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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9376864 No.9376864 [Reply] [Original]

What are you smoking today?

>> No.9376871


>> No.9376872

Degenerate detected

>> No.9376880
File: 60 KB, 360x480, Brisket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cooked this one two weeks ago. If I can find a decent price on a brisky, I'll probably cook another tonight.

>> No.9376883

Solid smoke ring anon, what kind of wood?

>> No.9376890

>implying you can't smoke weed and meat at the same time

>> No.9376892

Oak base and hickory. The rub was basic bitch salt, pepper, ground thyme, granulated garlic and chili powder. 8 hours full smoke, no baste, 6 hours foiled, rested another 4 in a cambro before carving. It was exceptionally juicy.

>> No.9376947

I want to smoke chicken thighs tomorrow since I feel like I've already eaten too much red meat this month (ate two racks of ribs with my family last week, I couldn't help it, they were on sale.)

>> No.9376955
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I wish beef brisket weren't so expensive.

>> No.9376960


>> No.9376966

Rouses, our local grocery chain, had whole packer briskets on sale for $1.77 a pound recently, which was too damn good to not buy at least one. Sam's Club has them right around $2 a pound sometimes, too.

As a general rule of thumb, whole untrimmed briskets are going to be much cheaper per pound than buying trimmed flats and it's much easier to smoke a whole brisket and not ruin it.

>> No.9377029

I'm smoking what's in the pic, never done a pork shoulder before. It's only 2.5 pounds right now it's been on about 2 hours, figured I'd do a 3-2-1. Anyone have any better ideas?

>> No.9377038

Don't wrap with that small of a shoulder. Shoot for 1.5 hours per pound at 235-250. Take it off when it hits 195 in the middle, THEN wrap it and let it sit in an empty cooler for at least an hour before you pull it apart.

>> No.9377050

It's 145 at the base but 95 at the top, I cooked with the fat up. Just leave it alone?

>> No.9377053
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Cheap cigarettes.

>> No.9377063

Yep. It's going to stall at around 155 or so for a little while, just let it do its thing and watch it. Once the temperature starts to rise after the stall, it will rise pretty quickly. The trick is to not let it overcook or it gets mushy, but pork is pretty forgiving so you could take it off anywhere between 195-205 and it's going to be alright.

>> No.9377068

How long should I expect it to take I started around 11 and it's 130 now. I've got some friends coming over not sure what time to tell them to come

>> No.9377071

1.5 hours per pound plus an hour rest is a good estimate. The real answer is that it's done when it's done and there's no point in trying to rush it.

>> No.9377078

Someone talk to me about cold smoking.

I live in an apartment with a dinky balcony.
Cold smoking sounds like it could be something that won't piss off site management.

How do I achieve this?

>> No.9377084

Should I keep the smoke rolling the whole time?

>> No.9377093

Best way is with a regular smoker and a plug-in single electric burner. Put the burner inside the firebox, turn it on medium-low, and put the wood chips in an aluminum pan on top of the burner. Place aluminum pans full of ice under your food. Open up all your vents to max. Replace wood chips as needed.

Keep in mind that cold smoking doesn't really cook anything, so you're going to need to cure it beforehand or finish it in the oven.

>> No.9377104

I would. If you're worried about over-smoking you can stop adding flavor wood right about now, but I typically don't do that.

>> No.9377120

Last noon question:
Should I do a mop sauce

>> No.9377128

Also should mention I'm using an electric smoker

>> No.9377130

I as well keep the smoke going for the length of cooking. Imo it really comes down to what wood you are smoking with

>> No.9377132

Smoking chicken thighs

>> No.9377152

No, especially if you're worried about time. Mopping dramatically slows the cooking and I'm not convinced it adds either moisture or flavor to the finished product. I will make an exception for thin cuts like ribs but absolutely not on cuts like shoulders or briskets.

A juicy finished product will come from tightly wrapping after it's finished cooking, and letting it sit for at least an hour. Ideally it should rest like this for 2-3 hours, wrapped in foil and a towel, in an empty cooler. But if you're pressed for time you can get away with just letting it rest for an hour wrapped in foil.

>> No.9377182

>figured I'd do a 3-2-1
Nah...leave that shit for ribs, dude.


When it comes to shoulders and butts, just let the thermometer be your guide, and make sure it gets a good rest.

>> No.9377236

I can't get my smoker above 200°

>> No.9377270

Then you're just going to have to wait it out, dude.

Some folks do theirs at like 185, so give it time, and it'll get done.

>> No.9377278

Thanks man, this is only my third time smoking, did ribs and chicken drumsticks before so this is really my first major smoke

>> No.9377318

Also I really don't get why a lot of /ck/ hates cannabis users, they go hand in hand..

>> No.9378403

That nordic ware indoor one that you put the sawdust in worked like a champ for my cousin in his apartment.

>> No.9378788

>$1.77 a pound
>$2 a pound

no way. thats awesome. ill be keeping an eye out.

>> No.9379992

"Niggers with big lips use marijuana and jazz music to seduce white women"
-Harry J Anslinger