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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 48 KB, 762x1023, depositphotos_24101481-stock-photo-thin-woman-wearing-old-pants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9372195 No.9372195 [Reply] [Original]

Co/ck/s, I need help. I don't know how to put on weight. I've been stuck on the edge of underweight for all of my life, I can't gain muscle, and I can't gain fat without significant effort.

At this point I'm just trying to eat bags of chips and soda because they have a history of fucking people up, but even that's barely doing anything.

Pic semirelated, Its super hard to find pants that fit me and this was the most annoying stock photo i saw.

>> No.9372204

Count your calories and eat at a 500 calorie surplus you brainlet, don't dirty bulk. If you do any significant physical activity eat closer to a 1000 calorie surplus on those days

>> No.9372208

I don't understand how this is hard for some people. It's a simple as this:
>eat lots of calorie-dense food
>move as little as possible and avoid exercise
Most people get fat by accident and you're struggling to do it on purpose? What?

>> No.9372235

Yeah I guess I should start counting calories. Still a huge pain in the ass. I feel like I'm eating over a 1000 calorie surplus and it's not doing anything.

My metabolism is really fucking fast, and I have no appetite. Feel like I want to throw up after eating a bunch.

I hardly exercise.

>> No.9372250

Sell you DNA to researchers.

>> No.9372257
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This has to be bait

>> No.9372259

re: don't dirty bulk and count calories.

I'll eat a bag of chips (1500kcal) during the day, and another three meals (~2-5 eggs in the morning, usually swimming in butter), some kind of lunch like a tuna sandwich (yesterday pork belly), and then a largish dinner (yesterday ribs).

I feel like I should be gaining weight but I can't break 160lbs. I'm 6'2"

>> No.9372268


>> No.9372271

I'm not OP but I can relate. When I was in college I wanted to get fit and put on some muscle so I started hitting the gym. I worked out 4 days a week and really busted my ass. I got a little stronger but I didn't gain any appreciable muscle mass. I started drinking those high-calorie high-protein shakes. Very little benefit. Finally, after nearly a year and half of this I started increasing the amount of food I ate. It was honestly a chore--I was forcing myself to eat even though I was already full. After a little while of doing that I finally stared to see some good results. I had to eat waaay beyond "full" in order to put on any appreciable muscle. I suspect it was because I was simply burning a lot of calories at the time due to a busy schedule, walking/biking around everywhere, etc.

>> No.9372272
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>> No.9372297

Sorry OP, but you tall ones who are genetically inclined to be on the lean side are fucked. You would need to be eating double the amount you're currently eating (2 servings per meal) to see an increase in weight. Unfortunately that may be hard to do.

Only other logical option is to start eating weight gaining bars and protein shakes. Or go see a doctor who can prescribe an appetite stimulate, or find something online. Hope this helps.

>> No.9372302

Have you checked your thyroid? Having an unbalanced thyroid can completely mess up your metabolism.

>> No.9372309

Eat 5 meals a day! This will help you gain weight and muscle for working out. Google skinny person fat gain diet.

You are welcome.

>> No.9372317

I'm also sort of in this situation. Trying to get to 200lbs, (167atm) and it's a struggle. I don't want to dirty bulk or spend tonnes of money. I feel like protein bars would make this easy but that shit is expensive.

>> No.9372318

> Only other logical option is to start eating weight gaining bars and protein shakes. Or go see a doctor who can prescribe an appetite stimulate, or find something online. Hope this helps.
What kind of appetite stimulants are there? Smoking weed has never given me the munchies, but at this point when I get high I'm desperately trying to forcefeed myself and even THEN I get nauseous and full.

I guess I'll try protein shakes and just adding it to everything next.

Checked that in summer, it's apparently in the normal range, even though my mom has a thyroid issue. I was kind of banking on it so I'm not sure why this is so difficult for me. Any idea how to slow down metabolism?

(I'm actually a trans girl so starting estrogen slowed it down a bit and I'm not longer just burning it off as heat, but it's still not enough).

>> No.9372319

Interesting, totally the opposite for me. I only started losing weight when I got a job that has me walking for 8 hours a day and skipping meals because it's more convenient. I can recommend one thing though. When my grandfather had lung cancer and went through chemo, he lost a ton of weight. Once his cancer was in remission and they took out a chunk of one of his lungs, the hospital put him on a diet to help him gain the weight back. Their secret weapon was Ensure, basically a protein powder with a bunch of vitamins. I think they sell it in stores. Mix it with milk and drink it, that should be peak calorie density short of eating a block of lard for lunch.

>> No.9372330

thanks momposters
op if you want real advice ask /fit/ lrn2countcaloriesnewb

>> No.9372336

Thanks for the tip.

But yeah, I seem to have gotten the thin/tall genes from both sides of my family. Before my mom went through menopause she was a twig, and she has an autoimmune thyroid disease.

My grandfather on my dad's side is also a twig. My dad's sister is hyperthyroid.

I was really hoping it was a thyroid issue. BAKA.

>> No.9372342

Yeah, I'll do that and post here again when I'm eating a 2000-3000 calorie surplus and look exactly the same. :(

>> No.9372347

OP, you're friends in this weight gain process are gonna be nuts and seeds, they're incredibly dense in calories.

>> No.9372358

>Kek look at all these fatties getting triggered

>> No.9372362

Like I realize y'all are triggered fatposters but this is serious. I'm asking you guys because I figured you'd know how to gain weight.

>> No.9372389

Are you a gril?

If so I can help you get thicc baby. don't listen to the haters I can have you twerking with an suv in no time

>> No.9372403

I knew a guy that would take some medication with every meal that would suppress the feeling of feeling full to allow him to eat more because he was under weight. There's stuff to help. I forgot the name of it but it looked like milk. But like i said before, you need to double your calorie intake and reel it back once you start to notice a difference.

>> No.9372406

>I'm asking you guys because I figured you'd know how to gain weight.

Everyone knows how to gain wait: eat more, exercise less. There is literally zero reason to ask.

>> No.9372411

Just eat chips between lunches

>> No.9372414

Im not sure how long you've been on this earth, but its not that easy for everyone; even in America.

>> No.9372421

>Their secret weapon was Ensure, basically a protein powder with a bunch of vitamins.

My father, who recently did the chemo thing, was also on Ensure. There's nothign secret about it. It's actually a pretty shitty product. Sugar water with some basic vitamins and minerals in it. I asked his doc about it when I was helping him get to a chemo appointment once and the doc explained they give it out because the makers give it to the hospital for free. He explained that normal food would be much much better for gaining his weight back. Or if he wanted something easy to eat/drink then use the protein shakes for bodybuilders. Those are far more nutritious and higher calorie than Ensure. You can google the nutrition information and compare for yourself.

>> No.9372432

I don't know how HRT is exactly affecting your metabolism but soy sauce and other soy products are also a great source of estrogen and can have lots of calories. People always think that soy/tofu means healthy but often it's not

>> No.9372442

Have a caloric drink with high fat with every meal, and whenever you feel thirsty.
Whole milk ought to do the trick. See if you can go through a gallon of it every few days.

>> No.9372455

1) What does estrogen have to do with weight gain?

2) Even if it did have something to do with it, why would the tiny amounts present in soy foods actually matter? Dietary hormones are ineffective, which is why hormone medication like birth control or steroids are specially engineered long-chain versions of the originals, and even then must be taken constantly and frequently for there to be any effect whatseover. Dat first pass through the liver is a bitch.

>> No.9372467

I dunno, I'm a fat vegetarian and most of the fat is saved in my chest and ass, I just assumed that it's because of the soy products

>> No.9372490

>stuck on the edge of underweight
If you aren't underweight and you've never been, why the worry? Go see a doctor if you are so desperate.

>> No.9372508

Estrogen slows down your metabolism and increases weight gain (girls are supposed to be fat to have storage to carry a baby, right?)

But this change is obviously dependent on what your metabolic rate was to begin with.

>> No.9372511

Chest and ass weight gain is definitely due to an estrogen-favored hormone balance, but I don't think that just soy would have that effect.

>> No.9372515

have you tried not throwing up after you eat

>> No.9372518

Never threw up after I ate.

If anything I have a fear of throwing up tbqh.

Have a bulimic friend though, she's kind of an idiot.

>> No.9372524

so should I look into getting my hormone balance checked out?
I also have a very low sex-drive since puberty stopped

>> No.9372535

You don't realise how little you're eating. A huge portion of carbonara containing a quarter of a pack of pasta (125g), 4 slices of bacon, 2 eggs and an ounce of parmesan comes in at under 1000 calories. A whole pizza can be under 1000 calories, and you probably need around 2500 a day.

>> No.9372542

Old pal of mine had the same problem. the asshole had an overactive thyroid or something, because he ate like a fucking landwhale, but looked like a 3rd world negro in those begging videos. Yet still he shat on people who gained some weight during the holidays, even though he ate twice as much.

Ergo, I have no sympathy for your "issue". Don't forget to anchor yourself during storms, twig.

>> No.9372550

>Estrogen slows down your metabolism and increases weight gain
It does neither of those things.

And even if it did, it wouldn't matter. Any estrogen you consume is destroyed by your liver within moments of consumption. As I explained above, oral hormones are ineffective. They only work if there is a constant source of them going into your body 24/7, such as those naturally produced by ovaries/testes, or special medication which has been engineered for slow release + resistance to the liver.

>but I don't think that just soy would have that effect.
Obviously. You don't see very many asians with huge chests and massive asses, despite the fact that they eat massive amounts of soy products. In fact, the stereotype is the exact opposite. Most Asian women have flatter chests and asses compared to other nationalities.

>> No.9372615

I get you Op. I tried to dirty bulk > went from slim to skinnyfat (only my belly got bigger). And GOMAD is too expensive in my country.

>> No.9373176

Just went to a store that sells protein powder and shit, and got 12 lbs of pure maltodextrin for $50 to add to things.

Figured if it's something people warn about weight gain from, it'll probably work. It also has the plus side of not killing my kidneys, like actual protein powder would.

Wish me luck.

>> No.9373281
File: 24 KB, 347x402, 1483659762683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This means your issues could possibly not be calorie related, and it's a side effect of dying. I hope you are shitposting. Messing yourself up like this causes all sorts of problems. Also if you are female(male) why would you want to gain weight. (Fe)males shouldn't be swole

>> No.9373567

Drink beer

>> No.9374319

Go on a diet for four months.
Go off the diet.

>> No.9374438

count your calories you fucking idiot.

the human body has evolved for millions of years to store food in the body. You aren't special, you barely eat anything and think your eating a lot.




>> No.9374444

the "fast metabolism" thing is just a meme

When the slowest metabolism is compared to the fastest metabolism there is something like 15% difference between caloric rate.

If there were people with extremely fast metabolisms they would have died out a long time ago. People used to struggle to find enough calories to keep them alive, if there were people who magically burned them for no reason they would have been eliminated from the gene pool

>> No.9375377
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Become an alcohol.

>> No.9375390

Can confirm

I buy a big ass pack of modelo beers at costco. The extra calories and carbs will get you nice and fat op. Pair it up with pizza. Eat nothing but pizza and beer for a month and youll get that weight you desire

>> No.9375395
File: 104 KB, 344x244, IMG_0437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw thought I was losing weight but weighed myself and have gone from 105-115kg


>> No.9375527

Stop trying and enjoy being skinny while you can. You'll get flabby eventually if you're too dumb to gain weight on purpose.

>> No.9375532

What's your height and weight? Is your BMI actually below 18.5?

>> No.9375594

>"trying to eat chips and soda"

Get the fuck off this board.

Go to /fit/.

If baiting, stop with that shit.

>> No.9375595

Also, this.

>> No.9375623

These threads are retarded. Is there a technical term for OP's ((condition))?

Why the fuck are you even trying to get fat? Just give it 10 years; I guarantee you that everyone 10 years older than you has to work at being skinny.

Are you just poor or something? And why are you on a cooking board if you don't like food/alcohol?

If you're trying to bulk and get all faggy and weightlifter tier that's a different story, and you should go to /fit/ for that. But just simply trying to put on weight is fucking retarded. Do the tinniest amount of lifting (like dumbbells at home) and you won't look like a stick.

You have a mental illness, or live in a concentration camp. Those are the only two options for your situation.

>> No.9375643

You can take it more calories faster and more easily if you drink them. So maybe make some fruit sweetened chocolate shakes and such. With half a cup white beans or chickpeas for adequate macro ratios and thick creaminess.


>> No.9375663

drink a lot of beer every day

>> No.9376658

Why don't you just eat more high-calorie healthy foods? Nuts, beans, etc.

>> No.9376668
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>there are people here that eat bags of chips and don't gain weight

>> No.9376831

Drink a gallon of full fat milk everyday + do squats & pushups on and off every other day. I used to be skinny.

>> No.9376837

1 Jack in the Box munchies meal is around 2600 Calories. Eat normally through the day then eat one for dinner and you're guaranteed to gain weight

>> No.9376849

>Any estrogen you consume is destroyed by your liver within moments of consumption. As I explained above, oral hormones are ineffective.
Should tell all the girl out there taking birth control that their pills are completely worthless.

>> No.9376866

>My metabolism is really fucking fast,

This is what lanky cunts think when they don't know they don't eat nearly as much as they think they do.

>> No.9376911

I used to think I had a crazy fast metabolism and that I ate 3x what a normal person did and still only weighed 147lbs. Years later I was counting my calories and put in an average day from my 5 meals/day past and it came out to around 2000kcal. You don't eat as much as you think you do.

>> No.9376920

He just said he doesn't eat a lot.

>> No.9376929

Eat exactly what you've been eating, only slam a protein shake down before bed. Get something decent, I like ON's vanilla, with a generous scoop of peanut butter and a 1/3 cup of oats, and blend it with whole milk.