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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 144 KB, 252x252, RotiniProduct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9362021 No.9362021 [Reply] [Original]

>rolls off fork
>impervious to being stabbed by fork
>sauce doesn't stick to it
>other accoutrements don't stick to it
what is the worst pasta shape and why is it rotini

>> No.9362031

yeah, I too hate that one
penne is so mych better it's not even funny

>> No.9362036

no it's pretty funny

>> No.9362037

ma come parli
Anyway if you cant solve those problems you lack the basic cooking ability to notice the insane amount of mistakes you are doing
Buy some lifelong amount of ramen and go with that

>> No.9362039

>rolls off fork
You should probably get check for the tism lad. Your supposed to poke your food with a fork, not scoop it up

>> No.9362050

it's a casual filter, sorry you're not skilled enough

>> No.9362055
File: 88 KB, 1018x911, 8En4179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rotini is my favorite. It's bite size but hearty, very versatile and satisfying to eat.
None of those things are even true OP, are you eating it raw or something?

>> No.9362061

>>>>impervious to being stabbed by fork

>> No.9362074

in what world do you live in that penne is easier to fork than rotini

>> No.9362081


>> No.9362083

none of those are true, especially the sauce sticking part. consult a physio for hand-eye coordination problems

>> No.9362088

They're easy to fork but in your case you might just want to shovel them up with a spoon.

>> No.9362089

literally zero reading comprehension

>> No.9362113


you mean accompaniment when you're talking about the sauce not sticking to it right?

Accoutrements would refer to the equipment/apparatus you're using to eat said food, e.g. a fork and a plate

If you're trying to sound like a food snob, atleast be correct with your usage of said words.

>> No.9362118

um, have you tried cooking it?

>> No.9362123
File: 1.92 MB, 2500x3750, pasta guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9362194
File: 3 KB, 125x120, migospepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>>>>>impervious to being stabbed by fork

my face when the noodle is too tanky

>> No.9362233

those are fusilli tho

>> No.9362256

do you even know how to read

>> No.9362277

do you even know how to eat?

>> No.9362285

>>rolls off fork
why are you scooping with a fork you gay retard?
>>impervious to being stabbed by fork
>>sauce doesn't stick to it
stop rinsing your fucking pasta idiot
>>other accoutrements don't stick to it
see above

kill yourself

>> No.9362383
File: 150 KB, 719x669, momisawhore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living with cerebral palsy: the post
what kind of noodle wristed fag can't spear a rotini with a fork?
also that corkscrew is the best for sauce retention , learn some basic physics

>> No.9362459

>>impervious to being stabbed by fork
You are overcooking your pasta.

>> No.9362480


>> No.9362487

This image makes no sense. The delivery guy is not the one making the pizza and the pizza maker would not give 2 shits about the delivery cuck not getting tipped. Clearly this is about something other than tipping.

>> No.9362559

>>>>If your job doesn't pay you enough, you should find a better job.

>> No.9362565


Hated that shit.

>> No.9362636

>the physical properties of rotini make it difficult to pick up with a fork
>if you can't solve this you're cooking it wrong
I'm sorry I can't change the fucking laws of physics by boiling pasta

>> No.9362651
File: 426 KB, 2291x777, penne is worst pasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolls off fork
>impervious to being stabbed by fork
>sauce doesn't stick to it
>other accoutrements don't stick to it

you mispelled penne you fucking cuck

>> No.9362680

Servers make enough money because other people tip. You are a parasite. But if you insist on eating out you should certainly make it clear before the meal is served that you do not intend to tip. That being said the tip system is crap and should be against the law.

>> No.9362710
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9362817

If people didn't tip, restauranteurs would be required to pay them normal wages, like they do in every single other country.

>> No.9362889

Get a better fucking job instead of panhandling you bottom feeding parasite

>> No.9362901

Dude you can stab them just fine and if push comes to shove the just slip the tines of your fork in the holes

>> No.9362906

They are required to do that. It's federal law that if tips don't add up to them getting the regular minimum wage then their employer has to pay the difference.

>> No.9362913

Yeah I know.

>> No.9362921

Ah, I misunderstood your post. My apologies, I see now.

>> No.9362931

>being so poor that tipping on meals causes you to sperg out

>> No.9362942

rotini is best you mong

penne is the worst pasta i have ever had the displeasure of eating, the texture is just off and id rather eat farfalle which is also terrible

>> No.9363608
File: 55 KB, 520x520, basedpasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best pasta coming through, don't even try to argue

>> No.9363619


I thought about it and I actually agree, the only thing rotini appears to be good for is supermarket deli pasta salad, aka shit.

>> No.9363621

I love watching poverty talk amongst itself. You just sound so.. outhouse.

>> No.9363624

>impervious to being stabbed by fork

Don't use a plastic fork you hobo. I love rotini. It's the best shape. You get that melted cheese in there and each and every groove captures it and fills with the cheese. Christ it's orgasmic.

>> No.9363641
File: 275 KB, 1600x1200, lasagne1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these people live in trailer parks. Move along, don't make eye contact.

>> No.9363679

You just poke a fork prong through the hole in the middle, good for kids or autists who can't handle roti.

>> No.9363791

>>rolls off fork
stab it then
>>impervious to being stabbed by fork
>>sauce doesn't stick to it
>>other accoutrements don't stick to it

maybe buy better quality and dont rinse the starch off your noodles after cooking them you fucking plebeian

fuck off

>> No.9363837

the form is good for pesto, or aglio olio, or alle erbe, or cacio pepe

>> No.9363843
File: 208 KB, 500x259, main-qimg-fd4e543f6b448a3d36b55ef93249d1ba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tilt the bowl and shovel it into your mouth like God intended.

I'm completely serious.

>> No.9363875

That only goes in soup you dumb nigger

>> No.9363924


When it fires unexpected sauce down the back of your throat that is unquestionably hotter than the core of the sun

>> No.9364158

>>>rolls off fork
>stab it then
Precisely, the secret to stabbing them is to aim precisely at individal noodles. YOu can't just stab your fork in the middle of a heap and hope you will get some of them.

>> No.9364730

>Fusilli may also be known as Rotini in the United States

I'm disgusted

>> No.9365787

The pasta industry tried to distance themselves from the fusilli name in America after a Seinfeld episode involved fusilli getting jammed into George's dad's ass.

>> No.9365870

>tfw no Fusilli Jerry

>> No.9365912

I'm fine with most types so long as they aren't animal/alphabets but spaghetti is the worse.
I've refused to eat it since I was 11 and realised that it was pleb tier since I'm such a contrarian and pretentious pseud.

>> No.9365952

What is so hard about spaghetti. Just wrap a big glob of it around the fork and bite in. It's very satisfying.

>> No.9365964
File: 1.11 MB, 974x566, 2jaywqx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9365990

I can taste that disgusting sauce just by looking at the pic.

>> No.9366141
File: 658 KB, 880x682, 1493742807330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Penne is literally the best you fucking degenerate what is wrong with you

>> No.9366214

Even if I dont tip, your service should be quality you swine.

>> No.9366268

Casarecce is utter bullshit. There's a reason you haven't heard of it.

>> No.9366989

bow ties dont make much sense. You have to stab them individually.

>> No.9367021

pasta power rankings

god tier
bucatini, spaghettini

high tier

low tier
filled pastas, fettucini

shit tier
literally anything else

>> No.9367044

Can't be as bad as Zitoni. Zitoni are like a cross between Spaghetti and Makkaroni. Too long to eat in one bite, too stiff and too thick to be be stabbed and cut properly and if you try to wrap them round your fork like spaghetti they are so stiff that when you come to the tail end it whips about, sprays sauce everywhere and causes the whole thing to unspool from the fork again. Just thinking about makes me reee.

>> No.9367057
File: 1.41 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best cut

>> No.9367060
File: 1.08 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_4145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9367063
File: 1023 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_4155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9367080

Not bad. That's a weird way to cut basil though

>> No.9367088


Pretty standard actually. You roll the leafs then only cut once. Prevents them from discoloring due to abrasion.

>> No.9367332

>not farfalle

>> No.9367344

Farfalle is the best pasta. I love sticking my tongue in that little fold where the pasta is stuck together to make the folded shape. It’s still a little dry after being cooked. Takes me ages to eat farfalle as a result

>> No.9367352

You've never seen a chiffonade?

>> No.9367382

Linguini is rgeat

>> No.9367409

pappardelle is what its called

>> No.9367795

>But if you insist on eating out you should certainly make it clear before the meal is served that you do not intend to tip.

What kind of reverse logic is this? You may or may not deserve a tip, based on your performance. Are you going to purposefully deliver shitty service if I say I dont tip? I bet your boss would be proud for having such an employee.

>> No.9368095

It's surprising how many low IQ mouth breathers can't grasp how to eat spaghetti... or apparently rotini >>9362021, penne or farafelle.

Just so you peasants are clear on this, >>linguini is unequivocally the best pasta.
Unless it's stuffed, in which case it's >>tortellini.

>> No.9368146

>I don't have the mental capacity or motor control to use a fork
>better blame the pasta
Kill yourself, mental midget.

>> No.9368263

Stop whining and just use chopsticks.

>> No.9368408

rotini is the most based pasta, penne is for children

>> No.9368431

it's called fusilli you pleb

>> No.9368433
File: 218 KB, 1024x1024, bachelorette-dot-com_2268_445120819_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might prefer the mouthfeel of this shape

>> No.9368454

roastie detected.

>> No.9368469

Ah, I see you're a man who also prefers floppy things in their mouths. faggot

>> No.9368475

>angel hair
the long pastas are the worst

any short pasta is automatically great because you don't have to twirl your goddamn fork like a child for five minutes every time you want to take a bite.

>> No.9369606

>That being said the tip system is crap and should be against the law.
There are some people that would disagree. People with good to excellent people skills make damn good money from tips while mumbling, no-eye-contact autists make shit.

>> No.9369620

>impervious to being stabbed by fork
Yeah... nah. Learn how to use a fork and it's fixed.

On what sticks to rotini: it's great for mayo salad, and pressure cooker, that's it.

>> No.9369635

>it's called fusilli you pleb
Inform yourself: https://www.thespruce.com/what-is-fusilli-995688

>> No.9369661

tu vorresti insegnare a me cosa sono i fusilli?

>> No.9369672

Ce naiba mi-ai nenorocit spus despre mine, curvă mică? Știu eu am terminat partea de sus a clasei mele în Navy SEAL, și am fost implicat în numeroase raiduri secrete asupra Al-Qaida și am piљ 300 omoruri confirmate. Ei sunt instruiți în război gorilă și eu sunt lunetist la partea de sus de-a lungul armatei americane. Nu ești nimic pentru mine, dar numai pentru o altă țintă. Voi curăța penisul exact place de care nu au fost observate înainte de ш pe acest pământ, cuvintele mele, dracu '. Crezi că te puђ scapi cu a spune că rahatul la mine pe Internet? Gândiți-vă din nou, ticălosule. În timp ce vorbim eu sunt în contact rețeaua mea secretă de spioni din Statele Unite și IP-ul este urmărită în acest moment, astfel ш se pregătească mai bine pentru furtuna, larva. Furtuna care mătură departe un lucru mic patetic suna viata ta. Te dracului mort, băiete. Pot fi oriunde, în orice moment, și eu pot ucide în piљ 700 moduri, iar acest lucru ш numai cu mâinile. Nu numai că ele sunt pe larg instruiți în lupta fara arme, dar am acces la întregul arsenal al Statelor Unite Marine Corps și-l folosesc la maximum pentru a curăța fundul mizerabilă de pe fața continent, rahat. Dacă ai putea ști ce lovi cu piciorul diabolic comenteaza mic "inteligent" a fost de a rupe în jos pe tine, poate că ar fi a lua limba nenorocita. Dar nu ai putut, n-ai făcut, iar acum el plătește prețul, al naibii de idiot. Farђ furie rahat despre tine și te îneci în ea. Te dracului mort, băiete.

>> No.9369676

Si, cazzo, voglio che te ti informi. Voglio anca che va en mona.

>> No.9369684

>gorilla warfare in Romanian
Noice, saved.

>> No.9369759

americans lmao

>> No.9369768

basato rumeno

>> No.9369784
File: 76 KB, 600x600, farfalle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you already know what the best pasta texture is.

>> No.9369790
File: 19 KB, 491x478, 1503790135926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using pasta to change physical properties of the current dimension

Weak ass nigga

>> No.9369803

Capelli d'angelo are great and it bugs me that my local store doesn't carry them anymore

>> No.9369962
File: 367 KB, 1000x1500, IMG_7044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

se dixe, voria anca che te 'ndassi in mona
dio can, non ne becchi una, prima i fusilli e adesso sto veneto proprio alla cazzo.
terún, non freghi nessuno

>> No.9369993

Farfalle is #2, behind penne.

>> No.9370079

Domè lèxi ei caso dei link. Ia roba ca iore i ciama «rotini», ia NO XE i fusili, ia xe altra, intorxà. Fusili i xe fa daltro muò.
E semoià mio «veneto» in >>9369676, go lasà fuger.

>> No.9370722

Not my fault your employer doesn't pay you enough and you have to beg people for more money, cucklord

>> No.9371315

It's fucken delicious. What can't you handle.

>> No.9371360

>impervious to being stabbed by fork
Gut gud, scrub.

>> No.9371387

stab with the fork at right angles to the penne

>> No.9371407

But rotini has the most surface area available for sauce

>> No.9371426

Am I a pleb for eating these with a spoon for just this reason? A lot of noodle shapes(especially little elbows) are way easier to eat with a spoon.

>> No.9371429

that's blasphemy I hate you now

>> No.9371432

I eat all pasta with a spoon, except long noodles like spaghetti/linguini. Dumb convention is the only reason not to.

>> No.9371434


At least some people like you understand me

>> No.9371436

no i eat them with a spoon too

>> No.9373312


Or just get a funnel and pour it down his ass.

>> No.9373322


We're not calling them squiggly giggly doo dads like the British do.

>> No.9373342

I'm not british you dumb amerilard. I'm italian and they're called fusilli

>> No.9373351

>tfw parents do some weird shit where they take a few strands of spaghetti onto another large plate, lay them out, and cut them with a knife into ~inch long portions, which they then scoop up with a spoon

>> No.9373372

Plot twist: Bongs call them Fusilli too.

Americans confirmed for retarded Babby speak. Again.

>> No.9373384

Rotini are completely fine and so are pretty much all the other ones mentioned ITT.

Lumache suck though

>> No.9373400

>362089 >>9362256
i know how to eat your mom, faggot.

>> No.9373461


>> No.9373624
File: 85 KB, 800x400, 4297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that: Tuscanian cuisine > Other Italian cuisines.

>> No.9374068

Texture. Stop being a faggot.

>> No.9374072

It evolved that way to evade predators.

>> No.9374124

Due veneti che parlano di cibo.
Le ho proprio viste tutte.
Siete peggio del toscano qui

>> No.9374176

>cacio pepe

>> No.9374190

I had pizza in Florence's town square and it was some of the most generic garbage I've ever had.

>> No.9374215


>> No.9374220
File: 300 KB, 801x597, IMG_1025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> dumb ass doesn't have a special spiral fork for eating fusilli

>> No.9374226

>pain in the ass to spear with fork
>doesn't hold sauce well
No thanks.

>> No.9376192
File: 371 KB, 900x900, 1501490150346.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rolls off fork

Why would it be on top of the fork?

>impervious to being stabbed by fork

You are using a spoon. Learn the difference.

>sauce doesn't stick to it

Water is not a sauce. I can't even imagine a sauce that wouldn't stick to it like mad. That's the very reason rotini exists. Thus, this must be a troll.


Please, learn the meaning of the word.

>> No.9376362

>liking creamy penes in his mouth
what a gay

>> No.9376363
File: 122 KB, 800x500, rural-tuscany-29291105-1473849295-ImageGalleryLightbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't speak terrone

>Florence's town square
Found your problem.