Lounge which puts people in danger and fucks up traffic by explicitly allowing people to do dumb things on public roads because the presume its something regular people do in Portland or some gay shit like that.

>> No.9384368

>>and needledick opts for deflection. Looks like he's lost this one boys. Tune in next time!

>> No.9384377

I've got no problem with cyclists as long as they obey the same traffic laws as everyone else.

In my city most of the cyclists are no problem. But around the university you get a lot of idiots who don't obey signs or lights. They never signal, and they often do crazy shit like ride the wrong way down the road, randomly cut across traffic, hop medians and curbs, etc. That shit is downright annoying because it is INVITING an accident. Luckily the campus police has stared a bike unit (officers on cycles) and are cracking down on it.

>> No.9384396

>and I'm not talking in bike lanes, I'm talking IN THE ROAD
And that's a problem, why?
>I've got no problem with cyclists as long as they obey the same traffic laws as everyone else.
t. motorist who regularly exceeds the speed limit and rolls stop signs because "I could tell it was safe so the law doesn't apply to me"

>> No.9384419

>And that's a problem, why?

It's a traffic hazard. Faster moving vehicles passing slower moving ones is one of the leading causes of accidents. That's why most cities worldwide are enforcing the policy of "left lane for passing only" on the highway. That minimizes lane changes with faster/slower traffic, which results in improved safety.

>>regularly exceeds the speed limit and rolls stop signs
Why would I do either of those things? In case you didn't notice I was complaining about people who don't obey the law. I can't very well take that stance if I don't follow it myself. I used to ride a bike when I went to uni. (pedal and motor). I know damn well how dangerous traffic can be from that perspective. Even on a motorcycle drivers will look your way and not see you. No way am I making myself part of that problem.

Anyway, you seem pretty triggered, needledick. Does that mean you're one of those cyclists who doesn't obey traffic laws? I'll bet you even ride while you're on the phone dialing up 1-900-BUG-SEXX. I can't see why you'd be so buttmad otherwise. The only people who get upset at people discussing following the law are those that break it.

PS: I hear stag beetles are really wild in the sack.

>> No.9384452

>Faster moving vehicles passing slower moving ones is one of the leading causes of accidents.
You mean collisions, and slow the fuck down.
>That's why most cities worldwide are enforcing the policy of "left lane for passing only" on the highway.
That's always been the case and has nothing to do with bicycles in particular
> I can't very well take that stance if I don't follow it myself
Good for you.
>Does that mean you're one of those cyclists who doesn't obey traffic laws?
In the past, I would stop for a red, look for oncoming traffic, and then proceed if it was clear. I would do this because the time after the light turns green is dangerous for cyclists and also an inconvenience to motorists who can accelerate to the maximum allowed speed of 25mph more quickly. However, after a spate of collisions caused by inattentive motorists, the police started ticketing cyclists for doing this. Since I am fully within my rights for remaining in the center of the lane to prevent dangerous overtakes, I now wait for the red and hold up traffic on the green. This upsets people like you, but maybe you should have thought about that before killing cyclists.

>> No.9384456
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>mind=literally blown

>> No.9384468

That's not fondue...

>> No.9384486
File: 135 KB, 334x483, fritos-dip-mild-cheddar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its one of those cans of cheese dip for chips.

>> No.9384497

Oh so you're an annoying little faggot who bothers everyone else trying to get to work and act like you're the one being victimized.

>> No.9384498
File: 3.05 MB, 2858x2847, brunost2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goes through red lights and is surprised by accidents
Okay, this went from 90% troll certainty to 105% troll certainty.

Lets just talk about cheese.
Brunost any one?

>> No.9384506

Gargonzola, Havarti

>> No.9384513

There you go again. And no, the two fatal collisions that triggered the ticket blitz had nothing to do with traffic signals. In one case, a bus illegally using a non-truck-route struck a cyclist from behind. In another, a box truck making an illegal turn across multiple lanes struck a cyclist from the side.

>> No.9384517

not that guy but try riding your bike in a city for a week to get around. you'll start hating motorists too.

it's always funny when im biking in a turn lane and some salty fatass is behind me. I always take extra time to turn when that happens. but yeah in any case real cities are accommodating to cyclists and have adequate lanes , especially downtown. it's mostly a flyover issue

>> No.9384519

I'm not being victimized at all though. I was trying to be nice to you people but apparently nothing is ever good enough. So you can now wait behind me as I get my speed up to 25mph. Hope you can deal with that because it's not like you have a choice. Oh wait, you can take the train or ride a bike like normal people, but nah. You're special, you deserve a special personal motorized wheelchair.

>> No.9384529




>> No.9384537

All of France is famous for its horrible smell not just your little stank hole region

>> No.9384551

I fucked your mom, she was known as the local bike. Do I win a prize?

>> No.9384578
File: 194 KB, 400x266, manchego.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else a fan of manchego?

It's a sheeps cheese from Spain. I think its best served; sliced like in the pic and drizzled with olive oil. Goes well with fresh bread alongside tapas.

>> No.9384590

I prefer young manchego, with membrillo. around here mostly they sell the aged stuff though. if I'm eating an aged cheese I'll go for something a bit more intense

>> No.9384614

Totally forgot about Tallegio, one of my favourites as well.

>> No.9384624
File: 59 KB, 550x429, provo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think its rather exotic to have cheese that can be grilled without coating.
In Argentina, grilled provolone wheels are an usual BBQ starter/appetizer
it's nothing exotic here, any weaved provolone should be grillable without problems

>> No.9384637

why do you people call steak "chorizo"?

>> No.9384685

chorizo is a sausage
bife de chorizo is a beef cut similar to rib eye steak
learning the difference could save your life

>> No.9384723

I'm an American who just got back from visiting Germany and these things are amazing. Cheese like that is impossible to find here.

>> No.9384756



>> No.9384759


>> No.9384761

I have a block of this shit in my fridge right now but I don't know what to do with it. Is it literally just for toast?

>> No.9384779

Try a bit of it. Its definitely *not* normal cheese.
I think I've heard of it being used in dessert recipes. Goes well on raisin bread and uh... some other stuff I can't remember right now.

The taste is unusual, and I wouldn't be too surprised if some people didn't like it, but if its applied to the right thing in the right amount, I think most people would like it.

Honestly, I have to be careful with that stuff, because I'[ll just eat it on its own. One of my favorites.

>> No.9384784

Why don't you just make it yourself? It's not dark magic, you know?

Nadine, bitte. We can't ONLY eat Erdbeerkäse.

>> No.9384786

I think I've also melted it in some way before and it wasn't too bad, but its easy to overdo it.

>> No.9384793

How do I stop being a tastelet when it comes to blue cheese. I've tried the milder cheese in that department, but it's still too overpowering. Should I start with putting it in cooked dishes instead?

>> No.9384795

Not everyone has the means to just make cheese whenever they want.
Not good cheese, at any rate.

>> No.9384802

Stop eating blues?
>Milder ones
Were they still blue? Did they have blue veins or blue spots? Did they smell fermented? Stop eating blues if you don't like blues.
Manchego, port salut, butterkase... The list goes on.

>> No.9384804

Get an actual cheese block like Emmentaler.
Put a grill-size piece of it into boiling water, turn heat down to a low heat and let it sit there for an hour. This will rearrange the cheesy molecules so that they don't melt anymore. After removing it from water you can either mix some ingredients into it or just let it cool down into a natural shape.


>> No.9384808

BTW, I really recommend butterkase as the absolute safest option if you think the cheese you are having is too strong.
I doubt anyone could really hate it.

>> No.9384819


I'm sure there are non-whole-foods tier supermarkets selling normal actual cheese. In germany most simple ones cost around 8€/kg or 10$/2.2lbs.

>> No.9384964
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Well shit.

>> No.9384975

cheese "flavored" means it's not actually cheese at all, just oil.

>> No.9385914
File: 77 KB, 800x533, manchego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this anon

>heat oven to around 400-450
>take some fat pitted dates
>stuff a cube of Manchego inside the cavity
>wrap in bacon/ham (Spanish style)/pancetta
>put a toothpick through it for stability
>array dates on a baking sheet
>drizzle with olive oil
>bake for around 10-15 minutes


>> No.9385994


>> No.9386078

the best cheeses are obviously mozzarella,gouda and maasdamer, if blue/greencheeses and those aren't considered

>> No.9386081


>> No.9386474

Not a massive fan of dates but this looks lecker.

Will try it out cheers

>> No.9386583


Halloumi is dirt cheap where i live. Seriously, 500g Halloumi is cheaper than 500g gouda which is pretty cheap (80$ per Kilo).

>> No.9386593

>heat oven to around 400-450

I don't own a furnace anon.

>> No.9386600

Yes it's amazin especially if it has salt crystals

>> No.9386603


>> No.9386604

I want to shove that in my cooter

>> No.9386650
File: 97 KB, 650x433, queso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe you are from a different country? I think its rather exotic to have cheese that can be grilled without coating.
>Maybe its not a special cheese to you, but I certainly can't find it in any other aisle other than next to the craft cheeses.
>I just wanted a thread about interesting cheeses, not to debate about what is or isn't normal. I use the word exotic lightly.
Take yourself over to the Hispanic section. There is queso para freir right there. It will be half the price of any euro import of halloumi. Halloumi isn't ridiculously special if it is just cows milk halloumi. If it isn't sheep or goat milk, it is as ordinary as mozzarella or any other fresh cheese and so you should try the hispanic queso on for size. It's delicious colombian style with a soft morning arepa or with a marinated cabbage salad alongside a steak.

>> No.9386845

>There is queso para freir right there.
No there isn't... I guess maybe it's time to find a real cheese shop but no it's not there.
>Halloumi isn't ridiculously special if it is just cows milk halloumi. If it isn't sheep or goat milk, it is as ordinary as mozzarella or any other fresh cheese
It was actually sheep milk. In fact, I was just there looking at this thread and couldn't find any cow milk halloumi.

>> No.9386881

Fahrenheit, not Celsius

>> No.9386886

>>There is queso para freir right there.
>No there isn't... I guess maybe it's time to find a real cheese shop but no it's not there.
Are you not in the US:?

>> No.9387004

They sell that Rougette grilling cheese at my neighborhood market here in NorCal for $1.99. When I'm feeling like a real pig, I'll get one, grill it up, and eat it on a bun like a hamburger with all the toppings. I don't do it often, but when I do, I fucking enjoy it, and the guilt that comes with eating that much cheese at once.

>> No.9387215

I'm baffled too, considering the images I found of what it looks like, where it's from, and the way you speak of it. I live in a pretty hipster infested area of portland OR and the places I normally shop at are rather small, so maybe it's something to do with that considering they have to make room for all the veganglutenfreenongmofarmraisedlocalafrican bullshit they gotta waste space and effective options for normal people for.

>> No.9387232

Americans discussing cheese?

This is nearly as bad as the beer threads.

>> No.9387326

Please do, from the looks of it you're the only person in this thread besides myself who knows what they're talking about.

>> No.9387412

Shitpost more.

>> No.9387455
File: 283 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20170904-224657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't shitposting this is a bunch of spergs who found their way here from /n/

>> No.9387475
File: 57 KB, 500x500, 516k-gKKw3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

green thunder is the best, fight me

>> No.9387476

Explains a lot.

>> No.9387480

Black Label Cambezola was amazing when paired with a good porter.

>> No.9387486

... 3 way tie.

Halloumi - especially grilled and limed.

Kefalotyri - especially lit on fire and lemoned.

Blue Cheddar - no idea what it really is, but this is how it's sold to me. It's incredibly sharp - to the point where it crunches a bit, and it's got a mild innoculation of what I'm guessing is roquefort mold... just barely taken hold... it doesn't hurt that it's dirt cheap because nobody but me seems excited by blue cheddar.

>> No.9387491

Okay probably low opinion because American as fuck, but I love port salut. The stuff was cash to me

>> No.9387501
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>> No.9387520

Don't listen to the people shit-talking America.
Even in the states where cow milk is illegal, they just make a lot more sheep and goat milk.

>> No.9387528

Also, more modern pasteurization processes can reduce the impact of pasteurization. Its still not completely gone, but you definitely get more of what its supposed to be like.

>> No.9387536

Port-Salut is made from pasteurized cow's milk, so you're fine.

>> No.9387543

>bread cheese
The fuck kind of cheese won't they make?

>> No.9387557

It is alright straight but it is god tier when toasted

>> No.9387571

Wrong cheese.
The correct cheese is parmi... parmigiano-ridged..
Any way, you better be eating the real shit if you're doing that or I will maim you.

>> No.9387573

Most Euro cheeses are pasteurized as per EU law. I don't know what these faggots are on about.

>> No.9387601

I didn't know you could toast it?

>> No.9387617

pahrmejjainoe reggieanno

>> No.9387643

this is just a complete lie

>> No.9387654
File: 87 KB, 596x350, Saganaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9387659

Shutup, troll. Europe isn't a special haven of unpasteurized dairy and it hasn't been for a while.

>> No.9387663

Triple Cream cheese on toast is fucking delicious. you'll never go back to butter again

>> No.9387681

A bakery I worked for told me that buying or selling unpasteurized milk was illegal, but you could lease shares of a cow from farmers and get shares of unpasteurized milk.

>> No.9387710

Markets typically find workarounds for government intervention, yes

>> No.9387726


I think I might be a cheese pleb. Oh well.

>> No.9387771

Its just a special kind of smoked cheese thats similar to mozzarella. Each side is coated with that beautiful browned cheese you see on pizzas, and you eat that shit straight. Pure cheese kino.

>> No.9387826

it's still a complete lie, there's no EU law requiring cheeses to be made from pasteurized milk

>> No.9387831

Try telling a normie about the cheese mites and see their reaction.
Vielle is best mimolette, I don't really see a point to eating jeune.

>> No.9388146

Fuck's sake.
Can someone please reference one of these as I am too lazy, high, drunk and American to do it myself

>> No.9388189

I'm gonna come to yer country and bust yer fuckin' head open, don't you know?

>> No.9388204
File: 264 KB, 1440x2089, IMG_0034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be American
>eat wood pulp
>call it cheese