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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9364296 No.9364296 [Reply] [Original]

I'm surviving on those meals under $2 which stacks up to $28 a week if I'm eating twice a day.

I'm struggling to find a job and on neetbux right now but rent is expensive af in Australia.

I need to be spending less than $20 a week, so help me out please.

>> No.9364308

Ramen. I like to cook my noodles then crack some scrambled eggs in a pan and cook the noodles in that. You could add cheese or peanut butter (haven't tried this one but heard it's interesting). If not that maybe tortialla shells and making quesadillas or mini pizzas. Good luck!

>> No.9364309

I have made all of these recipes for under $2/serving. US prices, but generally I'm well under the $2mark so it should be pretty close for you. Let me know if there are any you'd like info on, it's a bit much for me to type out every recipe:
-Chicken, pork, or beef stew with vegetables
-Chicken or pork curry (Indian or Japanese style)
-Baked potato soup w/ sausage or a small pork chop on the side
-teriyaki chicken
-rice bowl with stir-fried meat & veggies, or deep-fried pork cutlet (tonkatsu)
-sweet potato or squash soup with chorizo
-tomato soup with pan-fried chicken breast
-pulled pork sandwiches
-noodle soup with a variety of different meats (fish meatballs, chicken meatballs, tofu, chicken wings, vegetables, etc.)
-charro beans aka cowboy beans
-red beans and rice, dirty rice, jambalaya

Don't forget hunting and fishing. Or if you don't hunt/fish personally find a friend that does.

>> No.9364315

sell your smartphone and stop paying for internet you stupid fucking faggot

>> No.9364329

Green onion is like 50 cents. Just eat that.

What the fuck is the problem here exactly?

>> No.9364330
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most of those seem pretty self explanatory. would like to hear how you do your jambalaya though if you didn't mind typing a bit out. not OP but thanks for the inspo list.

>> No.9364336

I don't know how many of these threads we need before beans and rice is engrained in all your heads but that is the answer

>> No.9364342

You know what I do op? Open my wallet and buy whatever the fuck I want lmao. Get the fuck out of here poor fag you've got nothing to contribute to the board. You're nothing. Poor people are scum. I laugh at you. I spit on you. I wouldn't even let you clean my shoes that's how worthless you are

Tomorrow morning I'm going to spend TWICE what I would normally on breakfast and then throw half of it away because I don't even care. And all the time I'll be laughing out loud and thinking about what scum you are OP. get the fuck off my board

>> No.9364345
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>> No.9364348

>hurrr durrrr edgy

Shut the fuck up maggot

>> No.9364350
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>> No.9364358

The fact you have such pictures on stand by is truly pathetic. I won't reply to you anymore, you're not worth my time. Little cuckboi getting triggered over the harassment of poorfags, how embarrassing

>> No.9364361

Here's what I do for the jambalaya:
-Brown some meat in the bottom of a dutch oven. Ideally this would be country ham or tasso and andoullie sausage but use what you have (especially for a cheap meal). Cheap cuts of chicken work good, so does game meat.
-When the meat is brown then add in the "holy trinity (chopped onion, celery, and green bell pepper). Cook for a little while just until the onion goes translucent. Add chopped tomatoes (optional) and green onions.
-Add uncooked rice. Pour in enough stock/broth to slightly cover the rice. Lid on. Cook until the rice is done, roughly 20 minutes. You can tell when it's done by listening to it. The simmering sound will stop and you'll hear a "frying" sound sort of like frying bacon.

>> No.9364364
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>> No.9364366
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sounds good, thanks man

>> No.9364391

potatoes and rise. Buy a few veg with the rest of the money.

>> No.9364409

beans + rice

>> No.9364412
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I fucking hate niggers and pakis though and they always eat that beans and rice shit so I can't do that

>> No.9364413

there has been a huge increase in people using edgy incorrectly this year

>> No.9364441

good job that isn't one of them

>> No.9364446
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>> No.9364447

well youre the nigger with 20 dollars to spend for a week
so enjoy your nigger food, unemployed retard who cant cook

>> No.9364452

That's not OP. I am.

>> No.9364455

Instead of asking 4chan, who's only advice will be 'beans and rice', how about you go outside, walk around different stores, and look for sale items and find the absolute cheapest food possible. Shop at all the local stores before buying anything, make a list of price/size/item then come back to get the cheapest ones.

The fact that you can't even solve a simple problem like this is the same reason you don't have a job.

>> No.9364456

the memes are real

brown rice+beans really is your only choice in that price range

>> No.9364458

right, because you can totally get a job without a callback number

>> No.9364465

cheap recipes are a stupid thing, if you know how to cook every recipe is cheap
its not about how much money you spend cooking but how much money you spend on each meal, learn how to cook in bulk, stew iss a good way to start

>> No.9364466

Looks like I struck a nerve ey you fucking dirty shitskin. I'd rather be the poorest of the poor than have skin that looks like literal shit. Thanks I actually feel better about my situation now. Once I get out this situation I'm going to kill a nigger and hope it's you

>> No.9364476

>if you know how to cook every recipe is cheap
If you know anything about cooking you'd know that good ingredients are far from cheap.

>> No.9364483

Are you implying somehow beans and rice isn't the answer?

These are literally staple foods for the impoverished.

Red beans and rice op. It will cost a couple of dollars but the end result will last a single person a couple of days. Learn how to make cornbread or sodabread as well.

>> No.9364489

good ingridients are for retards and women you want to fuck
none of those restaurants you love to go to so you can instagram a picture of the food serve you that

>> No.9364493

Soon summer will be over, newfriend

>> No.9364527

Google "good and cheap .PDF" it is a cookbook for people on neetbux that targets eating well on $4.00 per day. The PDF is free.

>> No.9364541

>8 pack hotdogs
>loaf of bread

Take hotdog and place on a slice of bread. Squirt mustard on it. Serve.
Feeds one.

>> No.9364572


>> No.9364727

Flour porridge and peas (or beans).
Buy some wholemeal flour, some dried beans (or lentils/chickpeas, depending on which one is the cheapest), onions, a head of garlic, some salt and cooking oil (if you didn't already have that). If you still have some space left in your budget, spend it on a knob of ginger.
Leave the beans soaking overnight. After having done that, finely dice an onion and sautée it with a bit of oil until translucent. Mince a clove of clove of garlic and that same knob of ginger. Discard the bean soaking water and put the beans inside of the pot. Cover them with enough water (pref. twice as much as the amount of beans you're cooking), and add salt to taste. Let them cook until tender (which usually takes about 1-2 hours). Serve them with/below some wholemeal porridge (which is made by mixing water and flour on a hot pan till it turns into a thick paste).
I know it won't look too nice, but it's pretty cheap, and you won't die of hunger.

>> No.9366212

Rice & instant noodles/ramen. Add vegetables if you want it a bit healthy. Pretty much all I eat during my final year at uni.

Indofag here so you can trust me about all povertyfood.

>> No.9366759

Ramen noodles and add a can of tuna. Recommend getting the spicy chicken bowl. Shits good and cheap. Still crave it from time to time

>> No.9366865

Get the green onions with the roots on them. Eat the onions plant the roots.
Fish.. if your near the sea there's shellfish too.
Ramen noodles go great with the green onions.
Learn how to cook!
Osso buCo is the cheapest piece of beef but Magic if you know how to cook.
Pig skin, dual purpose. Render fat for frying or baking. Skin becomes rinds.
Potato. . Remember the green onions use rendered fat in place of butter.
You sound like your in an urban environment so hit restaurants just before closing. Be discreet and go around back. Ask the chefs if they have any leftovers. They do and if your not a dick they will give you.
Flour is your friend too.. make tortillas with water and salt roll thin and fry on a hot dry pan.

>> No.9366867

Just sleep in the outback you fag. Spend your money on good shit not some musty old hovel.

>> No.9366913

Do you not have food banks in Australia?

I live in Canada and I get like 60% of my food at one.

>> No.9366926


> buy 14 one dollar banquet meals
> spend the reaming money on frozen broccoli

you're welcome

>> No.9367548

They do but it's run by private charities. Meaning OP could easily be denied since he's not homeless.

>> No.9367603
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>So triggered he's nigger tier he has to wipe a nigger out to feel secure

>> No.9367622

We don't have those in Australia, and anything close to that costs $4 cheapest.

Try community dinners, OP. There should be a few churches that do it, you don't have to be homeless.

>> No.9367867

you can get 2kg of rice for $3 and 500g beef mince for $4. you need fat, carbohydrates and protein. base your meals around rice and cheap meat. everything coles/woolies brand

>> No.9367880

We really need a sticky for this shit
Or at least an infographic

>> No.9367891

you need a new brain if you are unable to use search engines to figure this out. you're really so fucked up that you need someone else to tell you what to eat?

>> No.9367900

We need a sticky so that dumb fucks such as OP stop making these dumb fucking threads, dumb fuck

>> No.9369354

The British Navy conquered most of the world by eating split pea soup with ham.

It's pretty fucking dirt cheap, at least in most of the world, don't know about Australia.

>> No.9369363

it does not stop them, it only makes more replies read "check the sticky", "why do we even have a sticky?"