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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 650x455, 1216_cash-dollars_650x455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9383220 No.9383220 [Reply] [Original]

What's your monthly budget for food and drinks?

>> No.9383229

like 200 dollars. it sucks. too many lentils, too many eggs, too much cereal.

>> No.9383241

My mom and dad give me 20 bucks a week and I spend it on vodka.

>> No.9383243
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60 veggies
50 drinks
20 beans
40 meat
40 animal feed.
70 pet food.

>> No.9383246

are you me?

>> No.9383247

the rabbit gets along with the cat?

>> No.9383249

perhaps. i average 1000 a month in total income. sometimes more if craigslist gigs are good to me. about half of that goes to rent. so there you have it. you?

>> No.9383254

Damn I'm around the same also not the guy from first reply.

>> No.9383255

319.52 dollars. For 2 people.
I stock up the freezer and we usually don't spend it all.

>> No.9383264

very peculiar.

>> No.9383274

$140 for food, $60 for drinks. I made a huge batch of egg salad earlier with 2 dozen eggs and I've baked 3 small loaves of bread today.

>> No.9383279

How do you only spend $4.6 a day?

>> No.9383280

3-400 USD a month

>> No.9383296

Cooking all of my meals with bulk ingredients, mostly vegetarian. I only eat one meal per month that I didn't prepare, and that's when my mom wants us to eat lunch together at a restaurant.

>> No.9383301

Do you have examples with prices? Can you even get vegetibles with that budget? That's a dollar a quarter per meals.

>> No.9383318

That's food for the cat.

>> No.9383326
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About 200 euro's. I think most of my cash goes to energy drinks and coffee.

>> No.9383369

Today's purchases rounded to the nearest 25 cents:

>3 dozen eggs - $1.50
>1 gallon milk - $3.50
>5lbs bread flour - $5
>Mayo - $4.50
>Paprika - $2
>Yellow mustard - $1
>1lb butter - $3.50
>3lbs mixed frozen vegetables - $6
>2lbs brown rice - $2
>5lbs potatoes - $3

Total: around $32
Most of this stuff was on sale, I'm always looking for good deals. The butter, mayo, mustard, potatoes, and flour will last a couple weeks and the paprika will last for months.

>> No.9383372

Made a mistake, the bread flour was $4, so a total of $31.

>> No.9383380

$300 groceries
$600 eating out and drinking

>> No.9383382

I live in my parents' home most of the time on my own because they live abroad.

On my own: around 70 euros a week. This is what I expect most of the time.

If my dad is here: easily 20-30 euros a day. I have to cook for him. His expectations are very high and I often have to include red or white wine.

When mom and dad are both here: 0 euro. :^)

>> No.9383472
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They ignore each other.

>> No.9383511

I'm not poor so I don't have to budget.

>> No.9383513

Honestly? Bout £500. Not much I know but I make do.

>> No.9383517

About $65. I make weekly grocery trips. Stuff I get as follows:
A container of chicken breasts every week and it contains seven of them so I cook one everyday. Also I get 2 bags of 3 pounds of frozen vegetables (lowest quality but it's really cheap and even contains broccoli), a bag of carrots, daikkon, and cabbage. Stuff that I dont get every week is some sort of canned fish - either salmon or tuna, brown rice, steel cut oats, oil, spices, tea bags, and plain yogurt.

>> No.9383529
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>> No.9383534

>This thread

Holy fuck it must suck to be poor.

>> No.9383538

No one has said anything negative about their budgets. Why so sucky?

>> No.9383545

Drinks: $40-50
Food: I will never budget..

>> No.9383561

400 and I make most everything from scratch so there's a lot leftover for novelty shit. Good cheeses, rose water to make hibiscus syrup for drinks, scallops, bison, etc.

>> No.9383625

I spend around 1200 USD a month on food for myself =/. I really need to get this habit under control; I could do like 400-500 a month but I just like ordering food from some where and going to pick it up or having them deliver it cuz it's ez.

I also spend another 1800 a month on liquor, so yeah I def need to stop doing that.

>> No.9383626


>> No.9383631

>$3500 a month on food and drinks

wtf, even if you ate at a top restaurant every day you wouldn't spend that much on food.

>> No.9383638
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Get on my level

>> No.9383702

More than enough. Fresh veggies and meat from the market is dirt cheap (tatoes cost around 2€/10kg in the fall, same goes for other seasonal stuff you can conserve or keep fresh in the cellar). I only drink water, tea and coffee and never buy pre-made stuff. If one can actually cook and knows how to budget like ones war experienced great grandmother it's really easy to eat delicious stuff on a budget normies can't even eat for a week.

>> No.9383796

Industrial training at a hotel. Basically eat anything I want there, all free of course. Doesn't really like eating out. So less than 50? Maybe less

>> No.9384059

I honestly don't understand how anyone can eat on less than $10 a day.

>> No.9384108

I eat one meal a day instea of many small ones. Usually it's a base (potatoes in a wide range of variations which cost around 30 Cents for a fucking big double portion), adding fresh or frozen veggies depending on the season (also dirt cheap for a couple Cents a serving) and add fresh meat from my butcher which varies depending which cut he has to offer for a good priece. Coffee, fresh milk directly from a farm around the corner and tea costs a couple cents and lasts for a long time.

Make a roast and you're done for the week for 10€, as meat is the most expansive part. You will have a fresh roast, cold cuts, pulled meat for burgers and something to make aspic. Low price, high variaty, low effort.

>> No.9384111

The biggest rip off was the $12 water

>> No.9384118

You can also make dirt cheap pasta, depending on your taste Udon are easy and tasty in ramen. You can recycle remaining meat by making german ravioli or simple Gnocchi with an easy tomato sauce and a spoon of creame.

Or rice with differnt toppings like korean beef. Lentils in a nice thick soup, broccooli soup with salmon and baguette, omelletes with cheese and spinach with a dipp.

There are so many easy recipes which are dirt cheap.

>> No.9384133

probably around $200 including going out. i get a lot of free food from the restaurant i work at and have dinner with my parents like once a week

>> No.9384142
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Don't forgett delicious stews you can make with the cheapest meats till they mealt like butter on your tongue. Polish Bigos or southern smoked sausages in cabbage. You can cook it up for a couple days and it will taste better with each day.

>> No.9384155

I don't know, I don't count how much I spend.

If I was to guess I'd say somewhere between $600 and $800 a month.

>> No.9384168
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Damn bruh. I make 1500 a month as a line cook and that's fucking peanuts imo. What do you do?

>> No.9384192

I just heard today that Americans only get 2 weeks of paid holidays each year and your holiday pay doesn't accumulate. So if you don't take holidays from work the next year your holiday hours just reset back to 2 weeks. Sounds fucked.

>> No.9384204
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20 - rice [lasts for months never bothered to check how long]

40 - meat
40 - veggies and fruits
10 - milk
20 limit - random junk on sale

>> No.9384210

There is no set system, it depends entirely on the job.

I work a major US state university. I get all government holidays paid. Starting vacaction time was 2 weeks a year, plus extra based on your seniorit. Currently I get about 5 weeks a year. I get an equal amount of "sick days". Theoretically you are supposed to have proof from a doctor if you take "sick days" but that rule is not enforced. Most of the people I know use them for vacation. Both of them accumulate, though there is a limit. The limit is very high. Currently I have something like 19 weeks of "sick days" accumulated. For my seniority the limit is 22 weeks for both vacation and sick days (seperate banks).

>> No.9384972

How do you survive on $65 a month?

>> No.9385032

Food around 250 dollars

Alcohol around 150

>> No.9385045

$300 - mostly goes to vegetables from the market, and meat / fish from the butcher or fisherman.

>> No.9385056

$100 bucks a month from the butcher

GF gets everything else like produce, cans and boxed stuff. she probably spends $150 a month. but also soaps and toiletries are on the same bill.

>> No.9385061

How does a roast last a week?
Are you all tiny people?

>> No.9385065

125$ on food
100$ on sweets

>> No.9385127


That sound delicious. Can I get a recipe?

>> No.9385178

60$ but I also take stuff from the food bank. I make 1500 a month, I just hate spending money

>> No.9385435

Australia is fucking expensive, dude. I think I get ripped a lot for being American too.

>> No.9385483

You make a big one, like 1kg ones. And separate in different dishes. EIther marinade, dip into asppic with vegetables, make into pulled pork, add to a stew, cut into cold slices, put into an cold salat, ... I mean, the only thing else you need are some veggies and carbs and both are nearly for free if saisonal.

I eat like 1500kcal/ day (f). 1200kcal maindish and something small like a hot chocolate with whipped creame in the evening. By hairy half eats a bit more but we always have more left if we just double the amount. Just freeze it. It's great for a lazy weekend.

>> No.9385508

Pic related is Bigos, the main ingredients are different kinds of smoked sausages and pork (you can really use anything you have left in your freezer). The other maincomponent is Cabbage and Sauerkraut 50:50. You cut the Cabbage into mouth suitable pieces and fry them in the pan with a nice piece of butter+oil. Put aside. Do the same with 1-2 onions (depending on your liking). And with the different kinds of sausages and meat till everyone is nicely browned. Add everything together, fill in with broth 2 table spoons of concentrated tomato paste, sweet and hot paprica powder and let it sit on medium/ low heat for 2+ hours. The longer you cook the softer the meat will become. I usually cook it for at least 3h. Let it sit there till the next day and reheat. It's great with fresh bread and a spoon of creme fraiche.

If you want a more en detail recipe just google "polish bigos". But it's really more the idea to use up any meaty left overs, so no need to go crazy if you can't find a specific sausage. But usually smoked ones like Kabanosi or Krakauer go the best with it.

>> No.9385526

If you want to go cheap buy 300g smoked pork belly (it's like 5€/kg in germany), 500g of some random diced cheapo pork meat from your local discounder and add some bifi-like mini sausages or other salami for the savory deepth. Last time I spend around 10€ for a whole week worth of it.

But beware, some people tend to get the shits from Sauerkraut. My bf spend the whole evening on the thron after asking for a refill.

>> No.9385538

You could sponsor 10 chinese NEETS.

>> No.9385546

including booze its probably around 400. I eat out a lot, drink hipster beers, and when I get stuff to cook it always kinda expensive. I cook chicken wings on the reg.

>> No.9385547

Fishmonger. Thats their title.

>> No.9385563
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>5k for Cristal

is this real?

>tfw a quarter of that could pay all of my debts and I wouldnt have to live like an EBT nigger

>> No.9385578
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Bottle service is a night club, easily. Bottle service is the biggest sucker deal in entertainment. Related note, check out Burt Kreischer's Tracy Morgan story for an excellent way to skip out on a $5k bar tab.

>> No.9385608

I don't have a budget, I just buy whatever whenever I feel like it

>> No.9385770

The fuck is a food budget? Food is the last place you want to skimp. I try to look for sales or seasonal but only because I like good value, not because I can't afford it.

I honestly couldn't tell you how much I spend on food, I don't worry about it.

>> No.9385776

>What's your monthly budget for food and drinks?

About 1k

>> No.9385785


should add that is coupled with other purchases, so I buy pants or something it's on the same partition of cash

>> No.9385787

>1800 a month on liquor
Christ, you can go on a 7 day cruise with your girl for like $1000 which includes the food AND spend $300 on the unlimited alcohol package for yourself and still spend less than you do on alcohol a month.

>> No.9385788

I don't have one since I'm a farmer. Even the chickens pay for their own feed in eggs. I might go to a store once every 2-3 months and spend as much as $75.

>> No.9385791

>when you only cater to suckers

>> No.9385865


Thank you. What kind of broth?

>> No.9385902

I usualy use chicken broth (frozen, self made), but you can obviously use beef or vegetable ones as well, it doesn't make that much of a difference due to the paprica powder and Sauerkraut. If you want to fancy it up, you can also get some pork bones and cook a fresh broth which would match the pork sausages better.

>> No.9385966


>> No.9386014

I spend about $800 a month on food. I eat out and buy good quality food though so I guess thats the price you pay. I do need to get this shit under control though

>> No.9386063

I always wondered when media tells about how much food we waste, as I never actually throw food away, as it never gets bad before I use it up. But after reading this thread it's really easy to imagine how you people just buy whatever you want, completely disregarding the fact that you wont be able to eat all those things before they go bad. 800$ or 600€ are a fuckton of money wasted on food, especially on american one. You people don't even have real cheese or bread.

200-300$ are a normie amount of money to spend a month, everything above 500$ is just plain waste masqueraded as aristocratic taste.

>> No.9386096

>how much food we waste,

My cousin buys sandwiches and picks though them, eating maybe 10%. I'd believe any reports on how shitty we are with food. I want to punch her when I see her plate at the end of a meal.

>> No.9386104

Family of 10 (me, my wife and 8 kids), about 1500CHF that is without eating out.
If we wouldn't have a big garden you could double that easily.

>> No.9386108

wasted food is a meme trying to pin corporate waste on individuals so stop with your eurofag superiority complex bullshit

>> No.9386156

I know that corperations and business waste more, just the same shit like with fuel, but that doesn't mean that buying food just to throw it away for a false sense of culinary variaty in a single home is a good way to life by.

I mean sure, it's nice to have everything in abundance like on a buffet but beeing brought up ba a granny which was raised through WWII I have my distain for wasting food deply ingrained. It's just so unnecessary. It has nothing to do with superiority. It's rather sad that my generation mostly isn't even able or willing to plan a week of meals and to use stuff up instead of wasting it. In germany it's called "Wegwerfgesellschaft", the "throwaway society" which isn't only applied to food but also show itself in other ways of life, like relationships.

>> No.9386192

lmao oh nello http://www.nytimes.com/2012/01/08/your-money/at-nello-a-case-of-restaurant-bill-shock-the-haggler.html

this place is fucking infamous dude

>> No.9386201

Lmao. Unlike Government who can just leech more money from taxpayers, businesses can't afford wasted money.

>> No.9386208

>home meals (5-6 dinners, 6-7 breakfasts, 1 lunch): £25
>work lunches (5 lunches): £18
>meals out (2-3 breakfast/lunches/dinners): £30
>Drinks (2-15 pints): £12-50

>> No.9386230

>businesses can't afford wasted money
Well, but business are pressured due to customers to always have full shelf and due to the goverment to destroy food which has passed an arbitrary shel life. Ever heard of "dumpster diving"? Businesses throw away perfectly good food and even have to spoil it with chemicals so people can't even fish it out.

Welcome to reality. We, the consumers, pressure the businesses to always have a nice bufett and the goverment due to bitching about bad businesses selling old food.

>> No.9386235

Idk like $50 a week is about what I spend on groceries and maybe another $50 on eating out.

>> No.9386338

I ate on less than a dollar for three months, three packs of instant ramen per day. water was free lmao.

>> No.9386354

are you 6?
how can you eat that much sweets wow.

>> No.9386377

Probably about a grand. I'm an alcoholic who eats out way too much.

>> No.9386411

Me and my wife spend $2000 on food. Restaurants and cooking at home.

>> No.9386433

$200 wk on alcohol, coke, and some food

>> No.9386471

Help Im a poorfag looking to spend $100-200 a month for 2500-3500 calories worth of food a day.

Any grocery lists?

>> No.9386501

150-200 dollars, in Norway. On the positive side of things, I'm losing a lot of weight.

>> No.9387972

>cheap carbs (tatoes, noodles (not ramen), rice)
>cheap vegetables (look at saison calenders, buy frozen, tinned or fresh shortly before the shops close, most will reduce prices to not have tto throw away fresh stuff which will not last till the next day)
>cheap meat (pork belly, hearts, soup chickens, minced meat, ...)
>eggs and dairy
>invest in some herbs (just buy some herbs in pots), flour to stretch soups and stews or make Omelettes
>Onions will add flavour to every savory dish or make on self while beeing cheap

Cheapo recipes:
>French toast with sweet or savory toppings
>Omelettes with sweet (apple sauce, chocolate creme, vanilla curd) or savory (cheese with spinach, minced meat with hot spices, ...)
>Rice and noodles with fried minced meats and onions (korean beet or other asian bowl creations)
>noodles with self-made sauces (tomato sauce: conc. tomato paste, water, broth, some flour to thicken and herbs for example, try to cheap down conventional sauces like carbonara)
>lentils or beans in stews, just buy some soup-greens, chopp down, add water and lentils and a bit creme in the end, eat with bread
>fried tatoes, cooked tatoes, baked tatoes, mashed tatoes
>onion rings with tomato sauce, or french onions soup

Don't buy ramen, you will spend more than for normal noodles and get les out of it. Only drink tea (from actual leavy baggies, not that instant stuff, coffee (lowers hunger) and plain tab water, you will get used to it).

If you need additional calories add oil or fat rather than sugar and carbs. I like to always add a pieve of butter and or some heavy creme to every dish.

>> No.9388002

>not living with your parents and having them buy that shit for you

>> No.9388059

>How do you only spend $4.6 a day?

Because monthly food shopping does not work like that kid.

If you seriously think people buy what they eat every single day you're a naive fool and will burn through money in everyday life.

>> No.9388060


Gwyneth please go.

>> No.9388078

This. You only have to know how to get a good quality and price return to spend less on food without going full ramen diat. I would even claim that most people who spend so much on food don't really know what they are doing and are just going "uh, it's expansive, that means it's higher quality, right fellow goys?".

There is a reason why grannys food tastes best while grannies also tend to spend far less than normies. Granny food uprising when?

>> No.9388116

your accent is so amusing

thank you for posting here friend

>> No.9388128

Ah that has to be ze german-tries-to-speak-english-before-ze-first-morning-coffee-accent. You're willkommen.

>> No.9388375

Thanks I'll move out soon an this will be on the list of things to make. Sauerkraut is amazing.

>> No.9388472

Pro tips for your first flat: Buy basic things with a long shelf life, like tinned Thuna or other meat, veggies, rice and pasta as well as additional things like salt, sugar, oil, some crackers and marmelade etc. There will come days where you either run out of money on the last days of the month, you get ill and don't want to leave the house or a snowy winter will prevent it. It's always great to have some emergency food which will last you for around a week. Even better if most of them can be consumed without electricity in case shit gets fucked up like in texas.

>> No.9388599

Thanks for the advice. Im used to doing that from my parents house already. We have a whole basement room full of canned things and other stuff that stays good for forever.

>> No.9388669

My budget for food is really instable, it is somewhere between 20€ and 500€. My wages are really instable so I buy a shit ton of stuff and refrigrate everything during good months.

>> No.9388740

Probably around $2-300 a month just for me
Sucks, i used to subsist happily on like $80 a month when i was a student. But its hard not to buy nice expensive food if you can afford it. Easier to get fat too

>> No.9389116

Dumbass shit poo fart licker
>I have a dollar hahahAh!!!!

>> No.9389427
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Spend about $50 on food and like $600 eating out. The only thing I cook is eggs.

>> No.9389702

I'm spending about 300. Considering food prices where I reside, that's actually pretty good.

>> No.9389747

live alone and spend between 200€ and 300€ by month (alcohol included)

>> No.9390584

Like $40 to $50.
>3 dozen eggs $3.36
>20lb bag of potatoes $3.12
>20lb bag of rice $5.00
>2 big loaves of cheap whole wheat bread $2.10
>2 boxes of varying tea flavors for around $3.00
If I'm feeling rich and bold then I'll buy a 2 liter of non-name-brand diet soda.
Sometimes I treat myself to some chili made with cheap canned kidney beans, one onion, can of tomatoes, can of tomato sauce, seasoned with cumin, chili powder, and salt & pepper.

I tend to never go over budget and some of the food crosses over into the next month.

>> No.9390850
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This is what I spent today at whole paycheck
half pound roasted turkey - 5.11
2 bagets - 4.58
pinto beans - .79
ketchup - 2.19
mac n cheese - .99
2 squash - 1.49
2 russet potatoes - 1
organic spinach - 4.99
ground beef 1lbs - 5.99

this is what really screwed me

the hot bar - 10.43
also a tea for 1.49

it sucks because i live in a city and the nearest "food store" aside from whole paycheck is a shitty ghetto target


>> No.9390867

You must be a blast at parties.

>> No.9390872

think of all the money he saves by eating like this. he can go out to dinner more often. thats what I'm trying to do

>> No.9390886

>save money and then give it to someone else

>> No.9390888

They look healthy. Good for you anon.

>> No.9390988

300 a month split between two
I've been losing weight on the budget, but I'm a fatty and I got weight to spare.

Does weight loss equalize though? Is that a meme or not?
I'll reach 150 or some shit and stop losing weight- that's how I think it's supposed to work?

>> No.9391071

what if you just run? lol

>> No.9391103

no more than $110
>various cheeses, $25
>bag of dry black beans, $10
>onions and garlic, $10
>breads, $20
>peanut butter and jelly, $10
>flour, $5
>random item(s) that lasts for several months but happens to run out this month (like spices or 5 gallon container of soybean oil), $30

>> No.9391122


$150 USD - Food (1 x $5 box from taco bell per day)

$75 USD - Drink (1 x watermelon 4 loko per day.

$0 USD - Water (8 cups a day)

>> No.9391510

aaay so I have $20 to last me a week! Maybe a month, it depends.

What should I buy? I already have beans eggs and rice