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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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9363308 No.9363308 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any non-allergenic reason for an adult to dislike eating lobster?

>> No.9363310

Because it's literally a giant water bug

>> No.9363333

and sucking up egg yolk is a bunch of amniotic fluid, don't be a pussy

>> No.9363342

Thank god i don't eat raw eggs either ya dingus.

I don't begrudge people for liking shellfish; but, again, they are literally bugs

>> No.9363349

>cooking eggs makes the yolk not be amniotic fluid
You cook lobster too

>> No.9363350

This. It's disgusting.

>> No.9363405
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Because I prefer the better water bug

>> No.9363430
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Lobster is cheaper than ground beef for me. I eat it as a poverty protein. I'm tired of it.

>> No.9363442

So? Whats so bad about bugs? What makes them so abhorrent to you compared to say birds or fish? What about clams? They are halfway inbetween.

>> No.9363459

Its not fresh and/or not prepared correctly? Ive never had good lobster from a restaurant no matter how much they charge or brag about how fresh it is. It always tastes like frozen then microwaved garbage.

Fresh lobster ive caught myself though is amazing.

Idk man. Youre an adult. Do you really need an excuse?

>> No.9363526

This is so true. I've had restaurant lobster exactly once that felt worth the price. It wasn't the most expensive lobster I've ordered either. There's just no way of knowing.

>> No.9363529

Where do you live?

>> No.9363540

Working with lobsters

>> No.9363699
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Coastal maine. Also I work as a stern man on a tiny lobster boat twice a week.

>> No.9363707

i never ate it, don't even know where i can get some proper lobster, but i don't care anyway because it looks disgusting

>> No.9363722

Das it maine

>> No.9363726

I don't particularly like the taste

>> No.9363746

34 and just had lobster for the first time 2 years ago or so. I prefer crab. Hell, I prefer fake crab. Maybe it was shitty lobster, it was bought at Safeway and prepared by my stepdad for my mom's birthday. I just wasn't impressed by it for how hype people are with lobster.

>> No.9363836

Because it's just an oversized bug covered in butter.

>> No.9363857

cockroach texture.

>> No.9363868

>I made my wife's son lobster and he spit in my face for it
You're a horrible stepson and I hope he rapes you for it

>> No.9363890

There are several

1. Horrifically expensive for something that was not long ago considered peasant food

2. Crabs, Prawns, Shrimp, etc are all superior while being much cheaper

3. Questionable texture

4. Meat is a pain in the ass to get at.

5. Has a 'delicate' flavour which is a fancy way of saying it needs to be oversaturated with things like garlic butter and lemon to be particularly delicious

6. Seabug, literal bottom feeder

7. Mercury intake

8. Often stinks when cooking

I like lobster, I'll eat lobster but if we're being pretty honest its a mediocre seafood with superior alternatives that memed its way into being an expensive, high class staple

>> No.9364868

Maine lobsters aren't bottom feeders, they eat mollusks and other crustaceans.


Kids page for idiots.

>> No.9364882

Allergyfag here, I wish I could eat lobster.

I had it once and it tasted great, but the consequences of another try just aren't worth it.

>> No.9364939

Like diamonds, pure artificial cartel price.

>> No.9364950

Eat alot of cockroaches?
Didnt think so faggot

>> No.9365571

Don't they have it live in a tank?

What happens?

>> No.9365725

a lobster is not an insect though. it´s a biological sister group, spiders, crustaceans and insects. biologically close but not the same thing.

>> No.9365742

>they are literally bugs
Right, and cows are literally just weirdly-shaped humans.

>> No.9365754

I was on Vinalhaven last week. Cool place.

>> No.9365762

It killed me. My throat swelled in the restaurant and I ended up dying. I was brought back though. Was a pretty bad 9th birthday

>> No.9365814

Lobster is pretty good, but it's too expensive for how much meat you get. I just returned from a trip to Maine, where lobster are an abundance, and even there they're rather expensive. I'm from the DMV area, so I don't mind sticking to crabs and shrimp.

>> No.9365825
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>> No.9365826

>they're bugs
>it used to be peasant food and fed to prisoners
Is there a more Reddit argument than these?

>> No.9365830

it LITERALLY taste like cauliflower. the worst vegetable

>> No.9365849

Did you eat some 2 dollar canned lobster bisque or something

>> No.9365858

Right and I never called it an insect so I'm not sure what your point is

>> No.9365866
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Yes, we don't eat it because the superior Dungeness and Blue crab exist.

>mfw lobsterfags are btfo by superior crab

>> No.9366042

i had it at some nice casino restaurant when i was like 12. i probs should give it another chance but its just so hyped up and i feel like its a scam

>> No.9366062

>literally eating water breathing cockroaches


>> No.9366109

Having shit taste in general and OP being a faggot in particular.

>> No.9366120

The funny thing is: you're not that wrong. We share a fair amount of physiology with cows (and every other mammal for that matter).

But insects and shellfish have A LOT more in common biologically (I mean, just look at a spider and a crab side by side: you don't have to be a biologist to see that they are pretty similar)

>> No.9366124

Number 7 is a dietary meme

>> No.9366152

Idk, the gift of life is hard to top

>> No.9366153


do you live in regions where lobsters are routinely caught?

everytime i've vistied Halifax, Canada the restaurant lobster has always been fantastic

>> No.9366154

Crabs are the niggers of the sea.

>> No.9366159

>biologically close but not the same thing.
Biologically close enough. Toilet water is chemically close to drinking water, but you don't see many people drinking that

>> No.9366169

It drips on your shirt when you're eating it at the cinema

>> No.9366183

On the West Coast our crabs are way tastier. I'd only do Pac lobster in a roll.

>> No.9366208

I'm in Nova Scotia, and get lobster right off the boat. I'm kind of like the maine guy, where its not really special to me anymore, since its common to get for free, or at least cheap.
Personally I'd rate it as pretty good, one of the best seafood i've had. I'm also not a big seafood fan though, it has to be really fresh or the smell alone turns my stomach (talking about all seafood).
I've had lobster outside of here (not maine but other places) and it was bland or bad, perhaps people just aren't getting the good shit.
Like if all you've ever had was pisswarm, flat colt45, you'd probably think beer was really gross too.

>> No.9366209

Think about this for a minute.
Lobsters scream when they are baked in hot water. Humans also scream.
What if we inject lobsters with a mutated gene that allowed them to grow to enormous proportions?
Wouldn't it be swell to have giant lobster pets to walk around with us and protect us like tough guy bodyguards?
What if we could let them evolve and gain enough intelligence that they could develop their own language and means of communicating?
This is why i dont eat lobsters, crabs, or octopus.
Just saying

>> No.9366256
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>Lobsters scream when they are baked in hot water

>> No.9366290

Texture, lack of "punch" flavorwise (exceptions like homard notwithstanding). I prefer shrimp and crab on both accounts.

Lobster was considered trash food for the poor for a long time. I'd argue rightfully so.

>> No.9366332

iirc, its not a scream. they dont have vocal chords, or lungs (they have gills, thus no way to store enough oxygen to scream).

dunno why they make that sound, but its not a scream.

>> No.9366351
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I smash crabs against my boat to use as bait for lobsters.

>> No.9366805

The sound you hear is expanding air bubbles trapped in their shells expanding and finding an avenue of escape from their bodies while they boil

>> No.9367087

I was born into an upper-middle class American family from New England, and I'm legit just tired of eating Lobster. Sure it tastes pretty good, and I only really eat it every few months, but I've come to view it as "that boring food we eat because people think it's special"

>> No.9367122

That's more gruesome than if it was screaming

>> No.9367130

I've never understood people who had this problem with shellfish.
>They eat trash! Waah! They're bottom feeders!
Who gives a shit? You think they don't break that shit down and process it? Deers eat leafs and shit but venison doesn't very well fucking taste like it, now does it?

>> No.9367138

Is that you?
Hows that vodka?

>> No.9367142

Vinalhaven can fuck off
Northhaven is cooler

>> No.9367150

>who gives a shit
People who aren't peasants

>> No.9367154

t. Peasant

>> No.9367159
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How did you know it was me from pictures of the inside of my car?

Most of my booze turned out well. The cranberry stuff did not. I'm waiting until it gets cold again I'll make more. It heats my house up to much in the summer.

>> No.9367163

The car, mostly.
How complicated was it to set up that whole rig without fear of it exploding and blowing up your kitchen?

>> No.9367271
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It didn't come with instructions. It took me a few tries. I had to dig into my hydroponic supplies for a pump for the condenser. It didn't come with anything to circulate water.

I'm more worried about the alcohol catching on fire than I am on the pressure vessel exploding on me. Having flaming booze pour all over my counters probably won't be covered by my homeowner insurance.

>> No.9367320

I mean at one point lobster was considered garbage food for poor people. They used to use it as animal feed.

It tastes okay to me, don't really get the hype. Prefer crab any day

>> No.9367506

What's with all the water cooler experts and their love of posting this fact over and over again?

>> No.9367510

Bugs taste good.

>> No.9367518

Uhh because its pretty relevant. I mean it didn't just magically change in taste. Peoples love for lobster is in large part due to their perception of it being a luxury item. If it was still dirt cheap and being used in cat food I don't think you'd have people jerking each other off about how great it is.

>> No.9367529

they actually kind of are... in fact, lots of animals are very similar to humans emotionally


>> No.9367530

Seafood is disgusting

>> No.9367544

But people still do with other and cheaper sea food.

>> No.9367563

?? uhh yeah, other and cheaper sea food. How does that relate to lobster.

When lobster was cheap everyone thought it was dogshit. Price goes up, its marketed as luxury item people love it. Has nothing to do with other sea foods that taste good

>> No.9367741

They also used it to feed slaves back when slavery was legal in the united states. I think there was even some sort of law where you couldn't give your slave lobster more then 3-4 days a week, you had to give them more respectable food.

>> No.9367757

what a retarded thread.

>> No.9367760

>Don't, worry, Timmy, that screaming sound that lobsters make when you cook them alive isn't screaming.
Gee, thanks, Dr. Science!

>> No.9367764

I agree, to be honest I think there should be more McChicken threads.

>> No.9367793

>They eat trash! Waah!
Im curious if these meme spouting flyovers eat pork.

>> No.9367802

They feed slaves and prisoners dead lobsters because they would wash up by the tons on beaches.

> When the first European settlers reached North America, lobsters were so plentiful that they would reportedly wash ashore in piles up to 2 feet high. Their bounty made them a precious source of sustenance during hard times—and gave them a nasty reputation as the poor man’s protein.
> Dirt-cheap because they were so copious, lobsters were routinely fed to prisoners, apprentices, slaves and children during the colonial era and beyond. In Massachusetts, some servants allegedly sought to avoid lobster-heavy diets by including stipulations in their contracts that they would only be served the shellfish twice a week.


>> No.9367873

And bugs aren't kosher, oy vey!

>> No.9367878

>Blue crab
>Superior to anything
Can't even taste it with all that fucking Old Bay.

>> No.9367879

Bong water, clearly.

>> No.9367883

>they look icky and people used to call them cockroaches which makes them actual cockroaches
The price of them sucks but poor people eating them doesn't really mean anything other than there were a lot of them available. Not that you're a peasant if you eat it, that's as retarded as rich people not using spices because poor people started being able to afford them.

>> No.9367909

lobsters are literally insects

>> No.9367911

Lobsters are crustaceans you stupid twat.

>> No.9367959

Dude, this is ck, you're talking to people who are happy to buy 1$/kg meat and want to have pre-toasted toasts

>> No.9368160

It's not very tasty on its own. I feel like it got memed into popularity just because it's expensive in some places. Also it's a pain in the ass.

>> No.9368401

> I just don't like the taste/texture
Is a perfectly valid reason to not like something.

>> No.9368730

Tastes gross

>> No.9368823

I've had venison where they were effectively grain fed their whole life vs venison that was wild fed and what not. The wild fed venison had the "gamey" taste while the grain fed venison was pretty much just beef. Almost no difference in taste.

>> No.9369313

never in my life have i eaten lobster, I don't think it looks appetizing, in fact the looks kinda creep me out- I always walk past the live ones in the Sobeys with disgust.
I really wanna try one though, I'm just afraid of ordering one and then not eating it out of disgust, letting the expensive dish go to a waste.